While you were busy

Yesterday I buried the lede in a comment in my diary offering because I knew that diary would be mostly ignored, what with it being Super Tuesday and all.

Maybe today this will actually draw some notice. South Dakota Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard yesterday vetoed the anti-transgender "bathroom bill" which targeted transgender students.

Proponents of House Bill 1008 say it protects students' privacy. Opponents say it's discrimination.

--Gov. Daugaard

HB 1008 was passed 20-15 in the Senate in February. Daugaard actually made the effort to meet some of the students who would be affected by the legislation.

I heard their personal stories. And so I saw things through their eyes in that sense. I had read other personal stories. Certainly I'm getting personal stories through the emails, and through what I read in the paper.


The law would have had particular impact for the 1,360 youth in South Dakota who identify as transgender, according to an estimate by the Williams Institute, a think tank based at UCLA. But it's also part of a wider debate over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.

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detroitmechworks's picture

It will continue to be roundly ignored at Kos.

Lord knows he's ignoring LGTBQ in general because it's taken as a GIVEN we'll vote for Democrats, because "Where we gonna Go?"

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

humanista's picture

I'm happy that the Governor vetoed HB1008 but it seems pretty obvious he and the 15 senators who voted against the bill are the only ones who have any empathy for transgender students. Good for him to meet personally with some of the students who would have been affected; too bad the 20 senators who voted for this odious bill didn't do the same thing. Maybe they would have learned something, like how to be human!

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Life is like Disneyland - if you haven't been on all the rides by the end of the day, you have no one to blame but yourself.