Wands Up
Back in January I wrote Georgia judge chastised by Appeals Court over transphobic rulings, about Georgia transmen Rowan Feldhaus and Norman Baumert winning the right to legally change their names in court.
Unfortunately, last Tuesday, Rowan Feldhaus died from complications from surgery. He had undergone surgery for a hysterectomy on Monday, but went into septic shock and lost oxygen to his brain.
After having been discriminated against by a judge who refused to allow him to change his name because he was transgender, Rowan wanted to make sure that no other transgender person was similarly insulted and objectified,” said Lambda Legal attorney Beth Littrell, who represented Feldhaus. “Because Rowan stood up, Georgia judges are now required to allow people to change their names without bias.
With the support of his family, Rowan will now save five lives through organ donation and touch immeasurable others as the families, friends and communities of those who receive Rowan’s organs will be forever impacted by the memories, milestones and contributions made possible by this second chance at life.
--Tracy Ide, LifeLink
Rowan was a Harry Potter fan and friends celebrated his life last evening with a wand ceremony at Augusta University, where he was a student.
Rightwing and Christian refused to accept Rowan's self-identification even in death, of course.
It was a way to ease the pain of his loss while remembering the person some have called a pioneer for Georgia's LGBTQ community.
More people who are struggling to find themselves will become more comfortable just by with his name change. That will be his legacy - helping others.
When he passed, I didn't accept it. I'm still struggling with it. I feel like it's really unfair.
--Kristina Masone, close friend
When a very significant character in the books passes away, all the wizards raise their wands in remembrance. And to me, the life of Rowan symbolizes that.
--Rachel Aran, close friend
Feldhaus had attended Augusta University for years and had served as the School Government Association's Vice President all year until his passing. A member announced their annual SGA Organizational Member of the Year award and a scholarship will be named in Feldhaus' honor starting next year.

I trust you're referring to the pseudo-Christian Anabaptist/Calvinist rightwing dangerous cults with which Georgia is infested, rather than anybody who reads the Gospels rather than thumping the volume containing them.
My studies of Jesus of Nazareth indicate that He would never stoop to such churlish low-life behavior.
One of my faves:
-- Christian Scriptures, Matthew 7: 1 - 3 (KJV) one source
As always, Robyn, thank you for posting this!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That's the "No True Christian"
variant of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. There are no rules for who is a definition because their gods didn't authorize anybody to create any.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Not quite.
No, it's more like Gandhi's comparison of Christians to the Christ they claim to follow. For those unfamiliar with the exact quote, here it is:
Like Mr. Gandhi, I find that many "Christians", especially in the States of the former Confederacy, are nothing like the Biblical Christ they claim to worship. As we do have those documents, the comparison can indeed be made. And the "Christians" Robyn describes come out quite lacking (big surprise, not!). No God[s] required!
The problem with invocation of "No True Scotsman" in our times is that there's so much of its mirror image, "Reductio Ad Orwellum", floating about. You know, "Slavery is Freedom" and the like. It was this, on the part of the "Christians" I was calling out here; specifically, "Hatred is Love".
I sure as fuck wasn't trying to excuse it! My apologies if I seemed to be doing so!
EDIT: Added "No God[s] required!" and modified reference to the former Confederate States.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That may be misattributed.
Sorry to do that twice in a row.
I disagree with the title of that article, though. That no one can find evidence that Ghandi ever said or wrote does not prove he never did. Unless someone finds a reliable attribution of the same quote that pre-dates Ghandi's adulthood, you can't prove he was not the one who originated it. Without evidence regarding such a widely-quoted man, it just seems unlikely.
the Gandhi attribution
spelling corrected
Really, I don't care who said it first; the point is quite valid, and I know someone other than me said it first.
But I'm saying it now, for the shoe fits all too well, as Robyn pointed out!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I'm not too familiar with
I'm not too familiar with legally changing your name, but isn't it a really simple task? Just fill out some paperwork kind of thing?
You'll have to forgive me but it isn't a subject I've dived into. I guess my point is that something as small as a name change (small as in legal barriers to change) would get such significant backlash.
Why do some folks have to make things so difficult? Just let these people live their lives.
@Strife Delivery It should be simple,
@Robyn Things like this are
Like, for the judge, how does this person changing their name affect you? How does any of this affect you? How does this person doing something solely for their own sake affect your life in any way?
"but isn't it a really simple task?"
It should be, that is, unless you live under the thumb of a giant municipal bureaucracy that wants to be paid its salary(ies)...and... charges separate fees for any service actually rendered. Here it's upwards of $700, plus $25 for each certified copy of the judgement(s).
I have an eight page booklet describing the steps, and there are many, to complete name change and gender change. Needless to say, the necessary funds are daunting.
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It's a matter of state law and therefore varies.
So, you start with googling what your state's law says about the subject.
In my state, I don't even need paperwork. As long as I am not changing my name with intent to defraud anyone, I'm good to go. However, if I don't want to be hassled, I would seek a court order that I could show anyone questioning who I am because I don't necessarily expect the DMV or a poll worker to know my state's law about name changes.
Whether a judge has discretion to deny me a name change would also depend upon state law, statutory or court-made.
@HenryAWallace Sounds much like how
I am still in awe that you transitioned in a state like that!
Thanks, Robyn
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I didn't realize that you would refer to a man born
with female genitalia a "transgender woman." Seems to be imposing the bigoted view of who that person is. Off the top of my head, as I type, I can't think of a better way to say it than simply "Rowan Feldhaus, a transgender person."
People should not die from complications of hysterectomies. It's not like open heart surgery or intestinal surgery or removal of a vital organ. The survivors need to look into a malpractice lawsuit.