You are required by law to allow the banks to fuck you.
So, for those who don't know, I'm a disabled veteran who gets disability compensation from the VA. 70% disabled, not much, I know, but still what I have to live on. (You can check the tables to see how little I live on and be astounded.)
I also have a daughter in Texas who I owe child support on. This was calculated when I was in the service as to the amount I owe. Suffice to say, I owe far more than I will ever be able to pay, even assuming I can get a job. Anything I make will be instantly taken to fulfill that debt, and I understand that I have an obligation. However, there are many circumstances which prevent me from paying, not the least of which is the need to... eat and pay rent. I have contacted Texas multiple times, and they have refused to change or even consider an adjustment due to my disability and inability to work. As far as Texas is concerned,
I have 2 children who live with me who I am responsible for. They're teens, they eat through house and home. My ex has never paid me a DIME in child support, and as a matter of fact has actively hidden to prevent paying it. As far as I know, she's dead. I even paid here when I was in the service, simply to try to keep the marriage going. (A stupid effort on my part.)
As it is, I am barely making ends meet. Any penny I get over my disability compensation is instantly taken by the banks, under court orders from Texas, which often conveniently ignore the fact that it is illegal to seize disability payments if they are the veteran's sole source of income.
Which comes to where they fuck me.
Because of the repeated seizure of funds which are not to be seized, and the charges the banks place on me for the privilege of having them seized, I do not trust banks, and have been getting checks from the government directly. So far it's been great. I pay a 6 dollar fee to cash the check and don't have to worry about my money disappearing to pay bills that
Well we can't have me bypassing the bankers.
Yep, got a "Notice of Non-Compliance" today. They talk nice about how it's to improve the status of the banking industry, but if I don't immediately apply for a "Very Rare" waiver, I will be enrolled at a bank of the government's choice, and issued a debit card of the Government's Choice.
Which means that the banks will be lining up to fuck me over once again, due to an illegal court order which I cannot fight because I will have my money taken to fulfill the court order.
First off- I WOULD PAY MY CHILD SUPPORT IF I COULD. As it is I'm still visiting food banks at the end of the month, barely making the rent, and don't even own a car. I don't get a dime from CA and my ex, and they recently announced that they're dropping the case against her completely since she cannot be found and they've made "Good Faith" efforts to find her.
So my options at this point are to sit quietly, let the Government do what they like, Apply for an exception and PRAY that it's granted, or accept that every few months I'll have to go through the cycle of allowing the bankers to rip me off for a few hundred dollars and charge me for it.
Thanks a fucking lot, Obama. And I get to say that because he's still proud of this bullshit. Fuck him, the horse he rode in on, and his banker buddies who no doubt are using my rent money to buy another bottle of Dom because "It's only money!"

And if it wasn't child support
It'd be student loans.
Undischargable debt is a sword of damocles. Only a matter of time.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
If you haven't had your child support payment
adjusted after you went onto disability, you need to. They will reduce what you pay. Legal Aid might be able to help you. Life can be such a royal pain in the ass sometimes.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
@dkmich when my worker gets back
Just sucks getting a little ahead, and then having them swarm me again
4th times the charm, maybe.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good luck
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Well, I think I've run the table on luck in my life...
Only guy NOT to get blown up in my unit in Iraq,
Single Father who has sole custody of his kids (Odds on that one are in the thousands to one)
Landed on my feet after my family threw me out of my childhood home.
Two great kids, who somehow still love me.
An SO who is kind, loving and supportive...
I've been VERY lucky in my life. Not materially, but I'm very happy with the things I've managed to achieve.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, fuck the banks.
I am almost ready to pull my money out of Chase and go to a credit union. Now that my mother is dead and I no longer have to manage multiple accounts I can do that much easier. They charge me when I move too much of MY money from savings to checking every month - the nerve of that pisses me off to no end. But what they're doing to you is absolutely deplorable.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What they're doing to me
"You are a scumbag who's running and hiding from his responsibilities".
As a result I have a lot more sympathy for people who claim the deck is stacked against them, because I have SEEN it and the way social stigma hurts people.
Of course, thanks to MRA's, even speaking about my financial problems, my living situation, or anything else gets me relegated to people "Who only care about it because it means they can't be irresponsible and greedy!"...
Such is the media vilification. I mean, honestly, think of the term "Deadbeat Dad" and who do you imagine? DO you imagine somebody on disability, raising 2 kids on his own, walking to cash checks because the bank steals food and rent? Hell no. You imagine an asshole in a Porsche, with 2-3 women he's supporting, while simultaneously having more kids. He's usually black too. It's the same shit as "Welfare Moms" from the same group of media assholes, and yet we still keep the stereotype, day in, day out.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
vilifying "Deadbeat Dads" -- and non-Dads, too
Conversely, when one defers bringing children into the world until he is financially secure, he is denied access to that very security because he "has no obligations". The only direct, intelligible answer I have ever gotten to the question "Why didn't I get this job?" is "Men with families need this job. You need to go join the military."
As a direct result of this message and several others received loud and clear, I continued deferring bringing children into the world, with predictable results all around.
Society needs to figure out whether it wants men to father children or not, and the answer needs to be the same everywhere. This "mixed messages" crap, where what's convenient to capital is always the way it is, has got to go. You and I are converse examples of why that is, dmw.
And I support you because of what I went through in my life.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thanks. While I find MRAs to be toxic
Same as Nazis really. Ever notice how fast the PTB call you a Nazi, MRA or White Supremacist if you take any position that has ever been held by one of these groups, even if it has NOTHING to do with their core beliefs?
I am starting to believe that the MSM deliberately hypes these groups opinion and attitudes to be far more influential than they actually are, all to discredit reasonable people from every holding "Wrong" opinions.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, get your $$ out
of the giant motherfucking megabanks - whose sole raison d'etre is to fuck you all day long (then ask for a tip) - A.S.A.P.! You can't get it out of there quick enough! I finally left Key Bank when they -again- bounced a check of mine, which led to more bounced checks, then charged me $32 for each one. Thing is, the money was in their bank. Had been there for hours, in fact. But... they -ahem- "held" the check ("to make sure it cleared"). Said check being a paycheck from a Fortune 100 company.
That was it. Moved money the next day to a credit union. Set up an account there first, then went to the motherfucking megabank and told the teller, "I'm closing my account." "What?!" "I'm closing my account today. Right now." "You sure?!" Yep, you people fucked me the last time." (wish I'd said that). "Well, okay, this will take about 30 seconds... " And, that was it. Took about 30 seconds. "Here's your 29¢, have a nice day." (I had withdrawn most of it the day before). Really didn't take long at all. And...
After five years at the credit union? Not one bounced check. Imagine that. So much for that "we have to hold it... " bull$h!t. I'm at least one bounced check - $32 - ahead! Not even counting all those ATM and transfer fees. Fuckers. Yes, get your money in a credit union or local community bank!!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
We have been using Credit Union since the 70's.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I'm surprised that anyone still has money in the big banks
especially after they were bailed out after the fraud they committed. I left BoA years before that happened because of the fees they were trying to charge me for using my money. But I have found out that it's not my money, or anyone's after they deposit it in the banks. The banks own our money and can do anything they want with it. gjohnsit has covered this a few times in his financial essays.
As well as the cashless society experiments in a few European countries. The banks and the IRS don't want people r keep their money off grid. The IRS say they are concerned that people aren't paying taxes on the money, and the banks want control of it.
People need to know that if another bank crash happens, (and it's predicted to be happening again soon), the banks can legally keep people's money because of the rules in an omnibus bill that the best president since FDR signed.
This is what happened in Greece a few years ago. People were not able to withdraw their money from the banks because of the deal their government made with the IMF.
Great article on how Greece was the test case for harsh austerity measures.
Greece Has Been a Laboratory on a Way Out of a Capitalist Crisis
The banks have decided how much money people can withdraw from their accounts at one time. Some banks limit it to $3,000 in a certain time period.
So if you are thinking of moving your money, I suggest doing it sooner rather than.
Kinda funny how the IRS isn't concerned about the large corporations that keep their money offshore so they don't have to pay their taxes here, isn't it? But they get to claim deductions for what they do here in the US and get a tax return anyway. Nice gig.
Oh how so many rich people forget to pay all of their taxes and if it's found out, they get to say "oops, my bad".
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I like to move it !
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
This is an obscene amount of money
and as usual, the fees hit the lower classes harder. On top of those types of fees ,(penalties) there are the billions of fees applied to late credit cards payments too and many other ways that we are penalized for.
Remember when we were able to deduct the interest we paid on our car loans, credit cards and the other items that we were charged interest on? This went away during the Reagan administration. Just another way to for us to crapped on.
This article is on cashless societies that I mentioned in a previous comment:
This type of legislation is slowly traveling around the globe and it's not going to be long before this happens in our country.
Hopefully gjohnsit will keep his eyes on this and will let us know when it's getting closer to home.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Greece is a laboratory for global elites
And consider this quote which so correctly pertains to our Left or what remains of it:
In is the nature of anti-authoritarian parties to resist ALL authorities, even those compatible with each other's major interests. But his, I specifically exclude the DemonRATic party. They are about as left as fence-post.
For eurozone, substitute the words American neoliberalism:
And consider this:
ISDS or its equivalents is the perfect tool for for the ultimate wealth transfer to the elites. "Borderless" EU is just such a massive road-block to meaningful change.
We need to extricate our selves from NAFTA, which has been neither beneficial to the citizens of Mexico as well as the US. Trade treaties done multinationally will never represent the common people because those who make such trade treaties have no concern for the common people.
@Alligator Ed
And totally fucked oft-forgotten-by-its-neighbour Canada. Among other things, Canadian protective standards were 'harmonized' with the deadly corporate-influenced ones of the US, so of course our industrial-related (often-termed 'lifestyle'/'genetic'/population norms to spare corporate feelings and assessed liability) disease rates, including the symptom of population obesity increases, spiked to match as well. Not to mention what's been done to the environment, real economy, social programs (including Medicare, starved since NAFTA toward privatization,) and society in general.
Such as these are not 'trade deals' which should benefit all concerned and cannot bleed the citizens of money, rights, health, etc., as are done in the betrayals to hostile self-interests labeled as 'trade deals'.
Elected/appointed (or cheated-in) public officials are not granted any right of ownership of the country and people during the period of their public service in any public office and are not entitled to grant any rights (never mind life-and-death rights) over those of the nation and citizens they serve to anyone or to any entity permitting them to damage and destroy human and environmental health or to extort any public money - never mind enormous sums per action clearly intended to bankrupt the protesting victimized public/country - in order to stop/reduce any instance of increased poisoning or other hazard for extra-huge corporate profits made due to shifting a far greater-than-saved fiscal cost (as well as the health/premature death) burden on both the affected individuals and the society as a whole. That's not business as usual, just criminal gang tactics.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I had to have it there when dealing
I read all the stuff by gjonsit and it has worried me for a while that money was in that bank. But as most of it wasn't mine I kind of felt like what the hell, if they take it, ain't my problem!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Find a local, small credit union
And open an account. They aren't big bank.
Mine gave me a debit card that is optionally a VISA card that is still treated as a debit, not a credit card, so VISA isn't involved, and does not get any fees from me - just from the businesses that don't or can't process a debit card.
My credit union started life as a teacher's bank for local professors/teachers, but like most credit unions has expanded to pretty much anyone.
Hope they will listen when I tell them the Court Order
BofA told me to go fuck myself, but not to forget to pay them 85 bucks for the privilege of blocking my account.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Do you have to inform the credit union
about your disability payments being garnished?
I have two outstanding credit card balances that I defaulted on, but since I'm on disability, the company that bought my debt can't take it.
I tried to work with the credit card company after I had to quit working to find a way for me to pay it off, but they refused everything I came up with. Then they sold my debt to another company for pennies on the dollar. They received two judgments against me, but like you, they want blood from a turnip.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
credit union?
lizzy7's got a point, dmw. You might need to look into joining a credit union. Credit unions, being entirely owned and run by and for their members, are considerably more humane than for-profit banks are.
Chances are, there's a local CU who would be glad to have you. It's worth checking into, IMHO. I'd be seriously fucked today if not for Digital CU. (DEC is gone, but their CU remains!!)
Better that than having Uncle shotgun-marry you to some fucking commercial bank!
To which I offer:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That's what my SO is telling me.
They aren't allowed to seize disability, so they send a court order to Oregon, which omits the fact that the funds they are trying to seize are a disability payment.
Oregon, of course seizes the funds because they can't imagine another state would act in bad faith.
The onus is then on me to file paperwork to get the money back. (I've been told to just write it off, because the time to file means that I won't see the money for months or years.)
Sigh... Just hate having to be paranoid.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
@detroitmechworks check your pm
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Sent a response.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I was hoping that you would stop bye
and offer DMW some advice.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fuckin' Texas... this is
bull$h!t. You just know these F'n bastids get off fucking you every which way without leaving you any options. Well, there have to be options. I would call the Southern Poverty Law Center and give them this case. I'm thinking they would be licking their chops to get after these sonsabitches. Or somebody here can call the center. I'm guessing they'd take this case in a heartbeat.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink This can be remedied.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Being poor is very expensive.
Take, for example your $6.00 check cashing fee.
A poor person has a hard time taking advantage of sales, if cash on hand doesn't land in synch with the sale.
For a small example, you can buy whole turkeys real cheap around the holidays. So I buy several and cut them up into wings, breasts, legs and thighs and then cook up the carcasses for a nutritious broth to be used for soups, sauces or gravies throughout the year. But I have enough cash on hand to do so, have freezer space and can afford the energy cost, zip-loks ( or butcher paper) to do this every year. I can afford the large stockpot and good knives needed for butchery.
I am willing to bet you and others on this site have plenty of hints and tricks and hacks about how to make do with less to live more efficiently.
Honestly, that's the only thing I miss about top - for a while there was a real good group that shared such tips.
We need to start that group here, because self sufficiency is the art of the poor and the necessity of the future.
As an aside, does anyone know how to turn off this idiotic, time_wasting autocorrect? What on earth would make you think zip !lok = diploma? I'm on an Amazon fire.
Betty Baker Mac and Cheese.
39 cents a box. 3 boxes = 1.17
One stick of Butter = 1.15 if you use the good stuff.
Mix with 1/2 a can of cheap spaghetti sauce = 44 cents
Add some Hamburger, preferably a big pack split into smaller bags- 1.25
My ultra cheap, reasonably filling, last ditch meal. Feeds a family of 3, including 2 teens for under 5 bucks.
You're right, I miss the sustainability groups. Hell, I'm practically a commie as it is. (Felt guilty using my whole prescription of pain meds after my tooth extraction instead of giving them to elderly relations...)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
One last thank you to everyone.
I don't talk about this much because of the social stigma attached. As a result I tend to hide this, even though there's no real reason to do so.
Social pressure can get to us all, and I didn't scream for help on this when I was getting ripped off the first three times because I was told it was "my responsibility to deal with" even in the face of a legal system states away ignoring me.
So, thank you for hearing me. I am not a perfect person, but as long as our society stigmatizes folks on the most basic interactions with our children by applying a admission fee, then making us not just poor, but actively EVIL....
So, thanks for the reaction. I was half afraid, even with the community and rapport I have here, that I was to get nothing but a bunch of "Stop Whining and pay" messages.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
There are so many moving parts
But going after someone on disability? My God, and just to keep the kids off of any social safety nets is really what this is about. Our entire society is on this "pick yourself up" crap that we no longer even recognize there ARE situations any of us could end up in where that is simply not possible. But far better for those not yet effected to wear those rose colored glasses, thinking this is just about making Dads "do their duty" while in reality, this is just one more scam to divide and RULE. And kids are treated as a weapon used against parents to do it too. Nice system we have here. Savage in every way.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur