Greetings peasants!

Okay gang, I have this one annoying thing I have to do for a deadline 3/15 then I can come play! Actually there's way more than just the one thing but that one thing is the main one with a deadline and it's seriously imperative! (our FAFSA App, ugh, what is our net worth?!?)

You're all on NOTICE! I want full Ladyship here (thank you Queen NPK, oh most gracious one)

Real quick I want to urge you to go read this article. I stumbled onto it yesterday and it so troubled and absorbed me I got exactly nothing done, lol.
Stop laughing, Democrats! As the GOP goes down in flames, your post-Bernie civil war is almost here

I have so many things to say! Smile Any minute now!!

I love you all!!

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stevej's picture

civil war is inevitable - the question is no longer if but when. Pressure has been building for some time for real representation within the political system on the Left. History tells us that such movements do not just go away - they may ebb and flow but eventually the change happens.

My attitude? - bring it on as no lasting good is going to happen under the current conditions. I do hope that the revolution is peaceful.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

and (2) Hillary's foreign policy is beyond terrible. Bombing more Muslim countries, going head to head with Russia and China, her behind-closed-doors promises to Netanyahu, her support of the New American Century (neocon) agenda of military domination of the world ...

Disgusting as he may be, one reason the GOP establishment hates Trump is that he's been opposed to military adventurism, saying it isn't worth going to war with Russia over Syria, and that our interventions there have been disastrous. It would be awfully hard to vote for him, but the prospect of Hillary's Eternal War would be really really bad.

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Zeitgeistus's picture

I read this a bit ago and thought they were actually covering the wrong party. I think people underestimate the amount of disillusionment there is with the Democratic party, particularly among activists:

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Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice. -H. L. Mencken
A country without a memory is a country of madmen.-George Santayana
An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics. --Plutarch

I think that's what bothers me most about this article. Next is this shitty narrative, specifically referring to Bernie supporters as jaded do-nothings since the Clinton Whitehouse shifted our Left to their Center, as if we Leftists haven't been participating in our Democracy!:

But now what? Can those people do what activists on the right did over a period of several decades, electing school board members and county committee members and state legislators on the way toward the Reagan revolution and the Tea Party insurgency? Because those true believers on the right dug in and worked hard and changed political reality.

Because duh, I don't want to follow a tea-party/PAC model (so funny, calling them activists when we know it was Koch $$), and boo to those ignoring Leftists who have been working to change our political realities for decades.

Thanks LL, peasants unite!

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Lady Libertine's picture

yeah that part jumped out at me too... sounds like the markos clan over there at orange. And honestly I have no problem with them doing that, that approach, if thats what they want to do with their time energy and $$$. Have at it. BUT... a) theyre not doing it (just ask Angie in WA) and b) if they are, its not really working, is it? Or even if it is, it is an incremental "solution"... do we have that kind of time (wrt to climate change)? NO we do not.

Plus, the more obvious thing being, as you say, we're not at the GE yet, what we can do NOW is promote Bernie (and his/our ideas) and that would accelerate the rest of it (his "revolution" concept is basically what they are saying, doncha know) and save us a buttload of time... gawd sometimes the stoopid it berns

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