Maine Returns: Returns show Sanders up 64-36, AP Project Sanders win
Submitted by fladem on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 7:15pm
I don't know how diaries work here - but there are good numbers on the Maine Caucuses from the Sanders campaign. I worked for a group called decision desk last night and we found the Sanders numbers in NE were actually faster and more accurate than AP. In Iowa when I was a precinct captain we were instructed to phone in our results.
It's a significant win for Bernie.
The fact that people working for the campaign built something collectively is pretty cool.
Here is the link

Great news!
I'm so happy to see you here. And I love the raw data link. The page titles in German?
Please help support caucus99percent!
Bernie animation
They got a little Bernie animation at the Guardian results
In my town in ME
The caucus turnout was higher than usual. I counted 46 people when the doors closed, not counting the Democratic party members running the caucus. That number included 2 people who had already voted absentee (absentee ballots for the caucus area first in the 25+ years that I've been voting here), but they wanted to be part of the caucus social process. There were a couple of dozen absentee ballots that weren't counted until the official voting happened. Of the people who spoke up prior to the voting, the majority were for Bernie. Three people spoke up for Hillary, and 9 or 10 spoke up for Bernie. Once the votes were counted, Bernie had a nearly 4-1 count above Hillary. No coins were tossed and no cards were cut - it was a blow-out for Bernie. In looking at the local news, it appears that was the case throughout Maine today.
I know we are small potatoes (see what I did there? Maine... potatoes... ), but this is pretty amazing. In the years that I've been caucusing, I have never seen a complete lack of undecided voters in attendance. And I've endured having to endure multiple internal re-votes until a final caucus vote could be tallied. This was so cut and dried, and it was apparent to me that people are NOT going to willingly support whatever Democrat makes it to the GE. Based on this tiny viewpoint, I truly don't think that Hillary should assume that she will have the votes if she makes it to the general election. I heard comments from people who will either write in Bernie or just vote down-ticket candidates. So perhaps a write-in campaign could actually take off. I was surprised to see several women who were rabid Hillary supporters back in 2008 who are now solidly in Bernie's' corner. Just my two cents from central ME...
Think off-center.
George Carlin