Memes of the Week
Feel free to use these memes and frames to discuss the politics of the day. Catapult this shit into the national public discourse as best you can. These memes and frames cover a lot of ground and have bipartisan applications.
They all build and work towards solidarity and point out the real, live bogeymen that are trashing our country.
Please, spread them far and wide...
Soulless Chuck Schumer
Good old Soulless Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader... What can I say. Does the guy believe in anything? Can anyone find a heart beating in that double breasted suit?
I think not.
"For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin."
Civic humanist, just for banksters.
Private Sector Predation
Did you hear that Drumpf signed off on opening national monuments up to "development"?
Sounds like more private sector predation to me.
Private sector predation is a fact. We've got companies with GDPs larger than European countries that stride around the halls of congress demanding that their bidding be done.
"Fleece those rubes! Or we'll sponsor a politician who will."
Corporations as predators has legs as, not just a meme, but a strategic meme. Nothing quite points out the innate attributes of corporate and corporate sponsored public policy like predation. It's, like, the same thing, amirite?
You got money in your pocket and I got a congressman in mine. One of us is the predator and one is the prey. I'll let you decide who's who.
Democratic Demographic Fashion Accessories
Can't Stop the Signal mentioned this in a comment, and I just think it's ridiculously powerful.
Democrats wear demographics like fashion accessories. They would don the Dashiki, grab some maracas while flaunting a pink boa, and ninja boots if they thought they could get away with it. It shows how they can "relate" to "people of color".
Demographics are to be leveraged against each other. It's just good basic political strategy, you know?
And it is good political strategy, if you're carving them up to make them more ripe for private sector predation. If you want an example, just check out Soulless Chuck Schumer, Democratic leader and stalwart "Liberal":
"For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin."
Please add any valuable frames or memes to the memes of the week.

corporations are predators, my friend
Hi K9
Neoliberal globalism is a big failure, and public enemy #1 - here and abroad. Who was that gazillionaire who said that they would get eaten if they didn't address inequality?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I don't know if this is any good, but I've been framing the
two parties as just two tentacles of Matt Taibbi's Vampire Squid.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Well, Private Sector Predation Is Clearly Evident With the
Vampire Squid, right
?On whom does the vampire squid feed? What is it's food source?
Taibbi's metaphor is strong, but it's empty and has no values ladened metaphorical framework to fall on. That framework exists in our and Taibbi's heads, and it's why our head nods when we hear or read it.
We've got predatory corporate institutions on our brain. In fact, because the frame is so strong, we can't see anything else -- Welcome Caucus 99 Percent.
What we need to do is to create and extend that framework within the larger body politic. Which means that Taibbi's gut punch framing hits the larger body politic.
How do we do this?
Goldman Sachs, corporate predator, has their blood funnel stuck so deeply into American politics and economics that our sole function is to hemorrhage more and more money and to give them more and more bailout support.
Isn't it time we started to defend ourselves from their economic predation?
Corporate media is like the Angler Fish. They dangle that shiny light out in the darkness and then once we're watching, they pounce. Amazing that we never seem to learn to stay away from the creepy light, and never seem to notice that good ideas seeking the light of the corporate media are killed and eaten, never to be heard from again.
Freetrade agreements are like corporate hunting preserves. They are set up so that it is easy to bag the poor rubes and poach the dissident middle class and wealthy under the cover of law.
Looky there Drumpf just bagged himself an elephant.
"Looky there, it's Soulless Chuck Schumer and he's forgotten to wipe his fangs after his meeting with the Goldman Sachs top Squid.
Framing is a lot more than a meme, and our memes should feed strong frames. Once this starts to happen it changes the initial sort of inputs of information. What was a business transactional kind of idea that I didn't quite understand and was distrustful of can be processed as the visceral attack on human beings that it is.
It should be rather easy for me to flip just about anything corporate and private sector into a predator type frame, and have strong, gut punch resonance with most demographics.
Happy Hunting...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
How About a List of Predatory Language and Metaphor?
If you have anything to suggest or share regarding predatory language and metaphor, or you have some ideas on how and to whom they should be connected to, please, don't be shy.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I sometimes say, "I don't care how much candy you offer me,
I'm not getting in your car!"
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Limosuine Liberals Hand Out Candy From a Bulletproof Sedan
The imagery is stunning, eh?
And it builds up steam.
"Never get into a car with a stranger, Butters... Unless it's a Limo." /southpark
I think the interesting thing is that this idea of corporate predation is literally flying around right now. I've heard it called "liberal" in polite conversation.
Liberal has almost become synonymous for "crooked/bribed". It's ugly out there.
My point is that every feels pressure from corporate sponsored public policy, but we just don't have the visceral, emotive framing in place for it to be perceived as the attack on humanity that it truly is.
This one would only take a little nudge. Like taking candy from a baby.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
More Inequality Means Fatter and More Dangerous Predators
No joke, the hunt must be like killing ants at this point in time to Big Corporate & the Oligarchs.
I mean, what are people going to do, Vote? Corporate has turned voting booths into baited hunting blinds where we walk up and select our chosen predator -- Lion or Tiger. Bear or Shark. It's your choice, this is America!
It kind of ruins the spirit of the hunt, but that's just because there are still too many rules.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
We're all just fish in a smaller and smaller barrel. My husband
and I have resisted joining AARP despite the various perks they offer because we know they'd sell us out in a heartbeat. They are little more than an insurance company with delusions of grandeur and they are far from benevolent.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Don't Blame the AARP, @Lily O Lady , If You Were Privy to the Scale
of predation that they are exposed to, you'd make the rational decision that thinning the herd is a fact, as well.
Their job is to manage the predation so it falls on as few people as possible, or so it falls equally upon us all. After all, that's about all you can expect out of popular institutions these days.
They do business in the predators ecosystem, and are a very small fish in a very large pond. All they got are the numbers of the herd, and that herd ain't got much money.
And as an insurance company, they got no money that is not directly tied to the health and wellbeing of the predators.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu