Here Her comes to save the day! Again! What a gal!

From one of dkmich's posts, I learned this morning that Hillary Rodham Clinton is trying to figure out Her role in the 2018 midterms.

O cursèd spite! I lagged tragically behind yet again: Last I knew before this, Secretary Clinton, with President Obama, was to oversee "re-building" the Democratic Party and Hillary was also to lead a "resistance." Is she such an über pol that she can rebuild the Party that some might say the Clintons and Obama destroyed (though, in fairness, they had plenty of help) and lead a resistance while also playing a significant role in the midterms? If so, why could she not get a single bill that she wrote passed into law, other than a scant handful of bills about things like remembering the Revolution, recognizing the long dead (and therefore relatively uncontroversial) Harriet Tubman or re-naming a post office (while Difi's husband was buying up the rest of them)? Hmmmmm?

Taxpayers, for the money Hills cost them, got bills that died young and bloviating on the floor of the Senate about things like the urgent need to give Bush an AUMF to use in his sole discretion and her view of marriage as between a woman standing by her man (while trying to destroy his mistresses and/or victims). Yes, Hillary, like Tammy Wynette--and then some, because Tammy did D*I*V*O*R*C*E (or A*N*N*U*L) five times. Obviously, if Hillary chose to remain with Bill and hatchet job the women, it follows, as night follows day, that marriage is a sacred bond that should be withheld from same gender couples, doesn't it? If you can't follow that logic, you just don't deserve to vote for any Clinton. Ever. Then again, no one deserves to vote for any Clinton. Ever.

Yes, boys and girls, Hillary is exactly the hero Democrats need to repair the Democratic Party. Right along with the guy who gave us the written-to-fail ACA and oversaw the fastest transfer of wealth to the very wealthy in all of known history. Perhaps they will even be joined by Bubba, who gave us DOMA, DADT, NAFTA, the Telecommunications Act, the 2008 economic collapse of several nations, the first re-election "War Room" in the White House and making the Lincoln Bedroom available to big campaign donors (all at taxpayer expense). You know, those Democratic values that we have been hearing so much about of late.

I can't say whether or not Hillary is also the one to lead the resistance because I don't know what that is all about: Last I knew, the "Mission" button on Her "resistance" website did not work; only the donation button did. That's our gal all over, isn't it just? As for Her role the midterms, based on the outcomes of the 2008 primary and the 2016 general, followed by the reaction of Democrats' to her whining victim tour, I would recommend the role of absentee. That is, I would recommend that if I cared about Demlicans or Republicrats. As it is, my only comment about our hero's role in the midterms is "Not my circus; not my monkeys.







And, for those great feminists, Albright , Clinton and Steinem....


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Charperson sounds very important! Wink

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Big Al's picture

has watched all the films and done all the analytics to prepare a plan to beat the other team next year. It really has nothing to do with governing, trying to provide service to citizens, etc., it's all about the democrats beating the republicans and vice versa. The more I read about it and think about it the more absurd it gets.
This is another example to those who somehow think the party can be reformed or pushed to the left of how it simply can't.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Big Al Corruption cannot be reformed. It must be exposed and then crushed to death.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


And now, it's constitutionally protected!

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@Big Al
When a sports team does the Monday morning quarterbacking, it's usually sincerely eager to find mistakes, missed opportunities, etc. so it can improve performance in the next game.

When Democrats do the political version of Monday morning quarterbacking, however, they almost always come up with things like "We heard you and promise to cooperate more with Republicans," or "We need better messaging," or, as with Hillary in 2016, "The many mistakes I made did not cost me the election. One or more things that I could not possibly control or have foreseen cost me the election." (not a direct quote, despite the quotation marks)

IMO, that is not because these elites are stupid. It's because (a) what they are already doing is the best way to make sure their respective and collective nests stay feathered to the max--whether or not they win primary or general elections; (b) they don't take responsibility, even while they say they are taking responsibility and (c) see (a).

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snoopydawg's picture

@HenryAWallace in 2006 it was "we are keeping our powder dry." Dry for what or for when?
If they ever get control of congress again, will they use their powder finally or have another excuse for not being able to pass their legislation?
Greenwald wrote an article on how the democrats have rotating members who step up to block their legislation.
I'll try to find it.
The ACA could have been anything they wanted it to be because they passed it through reconciliation and didn't need one republican vote. Yet they let the republicans water it down and make it worthless.
Look at how many changes he had to do recess appointments and yet he never bothered to try.
The empty suit president.
Then there was Obama's excuse for not being able to pass his legislation. The republicans wouldn't let him.
Did he even say anything about how the republicans wouldn't allow Garland to even have a hearing?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


The Democratic Party’s deceitful game

Democrats perpetrate the same scam over and over on their own supporters, and this illustrates perfectly how it’s played:

Jay Rockefeller on the Public Option: “I Will Not Relent”

Jay Rockefeller has waited a long time for this moment. . . . He’s [] a longtime advocate of health care for children and the poor — and, as Congress moves toward its moment of truth on health care, perhaps the most earnest, dogged Senate champion of a nationwide public health insurance plan to compete with private insurance companies.

“I will not relent on that. That’s the only way to go,” Rockefeller told me in an interview. “There’s got to be a safe harbor.”

President Obama often says a public option is needed to drive down costs and keep insurance companies honest. To Rockefeller, it’s both more basic and more vital: The federal government is the only institution people can count on in times of need.

Rockefeller Not Inclined To Support Reconciliation For The Public Plan

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) threw a wrench into Democratic efforts to get a public option passed through reconciliation, saying that he thought the maneuver was overly partisan and that he was inclined to oppose it. . .

“I don’t think the timing of it is very good,” the West Virginia Democrat said on Monday. “I’m probably not going to vote for that” . . . In making his sentiment known, Rockefeller becomes perhaps the most unexpected skeptic of the public-option-via-reconciliation route. The Senator was a huge booster of a government run insurance option during the legislation drafting process this past year.

In other words, Rockefeller was willing to be a righteous champion for the public option as long as it had no chance of passing (sadly, we just can’t do it, because although it has 50 votes in favor, it doesn’t have 60). But now that Democrats are strongly considering the reconciliation process — which will allow passage with only 50 rather than 60 votes and thus enable them to enact a public option — Rockefeller is suddenly “inclined to oppose it” because he doesn’t “think the timing of it is very good” and it’s “too partisan.” What strange excuses for someone to make with regard to a provision that he claimed, a mere five months ago (when he knew it couldn’t pass), was such a moral and policy imperative that he “would not relent” in ensuring its enactment.

This sounds familiar, doesn't it? This is what happened in California when the leading democrat shelved single payer legislation after he had enough votes for it to pass.

This article has much more information along with links to other articles.

Glenn has been exposing the truth about the democrats for years. No wonder he's person non grata on ToP. During the Bush years, people couldn't get enough of him, but once Barry was elected president, he became a pariah on the site.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


Then again, for some, it's never enough money. John D. himself would rather pay Pinkertons to brutalize workers than give them a raise or safer working conditions.

By the time Rockefeller died in 1937, his assets equaled 1.5% of America’s total economic output. To control an equivalent share today would require a net worth of about $340 billion dollars, more than four times that of Bill Gates, currently the world’s richest man.

His estate and that of his brother--at least so much as was put in trusts, were not subject to inheritance tax still paying out to heirs. However. as trust beneficiaries die now, the trust "sprays" their share to their kids. So, the trusts will terminate soon.

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post. So sorry!

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That's why I sometimes get frustrated when I see posters I usually agree with saying Democrats in the House or Senate are cowards or spineless or clueless. It's self-defeating, self-deception because they cannot admit Democrats do crap on purpose.

I did not read Greenwald's article on the sign up, but I had figured it out on my own. My classic illustration of it is the "close" vote on Amash Conyers. (Coincidentally, The Guardian was the first thing to come up when I googled for the vote.)

Take Congressman Kennedy, representing the district that includes Newton, Massachusetts. As we have all heard, Massachusetts is a very blue state and Newton is one of the more liberal cities in that state. (Before re-districting, it was Barney Frank's district.) It will not go Republican. And Kennedys are still revered by many in their home state of Massachusetts. (ed won his last election by a huge margin.)

In our stinky two party system, that means Rep. Kennedy's seat is as safe as safe can be. So, clearly, he could vote against Amash Conyers with no risk to his seat--and he is one of the Democrats who did vote against it. Another thing they monkey around with that way is cloture voting.

As far as the ACA, we discussed that for eight years on the board where I used to post. I don't know all the ins and outs of reconciliation/ I read about it and thought I understood it. However, then I went to the Byrd Rule and was not sufficiently motivated to spend tje additional time it would have taken to digest that, too. However, I do know that the whole bill did not pass by reconciliation. Someone who seemed knowledgeable (but was an Obamabot and remained so while supporting Sanders said it was impossible for the whole bill to pass by reconciliation. I fell for it, right up until the Republicans threatened to pass their entire bill by reconciliation.

Lieberman, who had lost his primary bid to a challenger in his last election, allowed himself to be scapegoated on the ACA and cloture because he knew he was not running again. No worries, though. His wife long worked for a lobbyist (kids, too maybe--who knows?) and now he is one himself. (Barney Frank, of course, is working for banks now.) See? It all works out for them whether they win, lose or decide not to run, much as I posted to Big Al on this thread yesterday.

edited to delete an incorrect statement about Sanders, thanks to Centaurea's correction.
While I was at it, I added info about Massachusetts loving Kennedys in general.


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Centaurea's picture


Sad to say, Bernie, who marched in gay pride parades decades ago, voted for DOMA, using the exact same excuse as all the more left Democrats who voted for it--the states should decides.

Bernie did not vote for DOMA. As the official vote tally shows, as a member of the House of Representatives at the time, he voted "Nay". The states' rights argument was used in opposition to DOMA, not to support it.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone


Gee, I wonder what corporate-serving interests might be continuing to spread smears/misrepresentations about Bernie... seeing more and more, generally long-dead-zombie ones repeatedly disproven but not anymore showing easily when Googled at least for me. (I do have outstandingly lousy - and often unrelated - search results in what seem to be 'sensitive' areas.)

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North corporations. Plenty. of other things are heir fault, but not my prior post.

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in Vermont, not in Congress. /05/bernie_sanders_on_marriage_equality_he_s_no_longtime_champion.html

You are absolutely right about his vote and about the states' rights argument. I should have checked before I posted, rather than relying on my memory of the back and forth about equal marriage during the primary. I'm so sorry. I will edit or delete or something, so that my prior post leads no one astray.

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I don't know what was on that page, but got this:

You Have Reached a 404 Page


You’ve reached this page because what you were looking for does not exist or there’s been an error. Rest assured that we are looking into it. In the meantime, we have great content for you to choose from in the menu bar at the top right of the screen. You can also click the Slate logo there to return to the home page.

Yuuuuuge load of smears on Bernie out there - TPTB are running scared, more than ever, and are attacking, as usual, his strengths to project their own weaknesses onto him.

We must not confuse real pragmatism in a forward-moving strategy for the corporate politician's 'incremental' moves toward fascism and thereby yet again fall in line with TPTB's ongoing attempts to further foment destructive division among actual progressives.

We also must learn the right lessons from the past and never toss proven allies based on what propagandists tell us, in order to encourage this.

Fighting for LGBT Equality

... Senator Sanders has been a longtime supporter of LGBT rights. In 1983, during his first term as Mayor of Burlington, Sen. Sanders supported the city’s first ever Pride Parade. He later signed a city ordinance banning housing discrimination.

When he served in the House of Representatives, then-Congressman Sanders voted against “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 1993 and the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” in 1996. Sen. Sanders hailed the landmark Supreme Court decisions in 2013 and 2015 which struck down DOMA and recognized same-sex marriage is a right in all 50 states, calling the decisions a “victory for same-sex couples across our country as well as all those seeking to live in a nation where every citizen is afforded equal rights.”

The United States has made remarkable progress on gay rights in a relatively short amount of time. But there is still much work to be done.

In many states, it is still legal to fire someone for being gay. It is legal to deny someone housing for being transgender. That is unacceptable and must change. We must end discrimination in all forms.

Sen. Sanders is currently a cosponsor of the Equality Act, which would expand the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other anti-discrimination laws to include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. He has consistently supported legislation that would guarantee LGBT Americans would be treated as equal citizens, and has a lifetime perfect score from the Human Rights Campaign. ...

Looking at what Bernie's achieved for the public good throughout his career in an often impossible situation, it's plain that his tactics typically work well, even if he can't achieve miracles instantly and may have to fall back and regroup or 'go underground' for a while while still strategically planning and working toward some improvement for the most vulnerable.

And claims involving some purported complete character change in Bernie from interested parties/corporate/conned/subverted media trying to crush all hope of everything that he's ever fought for by essentially claiming that Bernie's just like the corporate Dems, when presented in the light of their ever-so-typical projection, should be taken with a goodly pinch of salt.

Especially when examples of the previously-documented/quoted facts disproving any claim of Bernie 'being against same-sex marriage' as Vermont Mayor now seem so difficult to find on the net, which is in the process of being censored.

We know what the corporate politicians are and we know what they do and how they work, especially the Clinton faction.

And we know Bernie's character and record.

Bernie Sanders
Mayor, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative(1941–)

Is Bernie Sanders the Most LGBT-Friendly Candidate?

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is ready to give Hillary Clinton a run for her money — literally.
By Sunnivie Brydum
April 30 2015 4:48 PM EDT

... But Sanders has also been a steadfast and reliable supporter of LGBT equality, supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act when it passed the Senate in 2013 and even calling on President Obama to evolve already and support marriage equality in 2011. He's a cosponsor of the federal LGBT-inclusive Student Non-Discrimination Act and has consistently voted against bills seeking to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, while cosponsoring a bill that would repeal the remaining portions of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. Sanders has a perfect score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign's latest Congressional Equality Index.

Sanders used Twitter to highlight that long-standing support Monday, just one day before the Supreme Court heard arguments on marriage equality. That comment included an overt reference to Clinton — albeit to the former president and not the current presidential hopeful:

You can't claim to support equality and not support equal rights. #SCOTUSmarriage

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) April 27, 2015

Clinton herself welcomed Sanders to the 2016 race with a tweet Thursday morning, while she has previously fired back at critics who lambasted what they claim was her slow evolution to support full marriage equality.

"You know, somebody is always first," Clinton told NPR's Terry Gross last summer. "Somebody’s always out front and thank goodness they are. But that doesn’t mean that those who joined later in being publicly supportive or even privately accepting that there needs to be change are any less committed. You could not be having the sweep of marriage equality across our country if nobody changed their mind. And thank goodness so many of us have."

And now it's switched from Clinton admitting to 'having evolved' slowly when politically expedient to claims of Bernie having been against same-sex marriage because of his sensibly allowing some adjustment time to allow the notion of equality to 'settle' in the minds of those who had been propagandized to believe that people's personal lives and loves should be controlled by 'authority' to 'conform' to the patterns favoured by such authority. Sometimes pushing for everything all at once stymies the entire process, especially when it was any considered virtually impossible to achieve by many.

Working on gains in and for the public interest is different than stalling on supporting/initiating such public gains with excuses of fake pragmatism because your donors want to personally gain by draining the public of rights and all else and will pass along a few nice big crumbs to their political enablers.

There's just never been another Bernie before and if he's wasted now due to propaganda campaigns, there will likely never be another one again - and that's the point of this panicky smear campaign.

The strategy of the Bern is working and the people are more widely aware and less easily conned, although the Big Lie does take its toll even on those who might be considered best equipped to withstand it.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

primary, so I know about the info you posted and, heaven knows, I am no fan of media. However, when a candidate is running for POTUS and mainstream sources say something negative and very wrong, the campaign will contact them. If that had happened, I think a google search would turn up the correct info. However, Bernie defended his opposition to equal marriage in Vermont, so the stories about that are accurate. This link is to the Blade, but the story contains a video of Sanders speaking to Maddow, so you can ignore the Blade story.

You did not say which link gave you the 404 message, the one to slate or the one to time. Clicking on the links in my post, I had no trouble with either of them. If you tell me which did not work for you, I will see if I can post some pertinent quotes from it.

Meanwhile, here they are again, just in case they work here, along with another one I found that goes into detail and reflects the results of my primary era research.

If you find anything that contradicts the NYT article, I'd be very interested.

One carp made by many that I think unfair is that, when he voted against DOMA, he did not make a full throated case for the right of gays to marry, but only said it was a states' rights issue. In fact, EVERY one who voted against DOMA said the same thing, including Ted Kennedy. (That Bernie had joined Ted and the others in citing the same reason for the voted helped scramble my memory on the issue.)

First, I don't give damn why anyone takes the right vote, as long as they take the right vote. Second, it seems obvious that those who voted against it had agreed to use the same story. Third, let's face it: They are politicians and that was the best thing they could say to placate their conservative supporters.

When politicians take an unpopular, but correct, vote that could cost them their seats, For me, that's group Profiles in Courage award time. They should be praised, not nitpicked, especially Bernie, who had been a very open supporter so early on.

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Steven D's picture

Not by Hillary, but you my friend.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

@Steven D

Some of them just write themselves (though they stick me with the editing).

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Arrow's picture

I was just starting to have a nice day too.
Well I'm 2000 miles away...I'll concentrate on watching people in the park.
(Put's on a happy face)

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I want a Pony!


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gendjinn's picture

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The Democratic Party, the country, the voters, etc. don't matter except for how they could benefit one or more Clintons.

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Please, Hillary, stay home and make cookies for your grandbabies?

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Mary Bennett


able to discern. Same for letters, emails, calls, whatever. The cake is baked before we even find out that they headed for the kitchen.

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CB's picture

The last time she baked a bunch, there was bloodshed in the streets and a legitimate government was overthrown.

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But, after the absence of cookie crumbled public opinion during Bill's Presidential campaign...

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TheJerry's picture

DCC Organizing Committee Chair for the Martian Colonies.

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"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli

"Sorry Hillary"




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The first video wasn't available; the 2nd - if I hadn't quit drinking for health reasons, I would now, lol. AA might want to use that, lol.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

this clicking on this:

Alternatively, go to you tube and enter the following into youtube's search bar at youtube: Bravo Watch What Happens Live Goldwyn Hillary Martini

Judging by Andy Cohen's grin, I bet Goldwyn had phrased it differently when he spoke to Cohen about it backstage before the show. Until I saw this, I had dismissed stories that she was a lush.

Yeah. I watch Bravo. Wanna make su'im out of it? (kidding--about the challenge, but not about watching Bravo--guilty pleasure)

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Thanks, although it also said 'Video not available'...

Tried your suggestion and got everything but, so went to the site 'Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen' and looked through a stack of videos, and again saw everything but anything to do with Hillary and Martini's. I suspect it may be blocked for at least some of us? Gotta love censorship, if so...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

that she should be active but not dominant will get him a knife in the back. As he mentions new ideas, I doubt he is talking about policy. He probably means new slogans.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

That and cat food.

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0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

It was supposed to give Obama cover to act against Social Security. That's why Obama created it and, to head it, appointed Simpson and the guy who did his best to cut entitlements during the Clinton administration. (All together now, seniors, disabled and "widows and orphans:" Thank you, Monica.) But, all the Commission came up with was weak sauce.

If at first Clinton, Bush and Obama don't succeed, try, try again.

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I might have shrugged off Clinton and beleived her to be an aberation. but after the Catfood Commision, means testing Social Security, chained CPI, and TPP she was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

Americans hope eliminated (exterminated?) it for many lifelong Democrats.

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And I'd expect that cat food would require quite a strong sauce to cover the taste of cow anuses, bowel contents and whatever chemicals are put in to make it appear (at least in chemical testing, and according to labels) that you're feeding your cat/grandma something nutritious. Rather like some 'human-quality' processed foods.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

dervish's picture

@Ellen North

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


Big-assed squid? (Since anuses were previously mentioned, lol.)

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Lol, usually such things as rubbery rings are destined to be thrown for the dog, but if I'm being warned off them, maybe not... ???

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Also in "all beef hot dogs." The exception: kosher hot dogs. Not sure about organic hot dogs. BTW, for other reasons, I buy only organic poultry. I don't buy all organic, but some things I just cannot stomach anymore--no pun intended.

I should really go vegan because I prefer veggies to meat anyway.

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WaterLily's picture

@HenryAWallace And extended it to "meatless most days." And when we do it eat, we make a point of buying from someone we know. (Exception: if someone else is feeding us, we accept graciously).

I'm torn on veganism as so many of the substitutes are processed crap. I prefer the "fresh, whole foods" philosophy, bolstered with ethically sourced dairy and fish.

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I generally prefer a diet of mostly veggies myself, but was scared off after being informed that 'you are what you eat'.

On the other hand, zombies have never struck me as being particularly bright, especially recalling the never-learning Zombie Hillary evidently sucking up her supporters brains, so perhaps dietary sympathetic magic doesn't work, after all?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

dervish's picture

She'd be most effective as a Trump advocate, as her support would undermine his.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."


As George Carlin said, "It's a big club and you ain't in it."


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Arrow's picture

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I want a Pony!


Star Trek shirts. We saved the battles for when we had bigger fish to fry.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@Arrow Those kids are what? 10-13? And they have....what are those, giant teddy bear things?

Yeah, I'll chalk that one up as odd. It's not like he is constrained by a budget or anything, haha.

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Bet they had bodyguards to deal with the results.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@dervish in her pocket. Why not Jump to Trump?

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Hillary Rodham Clinton is trying to figure out Her role in the 2018 midterms.

is always trying to 'figure out' something?

Whether it's her hair or her message or her wardrobe or her demeanor, there is always something she's just not sure about.

Now she's trying to figure out her role in the midterms?

Funny, because that's the one thing about which no one, least of all Hillary, should have any doubt.


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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

dervish's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger we can be assured that it will be wholly calculated and fake.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

CB's picture


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@Not Henry Kissinger

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WaterLily's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger Just no.

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dog catcher, undertaker, Madame du Barry

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


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I won't vote for her for anything.

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

And she should be kept well away from helpless animals. She finds the agonizing deaths of people Hilarious.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

"Bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran," but not a peep from them about these examples of levity over death and devastation:


(Pandering show host in video below joins in the laughter! Good grief! Who is this "journalist?")

Iraq War vote-Hard Choice or Hysterical Choice?


And for those who still think only Trump is dangerous and bucking futz:

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I kinda liked the idea someone had a while back about isolating all of the Greeds ruining everything together in luxury on a island somewhere, but really, can't you see them, once they no longer have all of us to torment, torturing each other to death for amusement one at a time, starting with the most vulnerable among themselves?

Maybe luxurious, separate padded rooms for each might be more humane?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Amanda Matthews's picture

seems fit and proper for the old pay-for-play war monger.

EDIT: fit/for
EDIT EDIT: on iPhone this sucks!

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

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@Amanda Matthews

And inaudible, please!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Mark from Queens's picture

That line has stuck with me from the time I first heard it from him, which was last year during the primaries from the video clip below. Here's part of the transcript of one of the many appearances he made about this subject:

It still divides us as between those of us who think that a job must be found for Hillary Clinton, that the country would be somehow disgraced if she wasn’t in an important position, and those of us who could do without her. And neither answer to that question is gonna make any difference at all to the way the market performs.

If there were some foreign policy experience or brilliance Hillary Clinton had ever shown maybe we overlook the fact that she and her husband have never met a foreign political donor they don’t like and haven’t taken from.

Look, this is the woman who played the race card on Barack Obama. This is the woman who if you were for "Change that you can believe in," whatever change it was, you were voting against. This is the woman whose foreign policy experience consists of making a fool of herself and fabricating a story about Bosnia. This is the woman who, with her husband, have so many connections fundraising connections overseas: Indonesia, China.

Just look at today’s and yesterday’s New York Times at the list of people with whom the former President Clinton has acquired a tremendous burden of debt. These are people who pay him all the time. From odd parts of the Middle East to strange donors all over the place.

I often find myself thinking that there's no better than Hitchens, in terms of discoursing on practically any issue, from a historical standpoint to its current 360 degree geopolitical import. Staggering command of almost any issue. Man, he is very sorely missed. Greenwald is in that league, I think. But Hitchens was also brilliantly poetic and downright hilarious too, even when, and especially when, he was discoursing on his feet.

One more for our edification, in 2008, "The Case Against Hillary Clinton:
Why on earth would we choose to put the Clinton family drama at the center of our politics again?"

What does matter is that she has since altered her position and attempted, with her husband's help, to make people forget that she ever held it. And this, on a grave matter of national honor and security, merely to influence her short-term standing in the Iowa caucuses. Surely that on its own should be sufficient to disqualify her from consideration? Indifferent to truth, willing to use police-state tactics and vulgar libels against inconvenient witnesses, hopeless on health care, and flippant and fast and loose with national security: The case against Hillary Clinton for president is open-and-shut. Of course, against all these considerations you might prefer the newly fashionable and more media-weighty notion that if you don't show her enough appreciation, and after all she's done for us, she may cry.

The tiny window through which to force the utterly detested, corrupt, hubristic and arrogant Protectorate of the 1%, HRC, onto the public again, only exists because the imbecilic and demented buffoon Drumplethinkskin, is also so deeply loathed as to give this kind of fleeting, and in the end insufficient, cover for her to be thought of again as some kind of appealing opposition to rally the masses.

So pathetic. Frankly, I don't see the vast majority of Americans buying into this next concocted fraud either. Especially not when Bernie stands alone among all politicians with the kind of gravitas rarely seen. Because of him and someone like Corbyn, who speak plainly about the gulf between the haves and have-nots, people's bullshit detector's are much more attuned and maybe altered for the foreseeable future.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens

Of course, we came to yearn for the days when her only foreign policy experience was making a fool of herself. No sooner was she made SOS than she began making fools of all of us.



The Clinton Foundation stuff? Even less amusing.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens well stated, Mark.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Anja Geitz's picture

She did in her last failed Presidential run. Listening to statistical models from her tech gurus while ignoring what's actually, and organically, happening on the ground with real people.

“Would she be well received? Of course, she would be. But we’re not going to win these races because Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi comes to the state and campaigns,” Mauro said. “We’re going to win it because we represent new leadership and new ideas.

Ha! That's a good one. My money is on more arrogance from them. And more schadenfreude for me when they do lose the mid-terms.

As Mr. Dick head used to say "Your tears are delicious".

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

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Anja Geitz's picture


I was watching a live feed of Debbie from the Sane Progressive and Claudia Stauber follow the returns online. They were both horrified and laughing their heads off at the same time. I felt much the same way. I really thought Hillary & Co. were going to do a better job stealing it. Imagine my surprise when they didn't?

Having the Dems lose the mid-terms after doubling down with their outrageous lies will be gratifying indeed. That and TOP losing their shit over it. It'll be like a schadenfreude version of Christmas Day.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

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@Anja Geitz

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@Anja Geitz Me too on election night. I swore I wouldn't watch it as I just knew she had it rigged and then, I was as shocked as we all were and really somewhat giddy, slap happy as my mother used to call it, laughing so hard at the ugliness of it all. The next morning of course was far more sobering, but overall I can say I felt much better than I would have had she won.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

There are democrats who actually think she is popular? Beating out Trump is not winning a popularity contest.

Speaking of how much money Hillary will demand. Remember one of her excuses was that the DNC was worthless as they were totally broke. Well, looks like the DNC had no money because her campaign like a vampire sucked it out of the organization. From Harpers. Interesting article on how the consultants really control the party, and for a huge price.

In one of his more progressive acts, Obama had banned his party from soliciting or accepting corporate PAC money. But in 2016, it emerged that D.N.C. chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had lifted the ban. It was done in secret, but almost certainly with White House approval. “We were never told about it,” said Christine Pelosi, a member of the D.N.C. executive committee (and the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader). “We read about it online, months later.”

Pelosi, who describes herself as an “antiestablishment establishment person,” had come to Atlanta with a resolution to reinstate Obama’s ban. She immediately ran into furious opposition. “We lost a thousand seats because we didn’t have corporate money,” one senior party functionary assured her. Pelosi dismissed her argument. “There was plenty of money,” she told me, in spite of Obama’s ban. As for the $18 million in corporate funds that came in after the ban was lifted, that went straight into Clinton’s campaign chest.

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Clinton spinning 'cause Clinton spinning never ends.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


There ain't no spinning like Clinton spinning 'cause Clinton spinning never ends.

Clintonian national anthem, anyone?



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


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thanatokephaloides's picture


Pelosi, who describes herself as an “antiestablishment establishment person,”

This is affectionately known as talking out of both sides of one's mouth.

Apple falls not far from its tree.......


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


idiotically and deceitfully....

And, from time to time, Mom gets to be right after the VP in the line of succession to the Presidency.

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JekyllnHyde's picture


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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

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@MrWebster Ugh.

Also, iirc, Jimmy Dore was covering the frankly illegal money hoovering Her campaign was doing during the election. A few brave down ticket people dared to actually speak up about it. It's hard to argue that this didn't help wipe the Dems out.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter

The only problem with that were the disloyal scum who publicized the corruption!

Corruption is fine for Those Who Matter - rules and laws do not apply to such as the Clintons! The Disposables (whoops, is this public or private?) little people never understand... don't even pay for speeches, useless little creeps... (Whoops, public? Right, I forgot.)

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Dr. John Carpenter

Hillary swindled her fellow Democratic 2016 candidates and Dem state party heads into all kinds of primary misbehaviors on her behalf?

Not to mention


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Fionnsboy's picture

I must say I read almost every article posted here (thank you!), comment infrequently, but the one article that goes straight to the front of my line will have something (preferably everything) to do with Her Heinous.

Why, you may wonder, when I detest HER and everything she and her ilk stand for, and lay the charge before THEIR two-for-one, grifting grasping feet that they have been a cancer upon the Democratic Party in particular, and this country in general? Of course, I would hate anyone who did the same, anyone who has turned this once great People's Party of FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK etc into a swamp of anti-union, DOMA, NAFTA, welfare 'reforming' union busting media consolidating bank deregulating job destroying big money ass-kissing....I was going to say whores, but don't wish to denigrate the world's oldest profession, whose members are surely among the hardest working among us; yet HER brings this mere loathing to such a point of exquisite revulsion that it sometimes spills into rapture, with HER lying, mealy-mouthed, flip-flopping, fracking, shifty-eyed, focus-grouped, bloody-handed utterly transparent lust for power at the price of anything, anyone, anywhere, anytime (to wit: Iraq, Syria, the Ukraine, Honduras, etc). It's always been thus. Even as a child growing up in the Projects of Boston (where the heat stayed on, regardless of what the weather was doing, until June 1) my mother reports I would grow red-faced, colicky, and implacable during heat waves; now, when the dew point jumps above 65 and the temp soars into the stratosphere, I sally forth out into my garden (not for very long) and weed until the sweat drip drip drips from my nose and my humor resembles something from Greek Mythology (say, Medusa...). Why? To learn how to hate it the more.

While I'm not a drama queen, I think we can all relate to the pleasure that passion brings, whether it be intense love or rapture, or intense displeasure/hate, which IMHO is not opposite at all, but (almost) the same thing.

So, long may you weasel, my dear! Long may you lie, deceive, flip-flop, scheme, plot, obstruct, collude, destroy, and annihilate, all the while with that itchy palm ever open! Just-- please-- stay away from public office. In fact, just stay away. Buy yourself a Risk game, why don't you.

A long time...admirer.

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Semper ubi sub ubi

@Fionnsboy Hope you chime in more often.

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