Greeting's Old Friends!!!

Just wanted to throw out a hello and say that I'm alive and well!

I saw the handwriting on the wall at DailyKos 2 weeks ago when the mass timeout was initiated. I was included in that roundup! I haven't posted there since!

I beat the March 15 rush by signing up here 2 days ago before Kos even posted his decree. And then... the rest of you showed up, crashed the server and kept me from logging in my first time. But I'm so happy to see so many familiar names here. I'm planning on making this my new home. Glad to see so many joining me here!

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joe shikspack's picture

good to see you!

yeah, the sudden deluge of people really took us by surprise. we had kind of expected a slow, steady migration of people over here and then somebody opened the floodgates.

we're glad you guys are here nonetheless. Smile

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PhilJD's picture

As I've been saying, fucking wow... and we haven't reached March 15 yet. Are you guys successfully blocking the registration of obvious trolls, or have the centrists not quite deigned to notice C99 yet?

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Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!

joe shikspack's picture

so far everything seems to be going alright. jtc has been eyeballing the registrations as they come in and they also show up in my email stream. quite a lot of the names are folks that we recognize.

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detroitmechworks's picture

I'm not much further behind ya.

Had my suspicions with the DK5 roll out, and honestly, I quit because Kos was condescending to me personally.

I don't feel the need to waste my time on that. Did a few comments here and there afterwords, but the magic was gone. Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Glad to see you. I hope we can keep this going. I was part of another attempt Voices on the Square that never worked out. Either way, I am not going back to kos

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i wasn't included in the time-outs, but i, too, have been seeing the handwriting on the wall at dk for some time now. it's actually a relief to no longer be associated with a site that would endorse a third-way/dlc democrat. bleccchh.

btw, i'm at the subreddit site kossacks for sanders, which has a lot of dk refugees, some of whom are here, as well (my name is bluezens). look forward to interacting/communicating with fellow bernie supporters Smile

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Dk refugee, too.

i went there periodically to read because i support progressive causes. then i started getting the daily recommend list. then i wrote my first diary a week ago and learned that my girlfriend is a democratic party hack. but she called herself a progressive!

anyway, the primary isn't over until it's over. maybe i will hold my nose and vote for hillary, and maybe i won't.

but i am done with DK.

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