The self-deification of police
Welcome to the World of Dr. Mengele, courtesy of the Salt Lake City Police. Unlawful search and seizure. Whazzat? 4th Amendment. Those bullies in blue (BIB) don't give a rip! Yeah, we need police to serve and protect, not to coerce and detain. How much of this is going to go? Ask J. Beauregard Sessions--quick catch him before he puts his white robe on. Ask D. John Trump, if you can catch him of Twitter or a golf course.
By now we know of hundreds of shootings of unarmed, often innocent citizens by the BIB and the non-existent response by the chief currently-elected criminal of the United States and his draconian minion, J.B.S. Hussain was not quite as bad here. Unless you are a person of color. His feeble, almost non-existent attempt to stifle police brutality were shifted aside by Lying Loretta Lynch by too many airplane conferences with racist ex-presidents, trying to cover her ample behind (oh, you body shame, you!). So nothing got done by his regime except STONEWALL. And now Drumpf makes every effort by omitting attention to this glaring, painful, disgraceful aggrandization of police state power by the police forces them selves. WTF needs a 1033 program to give fancy weapons to crush dissent? Just give the BIBs some drones, aerosol-delivered mace and pepper spray. Maybe some night vision---and plenty of plastic twisty ties--yo, Babe, yo under arrest, mope.
One thing is to shoot people on the street, another to invade hospitals and assault, batter, and arrest a health care provider.
Alex Wubbels was working as a charge nurse at the University of Utah Hospital when Police Detective Jeff Payne demanded a blood sample from a truck driver who was hospitalized after a car crash on July 26, Deseret News reported.
When she refused, citing the hospital’s policy, Payne grabbed her arms, marched her out of the hospital and handcuffed her in a disturbing body camera video released during a press conference on Thursday.
Wubbels, who screamed “Stop! You’re assaulting me”, was placed in a patrol car for about 20 minutes before she was released without any charges filed against her, the Deseret News reported.
Unconscious patient.
No significant relatives or care-givers present.
No warrant.
Patient not guilty of causing collision.
What the Hell do we need physicians and nurses for? Just two days extra training for the BIBs ought to earn them their legal and medical degrees. Close the Hospitals, you blue clad jerk-offs! Think you're gods? You miserable morose MOFOs. See how much sympathy officer Payne gets from the hospital the next time he stops a bullet.
If the vitriol in this post could touch you, god-emperor Jeff Payne, your skin would be bubbling.
Proud of yourself for assaulting a nurse who was upholding both the patient's rights as well as the law? Fuck you, Payne, you coward.

Just because he's a scumbag
will not deter myself or any real nurses ability to help him as a human being.
To do so would be a waste and abuse of our chosen profession.
Just sayin.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Scumbag he is
Pricknick, let me assure you that such barbaric police behavior
There is no way to condone in any manner whatsoever, the brutality and oafishness of Payne. He works as an ambulance driver too? God help me if he should ever be my ambulance driver. I have no doubt that if he took the slightest offense of anything I did, unconscious or conscious, it would not deter him one second to dump the trolley with me in it on the side of the road.
Lots of events have occurred in 2017--and of course before-- which have angered me. But none so much as this Bully in Blue's arrogant, illegal, uncaring bestiality. Bestiality under the cover of law.
Is it any wonder that the name "pig" got attached to the police? Think Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but pigs are more equal.
Fascist Pigs Drunk With Their Own Sense Of Power
These fuckin pigs are on a hair trigger. The video clearly shows the nurse calmly explaining the hospital procedures to the pig -- then he snaps becasue she doesn't follow his illegal order. Standby, trump will praise this pig in 3.2.1...
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Here's the pigs discussing the incident
after they cuffed the nurse. The arresting officer first asks "On of off?" -- meaning should I turn my body cam on of off for this discussion. Why are they ever allowed to turn it off when they are on duty , in service of the public.
Edit: This video has multiple edits (presumably by the cops). It fades out/in at the edit points. Leaves a reasonable person to wonder what crap they edited to avoid showing the cops are planning a criminal rework of "the story".
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Well it's a known fact
Indeed not just the arresting cop was out of control.
@MrWebster Yes, the entire gang of
went along with it like a bunch of thugs. The longer youtube clips tell a much more damning story than what the teevee 30 second clip shows. And look how the supervisor held a press conference to apologize. Would he have apologized if the cam footage didn't go viral on the intertubes -- doubt it. Next time I get stopped for speeding, I'll just apologize -- that should end it right?
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The youtube comments are very good
Now they are just comments so would need some fact checking but here goes...
1 These cops were chasing a car that hit another truck driven by the victim. So the victim is an innocent party.
2 The victim is a reserve police officer in another town.
3 Why do they need the blood from the victim? Some think it is to try to point blame away from the cops who indirectly caused this car crash. If they discover the victim has alcohol in his blood, even a small amount, they can deflect all legal blame on him.
4 It is clear to see the nurse showed the cops an official hospital document that says she cannot draw the blood under the circumstances. She calmly reads it word for word to the cop on the video.
Then the final insult in this "body cam excerpts" video
- The cops dicuss ways they can turn the incident into an obstruction of justice charge against the nurse.
- The cop who cuffed the nurse has a second job with Gold Cross ambulance service. He says he bring patients here with that service
"I wonder how this will affect my Gold Cross job... " "Yea... they're not going to be very happy with you..." "I'll bring them all the transients(?) and take good patients elsewhere"
So he's already planning to punish the hospital.
Fucking Pigs!!!
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
We are witnessing Power degenerating to its base.
All power derides from authority, which demands consequences for not obeying.
The law has become so divorced from justice, that on the ground, "Might Makes Right" has become the standard.
Might in our society comes from money, or violence. If you have none of the former, you must use the latter. If you have the ability to use the latter without consequences, as all LE can, it will be used whenever the authority is challenged in any capacity.
In their hearts, the pigs and politicians think themselves our masters.
Random Music about standing against overwhelming power, because I find myself becoming more a rebel with every passing day.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I hate to say this
The only politician approved union...
Of course, eventually the Politicians will merge the MIC and PIC to the point where the union is not allowed, because military members are not allowed to unionize...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Cops are trained to expect instant unquestioning
obedience and obeisance. Citizens are required to obey (though not necessarily meekly, unquestioningly or immediately) legal orders of cops. Cops are taught that they are the sole determiner of and authority on what is a legal order, to the extent that the subject ever comes up in training or court. Judges have played a large role in this farce but directly and indirectly supporting such insane and asinine interpretations.
Citizens have to force this issue, at every opportunity, and litigate it as well. There is almost never such an emergency that immediate and unquestioning response is required for any legitimate purpose. (And how would a cop who just showe up on the scene be more aware of the presence or absence of such circumstances than those who've been at the scene for a while already?) Citizens are entitled, nay, required, to determine the legality of the cops' orders in order to determine their obligation to obey. That means that they are entitled, nay, required, to ask the cops about relevant particulars.
Cameras, cameras, cameras, and more cameras. Any time, all the time and every time.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
But this is what too many police apologists don't understand
I see comment after comment that says if the person knows that the police order is wrong, they should do what the cops tell them to do and then fight it when they get to court. This is usually when the police are harassing POC. What they don't understand is that many of these POC aren't allowed access to a lawyer once they have been arrested.
This was a huge problem with Chicago cops who arrested people then took them to the Harriman building where they were held indefinitely without charges or access to a lawyer.
The other thing that these apologists are missing, is that people are entitled to know why they are being detained or even if they are.
As I stated in a previous comment, the treatment of this nurse has finally woken up the police apologists in Utah, but only because this person is a white nurse.
Anyone think that the outrage about this would be different if the nurse had been a Black person or gawd forbid, a Muslim?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The cop obviously confused based on American ME policies
Ya see, our military purposely bombs the shit out of hospitals in places we've turned into shit holes.
So, poor guy was confused. If the folks with bombs can blow up hospitals, then he don't need no stinkin' warrant. As far as he's concerned, that mouthy, uppity bitch should be grateful he didn't blow her head off for failing to bow to his awesomeness.
/partial snark
Deja, that was not snark!
Law Enforcement Reform
Breaking Rank by Norm Stamper. Long story short:
More at Google:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I read a long Twitter thread
on why they were so insistent about this blood draw. The unconscious driver was not under suspicion of any kind, but the BIB had had a high speed chase with the suspect (another individual not involved in this immediate hospital exchange), and the crash impacted this now unconscious driver. As folks may have gleaned from the longer versions of the body cam vid, the driver had been given sedatives at the hospital b/c of his condition.
The reason surmised that they wanted the blood is to prevent this driver from suing the department about the wreck/his injuries. If they can come up with anything in his system which could be argued is contributory negligence, then perhaps a judge would toss a suit he might file against the Dept for precipitating the accident. What we have seen is bullying to cover the collective ass of the Department, and the nurse isn't having any of it. She knows that if they had any legal grounds to get a judge to sign a warrant, they would have already asked for one.
Apparently, the hospital has stated it will not file assault charges on behalf of the nurse. That will be up to her and/or her union if she has one.
She's quite a badass - she's a former two-time Olympian. I believe skiing is her sport. EDIT: Alpine Skiing.
There's been a lot of whining on Twitter about ppl speaking in outrage about how a white woman was treated by the police. Her trauma certainly could be quite real from this experience, but we do not know the color of the intended victim of this crime, the crash victim who happened to be in the way of a police high speed chase. That is whom the nurse is protecting by asserting hospital policy.
EDIT: Here's a kicker I find quite interesting - the unconscious patient was off-duty, but a cop from another department. His department apparently tweeted gratitude to her for protecting his privacy and interests.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member