An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
I'm hesitant to publish this.
On the one hand, although the genesis of C99 is at DKos and many or most of us found our way here from there, if C99 becomes just another in a dreary series of places to vent about the foibles and mismanagement of DKos, Caucus99 can never succeed... or at any rate, never succeed in an interesting and politically valuable way.
On the other hand, it is only fucking yesterday we were piously instructed to tiptoe through the Hillary eggshells, so maybe just a bit more venting will be therapeutic. So...
An Open Letter to DKos Admin
Never say never I suppose, but it's hard to imagine what could draw me back to DKos now. Hope to see a few of you around Caucus99 from time to time. You'll be welcome.
Other than the obvious finger-on-the-scale bias of the March 15 deadline, yesterday's diary was remarkably clever and subtle by Markos' standards. It all seems so reasonable and inoffensive, little more really than a restatement of DKos first principles. Who can object to a prohibition on the citation of rightwing sources or the recital of rightwing anti-Clinton tropes? As always though, the devil is in the details. I think Kos' failure to define these terms in any useful way is no accident. We can all agree I hope that the uncritical use of Infowars or the Weekly Standard is out of bounds. What about citation of the Wall Street Journal though, a "respectable" but FAR more influential and dangerous rightwing rag? Brooklynbadboy and others gleefully weaponized the WSJ's bizarre, counterfactual, deliberately misleading hit-piece on the alleged cost of Sanders' health plan, to widespread accolades from the DKos Clintonistas. Is that still "acceptable" discourse? What about the use of the Washington Post, still coasting on its "liberal" reputation, despite its longstanding neocon slant? OK to use without caveats?
Or consider the notion of "rightwing tropes." A ban on the regurgitation of conservative attacks from the Bill Clinton presidency--Whitewater, Vince Foster and all the rest--is one thing. I see no way for a progressive to use that crap, nor any reason why we would even want to try. No one IS reciting that stuff though, other than an occasional, soon-banned troll, so warning against it is, while harmless, also pointless and redundant. I have no problem at all adding Benghazi to that list of attacks that ARE rightwing, and Benghazi IS sometimes used by "respectable" Kossacks, though not very often that I've seen. Prohibiting Benghazi attacks is fine as far as I'm concerned.
What about Clinton's emails though? It's one thing to argue that apparently no laws were broken, and that in any case the chances that Clinton or her close aides will be indicted before November are very small (although I'll note in passing that very small ≠ zero.) It doesn't follow though that any discussion of the emails or the private server is necessarily inappropriate on a Democratic site. My wife is a long-time, fairly high-level employee of the Federal EPA (she's in Flint as I write this) and no Clinton-basher. She is absolutely appalled at Clinton's use of a private server to conduct State Department business. In her well-informed view, this crossed bright and well-understood ethical boundaries; the greenest entry-level Fed knows better than to do something like this. Is it out of bounds on DKos to honestly discuss the fact that this sort of out-of-touch arrogance reflects poorly on Clinton's chances in the general election--even against Trump--and gives one profound worry as well about her conduct in office, especially regarding the use of military force, if she IS elected President?
Or consider the FBI investigation into the emails. It's one thing to insist that headlines screaming "Indictments Near!" or the like have no place on DKos or any site that hopes to be taken seriously. That's fine, and if it means that some users will have to bite their tongue, I don't care all that much. It hardly follows though that the investigation doesn't matter or shouldn't be talked about at all. My brother is a good "conventional" liberal and will vote for any Democrat over any Republican, but he's far too busy working two jobs and raising a family to have the leisure to give much thought to politics. He solidly supports Bernie, without knowing all that much about his policy proposals. What has filtered into his distracted perception is that there's just so much scandal surrounding both Clintons; he doesn't really suppose Hillary is "guilty" of breaking the law, but he fears she'll be a dangerously weakened candidate in November. As I've said before on DKos, it's Politics 101: Perception IS Reality. If my brother sees Hillary surrounded by scandal, having in no way sought out that information, so will a lot of other voters. In Kos' world, is it too defeatist even to discuss that?
Is demanding speech transcripts a trope used only by a fringe of Clinton-haters? If so, the New York Times is on that same fringe. Is any mention at all of Clinton's ties with Wall Street and the mega-banks an unacceptable guilt-by-association slur, as her ardent supporters would have it? Is any suggestion that her enormous payments for brief speeches might be an attempt to purchase access really a bannable CT, even though most of us would denounce those same payments, made to a Republican?
The apparent ban on the use of certain words--warmonger, neocon, neoliberal--in reference to Clinton is especially silly. No question, these terms and others like them are used too casually and too often, frequently by people with no real understanding of their meanings. They all are useful terms with actual definitions though, and they all can be applied to Clinton without being ridiculous. Why should those of us able to use such terms properly be dumbed-down to the level of those who throw them around as empty epithets?
I don't think Markos' failure to spell out any of this is casual or an accident. I think it's a carefully-crafted policy. I think he's consciously giving Clintonistas the tools to shut down debate, even debate that seems permissible within the new dicta. It goes back to the failure of Community Moderation. These rules might not be quite as objectionable or completely impossible to work within, IF misinterpretations of them, deliberately or otherwise, were policed as aggressively and consistently as were violations. I think we all know how unlikely that is.

He seems to be
actively working to turn DKos into nothing more than a propaganda outlet and seems to be prepared to sacrifice traffic to do it.
He also doesn't seem to like the place very much any more. My guess (purely subjective) is that he is prepping for a sale and that the intended buyer is very establishment.
C99 definitely provides a very soft and friendly landing - all credit to everyone already here and JtC and those that helped set the place up

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
He's trying to make DKos the MSNBC of the blog world. And, it's obvious how MSNBC is quickly devolving into a cesspool - as will DKos.
he will move on and up and won't take many with him
so he tries to see, who may be the die-hard loyalists and those, who just like to move on and up where he is going with him. The rest ... tempi.
He is on radio and Huffington Post writes about him. Well, the timing is clear, the motivations too and ... I think dailykos has seen its last weeks and months. Then we will get all those reborn kossack on a brand new paradise island, I wonder how they will call themselves. Just my guts speacking to me. May be nonssense. I am good at that.
Methinks you thinks correct, Mimi.
He took a leap, he succeeded, he is capitalizing on it ASAP rather than milk it further. The more I think about it, it is a sellout move. Prepping for him to grab what he can and leave.
To 'prove' that 'Libs & progressives unite for HRC'
That was the spin given in HuffPo's report of Kos's Ides of March Decree.
Hello there! I like this. :)
Long time, no see around these parts! Glad you got an updated server, JtC! Thanks for all the work you guys have done here! I struggled on Reddit last night and, thankfully, there are a metric fuckton of Kossacks there, too!
We gotta make sure we all stay together, now that we've left. That's gonna be tough; it's like herding cats.
Anyway, my head hurts. I posted a rant on Daily Kos today and got a ton of feedback + over 100 recommends, yet I have not been on the Rec List the entire time the diary has been up. Isn't that strange? I think it's strange.
Good to see everyone here! Phil, your rant was good, too.
I kind of love it that kos isn't getting a free pass on this. I mean, everybody's here, you guys! OPOL is here, Dallasdoc (!) is on Reddit, we're all gonna exit, stage left. If this is kos' attitude, then he doesn't deserve us.
I'm going to go do something else for a few hours, because my eyes are hurting. Y'all have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.
I miss Colorado.
We Coloradoans miss you too, Shiz!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It's rather amazing to me how so many algorithms just happen to be breaking Hillary's way.
Would almost suggest weighting, but NAAAAH, couldn't be.
Enjoy your night, sleep well, and look forward to more insight tomorrow.
(I intend to wake up at 5AM for a white hot rant...)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not the best day to go for the reclist with TW dying and
all the tributes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I miss you shiz
Good that the people of good spirit are finding places to express there objections to being told this is all your gonna get. Loved your dairy thanks you rock. Will check out Reddit but can't deal with the format. Love all you guys on Bernie Reddit and between us all we will lick that platter clean.
Is there a way to link the reddit thing with
I really think we need both. Can the two work together?
JtC and mahakali_overdrive2 should work together (cross-linking, coordinating articles, etc)
Good to see you Shiz
Good to see you Shiz
and everyone else, for that matter
I just signed up and joined myself. Needed to update the moniker, however, since I am no longer at UVA, hence the 'Jeffersonian' and since the Grand Bargain attempt, no longer a Democrat. However, I do expect to be purged from dKos, and if I'm not, I modified a Brecht poem just for the occasion:
When the Regime commanded that Kossacks with harmful knowledge
Should be publicly banned on all sides
IT specialists were forced to drag cart loads of UIDs
To the Trashbin, a banished
Writer, one of the best, scanning the list of the
Banned, was shocked to find that his
UID had been passed over.
He rushed to his iPad
On wings of wrath, and wrote a diary to those in power.
Ban me! he wrote with furious taps, ban me. Haven’t my diaries
Always reported the truth? And here you are
Treating me like a liar! I command you: Ban me!
And so, there it is, my first comment here. However by looking at the roster of members, I feel right at home already!
Brecht would be proud.
Spot on.
Rubes, that we were most suredly,
Not some libral family,
But just to make KOS a buck
Oh, what the hell and fuck,
I take my leave most gleefully.
about those scandals...
i remember whitewater.
i remember thinking "why are we attacking bill when all that seems mostly to have to do with hillary?"
and whether or not there were any convictions, there were certainly a lot of scandals that touched hillary, too many to be purely coincidence and too focused to be just conservative talking points.
ok, so maybe some of that shit was just unfortunate proximity to criminal activity, or just bad decision making in hindsight or whatever, but there certainly is a lot of that bullshit floating around her and i don't see any reason to ignore it simply because it's ALSO a conservative talking point.
if that asshat trump goes bankrupt or is prosecuted or fined over things he did or there's a pattern of allegations but he's never actually convicted, that wouldn't be a liberal talking point or even a progressive talking point. it might be a legitimate concern about the fitness of a candidate that might be raised by anyone from either wing.
there are some very good arguments out there that hillary is dirty. i wouldn't howl too much about unproved scandals, but there are a hell of a lot of scandals surrounding the clintons, and i think more scandals touching them than most candidates on either side.
i think that's worthy of conversation, even if the right wing likes it.
what about human rights?
Hondura, Haiti, Colombia, Iraq, Libya, on and on.
Is "regime change" on the unsanctioned list?
Bernie provided free content to dKos.
Can anyone tell me if Hillary ever did?
Kos was right
about one thing - it's a big Internet. Too big to waste precious moments in a troll-infested site that clearly doesn't want us and empowers brownshirts to digitally curbstomp progressives.
Power to the people.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Thank you for this, Phil! Especially this:
Over the past 2 months, due to the rising incidents of this, which site admin clearly demonstrably condoned revealing their naked bias, I wrote 6 or 7 comments, sent elfling a private message, opened a Helpdesk ticket, and even published a diary..... Hence, I was not at all surprised at kos' March 15th censorship edict. TO BE HONEST, I was relieved that it was no longer in the closet. I think it was bobswern who wrote that this was the most honest thing kos has ever done.
At least now we ALL know exactly where kos stands.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman