The Triumph of the Silly Party
Let's be frankly honest. The Sensible Parties have completely abandoned their principles.
The Caveman Sensible Party has decided to completely ignore any information that doesn't come from a book written by Bronze Age Goat Herders, except where it conflicts with Monopoly Guy's doctrine on How to Have Fun and Profit By Being a Complete Asshole. As it is they've decided to run: a half - peeled corn cob, a Burn ALL THE BABIES Dominionist, and a guy who will eat a burrito, but only when trying to get votes from people the CSP normally hates.
On the other hand, the Incredibly Sensible Party has decided to delve into Silly Putty Politics, Nominating a blob of the stuff which changes to suit the whims of any amount of money handed to it. Of course the actually SENSIBLE wing of the Sensible party has nominated a very sensible candidate who of course has been constantly derided for not taking the correct amount of bribes, and refusal to bow down to the proper ancient idols.
It's clearly time to just get Silly. Sensible has after all gotten us into this mess, and it's completely ludicrous to expect nominally Sensible Policies to reverse the trend. Silly politics will enable us to finally crawl out from the tyranny of lesser evilism by allowing us to fully vote for the greater evil with a clear conscience.
The 2020 Silly Party Roster Includes Such Luminaries as Cthulhu, Michael Palin, and Weird Al Yankovic. While many will tell us that these candidates are merely Silly, and we need to in fact be VERY Silly, the truth is that the American Electorate will vote Silly, as proven in 2016, provided that the candidate can garner the attention of the MSM. Very Silly is of course far beyond the understanding of the average MSM member, and we will sadly need to water down our message a bit in order to get proper airplay. With That in Mind...
Here are a few Campaign spots that have been run in the past. However, It's imperative we set a unified message that the American People Can Be successfully entertained and distracted by, long enough for us to get to the bank before they figure it out.
Weird Al - 2020!
Let's bring parody into focus!
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Al - 2020
"You take this SERIOUSLY?"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
He might be committing a Parody Error....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Love the Cthulhu Clip!
Here is a an image I threw together a few months back that you might enjoy.
I have been saving this one for the next pie fight. (It's insanely good pie!)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Place is starting to feel like a colony.
Yep, we've got a lot of the old traditions of back home...
Bu we sure seem to be making our own traditions at a rapid pace.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sorry, Double Post.
Again... Hate it when I do that.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.