This Must Be The Beginning of The End?
Trump wrestling body-slam tweet 'encourages violence against reporters', CNN says
I am not going to repost that sad video here, you can watch it in the link.
Especially since a Republican congressman has already "body slammed" a reporter during his election campaign.
Obviously Trump tweeted the video of him assaulting someone thinking it made him look tough and Presidential. The violence in the video may have been staged, but the implied threat is anything but imaginary.
This is the image flying around the world in a few short minutes today. This is the face of the USA splashed across the worlds media today whether you like it or not, what an image, an overweight bully flattening someone else, nice one, making Murika Grate Agin I'd say.
Putin bareback on a horse? Ha,that aint nothin, we got a hideous and overweight president doing fake wrestling, USA USA USA.
Can I go hide my head in shame now? Yes, yes I'm American, yes I know it's sad, I'm really really sorry.

Maybe he's trying out for the
WWE. That's his next reality tee vee role. This reality presidential-role crap is not working out quite like maybe he anticipated.
As I said in another diary a week or so ago. I left middle school in 1967. He's stuck in a middle school ground hog day scenario where he gets to be the bully in each new episode and gets away with it.
His ultimate dream has materialized.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
He is proud of it that is what really gets me
He apparently thinks the constitution makes him thug-in-chief.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
No need to try out...
Hall of Fame years ago.
he was inducted to theirIdolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
@Raggedy Ann True, trump is in middle
I read some responses with idiots
praising him.
Do these idiots travel outside the US?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Some do, the ones objecting loudly in Cathedrals when
@LaFeminista lol! Or the ones who
Here's a good one:
We are in a city in Peru. The bus passes by some beautiful ladies doing a pole dance in the intersection, taking cash from the admiring motorists. The guide explains that it is a job, that you work or you don't eat. He was clearly embarrassed by the predicament. 2 school teachers from Ca. piped up with compliments for hard work and ingenuity, that young people in the US who expected hand outs could learn a lot from these ladies.
Bet they voted for Trump.
They may just get their wish for the US to go all 3rd world.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Most of them haven't traveled outside their county...
@CB lol! I have known many
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
When hitchhiking around the US in the late 60's
What I did find surprising was meeting people in the Bronx,the Queens, Brooklyn, etc. that told me they had never been outside their borough. Why go elsewhere when everything the needed was in their borough? Maybe some were exaggerating it all to me but the reasons give me were that they worked in their borough,didn't need to go elsewhere for food, clothes or entertainment, it was ALL where THEY lived.
I gotta add I'm from Texas so I got a lot of mockery for my accent BUT every borough I visited had their own accent, notably unique to their borough and found that funny at times.
Now that was the late 60's and virtually every person I'm talking about were around my age (19)so I expect eventually they weren't able to stay solely in their borough for reasons of work as they got older but it did surprise me at the time, just as it surprised me to meet so many people that didn't own a car or have a driver's license or even plan to drive, after all they had the subway system. Oh yeah, I also found that racism was alive and well there too.
Met a lot of New Yorkers like that in the Navy.
Generally fine people.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
@on the cusp What does it matter what
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
President Camacho strikes again,
and life imitates art. Where's our Corporal Joe Bauers?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Not quite.
Dipshit Dumpsterfire Trump claims he's the smartest person in the room while his malevolant stupidity gets people killed, damages the economy and so much more. All thanks to the megalomania and shenanigans of Hillary Clinton and the DNC, no less.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh, and speaking of fake wrestling....
Even former CA gov Arnold Schwarzenegger did a better job at that than Dumpsterfire did.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Says CNN, an incredible propaganda machine that
literally lies and brainwashes the public into supporting wars that kill innocent children. Like in Syria, where 500 innocent civilians were killed by U.S. military strikes last month, directed by the commander in chief, Trump and fully supported and justified by CNN "reporting". CNN literally supports Trump's wars and yet complains when he posts a fake video of him body slamming one of their propaganda spreaders who should be in prison.
That said, Trump is an stupid fucking asshole who should be in prison next to the propaganda spreaders. They're all hypocrites.
As for this country, the image of an overweight narcissistic bully body slamming a reporter is exactly what it's become. It couldn't be more apropos.
We kill civilians in Syria, and it's fine
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
When our government and MSM act in unison then
Much as I object to the implicit threat of violence
I have no sympathy for CNN. This is a battle among the rich and powerful, and we can only stand on the sidelines.
I'd much rather they spent their time covering all the horrible policy Trump and the GOP are implementing with the complicity of our Quisling Democrats.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
@Steven D One day in the near
If he turns on Fox, things will get really interesting.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And yet, they probably will.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
The media is responsible for Trump sitting in the WH today
they spent the whole primary season covering every damned thing he said or did at the expense of the other candidates on both sides, with the exception of Hillary. But even then, Trump got much more coverage that she did. The estimates are that he received $2 billion in free advertising. So now that he is president?
They are sucking all the oxygen out of the atmosphere covering every one of his stupid tweets or his other bonehead moves.
Meanwhile, the republican are having a fire sale on what is left in this country to sell out, and even though the media is covering their heinous health care bill, I do not see the outrage that should be expected when a party wants to pass legislation that will see millions of people lose their health insurance, dismantle Medicaid and gut the safety programs that the poor, elderly and disable rely on.
As usual, the democrats are awol and not doing everything they can in their power to stop these actions. I continue to see articles that say, "the democrats should be doing...."
Well no shit. If it's obvious to us what the democrats should be doing, then it's obvious to them too. The reason they are not speaking out, IMO, is because TPTB want the republicans to succeed. The lower class is taking too much money out of the elite's hands, and even though they don't need it, they want it.
There's much more evidence of their relationship in this article.
Just as WWW is a fake wrestling match that has been scripted, I feel that this stupid attack on Joe and Mika has been scripted too. Look at any mainstream media headline and see what they are covering. This shit.
Not as Al said the 500 innocent civilian deaths in Syria last month.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The end of the article says it all
This goes towards every newspaper that played the Clinton pied piper game to see that Trump was the only republican candidate standing so that she could waltz in to victory after cheating to make sure that she won the primary.
Both sides sides disgust me to no end because of how many people's lives are in danger. Here in this country and elsewhere.
This is no game to us. This is life or death.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
As a nation, we are rapidly being distracted to death.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Exactly. There are a few websites that haven't been
This site of course has been focusing on the other things our government is doing here and in the war zones and the other issues that are happening that the mainstream media will not cover.
The GOS finally took a break from covering Trump when subir wrote a great diary on Medicare for all. Or some type of single payer. This seems like a topic that everyone could get behind, right? Sadly no.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Even the Guardian constantly pushes images
of the anti-picturesque orange putrescence. Its bean-counters must have assessed the click-lure as more compelling for the balance sheet than explosions, vehicles driving into crowds, or models in minimal underwear.
That it may be, but neither have served our democracy at
@Steven D
If you recall, this sort of thuggish behaviour predated and exists independently of Trump.
2014 - evidently involving a child-beater.
This, below, appears to be more the expressed wishes of a Republican candidate for office that a reporter be raped over a tweet she made than an actual threat of him physically attacking her but the fact that psychopathic parties and/or politicians fill the American public service mean that this sort of mindset is normalized by psychopathic legislators and the legislation they produce and pass...
(As covered in this thread, but those first two paragraphs illustrate the choices which the American people are not permitted to actually make, on the rare occasions they have them to make, so...)
Wait, haven't they been doing that in increasingly blatant and more direct fashion ever since Reagan? As numerous others have stated numerous times, Trump is a symptom, not the disease.
The Dems seem to be completely different, of course - at least, where the Clintons are concerned, people they want gone just sorta keep winding up dead, typically in highly suspicious manners/circumstances.
But this lunacy roots in the various Psychopaths That Be, who are actually selecting those hand-picked psychopaths willing to enact destructive policy for ruthless corporate interests/billionaires and for whom the American Public will be permitted to 'vote' in what seem to be rather consistently rigged 'elections', not merely to the lackeys so chosen or permitted to win public office in the US public service.
With that taken into account, some of the points in this following are rather interesting, although the notion that 'elites' can police themselves is evidently another unicorn pipe-dream, as is any implication that the problem lies only in what's termed the right, despite both corporate/billionaire parties occupying much the same quagmire area in which the country has been sunk clear up to its nervously labouring nostrils.
Why not just declare America a democratic country of laws, not men, with all entitled to equal rights, treatment and opportunity and with politicians protected only against the sort of frivolous charges which somehow seem to be virtually the only ones ever initiated?
Only within a tyranny, dictatorship, fascist state, anything of that nature by whatever name, is boundless impunity for law-makers claimed, enabling unlimited power to corrupt absolutely. In a democracy, no-one is 'above the law' or either 'more equal' or 'less equal' than others regarding rights.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
poor old chump
Thinks he's a champ. It is shameful.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Please pass the bleach.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
...but use it with caution.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Should I be outraged?
That a Reddit (yes, Reddit) user took a 2 year old video of Trump play-wrestling with Vince McMahon, head of WWE, and put a CNN logo over McMahon's face? And that Trump tweeted the video he neither created nor modified, along with hashtags disparaging CNN's fraudulent news coverage?
Or should I be outraged that the f**king enablers at CNN full-throatedly support using US bombs to murder civilians in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere? And outraged at MIC sycophants at the New York Times and Washington Post that seem determined to foment global nuclear war by continuing to run their phony "Russia hacked the election" stories?
I think I shall reserve my outrage for the killing and war-mongering and nation-destroying. Things that really matter.
Nothing to do with the reddit user everything to do
But's that's silly. [Edited]
Conflating outrage over some stupid tweet with outrage over disastrous foreign policy does nothing except distract attention from the disastrous foreign policy. When confronting a murderer, you don't confront her on her most recent Facebook or Twitter post, you need to confront her about the murder she committed.
Trump said Monday that he'd launch a full-scale attack on Syria if they carried out a rumored chemical weapons attack. Conveniently, on Saturday, there's a rebel group claiming there was a chemical weapons attack. It wouldn't surprise me to see Trump's press conference this coming Monday (or maybe Wednesday; perfect timing with 4th of July patriotism) where he holds up a picture of a dead kid to justify bombing Syria again. With the help of our Israeli and Saudi Arabian friends.
Meanwhile, we're here talking about a 2 year old video modified by someone on Reddit and linked on Twitter by Trump. I'm sure that'll be a great comfort to the thousands of Syrian civilians killed in the next US bombing.
[Edited to add:] The modification to the video was done 2 years ago. The video itself is 10 years old; it was recorded in 2007.
Well we obviously dont see it the same way.
PS Now tell me how he is going to deal with Syria, Iran and N Korea?
The childish violence is inbuilt.
All I can say is
the country got the government it deserved.
I agree, THe US and The Hair deserve each other and
Yeah, due to a steady flood of propaganda in which the average American has been saturated and an educational system where critical thinking may be outright discouraged, a number of citizens may operate on such lines as described, especially with most media, electoral politics, including debates, etc., set up to offer voters little or no useful/factual information suitable for the sort of informed decision-making which TPTB and the US monopolistic corporate media work to actively discourage. Not to mention corporate interests/billionaire donors discouraging the running of any candidates worth voting for.
But how many Americans have avoided/overcome such programming? And how many more could, as with Bernie's consciousness-raising/democracy-validating efforts, with factual information made available in some manner that didn't trigger the amygdala-mind-shut-down fear/anger propaganda successfully used for so long against the public, especially (until lately) by the corporate 'official right wing' party?
The 'average American voter' is not stupid, just swamped in carefully crafted misdirection, disinformation, distraction and mind-numbing scare tactics, while their energy is consumed by the struggle to survive the very rigged and disastrous circumstances they're being disinformed about and encouraged to vote for more of by one side or another of a two-faced group of pathological hired predators which they are taught to regard, effectively, as their 'betters' and 'natural rulers' - even as these are draining them dry and poisoning their world for profit.
But Bernie kinda spoilt that for TPTB et al, and continues to validate the concepts of democracy and to actually promote some of what the American government could and should do if working in, rather than against, the public interest, no matter what either side of the corporate party does to humiliate, denigrate, smear or otherwise try to nobble him in the hope that that he abandons the corporate press-monopolized public access they've been forced to permit him to 'campaign for them', Bernie using this instead to express concepts in interactions with the propagandized public previously denied even the hope of productive policy plans.
And far more of the corporate-media-restricted are now aware that both faces of the corporate party and many politicians within them have been actively working against them and are increasingly beginning to drop the false political and other created divisions to work together with their fellow-citizens for survival, democracy and the chance of a decent life.
So the hysterical Two-Faced Corporate Party propaganda spikes somewhere beyond madness without successfully distracting most of those more aware - and spirals onward, it appears, potentially toward initiating further mass death among the American population by pitting factions against each other in a more murderous fashion, perhaps beginning with the elimination of progressives fighting hardest for the rights of the people, as urged by the corporate arms merchants running the NRA in the ad posted here on C-9?
And, I'd suspect, moving from there into far more widespread police executions of a heavily-armed population on the excuse of these increases in gun crime among the patsies they're using, reducing (as Scrooge might suggest) the excess population of Disposables.
Just guessing, of course, but it kinda looks that way to me.
Having seen some of what's been and what's being done by the Psychopaths That Be and their lackeys, I would considered it an error to conclude that any action or crime would be beyond the pale for kidnappers and torturers, mass starvers of children in created famines and the users of White Phosphorus against civilians in countries they invade, while destroying life on the planet forming the life support system on which they also depend, all for additional and ever-increasing profits for a relative few. These are not sane people...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It was today in Germany's ZDF TV evening news
with explanations about the video that was posted on twitter by Trump.
They explained it basically the way the Boston Globe explained it.
Trump tweets video that seems to show him ‘fighting’ CNN
Honestly it's so stupid and nobody cares here for stuff like it. It's nothing but a blip among other news.
The little people here simply can't understand how the Americans could vote for that Drumpfster. And because it's so complicated to explain the American US electoral college and voting system, that even if both mainstream public major German TV channels ZDF and ARD try to explain that system every other four years it's just something people's eyes here glaze over.
I think one should ask Twitter to ban Trump's account....
... heh, I am German ... /s
He has been invited by our latest Neoliberal President
oh ... the majority of Macron seems to be
almost too overbearing ... to not be a little worried. I hope the French people won't disappoint us. Take good care of yourself.
I am planning to "witness" the G20 happenings in Hamburg, but doubt the little Germans can even get close to anything that would be necessary to watch out for. I am going to duck it out under my bed, because who knows how far the evil demonstrators will go. Better to be safe than sorry, no? /s
Who's to blame for all those Trump Admin leaks?
Pompous Pompeo ... our savior ...
Trump’s CIA Director Wants to Return to a Pre-Snowden World
heh, I have no privacy rights in the US anymore? ...
Yeah, why let the constitution stop them?
I don't know why people bother swearing an oath to the constitution anymore. This hasn't stopped the eroding of our liberties.
I would think that arming and funding our enemies would have some type of consequences after they swore an oath to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic.
The domestic enemies are the militarized police and private mercenary companies that was allowed to operate in North Dakota during the DAPL protests.
The Intercept has a series on TigerSwan, which was hired by Energy Transfer corporations, which IIRC, is a Canadian company.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I tend to agree with this comment
from a discussion at Sic Semper Tyrannis:
Amen. that's perfect. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Good comment.
His fans will love it
because they love his "don't give a shit" attitude. The more shock that is expressed over this crap, the more they will love it.
I just think this is a nightmare and it will end soon. Otherwise I might sink into deep sadness.
To thine own self be true.
Michael Tracey of TYT twitter on video.
"Every time Trump attacks CNN their ratings/clicks increase. Trump knows this. CNN knows this. It's such an obvious, all-around cynical ploy."