DKos: The Purge is Announced!
As I warned our community in my first Diary here on caucus99percent, the day was coming when we would receive a very large influx of new (and recently banned!) users from Daily Kos, and therefore we should be ready to help support them so our esteemed host JtC didn't have to do it all.
That period begins today.
kos, in this Diary published today, stated clearly that any further criticism of Hillary Clinton he deems as "other than constructive" (such as mentioning the fact that she's a corporatistic DINO Turd Way devotee) will draw the banhammer onto anyone daring to do so.
It's begun, folks.
n.b.: In fairness, kos also stated that he would ban Hillary supporters who "spiked the football" into the faces of those of us who backed Bernie. I ask my fellow c99p users' forbearance if I express my doubts that this will happen.

mad busy but Ill be around!
mad busy but Ill be around!
Hey ya''ll, get ready for a wave!!
Hi Lady good to see you
the wave hi and it was a tsunami. This is proving to be exciting but I seem to be unable to get up and get something done other then read and post here. Hope you come back and make yourself at home. glad i ran into our comment even though it's three days later.
Suuuuure he'll be banning football spikers...
Uh huh, sure. Riiiiight...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Oh, no doubt he'll ban a few really blatant ones
to prove how "fair" the process is. Fortunately for the Clintonistas, they have an endless supply of one mojo bar zombies who joined last week to serve as cannon fodder.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Well good evening, PhilJD.
Well good evening, PhilJD.
It gets on my nerves, and you know how I am about my nerves...
I saw you signed up here.
I expect the C99 member list to continue to grow. I glad I transitioned to lurker status at the other place a couple of weeks ago.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I'll give Kos credit.
That diary got me off my ass and on my way over here to register.
I've used my old, banned username here because as Goin' South I was always quite forthright in what I wrote over there.
I've been banned there 3 or 4 times and can report that it is not a bad experience.
My days of hanging around refugee sites goes back to Marisacat 10 years ago.
and a 'Heh' along with it.
On average, how long lived were your zombies? and 'who' were they?
If that's off limits, too personal, or just non of my f'n business, I totally understand
Idly curious, like the cat.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
man that diary is a piece of horseshit...
remind me again - didn't Obama not clinch til June in 2008? grrrrr
He thinks we're all amnesic morons
and don't remember when Obama started to pull ahead of Hillary in '08.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I thought he clinched sooner
but Clinton stayed in because of course RFK was assassinated in June in California.
Not wishing any ill on Clinton or any member of her family, but anything can happen between now and the convention.
Shorter Markos:
No team has ever come back from three runs down in the top of the fourth.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Even shorter:
Fuck you commie assholes.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
He's not a Royals fan apparently.
Even down 4 in the 8th in an elimination game is nothing.
He's a Cubs fan
so of course he's never seen a comeback in a World Series game.
Glad the Royals got their championship last year since the Giants beat them in 2014.
indeed.....the purge has begun.
ps. oh....but please vote for hillary if she wins the primary....were all on the same team!
i just am unsure #whichhillary to vote for?
Fuck your Site, Kos.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hillary and Trump are good friends.
They have a lot in common.
Poor Napoleon.
His website is losing money hands over fist and he is desperate for those Hillary ad dollars.
Deflection, Projection, and Accusations, Oh My!
I don't know about the money situation over there, but I do know page views must still matter.
I've never been a huge 'Feel The Bern' person as far as using that to define how I think or feel about Sanders. I also do not like the word fan given the 'short for fanatic' meaning. But while I trust no one implicitly, I have some trust for Sanders and none for Clinton. I prefer Sanders to Clinton. Simple as that. I find him more authentic, and genuine - honest, as opposed to those qualities lacking in Clinton.
The deflection and projection over there (KOS) is huge. All the crap references to Maya Angelou as if we're only supposed to believe the 'good things we've heard' about Clinton are such a tragic joke. Hillary Clinton showed me who she was decades ago. I didn't like or trust her then. But somehow anything she says now is supposed to just be believed.
I believed who Clinton showed herself to be then. I believe it now.
I also have had realistic expectations about things from the start as far as the primary process, but so much projection over there makes the accusation of starry eyed unrealistic expectations. Now that may be true for some, but that projection is just another example of everything and the kitchen sink being thrown at people not buying into the 'we must get behind Hillary' parade. the problem with that parade. Hillary puts the horses before the general public and expects everyone to like the surprise presents the horses leave for us.
As far as the tactics in use by stalwart Clinton supporters, the SOP is DOA - Deny, Overlook, Accuse.
Deny she does anything negative.
Overlook any inconvenient truth until others make it impossible.
Attack anyone pointing out facts about Clinton and accuse them of using smears and right wing talking points.
The bar has been set so low, that Clinton can say, "vote for me, I am better than them'. A box of used kitty litter is better than a cesspool as well, but both still smell and reek.
They want to mock Trump for
They want to mock Trump for saying he could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes, when in reality Hillary could have said the same thing and have been as accurate. They want so badly to compare Sanders supporters to Trump supporters without realizing the levels of projection involved.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
It's OK When A Clinton Does It.
People still have not gotten the memo.
Lying, Changing policy position, Conflicts of Interest, etc.
Anyone else should be held accountable but not Hillary Clinton.
Because when Hillary Clinton lies, it is only an innocent misremembrance.
When Hillary Clinton changes positions, or backtracks on a changed position - it is not hypocrisy, or a lie, or deception. when Hillary Clinton does these things, It is evolution.
It's OK When A Clinton Does It.
Hmmmm...I was thinking
that DWS and the bigwigs at the DNC have told kos to get his peons under control or they will pull their monetary support.
May they both go down in flames.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I wondered what happened to you guys.
Is Dallas Doc here yet? I have been wondering where he went.
Yes, he is a member.
There is a link at the bottom of the page. It will give you the name of everyone who is a member of c99. Some joined and post a lot. Others joined and wandered off. We hope dallasdoc will join us more often now that the gag is on.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I love me
some dallasdoc commentary.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
error messages galore as the crowd grows!
I guess we can all see the problem. I'm sure jtc will fix this.
Great to see everybody who's just come over! Well....hopefully people can get in and read this.
New in Town
Hey hey hey! Just logged in with my new account, and this is the first story I've read.
Nice to see some familiar names!
Glad to be here!
The Angry Architect
"There is nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question."
Good to see you, Good to be here!
My first comment at my new political home -- feels good!
Happy to see you and other familiar names here.
I guess I can say anything here, so......Feelin the Bern- - Go Bernie!
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
Thanks for the warn welcome
Just registered today.
I hadn't been to DKos in years. Went back there a couple of weeks ago to see and hear about the results of Iowa and NHE. I was looking for a site where there were Sanders supporters and not just an echo chamber for HRC. Evidently, my visit to Dkos will be a short one after Markos' desire to end the primary season on March 15th.
DK Hubris
I think it was mighty of him to not call it after Iowa. Maybe he has just a smidgeon of shame unlike his apparent role model DWS.
Congrats on getting the site back up after the rush yesterday. Excellent work and thanks again.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Safe landing
I am glad to be here. I will still check in on BNR daily and my favorite other group but that's pretty much it for DK. Peace to all on this beautiful day.
Same with me.
I'm not giving them more page views. And I used to have DK open all day while I worked. That's a lot of page views from one little obsessive person!
Kos, Selling, and new beginnings
Here is my opinion:
Kos has always been a greedy libertarian money grubbing whore, its just that he was always being paid handsomely by those on our side, so we didn't see it.
Think about it, Teachout called him out on being paid off by Dean,Blogging for Dollars and if that was the case then, it wouldn't be that hard of a stretch to imagine Obama's campaign doing the same thing when he ran in 2008. I bring this up because Hillary obviously has been aping everything Obama did to win against her in 08, she's just doing it so large and out in the open because she only cares about winning, not about the optics. Also we know she and her superPACS have been buying up media that have been "negative" on Clinton in the past. Well, Kos had been extremely "negative" on Clinton in 08, so why not buy him?
Also, my spider-sense is tingling, I really do believe that Kos wants to sell the website, and that he has already gotten this kind of offer:
" Clear out all the hippies and progressives and then we will pay you $X for the site."
Maybe the deal is tied together with a political position too.
But Kos is and should be the past. The only reason his name should be brought up is if anyone can get evidence that ties him to the Hillary campaign, especially a money trail. Then we can use that info to hammer the Clinton campaign and at the same time damage his brand.
Sans that it is time for us to do the best revenge, and that is move forward helping to elect progressives to political office.
Perhaps Kos is planning to
Perhaps Kos is planning to sell the website to David Brock, like what happened to Blue Nation Review, but needed to do some house cleaning first?
HEAR HEAR!!! Agreed.
I definitely sensed something weird in the tenor of the responses I was getting from people like elfling and MB regarding my TU HR abuse moderation questions.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
AND YES!!!!! To moving on....
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
perhaps it'll end up like MySpace
which Murdoch bought, just as Facebook totally, absolutely replaced it.
Meanwhile, one thing I was thinking yesterday is that, with Trump's success, it seems the Democrats are more in line, more sheeplish, than the Republicans.
Speaking of Trump, I saw a comment at that place talking about us here, that half of the site favors Trump. Well....shaking my head...if someone lacks understanding to that degree then no wonder he/she is for Hillary or whoever he/she is told to be for.
"half of the site favors Trump" ???
Shows you how deaf they are.
"None so deaf as those that will not hear.
None so blind as those that will not see."
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Well we've never actually taken a pole
but I'm willing to guesstamate that at least 85% favor Bernie, and the remainder favor the Green Party, and at least one favors not participating in the electoral process at all.
If Hillary gets the nomination, I will be supporting a certain woman for President who is definitely NOT a member of the Clinton family!
I have not heard ONE SINGLE 99er say that they favor Trump nor any other Republican.
So much for the reality based community at the GOS.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
As one who I'd rather burn in effigy?
Cuz that's about it... actually now I'm thinking about one of my favorite movies... The Wicker Man...
For the Humor impaired, keep in mind that joking threats against Presidential CANDIDATES are not specifically subject to federal prosecution.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
On what flat earth would a collection of us
Vote for trump?

Not flat - square
Bizarro World.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Your spidey sense
and mine. I have been posting for some time that his goal is to sell dkos. Hence all the emphasis on promoting page views and using the staff to push the shares on social media.
To be honest, it is my own feeling that after the election, especially if Clinton gets the nom and wins, dkos will become irrelevant.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So so so so so so so so so very glad you guys set this place up!
And boy am I especially glad you kept the SUBJECT BAR!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
and added the SIG LINE BACK!!!!!
HAH !!!!!!!!!!!
Love the sig lines, even though I never really used mine until they were removed with dk5, lol ....
....but i always loved reading other people's!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Hello, everyone!
First post here, the place still has that new blog smell.
I never registered at DK, realizing it was far too conservative for me and I would just get into massive conflicts if I tried posting, but I've lurked there for years. I hung out at FDL for a while, but had a falling out and now they've gone over the rainbow bridge. I hope to feel more at home here, though I expect I won't post much.
Markos' post was certainly clear enough. If Bernie hasn't locked up the nomination by the time the last Southern state has voted then he doesn't have a chance. My theory is that Kos has been Zell Miller in a rubber mask the whole time.
Many thanks to the proprietors of this site and congratulations on your rapid server upgrade.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
certainly seems like worrying about future primaries
it's been noted that Hillary is a strong regional candidate but that she's running out of states in that region. This move to declare the primary season over sure looks like a concern that things will turn.
Too funny!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Another long time Kos user joining. Enough is enough.
I really haven't participated much over there lately...
but I have to say that I'm disgusted by the great orange satan site owner's approach towards anyone that wants to engage in a full and transparent online debate of the primary candidates for the entirety of the primary process.
I'm glad to have found this site and I'm happy to be here.
Thanks for this!
I can't tell you how many times I sat stewing on Kos, wanting to speak up about what I believe in, knowing what would happen if I did: The Incredulous Pragmatic Mob. Ever since Bernie announced, the site has been positively dripping with smarmy condescension from so-called "progressives". This is classic schoolyard bully tactic: poke, poke, prod, insult, condescend until the one being bullied either breaks down and runs -- or responds in righteous anger. The latter inevitably results in not the bully being disciplined, but rather the recipient of such. I'm used to seeing this from republicans, the inability (or refusal) to self reflect. To watch it unfold on the left was dismaying to say the least. Remember all those "how's that hopey changey thing workin' out for ya?" memes and bumper stickers? Yeah. This feels much the same.
Anyway, sorry to ramble, but thank you again for creating this site. It's a damn good thing you upgraded your servers! Ellie Arroway: "I'm gonna need a bigger antenna."
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Turns out it is a big internet
Greetings to all kossacks, and former kossacks!
Like so many others, I'm here as a Sanders supporter, and feeling booted out of the dKos community as a consequence of Markos weird edict declaring HRC the only 2016 democratic candidate. I haven't been banned (yet), haven't gbcw'd. But I am flabbergasted by the whole unnecessary mess, and prefer to watch the mess unfold from a safe distance.
Anyway, it is nice to be here. Looking forward to interesting times!