The Democratic Party of Neoliberal Republicans
This Tuesday is the election for Georgia's 6th. The GOS is very excited about this because a "progressive" is running.
On Wednesday, he and his supporters opened a new front aimed squarely at wooing conservatives to side with him.
Ossoff held a press conference at the state Capitol outlining his plan to cut $16 billion in federal spending.
And do you know what? It's working.
And the firm’s most conservative estimates say Ossoff captured at least 8 to 10 percent of the GOP’s votes in the primary, a critical slice given that Republicans comprised only a narrow majority of the electorate.
Last week the Democratic establishment managed to nominate another "progressive" Ralph Northam in Virginia.
For his part, Northam admitted to voting for George W. Bush, not once but twice for president. And in a 2013 article titled “Northam runs low-key campaign as conservative-tinted Democrat,” Northam is quoted in The Roanoke Times saying: “I don’t consider myself as a liberal. I consider myself as a moderate person. I think the less government, the better.”
Also last week "progressive" Phil Murphy won the nomination in New Jersey.
Powerful Republican fundraiser Gail B. Gordon, who said she has always voted Republican in gubernatorial contests both in New Jersey and her native Pennsylvania, will vote for Democrat Phil Murphy in the November General Election, she told InsiderNJ this afternoon.
Murphy who claims to have been disgraced governor Jon Corzine's friend for 30 year, shares a common background from Goldman Sachs.
“He seems like Corzine 2.0,” said Rich, who was supporting Sanders’s New Jersey campaign chairman, John Wisniewski. “Another Goldman Sachs banker, someone with a lot of money.”
Do you know who else shared a Goldman Sachs background? The Democratic Party nominee for South Carolina's 5th district, Archie Parnell.
Jolly ended with a memory of something he said Parnell once told him: “All my life, my adult life, I have helped these big corporations shelter their money. And I know where the money is.”
I'm confused why the Dems bother trying to get people elected.
It's expensive and time-consuming. What's the point?
It's not like the Dems have difference values, or covet different constituencies.
Why not just purchase those already in office, like NBA free-agents?
It'd probably be a whole lot cheaper, since they are there for the bribes anyway.
That's what it's all about anyway, right? Red team v. Blue team.
House of York v. House of Lancaster.
And if we simply dispense with the charade of "democracy" we can get down to some serious looting, not this inefficient incremental bullsh*t. It's not like the partisans on GOS will care, as long as their team is winning.
Gotta love Republicans running as Republi... er Democrats,
and Republi... er Democrats lapping it up.
Who wouldn't want to enjoy Macron 'Radical Centrism' the world over, forever!
It's what Republi..Democra... thingys do.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I remember
When just having a D after your name wasn't enough. For instance, it wasn't that long ago that pretty much everyone (including TOP, if I'm not mistaken) couldn't stand the likes of a certain Mr. Lieberman for being a DINO. Turns out, he was just ahead of the curve.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
and purge dissenters from the party
or TOP as the case may be
Haven't logged in here for a while but in light of the situation at ToP I thought I should reply to your diary with a T&R and come out a being a member here. If they're making a ban list for participating in rival blogs and for agreement with non DKos approved ideas and opinions I want a to be on that list.
Rivers are horses - and kayaks are their saddles
Welcome, fellow traveler
Remember when "purity" was a bad thing to be for on the GOS?
It was only last year.
Now it's "be pure or be banned".
That's what ideological extremists do as their group implodes.
BTW, what is "the situation at ToP"? I only spend 2 minutes scanning diary titles, just to see the level of delusion.
Thanks for setting the record straight
on DINO Jon Ossoff.
Just today I've read that he has run against single-payer, against raising taxes--including on the wealthy, and has 'closed' with a pledge of fiscal austerity/conservatism.
What's worse, many, if not most so-called progressive organizations have thrown their support behind him, as have most progressive Dem lawmakers.
And they wonder 'why' 14 million people exited the Democratic Party last year!
Of course, the 2018 election cycle will include a bunch of conservadems--many are former military, or fiscally conservative business owners/entrepreneurs. There's even a movement to pump up the 'religious left,' this election cycle.
I can hardly wait until 2018!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This isn't surprising, mollie
Hillary ran on creating a no fly zone over Syria and risking a war with Russia. Her mistaken Iraq war vote had been forgiven by her supporters.
Her role in the destruction of Libya was right wing talking points, remember?
She also told people that universal health care would never ever happen and she could get on board with a $12 minimum wage some time in the future.
Many members of DK have admitted that they are centrists and people who are holding on to their progressive identities are the alt-left and need to understand that they can't always get what they want.
This is the More and Better democrats.
So get on board the centrist train and quit believing in fairy tales
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
More like the Washington Generals
and the Harlem Globetrotters.
It's easy to see which team is which.
When the republicans are in power, the democrats are helpless to stop them from passing their legislation. The democrats have a lot of unforced errors and the republicans take the ball from them.
When the democrats are the majority, the republicans pull every trick in the book to keep the democrats from passing their legislation.
The people sit in the bleachers and helplessly watch as the republicans always score more points than the democrats and win the game.
It's all a game for both parties and we the people keep paying to watch their games.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
For 2018 I pretty much plan on going to vote, getting a ballot
but not voting for anyone on it. Baldwin MAY earn my vote by then but judging by what I get from Megavote about her votes I'm not sure.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
So fortunate that the
So fortunate that the Corporate Party still uses two different labels, so that the pretense of 'citizen choice' of two candidates they're permitted to 'vote for' - and that of 'elections' - can still be maintained.
Luckily, with Homeland Security on the electoral infrastructure job, from here on in, The Right Candidates can always be elected, with the public, I suspect, likely prevented from demanding independent investigation of questionable electoral numbers/results/voter registration changes and thereby interfering with matters of Top Secret National Security only open to those unspecified interested private parties.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.