Emmanuel Macron - Jupiter Rising - A New Liberal Hero?
I'm noticing how much love Macron is getting on some liberal sites just because his ego matches that of Trump. His government was hardly elected on a wave of euphoria, turnout was appalling.
His Jupiter speech and the choice of venue, Versailles, have Napoleonic overtones.
His Speech on Africa came straight out of the colonialists handbook.
His austerity coupled with trickle down economics need to be watched along with his business ties.
His eagerness to join the US in its 'Wars on terror', his positioning along Hollande's policy in Africa are worrying to say the least.
His Elitist Neoliberal world view is more than evident
Like his photo, Macron’s candidacy has been fashioned by experts. He is a product of the elite, with ambition, talent and a strong CV. He’s also the darling of the media, for good reason: his neoliberal, Europhile, Atlanticist, modernist message, delivered in a shout, sounds like a blend of editorials from Le Monde, Libération, L’Obs or L’Express.
Macron, a graduate of France’s prestigious ENA (National School of Administration), met Jacques Attali (former adviser to President Mitterrand and now board chairman of news site Slate) through millionaire Henry Hermand (funder of thinktanks La République des Idées and Terra Nova, and a major shareholder in Eric Fottorino’s magazine Le 1). Attali says: ‘Emmanuel Macron? I discovered him; I invented him’.
Attending ENA says it all. The Elites Candidate 100%
Thinking about it, he is France's Hillary Clinton and wants to be an orator in President Obama's image.
France is on holiday, it's summertime, that's why Trump had a nice easy trip on the 'Fête Nationale' wait until the autumn. The general feeling is, we are giving him a chance, wait and see.

HI La Fem, I've got the full platform in French. There are some
things in there I like e.g. funding rural schools under twelve pupils and add 2,500 - 3,000€ a year as an incentive to locate in a rural location.
Also his reduction of civil work force has redeployment in much needed ways, such as having service bureaus open after 17h on weekdays and open on samedi (Saturday).
But and however, saying he is like Ronald Reagan, is not an overstatement: he is antiunion, for austerity, pro corporate. How we watch him and better still see that he doesn't bring over any more of the US worst practices is the question.
Why was he voted in when Sarkozy was a lame duck after his first year, and Hollande, although given more time to do what the platform stated, ended up the same. What made voters think a pro NATO, pro trade, anti union, pro austerity (just a few items on his neo liberal agenda) would be any different if not worse than the previous two. I cannot figure this out. There were options in the first round. And anyone I talked with was scared to death of Le Pen, who at least is very visible in her goals.
Is Macron the king some say the French are looking for?
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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It's a wait and see, he screws this up as a 'centrist' then
The guardian article is like old stale lemonade ...
Referring to the guardian article Brand new Macron, same old colonialism - Eliza Anyangwe and in there just the quotes given by US author Laura Seay. My critical comment goes against Laura Seay, not Elza Anyangue, whose blood boiled over and I know why. Just to be clear.
"plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"—"the more it changes, the more it's the same thing".
I remember the discussions about these issues from 1968 to 1999 in my extended family. I was reminded of it lately between 2014 to 2015. I just want to comment to one paragraph in that article.
With all due respect my experience doesn't support some of her comment quoted in the article. It's not the influence of the Catholic Church's teaching against the usage of contraceptiva, which is responsible for the number of children African women give birth to, at least not in my experience.
My mother-in-law, born in the francophone part of Cameroon, gave birth to 14 children. 7 died. She gave birth from the 1918 to 1945. The churches in her village were affiliated with American missionaries and not catholic ones. The colonialists in her village were the Germans til 1918, then the French. Her husband was not a polygame and an assistant 'doctor' to colonial medical doctors in that village.
And African woman who refused to have children or tried to prevent pregancies in those times were pressured from the female sister-in-laws to give birth and consume marital intercourse whenever it was wanted by the husband (their brother). If they would not comply, they were thrown off the family clan. Isolated. Disrespected. Sent back home to her family, a "shameful" affair. A woman who couldn't give birth for real medical reasons had a very complicated role to play in her extendend family clan.
In the next generation, ie my sister-in-laws (now dead but would be in the seventies to eighties today) all could have had access to contraceptiva, if they needed them. I saw those contraceptiva with my own eyes in their households. At least it was not the lack of money and there were no legal impediments for them to get anticontraceptiva. (Ironically it might have been more difficult for poor Afro-American women to have access to contraceptiva than for her 'sisters' in Africa). The number of children my sister-in-laws gave birth to ranged from zero to three to six to ten children. Some of the children were born in France, as their mothers - with or without their husbands - made it into France in the sixties and seventies.
The next to next generation. One of those children of my sister-in-law, born already in France, I hold as a baby in my arms, when I visited her in 1970. Neither parents of her were catholic. I lost contact to her mother later on because if separated from my francophone husband some twenty plus years later in the US.
When my former husband died two years ago, among the guests during service in the funeral home, was this baby I hold in my arms in 1970. She lived in France her whole life with her francophone African husband. I understood through conversations with her and one of my husband nieces that she had ten children, all born in France. Even that niece (now having two kids in America and all being American citizens and being herself in the fifties) said "oh, my, ten kids that's "trop" (too many)". When I asked my niece how she managed to raise ten kids in France and if her husband was somehow a well-to-do guy, my nieces' facial expressions indicated she took offense at my question. You can't indirectly accuse an African woman to have too many kids as a white woman not affiliated to the family. Babies are "gifts of God" and therefore you don't accuse a women to give birth to children.
So, to me it's clear that the church has little to do with it, nor does the question of being rich or not, has anything to do with how many children African women give birth to. Many AFricans adore the Pope and the Catholic church as a matter of hope to compete against traditional religions, who can be feared as being destructive.
I do believe to have learned that birth control is left to the responsibility of the women. Men don't want to use methods available to them to take care of preventing pregnancies. They refuse it for the most part. Women might be glad to have birth control drugs or methods available to them, but are also influenced by the role their traditions pressure them to play.
I do believe that a francophome woman living in the US with her francophone African husband wouldn't give birth to ten children in the US.
And I do believe that is due to the miserable social support of the US healthcare system and school system of the US. To raise 10 children in the US and being not rich is less possible or desirable than in France, where at least you get your kids through school and they are covered for their health insurance independently from their parents class status and ethnicity.
Most African women I know about today react like all other women everywhere. They try to control the number of children they give birth to, hopefully in accordance with the father(s) of their children.
With other comments in that article I would agree:
I agree with all of that and it has been discussed ad nauseam. The author Laura Seay (or may be it's Eliza Anyangwe - I don't know who says what in that article ) reflects the long-standing rivalry between francophony and anglophony in Cameroon or even in general. One should not forget that such activities by Paul Biya to imprison opponents with brutality behind the curtain has NOT elicited a peep in the United States as well.
So, what else is new? It never stops, right? It goes on and on with the same bullshit from one generation to the next and the next to next. May be the fourth generation gets it right. As all
goodbad things are three.Sigh.
My experience in Niger is that in the communities with low
I would say its directly related to education level as well as an economic divide.
Your experience might be more significant than mine
yet I still doubt that the catholic church doctrine has much influence on male behavior in the diverse family clans among different tribal ethnicities.
A large (60 percent) part of the Niger population is Sunni Muslims. a smaller part is Shi'a. Around 20 percent practice Christiqan religions being established by the French colonialists. For tribal variety found in Niger it's a complex mix and I doubt, even if it has been known to be secular and good inter-faith relations, that the Christian missionary schools' teaching in rural areas are the real cause for the gender roles in the family units.
I hadn't direct contact to islam francophone African family structures, only those who had been exposed to Christian churches. I looked like the influence is strong but least when it comes to heterosexual relations within marriages.
But it's really not important, just one aspect of the one article you mentioned. And my experience is from some fourty years ago. Much may have changed. Poverty is different in the Sahel Zone compared to the rain forest areas too. So, I just was triggered by that specific article and the quotes.
Let's forget about it. I just got triggered by the perceived division between francophone and anglophone AFricans and the continuous easy exploit to explain such things as why African women give birth to so many children. For the real poor, children are wealth. The poverty and hunger etc of the children is due to political abuse of the ones who have weapons to terrorize the civilian population. At least that's what I believe.
I still have to read the rest of the articles you quoted. It's really nice to get some links from the "francophones" spectrum. Thanks.
It is also complex. As for Francophone v Anglophone
yeah, it's like voting for the lesser evil, right?
He's arguably no better than LePen in sum,
and perhaps she'll win the next round, if the French can't find a better idea between now and then.
Neo-Liberalism is dead, and the old Left is weak. We need a modern leftist movement.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Macron's a 'chancer'
Don't be surprised to wake up one morning to cries of 'Vive l'Empereur!', and the administration of Macron 1er.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Trump gets his revenge.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
2 idiots.
How many dullards on the 'left'
are basing their undying love and 'support' for the guy on the 'Battle of the Handshakes'?
I've read post after post about what a wonderful guy this and great guy that he is and NONE is based on the guy's politics or policy but on whether or not he out Trumps Trump in the handshake department.
We are soooo doomed.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
He's a disaster, IMO.
Might even be able to do more damage than LePen would manage cause he looks and talks pretty.
We'll see, if he fails then Le Pen will probably get her chance
What I notice about Macron
is that he has made no obligatory trip to Israel--unlike our fearless leader. Netanyahoo has not, so far as I know, been invited to Versailles for ceremonial toe kissing, again, not following T-Rump's example, although I believe Bennie has just this week invited himself to Paris. Other, less important heads of state, such as, oh, the President of Russia and the Chancellor of Germany, follow diplomatic protocol and wait to be invited before crossing international borders.
Nor am I aware that Macron has joined in any demonizing of Assad or Iran.
I regard the new President of France as a man of immense will and talent and few or no discernible principles. He puts me in mind of Julius Ceasar, albeit on a lesser scale.
Mary Bennett
He is a pure product of the ENA.
My pre-election doubts about Macron are being swiftly realized
I did not expect Jupiter on the throne, though Napoleon would have been a good fit. Can EM throw a wicked thunderbolt to smite his enemies, those who do not thrive in austerity (which is mostly everyone). With his cosying up to Trump (the less charitable might call it sucking up but such would diminish the stature of such a manly man). Not being a Francophone nor having visited France, makes me about as expert in French affairs as our recently departed empty suit BHO. So from across the pond or whatever the French term is, I still believe that LePen's populism will resonate better with the French citizen than Macron's neoliberalism. Some political outsider he was. Yeah, right. You know, just like Loyd Blankfein.
I was fortunate to have a picture of Jupiter sitting on his throne, awaiting his consort Juno (Angela Merkel) to arrive.
Macron the Twerp
If you're going to rule world, at least get the tie right.
from a reasonably stable genius.