RNC & DNC July Fundraising Reports

Well finally! The DNC had released their report on Friday and the Republicans finally filed their report at 11:02 PM EST - 58 minutes before the deadline.

Republican July 2017 Fundraising

  • $44,707,217.51 - Beginning Cash on Hand 07/01/17
  • $10,599,628.58 - Total Funds Raised in July
  • $8,205,366.68 - Total Disbursements Made in July
  • $47,101,479.41 - Ending Cash on Hand 07/31/17

Their cash on hand increased by $2,394,261.90 during the month of July.

Year-To-Date Totals 01/01/17 through 07/31/17

  • $25,328,011.79 - Beginning Cash on Hand 01/01/17
  • $85,998,439.71 - Total Funds Raised YTD
  • $64,224,972.09 - Total Disbursements YTD
  • $47,101,479.41 - Ending Cash on Hand 07/31/17

Their cash on hand YTD has increased by $21,773,467.62

The RNC has NO Debts or Obligations

Now let's look and see how the Democrats did.

Democratic July 2017 Fundraising

  • $7,492,435.34 - Beginning Cash on Hand 07/01/2017
  • $3,826,913.49 - Total Funds Raised in July
  • $4,444,098.06 - Total Disbursements Made in July
  • $6,875,250.77 - Ending Cash on Hand 07/31/2107

So their cash on hand during the month of July decreased by 617,184.57

So now lets look at the Year-to-Date data - Jan. 1 through July 31, 2017.

  • $10,507,786.02 - Beginning Cash on Hand January 1, 2017
  • $41,998,197.59 - Total Funds Raised YTD
  • $45,630,732.84 - Total Amount Disbursed YTD
  • $6,875,250.77 - Ending Cash on Hand July 31, 2017.

So during the first seven months of 2017, their cash on hand has decreased by $3,632,535.25

Here's a little data on their debt and obligations.

  • $4,135,425.97 - Debts owed by DNC as of 12/31/16
  • $3,725,341.10 - Debts owed by DNC as of 01/31/17
  • $2,794,520.90 - Debts owed by DNC as of 02/28/17
  • $1,780,666.68 - Debts owed by DNC as of 03/31/17
  • $2,478,884.76 - Debts owed by DNC as of 04/30/17
  • $1,901,185.17 - Debts owed by DNC as of 05/31/17
  • $3,285,691.55 - Debts owed by DNC as of 06/30/17
  • $3,439,389.15 - Debts owed by DNC as of 07/31/17

So it looks like through March, they were doing a pretty good job of paying down their debt, but in April it went up by just under $700,000. The only thing I can think of that happened in April was the hearing for the DNC Fraud Lawsuit case, but the judge hasn't made a decision yet. There's also the other lawsuit for not paying the interns overtime, but I don't know when that lawsuit was filed.

Then in May, they were able to bring their debt back down by roughly $577,000, but in June it went back up by about $1,384,000. What happened in June? Money spent on the failed Ossoff camapign? And now in July, it's up another $150,000.

Regarding the debt owed by the DNC, $1,000.000.04 is the amount left on a $2,000.000 loan made to the DNC by Amalgamated Bank.

The rest of it is outstanding amounts to vendors which were not made in the same month they were incurred including:

  • $24, 076.40 - Alpha Telemarketing, Inc. - for Telemarketing
  • $75,000.00 - Bully Pulpit interactive, LLC - for Internet Advertising
  • $42501.89 - Conversant, LLC - for Internet Advertising
  • $100, 014.00 - DCM - for Telemarketing Services
  • $140,828.95 - Donor Services Group - for Telemarketing Services
  • $214,636.19 - Gordon And Schwenkmeyer, Inc. - for Telemarketing Services
  • $106,725.28 - Infogroup - for Direct Mail
  • $137272.92 - Integral Resources, Inc. - for Direct Mai
  • $459.83 - Merkle Response Services, Inc. -. for Postage & Shipping
  • $92,231.75 - Mal Warwick Associates, Inc. - for Direct Mail
  • $17,209.50 - New Partners Teleservices - for Direct Mail
  • $150,000.00 - NGP VAN, Inc. - for Data Services Subscription
  • $13057.09 - Pacific East - for Telemarketing Services
  • $40,079.32 - Perkins Coie - for Legal and Compliance Consulting
  • $19,400.20 - Public Interest Communications - for Telemarketing Services
  • $1,075,870.64 - RWT Production LLC - for Design/Printing
  • $45000.00 - Targetsmart Commuication, LLC - for Data Services Subscription
  • $83,508.35 - Telefund, Inc. for Telemarketing Services
  • $61,516.80 - Your Voice Media for Telemarketing Services

Obviously, the huge debt to RWT Production jumped out at me. These figures are just for the month of July:

  • $985,867.87 - Outstanding Balance Beginning This Period
  • $344,895.43 - Amount Incurred This Period
  • $254,892.66 - Payment This Period
  • $1,075.870.64 - Outstanding Balance at Close of This Period

The DNC seems to be going further and further into debt with this one company

Now here's another interesting little tidbit I noticed.

Every single month I've ever looked at, there have been charges incurred and payments made to the DNC's law firm Perkins Coie.

Not last month, though. On Schedule D (page 4,137) it shows a beginning balance owed to Perkins Coie of $40,079.32. This is most likely the monthly retainer fee ($40,000) and $79.32 of other miscellaneous charges (like postage) for a previous month.

  • Outstanding Balance Beginning This Period - $40,079.32.
  • Amount Incurred This Period - $0.00
  • Payment This Period - $0.00
  • Outstanding Balance at Close of This Period - $40,079.32

I find it odd that there are no charges at all from Perkins Coie and the balance from June (or a previous month) has still not been paid. Is Perkins Coie still the DNC's law firm?

Another explanation could be that Perkins Coie is now billing and being paid from a different DNC account or maybe a PAC affilliated with the DNC. I truly don't know, but it's definitely something that jumped out at me.

Poor Tom...

The Hill had an article up Saturday:

RNC raises millions more than DNC in July

The RNC raised $86.5 million through the first seven months of the year, while the DNC raised about $42 million. The GOP also has a huge advantage in cash on hand — $47.1 million to $6.9 million.

The lag in Democratic Party fundraising through the first four months of new party Chairman Tom Perez's tenure has frustrated Democrats, especially as liberals see a groundswell of enthusiasm in opposition to President Trump.

But top Democratic donors and fundraisers who spoke to The Hill this week said that they believe it's still too early to sound the alarm and that Perez can still turn the ship around as he continues to restructure the party after a tough 2016 election.

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I did an advanced search for their company name at open secrets.org.

In the 2014 election cycle, guess who were RWT Productions top three customers?

Vendor/Recipient: RWT Production - 2014

  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz for Congress - $349,297
  • Ready for Hillary - $174,445
  • Democrats Win Seats - $136,511

That last one was a PAC that was started by DWS.

From Page 2 of a scathing 2014 report on DWS by Politico:

DNC policy is not to accept donations from lobbyists. However, her own DWS PAC accepts lobbyist money. Wasserman Schultz says this has never been a problem. “DWS PAC is a separate entity,” she said, denying that the initials have any relation to her name, although her father used to be its treasurer and it’s run day-to-day by Jason O’Malley, whose salary is split between the DNC, DWS PAC and Wasserman Schultz’s congressional campaign committee. He works out of a cubicle in the finance department at DNC headquarters.

“It stands for Democrats Win Seats,” she said. “And that’s important. It stands for Democrats Win Seats. It is a political action committee that exists to elect Democrats.”

During that election cycle they also did some work for the DNC in the amount of $7,569.

Here's the info for RWT Production for the 2016 Election Cycle

The DNC was their largest customer in the 2016 Election Cycle and received 323 payments totaling $20,157,773.00.

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@LoneStarMike As always, follow the money. I"m sure there's more interesting tidbits to be found on RWT Productions.

Also, does DWS really think the voters are that fucking dumb? (Rhetorical question.)

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@LoneStarMike I like how they try to church up double dipping.

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Solidarity forever

could trust their reporting, bookkeeping, etc. As in, what if they are fundraising, but asking donors to donate to some PAC, rather than to the DNC? And not some piddling PAC, either. That poster speculated that they may not want to have a huge pot available to share with liberals who may miraculously win a primary despite undermining from the DNC and all the neoliberalcon officeholders. Could be other reasons, too. For instance, appearing poorer may motivate their big donors more. Lots of possible reasons and I would not put anything past them.

The Ossoff campaign did cost a lot, but I didn't look up how much of it the DNC funded. Is it at all possible they wanted to make sure that district stayed Republican? I don't think a sane person would have chosen him (or the kind of campaign he ran) for that district. https://caucus99percent.com/content/better-know-district-democrat-ossoff... (It's a good thing I post mostly to get things off my chest.)

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But the wealthy donors would most likely be the ones donating to the SuperPACs. I wonder how the "regular people's" donations to the DNC compare to years past. If "regular people" are donating less to the DNC, then I'm wondering if less "regular people" are going to be voting for Democratic candidates in 2018.

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hold fundraisers to go after their big donors.

As far as voters in 2018 and 2020, I fear news of the death of the Democratic Party will once again prove to have been greatly exaggerated. Just like they got a huge bump from anti-Bush sentiment in 2006 and 2008, I believe they will get an anti-Trump bump in 2018 and 2020 (assuming Trump is still POTUS on both those dates.) The drum beat from Democrats and the media has been incessant since Trump won the Republican primary. If you believe MSNBC and even some Republican commentators, Trump is Public Enemy #1. Not even one year in, his approval ratings are, IIRC, lower than Bush's were after almost eight years. And we thought Bush was bad!

It does not make me even a little happy to say any of the above. It's just what I see.

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@HenryAWallace I also keep telling people who have proclaimed "the Clintons are done" not to be too sure about that either.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.



Democrats turn on Debbie Wasserman Schultz

... According to multiple people who have been in the room for DNC donor meetings, Wasserman Schultz regularly finishes a pitch to donors by asking them to give money to the DNC and her leadership PAC, or her congressional committee, or both. There’s nothing illegal about this, but donors often grumble privately that this sends mixed messages about her priorities and why she’s interested in meeting with them.

“I usually don’t — hardly ever do I have a conversation with someone where I’m having to ask them for support for all three at the same time,” Wasserman Schultz said. “There are times when I have spoken to donors who are donors to me in my reelection, donors who give to the party, sure.” ...

I'll just bet that every scam in the book is being used.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Oligarchs are smarter than that, they give more to the "side" that has ability to pass their shitty laws. The Ds do not have that ability, nor will they any time soon. I doubt they'll ever get it back, despite brother Bernie and sister Nina herding the next generations in to the D-Value cattle chute. Plutocracy sucks, stop giving it attention. Live and let die, Boycott 2018.

Rodney Stooksbury for President
Why Not? Any old puppet will do.

good luck

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Republican ideas really haven't changed in 100 years, get the government off your back, the market knows best and social programs are theft and any foreign challenge to our way will be fought economically and militarily. They have sold this in its entirety to middle America and especially to the rich and powerful. The truth is that this is completely bogus. Civilizations don't exist without governments. That is the critical tool to achieve a great society. The Democrats don't know how to use it (government), have given up on using it, and have replaced this in its entirety with Republican Light. Bill Clinton destroyed Liberal values in government, hollowing out the Democrat Party. Barack Obama finished the job by achieving almost nothing of significance, and then absolutely destroying the sympathetic aspect of Liberalism. He was one nasty SOB, with a mean authoritarian streak. At least Clinton "felt your pain", well if you were stupid enough to believe him. Obama had one talent - marketing himself in the campaign. Everything else was right out of the Republican's playbook, including Romneycare. The war thing I find particularly repugnant. Really, summary execution by drone? I think that he held the record for most wars at the same time. And that was after he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Either he returns it, or the damn thing is meaningless.

Anyway, according to my formula Noideas=novotes=$0=nopower=nomore$. The Democrats can't sell "access". That was their entire strategy. Outside of CA, NY and MA they are now dead. I think that we are clearly at a singularity point- The Democrat Party will have to reform deastically or be replaced. My question is - how can you reform it with so much entrenched power?
Will its pig-headed leaders step down gracefully? I doubt it.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Meteor Man's picture

@The Wizard
Money quote:

Outside of CA, NY and MA they are now dead. I think that we are clearly at a singularity point- The Democrat Party will have to reform deastically or be replaced.
My question is - how can you reform it with so much entrenched power?

Nailed it! New Dems losing is the new normal. Zombie Hillarycrats can exist on minimal sustenance for years. I read that a single cockroach can survive for thirty days on the glue from a single postage stamp.

I wish I knew how to kill a Vampire Zombie Democrat. There must be an Elders of Zion spell for that somewhere.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

WoodsDweller's picture

for Socialists to run as Democrats. The Democrats can't even pretend they will provide funding. I see this as good news, the Democrats are the Socialists' main enemy, and they will have less money to run against us.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Cassiodorus's picture

$3 and a half mil.

Keeping the public away from democracy:


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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

1 The court rules against the DNC on the Bernie donors' case, and the DNC claims that they have only $2million to pay in the settlement - DNC attorney gloats, "It's called 'judgementproof', suckers!".
2 Then they turn around and find a billion to saturate the airwaves with anti Trump (even if he's gone) pro corporate Dem ads from secret super PACs.
3 The public responds to this deadbeat dad level stunt and in-your-face insult by going to the polls in record numbers, only to find that everyone who had mentioned the possibility of being a progressive has mysteriously "failed to renew their registration".
4 The "Republicans Only" constitutional convention devolves into civil war between Nazis and Big Business.
5 The Nazis win when the Big Business mercenaries are not willing to risk their lives for minimum wage.

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On to Biden since 1973


Polluting monster donors like (Clinton campaign-advising) Monsanto do that sort of thing all of the time; spin off a section being sued while leaving it not enough money to anywhere near cover the amount being asked, never mind the fiscal costs of the damage done.

That section pleads poverty and the coldly deliberate 'cost-saving' corporate poisoners laugh all the way to the bank while people and the environment sicken and die...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.