Denied Medicaid
Yup. I was denied Medicaid. And all because I didn't 'respond fast enough'. I didn't hear it from Florida DCF though. I had to hear it from my grandmother who at one point about 11 years back was acting on my behalf with regards to my social security case. She has had nothing to do with it since my denial in 2006.
What more do I have to do to win against these bureaucrats? Do I have to die? Because other than blindness, death seems to be the only 'disability' the SSA or DCF will ever acknowledge.
Even after getting 2 degrees in database administration and graphic design, I still can't find a job. I had a few gigs here and there during and after college, but no one seems to wanna hire someone on the autism spectrum with hemiplegia and major back problems who can't get a drivers' license as a result. So most days I sit around going stir crazy. Oh, and did I mention I can't even get social security or even medicaid even though I got both as a kid?
Yet, even with all that, I'm still not 'disabled enough'? Please.

I'm sorry to read this, only in America. I really wish my home
country would catch up to the rest of the industrialised world. Richest country in the world but morally bankrupt.
Have you contacted a disability lawyer?
You may have answered this question before. If you haven't, they won't cost you any money unless they win. Then they can take a certain percentage of the money you would get from the day you applied for it.
Or you can apply for SSI on your own.
I'm sure that you qualify for at least SSI, and if you are able to get it then you would be qualified for Medicaid.
Your hemiplegia should be enough for you to qualify for disability. Especially since you stated that you were able to get it in the past.
Because of the amount of time I was unable to work, I didn't have enough work credits to get SSDI which pays more.
This country needs to stop dicking around and go to universal health care like the rest of the civilized world.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
take Snoopy's advice. Many states have programs where people can meet with a lawyer specializing in the relevant area for a half hour to explain their situation without charge. Your state bar association will know if such a program exists and, if it does, how to set up an appointment.
Federal benefits programs tend to deny first applications, and sometimes second and third, as a matter of course. I think the logic is that you'll give up if you don't really need it. The possibility that the application process itself, which is designed to be stressful, could be too much for a sick or disabled person seems never to have occurred to them, or maybe they think it's an additional feature.
I would also contact the office of my member of congress. Use mail or email. For maximum impact make an appointment with the highest person they'll let you meet at the representatives office in your local district. Bring a written summary of the information with you to leave. No matter how frustrated you are be as meek and mild as you have ever been in your life. Caseworkers take a lot of grief from people who don't get what they want or get upset about the time it takes. (It's going to take time even if the office is determined to help.) If the caseworker thinks "This is a constituent being ripped off and a nice person as well." when you walk out the door, you'll have taken a big step.
I am sorry for your circumstances. Please hang on. Good luck.
I second Snoop..
You have to get a lawyer. I really believe their goal is to keep as many people as possible from qualifying.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Because some fucking business type
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
Yep. This is what they are doing and have been doing
for as long as I can remember. When I applied for SSDI, I had 5 doctors that said that I could not work because of the pathology in my back.
The judge looked at the reports and shrugged. Seriously, he shrugged and said that he didn't see anything wrong with me because I was still walking. People who look at people who are on disability only see what is on the outside of people. They have no idea what it's like inside our bodies.
I walk every day because if I don't, I will lose the strength in my left leg and my back muscles will deteriorate which will make everything worse.
What people can't see is how much pain I'm in and what it costs me pain wise after I get home. This happens to people every day in this country.
The money people get paid for their disability is much less than what they used to make working.
I taught myself my career and I was very good at it. I'd much rather be able to work than live another day in my body.
It's a given that people have to apply for SSDI at least 3 times before they get it. If they do.
The republicans have stated that they are going to gut the social programs that the poor, elderly and disabled rely on and not just so they can give it to rich people, but because we are disposable and they do actually want us to die, just like Greyson said.
This is a very sick country morality wise.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've actually had SSA people say...
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Get a lawyer.
There should be a lawyer group set up in your area that takes care of people with little or no money. They are federally funded.
In my area in Texas, they are Lone Star Legal Services. In the Houston area, they are called Gulf Coast Legal Services.
They are supposed to be nationwide.
Please contact the courthouse district clerk's office in the county where you reside, and ask them for assistance in locating the service.
If they are no help, try Google.
If that doesn't work, pm me, I will see what I can do.
All the best to you, Aspie.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I actually had a lawyer before.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
And get a new location
There is a distinct possibility that your local SSA office is staffed with bigoted assholes who see their job as an opportunity to get their rocks off fucking over people like you. Other offices, other agents, are there to be human. For example, I am nowhere near as qualified as you, but the SSA office in Daly City, CA bent over backwards to approve me.
On to Biden since 1973
I'd leave America if I could.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
My Grandson is so mentally ill the cops
have been called over 300 times. (That is the absolute God's truth.) He's been turned down as well.
Last time we had to have him picked up so he didn't hurt himself or anyone else was Monday night. They put him in Lasting Hope. He was threatening suicide AND to harm his mother. The quacks in that dump kicked him loose in 2 days. They do that crap all the time to people sent there for help. I think a lot of it is based on money. This is a guy that got turned down too.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
the public employees may not be quacks. They may have so few beds that they can only keep people while they are in a very acute phase. They are expected to inject them with chemicals and get them out the door so the next acute case can move in. Virtually everybody working in that environment has released someone who has done serious harm to self or others within days of being released, or knows someone who did. (And the person who approved the release, even if she or he followed procedures, will be investigated by the state, possibly suspended, and portrayed as an uncaring monster in the media.) How would you like to live with that hanging over your head?
As is usual in this country you have to look higher up to see the source of the problem.
ANY fucking professional who releases
Someone that sick is a quack. It's nothing more than abuse for a fucking paycheck.
My Grandson will either be a suicide, or he will die by cop during one of his episodes, or he will hurt someone else. So don't give me ANY excuses for these people's quiet acquiescence so that they can get their weekly pay.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm sorry.
I suspect you're right about your grandson. I do not support the policies. Neither do the people who work in these places. Do you remember the protests by hospital workers when Governor Reagan decided it would be cheaper to drug people with serious mental problems and throw them on the street than house them? There were lots of protests by people in the relevant professions, in many cases joined by supporting organizations and other state workers. It didn't do much good. Neither did the regular reports of suicides, crimes and death by exposure involving the people the system was forced to release. It's now a standard cost saving measure in many states. What are lives when compared to tax cuts?
I think everybody here is searching for a way out of this nightmare. I don't feel empowered or optimistic.
I apologize if I added to your pain.
hear me out
If you don't want to sit around the house going, "stir crazy", go out and talk you way into a cooking job. Be it a bar and grill, diner or college. They generally hire anyone who is reliable. And if you get a job with a corporate outfit at a university or business center - bingo! great benefits. And you work all day on your feet making food people enjoy. Pay ain't great but it's better than nothing and if you make it into mgmt you're ok. And if you have no experience, start at McDonalds.
I have a college degree with 20 years experience and am now cooking. The pay is poor but the health insurance rocks, and I like working on my feet producing something people like - food! The big three in food service are Sodexo, Aramark, and Compass.
I can't handle physical work.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Standing is not physical work. And homo sapiens evolved on our feet; sitting for extended periods is unnatural. Cmon, you may enjoy it...
Not with my conditions I don't.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.