News Dump Wednesday: DNC Fundraising Woes Edition
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 05/24/2017 - 12:00pm
It's truly a mystery. Why, oh why, would a openly corrupt political organization, being sued by its members that it despises, and produces one loser after another, have trouble raising donation?
Perez and the DNC have been especially unsuccessful in convincing their supporters to give the kind of money the RNC has brought in every month. The DNC brought in just $4.7 million in April — less than half of the RNC’s $9.6 million haul over that same time, according to FEC filings submitted by the parties this week. The RNC finished the month with $41.4 million cash on hand, dwarfing the DNC’s $8.8 million in cash on hand.
How bad is it? Pretty bad.
The Democratic National Committee reported its worst April of fundraising since 2009, according to Federal Election Commission records released Monday.
The DNC reported taking in $4.7 million last month. While this is an off-year for fundraising, the DNC hauled $8.5 million last year, and nearly $5 million in 2015. Between 2010 and 2014, the Democrats received anywhere from $6.3 million to $14.4 million per year.
Even FISA admits Obama's NSA spying violated 4th Amendment
According to a classified internal report reviewed by Circa, more than 5 percent of searches seeking "upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011."
The Obama administration self-disclosed the problems at a closed-door hearing Oct. 26 before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that set off alarm. Trump was elected less than two weeks later.
The normally supportive court censured administration officials, saying the failure to disclose the extent of the violations earlier amounted to an “institutional lack of candor” and that the improper searches constituted a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue,” according to a recently unsealed court document dated April 26, 2017.
The admitted violations undercut one of the primary defenses that the intelligence community and Obama officials have used in recent weeks to justify their snooping into incidental NSA intercepts about Americans.
Circa has reported that there was a three-fold increase in NSA data searches about Americans and a rise in the unmasking of U.S. person’s identities in intelligence reports after Obama loosened the privacy rules in 2011.
A federal appeals court on Tuesday revived a Wikipedia lawsuit that challenges a U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) program of mass online surveillance, and claims that the government unconstitutionally invades people's privacy rights.
By a 3-0 vote, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia said the Wikimedia Foundation, which hosts the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, can pursue a challenge to the government's "Upstream" surveillance program.
The decision could make it easier for people to learn whether authorities have spied on them through Upstream, which involves bulk searches of international communications within the internet's "backbone" of cables, switches and routers.
Upstream's existence was revealed in leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden in 2013.
Lawyers for the Wikipedia publisher and eight other plaintiffs including Amnesty International USA and Human Rights Watch, with more than 1 trillion international communications annually, argued the surveillance violated their rights to privacy, free expression and association.
China is in real financial trouble
The downgrade of China’s debt by Moody’s Investors Service may push Chinese companies to borrow even more money from domestic banks as overseas debt becomes more expensive, increasing risks for the nation’s finance industry.
With growing indebtedness at home, compounded by a slowing economy, there’s a risk of a “negative feedback loop,” said Khoon Goh, head of Asia research for Australia & New Zealand Banking Group who sees state-owned enterprises and property developers feeling the biggest impact. The downgrade will particularly hurt airlines and shipping companies, said Corrine Png, chief executive officer of Crucial Perspective in Singapore.
Mainland firms “will need to go back to the Chinese banks in order to get loans,” ANZ’s Goh said. “That means that Chinese banks will grow more exposed to the corporate sector.”
Since the start of the global financial crisis, Chinese companies have borrowed to keep the economy growing, pushing corporate debt to 156 percent of gross domestic product, from 100 percent in 2008, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. Most of that debt is held by state-owned enterprises, putting the government on the hook in case of defaults.
With the crackdown on financial system leverage underway, Chinese banks (and securities firms) are in big trouble. As we noted previously, China's bond curve is inverted, yields are surging, and Chinese regulatory decisions shutting down various shadow-banking pipelines has crushed securities firms' stocks. However, as Bloomberg points out, as China’s deleveraging efforts cut into banks’ profit margins, rising base funding costs and interbank credit risk concerns have pushed banks' cost of borrowing beyond the rate they charge customers for loans for the first time in history.
As the chart above shows, the one-year Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate has exceeded the Loan Prime Rate, the first time this has happened since the latter was introduced in 2013.
“This is probably just the beginning” and interbank funding costs will rise further amid the drive to reduce leverage, said Xu Hanfei, chief fixed-income analyst at China Merchants Securities Co. in Shanghai.
Related to China's financial woes? Probably
Bitcoin rose more than 4.5 percent to an all-time high of $2,418.44, according to CoinDesk. The latest move marks a $400 gain since Saturday, when the digital currency first topped $2,000.
The digital currency is gaining more attention in the U.S., especially from high-profile institutional investors.
Jeffrey Gundlach, CEO of DoubleLine Capital, tweeted Tuesday that there could be a connection between bitcoin's surge this year and the drop in the Shanghai composite stock index. The theory is that Chinese looking for investments outside of a weakening yuan have turned to the digital currency.
Any available way to exit China
Bitcoin's market capitalisation shot past $30bn this month, as the price climbed.
Ethereum remains smaller at about $15bn, but it is growing too. The price spiked from less than $20 in March to about $170 today, according to CoinDesk, which tracks the two currencies.
Yet another political crisis in Brazil
Brazil’s President Michel Temer is struggling to put down a rebel movement by legislators in his own party who are discussing his replacement after damaging graft allegations surfaced.
The best solution to remove Temer, who is being investigated by the prosecutor-general on corruption and cover-up charges, is for the top electoral court to annul the 2014 election result in which he shared a ticket with ousted President Dilma Rousseff, according to half a dozen legislators from his ruling PMDB party who spoke to Bloomberg News. The court will retake the case on alleged illegal campaign financing on June 6.
In an effort to squash the dissidents, Temer called an emergency meeting with PMDB Senators on Wednesday morning, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter who asked not to be named. Separately, the largest member in Temer’s allied base, the PSDB, will meet hours later to discuss its future in the coalition.
The nation was rocked last week by news of a Supreme Court-authorized probe into Temer on allegations of passive corruption and obstruction of justice, only days before Congress had planned to vote on a pension bill considered central to the administration’s efforts to fix the country’s depleted public coffers and pull its economy out of recession.
NGOs keeping track of the number of civilians the US is killing show a different story, however, with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights putting the death toll at 225 over the last month, which by their reckoning is the most civilians the US has killed in any one month span of the ISIS war.
That’s a conservative estimate too, even though it’s likely more than 10 times what the Pentagon will admit to. Indeed, Air Wars themselves counted 230 civilians killed in a single US strike in Mosul, and they too recognize that the civilian toll is continuing to rise precipitously.
The US has made a big deal of publicly opposing Kurdish independence in Iraq since the 2003 US invasion and occupation of the country, but Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart says independence is a matter of “not if but when” for the Kurds....
It’s been expected that the ISIS war could give way to yet another civil war in Iraq over Kurdistan. Direct US armament of the Kurdish Peshmerga means they are now a very formidable fighting force, and might believe they can secede outright, even without Baghdad’s blessing.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.
The Florida lawmaker used her position on the committee that sets the police force’s budget to press its chief to relinquish the piece of evidence Thursday, in what could be considered using her authority to attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation.
The Capitol Police and outside agencies are pursuing Imran Awan, who has run technology for the Florida lawmaker since 2005 and was banned from the House network in February on suspicion of data breaches and theft.
“My understanding is the the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate Members’ equipment when the Member is not under investigation,” Wasserman Schultz said in the annual police budget hearing of the House Committee On Appropriations’ Legislative Branch Subcommittee.
“We can’t return the equipment,” Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa told the Florida Democrat.
“I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences,” Wasserman Schultz said.

If I had a hammer
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I still get constant, daily
demands for money from the Dimocrats. Sometimes I allow myself to answer them with some insults too. I especially hate the ones from James Carville - they're almost always snotty and irritating - "is anyone home?" "We are being CRUSHED, HELLO????" Good to see they're feeling some pain.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Carville and his wife
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
"We are being CRUSHED, HELLO????"
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Tom Kaine: Dems still Party of Wall Street
not to worry
Still believe "they have nowhere else to go"
Dems are starting to talk a better game
Hahaha. Dems still think their "message" is the problem
No Dems. It's the fact that you are Wall Street Whores who could give a shit about us commoners. And enough people have awoken to that truth.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Amen, C.O.E. !
As an old friend of mine, George The Greek used to say..."You can't drive a Mercedes-Benz and expect them to buy your Fords."
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The real deplorables are progressives
who don't do as they are told.
While the Dems pander to Repub voters, independent thinking progressives are denounced and shamed.
There's a lot of duopoly deplorables
It's deplorable that they've bought into the BS and have been prodded to fight against each other instead of fighting together against those who are robbing us.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The Democratic party has a message?
“Eat your peas” ? n/t
oh yeh.
As usual, they'll focus on the message
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Democrats are good for talk, talk, talk
Gotta love that remark about "vocal nihilists" getting attention. Attention from our media? Give it a rest dude. I guess we are getting attention though if they're now calling us nihilists, and we should damned well be grateful for that too.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
CAP is like TOP
An economic plan from an organization that supported Hillary Clinton, an ugly neoliberal corporatist. A plan from a group headed by a person who recommended that Hillary not support $15/min wage while SEIU was organizing rallies and marches around the US for it.
Here is the problem with democratic messaging: it does not matter what the democrats say, or how they say it--nobody believes them.
Re: PAIN - Remember the Spirit Cooking Lady?
One of her sayings was "Eat the Pain."
Here's another reason people may not want to donate to the DNC right now and it has to do with disbursements being made by the DNC to Perkins Coie - the lawfirm representing the DNC in the DNC fraud lawsuit.
January 2017
In schedule C (Outstanding loans and debts) DNC starts out owing Perkins Coie $40,000.00 - paid nothing and ended up still owing Perkins Coie $40,000.00 at the end of the month. - see Page 1178.
February 2017
In schedule C (Outstanding loans and debts) it showed that DNC started the month owing Perkins Coie $40,000.00 and racked up additional charges of $377,418.55 and disbursed $417,418.55 leaving no balance due to Perkins Coie at the end of the month. See Page 2058.
March 2017
I had to look at the actual disbursements on this report, because Perkins Coie sent the DNC charges and apparently the DNC paid those charges in full that same month, because there was nothing shown in Schedule C (Outstanding loans and debts)
All the disbursements to Perkins Coie were posted March 22, 2017. The first payment is at the bottom of Page 3020 and the other payments are one after another going through to Page 3023.
$1,480.58 for Travel
$41.64 for Catering, Food & Beverage
$314.48 for Administrative Fees
$2,776.00 for Legal and Compliance Consulting
$400,000.00 for Legal and Compliance Consulting
$11,900.00 for Legal and Compliance Consulting
$2,197.02 for Travel
$3,025.00 for Legal and Compliance Consulting
$30.00 for Administrative Fees
$421, 764.72 - TOTAL
April 2017
04/04/2017 - $1,194.00 for Data Services Subscription Page 2607
04/04/2017 - $494.06 for Legal and Compliance Consulting Page 2931
04/04/2017 - $588.00 for Administrative fees Page 2932
04/04/2017 - $6,659.00 for Legal and Compliance Consulting Page 2932
So that's a total of $8,935.06. Not very much, right?
But then I went down to Schedule D - Debts and Obligations - (Excluding Loans) Page 2941
It shows at the beginning of the month the DNC owed Perkins Coie $0.00. Then it shows Amount incurred this period - $140,874.75 and Amount paid this period $8,935.06 leaving an outstanding balance owed to Perkins Coie of $131,969.39
Oh my. Hey, We rigged the primaries! Now can you please make a donation to us so we can pay to defend ourselves i court? HELLO? IS ANYBODY HOME?
BUT WAIT!! There's more.
Schedule C is where they show Loans.
Looks like DNC took out a loan for $2,000,000.00 at some point in time and as of the end of April, they've paid back $499,999.98 of it and still owe $1,500,000.02
Hey Obama - you need to step it up on those $400K speeches.
Did You Hear Trump Calling ISIS Bombers "Losers"
I had to laugh b/c he kept repeating "Losers" like he thought it would have a real effect on whackjobs who strap on a suicide vest.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I noticed that too
It seems childish and bizarre.
"Loser" appears to be his greatest insult (coming from someone born wealthy).
There was a time when I used "Loser"
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
You were probably more emotionally mature in the 5th grade
He's filed enough bankruptcies and settled
enough lawsuits that I'm pretty sure he knows damn good and well what the word means.
I believe that's why we can't see his tax returns. He's probably not worth 1/10th of what he tries to make people believe he is.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
What most people on the progressive spectrum don’t get, though,
is the need to see the Federal Reserve Bank’s “tax returns.”
As the central bank, the Fed is Wall Street’s economic Pentagon, intervening and deploying its big guns to prop up the 1% and keep the 99% going nowhere. Smedley Butler’s book was called “War Is a Racket.” That could equally apply to the Fed. Expose the racket; audit the Fed.
No, “losers” is brilliant, says “Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams
Goodbye ISIS, hello losers
Scott Adams has lost it
He's forgot who the audience is.
Gotta love the notion of Google, Microsoft, apple and others getting together to alter the words people use on the internet. If it's hard now to try to keep terms like 'liberal' and 'progressive' meaningful as descriptive labels because of misappropriation by political fakes and PR and other confusion tactics, just wait until 'democratic socialist' gets changed to 'extreme terrorist' all over the internet...
Not to mention what that would do to news reports, papers, discussion on the topic not only of ISIS, et al, but of terrorism generally.
"Trump refuses to let people from multiple countries into America because there are Losers in their countries"
"3 people were arrested yesterday on suspicion of being Loserism financial supporters"
"Dud Loser bomb was found in possession of severely mentally challenged man by FBI Sting"
On the plus side, it would also inhibit its use by political terrorists to panic their citizens into accepting this as an excuse for attacking other people's oil-rich/natural gas pipe-line bearing countries for corporate theft and profit.
But if some teenager with mental issues really wants to blow people up or whatever for fun, even if something that puerile affects his view of such groups, he'll just cross over to some other violent, fanatical religious fundamentalist group and start blowing up abortion clinics and killing doctors and women for fun.
Seriously, what non-psychopathic/non-mentally unbalanced person is going to think that ISIS or Al-Quaeda is 'cool' for cutting people's heads off and shooting/bombing innocent people? And that calling them 'losers' is going to magically cure anyone who does?
Edited because the first start, which I thought had been removed, hadn't been. And it's not even Monday...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Scott Adams says that in his youth he studied to be a hypnotist
The amazing feats stage hypnotism can produce in ordinary people with no preparation convinced Adams that the human mind is plastic, suggestible, non-rational. Google is huge and its core business, advertising, is a trillion-dollar industry based on this premise. Similarly, politicians’ power rests on their ability to use mass media and spy-agency psy-ops to spread suitable propaganda, that is, to seed people’s minds with mental images that play to their desires and fears.
Our perceptions are automatically formed, filtered, sorted, and ultimately either internalized or rejected based on how well they match beliefs we already hold (“confirmation bias”). Very few ordinary people regularly go out of their way to expose themselves to stimuli that challenge existing beliefs. Adams concludes that although most of the time we don’t realize it, we all live in a bubble based on confirmation bias.
Adams doesn’t know much about anything and isn’t particularly good at anything, as he readily concedes. But, he says, he does understand persuasion. That’s what enables him to pull off such successes as predicting Trump would win when almost all other observers missed it. He also notes that choice of candidate is a simple prediction compared to a “confusopoly” situation, where choices and their consequences are intentionally made opaque, that is, impossible to understand without specialized knowledge and massive expenditure of time and effort.
Anyone know what the greens are pulling in?
My monthly political tithe is going to the national party, but I'm curious how much else there is.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Good to see Ethereum up
I have exactly one ETH...and you say I made $150 on it?
I'm movin on up to the capitalist class I tell you...Golly Gee
I want a Pony!
Same 'ol story from Iraq
this sounds familiar
same 'ol same 'ol
Yo gjohnsit,
if you think they went 'missing', Hell No! For a whole bunch of coin? Oh Yeah! Somebody somewhere is making bank on this 'missing' equipment. Those rebels ain't gonna resupply themselves!?!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
But we simply MUST cut off
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Another Berniecrat does well in Trump country
I wonder if there is a lesson to be learned?
Hope the DNC correctly answers this question.
Did the esteemed Christine Pellegrino win because she was anti-Trump or because she was pro-Bernie (in the sense of supporting his policies)?
There's a lesson there all right, when
will Sanders catch on?He needs to quit sheep dogging and get his ass behind a real democratic movement.
But he won't.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Opportunity for a “party of the economically disenfranchised”
that transcends personalities and R-D, right-left polarization?
Nah, couldn’t be. Branding, messaging, and tribalism are everything.
" but he won't."
@Amanda Matthews
I have to agree with you.
At this point I wouldn't believe him anyway.
edit. delete rant