Re: Justifying Myself to the Able-Bodied and Neurotypical: FUCK OFF
Standing is not physical work. And homo sapiens evolved on our feet; sitting for extended periods is unnatural. Cmon, you may enjoy it...
You know, I'm getting right tired of having to justify myself to this kind of bullshit. Let me explain something to you able-bodied, neurotypical motherfuckers who think I haven't had any experience in the service industry: I've worked every kind of service job you can imagine, short of serving, cooking or anything where handling money is involved and believe me, I KNOW I can't handle it. So did my co-workers. So did my supervisors.
If you don't want to sit around the house going, "stir crazy", go out and talk you way into a cooking job. Be it a bar and grill, diner or college. They generally hire anyone who is reliable. And if you get a job with a corporate outfit at a university or business center - bingo! great benefits. And you work all day on your feet making food people enjoy. Pay ain't great but it's better than nothing and if you make it into mgmt you're ok. And if you have no experience, start at McDonalds.
I have a college degree with 20 years experience and am now cooking. The pay is poor but the health insurance rocks, and I like working on my feet producing something people like - food! The big three in food service are Sodexo, Aramark, and Compass.
Again: Been there, done that.
And no, I didn't enjoy it one bit. From the tyrannical managers to all the gossip you could stomach to the customers who do all they can to get under your skin just to get their rocks off, I didn't enjoy it one bit. Here's a suggestion: How about you try working 8 to 12 hours on your feet with one leg being nearly an inch shorter, neurological issues that make one side of your body weaker and ASD issues on top of it and tell me you enjoy it, stupid mother fuckers. It hurt like hell and no amount of pain meds, shoe lifts or AFOs can truly fix that shit.
That's the whole reason I WENT TO COLLEGE and FINISHED 2 DEGREE PROGRAMS to start with. Every internship, volunteered and paid during and after my college career, my supervisors had nothing but good things to say about me. I excelled everywhere I went. Hell, I even got along pretty well with everybody wherever I worked. Yet I still can't get hired.
So with that in mind, let me ask those who would judge me something: What more do I have to do to prostrate myself to you stupid fucks? Not everyone who has disabilities and/or ASD can be as fortunate as Temple Grandin or Stephen Hawking. They certainly are people to look up to, but they are also exceptions to the rule who are used to justify the blatant ableism of the oh-so-great western societies.
I won't go back to something I absolutely hate, yet respect the hell out of those who do it (Because they put up with a lot on top of getting royally fucked 10 ways from Sunday), with every fiber in my being just so those who judge me can masturbate to my pain. Fuck that.
Rant over.
See you around,

As you know, I understand!
I hope that no one here on c99 tried serving you any such crap as you described!
I clearly remember when I could physically work most minimum wage employments no longer.
These fuckers are simply being fuckers. I will now employ my good friends at ALESTORM to convey my opinion to them (DANGER:NSFW!!)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
This would never fly in the states.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Standing is physical work!
The Eastern Christian Churches liken it to the sufferings of the crucified Jesus!
What drugs was that sadistomaniacal SOB on, anyway?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Feel free to ask him in my last diary.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Be pissed, if you wish
I was sold a path too. The distance so far, has never made up for the losses. But i will always make the best of it. That's all each of us truly have. Fun and games, was never an option.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
Agree. Try standing doing
anything for 8 hours. What's worse than standing, doing anything? Standing, doing nothing. Try that for 8 hours. You'll swear the 8 hours was a double shift. Fortunately I didn't have to do that, but did standing work for the better part of 20 years, when the knees said it's time to stop doing that. And, I too have one leg shorter than the other (although just 1/4 inch), tilted pelvis (due to head on collision) and, lucky me, an extry vertabrae just for the cherry on top. So, yeah, I know all about the aches and pains of standing for a living. (or just getting out of bed). Glad that's done. Wish you the best!!
And, while I do "suffer" all those ailments, I still can play softball with the kids, so... not as bad off as it sounds. I just run one base at a time these days. "C'mon, gramps! you can go for two (bases)!." Maybe, but then I'd have to sit out an inning. Or two. The knees ain't what they used to be.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Been there, done that, never again!
Again, standing for the 2 - 4 hours that Eastern Christian services typically took up were likened to the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross in that culture.
Beginning in the late 19th Century, many Eastern Christian Churches started adopting pews, with generally positive results (more regular attendees, better attention during service, etc.).
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Is there a chance for you to do online freelance work?
From your last essay:
I have no idea what is involved with trying to do this or how feasible this would be for you.
I do understand how painful it would be for you to stand for even an hour because of your limitations.
I also understand how you feel when people look at you and think that you don't look disabled. As I previously stated, pain from a disability doesn't always show and besides, you don't have to prove anything to anyone.
I asked in another essay if anyone knows about free or low cost websites and how to set them up.
If you have any information on this, please message me.
I want to update my photography website, but the person who is administering it will not help me do it.
As to the person who wrote that asinine comment, his opinion is just his opinion.
I understand that you had a lawyer before when you applied for SSDI. But since you have been unable to work for so long, I don't think you would qualify for it any longer.
I don't have enough work credits to qualify for SSDI because of how long my worker's compensation company dicked me around before I was able to have surgery. By that time, the damage was permanent.
I now only qualify for SSI and I could/should have applied for it myself. The process is much easier than SSDI. A case worker decided my case and believed my doctor's report.
As the saying goes, "don't let the bastards get you down". You have a lot of support here and your comments are welcome.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My daughter is a teacher in a public school district in an
affluent community. SHE HATES IT. The only reason she is still there is that she makes good money, HAD good benefits, is now only 4 years away from being able to retire and access a pension, and Michigan screws over their teachers to make damn sure there isn't a competitive market for them to work in. There is no merit pay. A teacher is placed on a 10 step schedule (usually 10) based on credential held: BA, Masters, PhD. Each step up the schedule is equal to one year of employment. Each year you automatically take a step until you reach the top, step 10. Reaching the top = dead end. IF the District has money and the union can arm wrestle a percentage raise, it goes to the schedule. If they award a percentage increase, everyone gets what is negotiated. If you haven't been there long enough to reach step 10, you get the step and the percentage increase. If you've been there 20 years and have no steps left, all you get for a raise is the percentage negotiated if any. If you have been employed with a District for 25 years and want to quit to work for the district next door, Michigan requires you to take a pay cut and start on Step 1 - 3 of the relevant schedule. Needless to say, a teacher with experience is trapped unless they want to lose as much as 60% of their salary.
My daughter actually was written up in an employee evaluation because she uses her hands when she talks. My daughter had previously been in a meeting with this evaluator, during which my daughter waved her hands and arms. The evaluator said it might have caused a passer by to think my daughter was yelling at her. My daughter explained she was Italian, and the evaluator was discriminating against her ethnicity. Too bad, so sad, she wrote it up anyway. My daughter is one of three long time teachers in the building, all of which the principal is trying to make unhappy enough to leave. Young teachers are cheaper. She teaches 8th-grade language arts - not by choice. She is K-8 certified with an endorsement in early childhood. This year he gave her five classes or 180 kids, none of which are advanced students. 180 papers to grade each and every assignment. 180 parents to meet with every 3-hour session of parent teacher conferences. Cut a parent short and when they complain, the candy ass principal she works for throws them to the wolves. They busted the union, and they are circling to find any reason to fire anyone who makes too much money. She has a medical condition that requires her to eat at certain times. She asked for an accommodation with the assignment of her prep time. It was denied. She was told to go part-time if she wasn't physically able to handle a full-time job. Fck her and her retirement credits.
I share this because you are not alone. My point is that it many if not most jobs suck for a whole variety of reasons 99% of the time. Lots of people hate their jobs and put up with shit from employers because they have to. If we weren't working for money, we'd be volunteers. Some have wages so low they practically are. I am sorry you are one of them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Aramark Correctional Services
Aramark is a very large provider to the Prison Industrial Complex. From 2013:
Huff Post 2014:
(I was informed by reliable sources that the maggots are deep fat fried, nutritious and very delicious.
Top Five Aramark Scandals 2014:
Memphis 2015 :
Michigan 2015:
Santa Maria: (copy and paste link to google. I don't know why):
Aramark advertises roughly 9,000 jobs in Correctional Facilities. (Google "Aramark Correctional Services")
(edited to fix links)
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Thanks for pointing out how rancid and corrupt food co. Aramark
Saw them mentioned a couple of days ago and didn't have time to get back to it. Aren't they also providers to schools, or something else too?
Thanks again for exposing that truly vile monopoly. Loads of evidence showing their despicable antics with respect to prison food.
Again, how do we allow these fucking vile companies to buy out everybody else and basically become the only game in town? Anti-trust laws, anybody?
Good job, MM.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It's a buyer's market for labor so the 99% are
screwed, some more than others. For people with multiple jobs who still can't make ends meet, there are plenty of a--holes who would still lay a guilt trip on them.
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I liked the suggestion a while back about getting a lawyer for your social security/Medicaid problems. With that taken care of, maybe the next step could be to do some light volunteer work, especially using your computer skills. If your basic needs are taken care of, then you could find something to feed your mind.
I actually think that could work generally for a basic general income, or whatever it is called. Everybody had something to give that someone else needs. Capitalism doesn't seem to be the best way to use people's talents.
See you around.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"