Stormy Weather
As I walked through the sleet to my car I thought, "Great ! , Panera Bread® is located at the crest of the divide between the Platte River valley and the Wood River valley, so I bet this sleet is falling as a full blown snowstorm up there. But I need my Sourdough Bread®. Sure enough we encountered snow as we approached the summit. Damn you great plains! Damn you to hell!
For those not familiar with Nebraska and the extent of the joke. My house is at 2165 feet above (present) mean sea level while Panera Bread® is located 66 feet higher on the "ridge" to the north that separates the two rivers. I put "ridge" in quotes because, from both hydrological, and meteorological points of view, the two river valleys are not as cleanly separated as the word might suggest.
So, we got a snowstorm today, but that did not compare to the other storm today ...
My wife got, not one, but two, mailings from EMILY's List today. You know them, they recruit, train and support pro-choice Democratic women candidates at every level of the ballot. Applause ! for them ! ... Right ?
My wife clouded up and rained on their parade. I will not repeat the words she wrote as she overstuffed those postage paid envelopes with much justified invective. It seems as though, of the women EMILY's List recruits, trains and supports, few if any have made public statements supporting Bernie Sanders' minimum wage bill.
Basically, we are in a "What The Fuck" mode in the Price household. Where are all these fine civic minded, forward looking "future leaders"?
Oh, I see, my mistake, I understand ... sorry, pretend you never heard me. I'll quietly let myself out the back ...

As for your weather..........
good! It's nice to see typical spring days compared to the mid summer weather we've been having here.
Tell your wife that she can increase the cost to the senders of that mail. Just make the envelope unbendable. Wood shims, tongue depressors, hell even sticks will raise that postage.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I agree
It's a tradition here to complain about the weather. I just wish it was a sign that normal weather patterns would signal normal climate processes, but we know the truth ... sigh.
The Lesser Sandhill Cranes continued onto the Arctic and Siberia on schedule, we were a bit concerned because they had arrived a bit too early from the Gulf. Screw Humanity, it would be a real tragedy if, because of us, the Cranes go extinct. You have not lived until you have listened to them while falling asleep near the Platte.
It's been raining and snowing in New Mexico, today.
Snowing in the mountains up north and through the mountain pass I drive through to get home from work, so I hope it's not bad when I leave in a few minutes. It's supposed to be rain/snow/sleet mix through tomorrow. April is always full of surprises in these parts!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I love New Mexico
I can never describe how to get to or find any particular place. But, along the Rio Grande, I always stopped at this awesome restaurant. It is (was) across the river from the highway (68 I think) far from any town. I suppose it no longer exists, but it was a magical place when it was there.
It might be that restaurant in, hmmm...
I can't remember the name of the "village" it is in, but it is along the Rio Grande on the toad to Taos. I grew up in Taos. It's a lovely drive. I've not been to that restaurant, but I've heard if it from others. I think it is still there.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
This looks like the Location.
As I said I don't remember how to find anything, but I can drive to places I have visited. I have a good sense of how to find things by just following my nose. So, I thought why not try Google Earth. So, I could be wrong but I don't think I am.

I think this is where it was.
Beginning in the 1970s we have been driving by this spot on the road to Taos and other very interesting locations. On our first drive on this road, not very far from this location, I was just cruising along in daydreaming mode when my wife shouted, "It's a mountain of schist!" Fortunately there was a wide spot on the river side of the road. I parked off the pavement, and Linda did her geological scavenging thing to get a nice set of schist samples. At that time I do not remember seeing a restaurant on the other side, but I do remember the wooden bridge. That wooden bridge has been replaced with the bridge as shown in this Google Earth image.
One day, while living in Nebraska, I was driving by this location with a friend and he noticed a restaurant peeking through at the right end of the trees. I think we crossed a wooden bridge at that time.
When I visit that area I never eat at national chain restaurants. I always look for the places that are run by local people with a deep connection to the area. So, I looks like the usual, I will have to find somewhere else to stop the next time I am in the area.
Yes, that's it.
I've driven past it for years and know folks who have eaten there. I agree on eating locally. It's what we do when we're out and about, too.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Interesting Idea