Open Sesame 02/20/16
Today, the Democrats who are making the president, they will caucus in Nevada. Next Saturday, they will have a primary in South Carolina.
Today, the Republicans who are making the president, they will have a primary in South Carolina. Tuesday, they will caucus in Nevada.
See! The parties, they are totally different!
The people of The Mad Bomber are continuing to insist that hundreds of thousands of brown Nevadans are now white. This is because such a magical melanin transformation is their only explanation for why the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man is expected in that state to today receive many votes.
The Bomber herself has taken to barking like a dog, as she moves through Nevada. Many people believe this is a sign that her brain is gone, and soon she will be over. These things are true; however, the dog-barking also has another meaning. For the Bomber people plan to flood the caucus sites with packs of rampaging dogs, like the Bumpus hounds in the true-life documentary film A Christmas Story. In the chaos, the Bomber partisans will change the votes, so it looks like the Nevadans made the Bomber be the president, rather than the Deli Man.
The Mad Bomber, she has a special affinity for dogs. Because they remind her of her husband, The Clenis. One of his nicknames, it is even "The Big Dog." Like a dog, The Clenis, he will hump anything that does or does not move, will drop everything to sniff out a new female, and, in quieter moments, will loudly and lovingly lick and suck his own genitals, and for hours on end.
The Hairball had for him what is a typical week. He experienced many Tourette's outbursts about "the liar" Zed Crud, the creepy, sinister vampire who is having the effrontery to try to take The Hairball's presidency. The Hairball announced that soon he will sue Crud, for both Ad Libel, and Canadian Borning. He also convened a press conference to denounce the pope as "pathetic," "a loser," "a Mexican," and "an old man in a dress." He instructed his jackbooted legions to boycott Apple until the company agrees to permit the government to sniff everyone's underpants. And he moved closer to his dream of executing Edward Snowden: The Hairball confirmed he had "made a deal" with Vladimir Putin, so that Snowden could be returned to the United States, there to be crucified on the White House lawn, on the day of The Hairball's inauguration as the president.
Most people think The Hairball will get the most Republican president-making votes today in South Carolina, but it is possible he will be surpassed there by Crud, because South Carolina is infested with even more evangelicals than is Iowa, where the Crud was recently triumphant. Evangelicals are a peculiar form of human who believe Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church, and who give to each other as gifts for Christmas tiny gold-plated fetus-feet pins they can wear on their lapels. Crud and his surrogates appeal to such people by stressing his intense connection with their Lord.
So, in recent days, Glenn "The Blackboard" Beck, an insane person who is allowed on the television, soberly intoned that the evangelical god had killed 18th-Century jurist Antonin Scalia so that people would know to vote for Crud. Last month this same Blackboard revealed that the "hand of divine providence" had been present at Crud's birth, sort of like the donkeys and chickens who attended the birth of Jesus. Crud campaign-chair Matt Schultz has confirmed that "Zed Crud is that man who God has prepared for this moment in time." And Crud's wife, Heidi, says her husband shows the world "the face of the God we serve." Since Crud's face always looks like it is melting, this is kind of creepy. One would think that a divine being could come up with some better face, than one that is melting.
Mondo Boobio is also expected to do well in South Carolina, given that state's proclivity for elevating to office closeted gay Republicans; Ashley Wilkes has represented the state in the United States Senate for the past 14 years.
Uncle Ben Carson, he will not be getting the votes, in South Carolina. But neither will he be lynched. So that's some progress, I guess.
The man who is currently the president, the Kenyan, this week bombed Libya, because a man there attacked a museum.
I guess that means that next week he will bomb China, because a woman from there attacked an art gallery.
A woman pulled an X-Acto knife and stabbed another woman in the arms and neck, said Miami Beach police spokeswoman Det. Kathleen Prieto.
Both women were patrons of the art show, not exhibitors. Some patrons thought the stabbing was a performance art presentation. Others believed the police tape cordoning off an area of the convention center was part of an art installation.
The stabbing occurred in a corridor near an art installation entitled "The Swamp of Sagittarius," created by Miami artist Naomi Fisher and partner Agatha Wara.
Fisher said she was at her exhibit when she heard a scuffle and later saw a woman being wheeled away by paramedics at about 5:30 p.m.
"A guy walked up to me and said, 'I thought I saw a performance, and I thought it was fake blood, but it was real blood.'"
Art gallery representatives who witnessed the incident declined to give their names but said they saw a woman with what appeared to be a pen in her neck.
Gregg Hill, a sculptor visiting from New York, said he saw the victim being wheeled out on a gurney but never suspected she was the victim of a violent act.
"I thought a piece of art fell on her," he said. "I never would have thought there would be a stabbing at Art Basel. People didn't really know what had happened. It was calm and everyone was milling around and talking."
Bombs away.
There is a sad thing about the Chinese nuke-bomb program. It is claimed that "China may be reversing its decades-old nuclear policy and putting its nuclear weapons on permanent high alert." Just like the United States and Russia.
Why are they doing this? Maybe they decided they needed to put on their big-boy pants. If so, bad move. Because real big-boy pants, is not having any bombs at all.
Sometimes when the airplane is awaiting refueling, airport officials become curious, because blood is dripping from the plane. So they Look, and they find a dead body inside, together with millions in South African rand.
This can especially happen when the plane is registered to Western Global Airlines, a company owned by James Neff, who formerly owned Southern Air, successor to Southern Air Transport, home to CIA flyboys who got up to many mischiefs in many nations over many years.
Fly the friendly skies.
Sometimes your house hums, but not everyone can hear it, and no one knows any reason why, about anything.
It was around November, Charlie Buchanan said, when his house started humming.
The sound is incessant, low-pitched and obnoxious, he said. The kind of hum that gets in the ears and under the skin. It’s driving him crazy, but even after 40 years as an electrician, Buchanan, 64, just cannot find the source.
"I can fix almost anything," he said at his house in Great Bridge. "But I can't fix this hum."
The mystery has confounded a wide range of people in the last few months. Buchanan can hear it, but his wife can't. Dominion Power has been out six times, but a spokeswoman said none of the workers can hear it, either. On a recent visit, a Pilot reporter and photographer both heard it—faint but steady, emanating from near a rear window in the corner of Buchanan's bedroom.
"You can hear it?" he said. "Whew!"
When the noise first started, he thought it might be from inflatable Christmas decorations across the street. But when he checked, they weren’t running. The holidays came and went, but the sound remained.
He asked on Facebook if anyone had any ideas on why his house might be humming. One reader wrote: "Because it doesn't know the tune."
He determined that the noise is not generated from the cable or propane gas running into his house, and it’s not from a busted pipe. Few appliances run 24 hours a day—for example, the pump in his well water system kicks on and off—but he hears the hum all the time.
A neighbor's hot tub was one of the first potential sources for the noise, but Buchanan eliminated it by asking them to turn theirs off.
He Googled theories like "magnetostriction" and "the harmonics of sound waves," and put a hand and an ear to nearby telephone poles to feel for vibrations. He wonders if the issue is a transformer somewhere.
"I've hugged 10 of them," he said of the poles, and found four that were definitely humming. He said he's pretty sure there’s no alien spaceship under the house[.]
Buchanan said he just wants it gone. He feels like the noise is driving him out of his house, but he's trying to maintain a sense of humor about the whole thing. He said he almost wore tinfoil on his head to answer the door for a reporter.
"May the hum not be with you," he said.
A flower has waited 15 million years for someone to say," My, aren't you pretty." Now, you can do that.
Sarah Silverman knows Philosophy, and she puts it out on her twit machine.
My stepdad was a philosophy professor & in class they'd ponder if cows had souls. I think it's 1 of 2 things:
1) The dif bet humans & animals is that humans have souls, OR, 2) the dif bet humans & animals is humans think they're the only ones w souls.
Menstrual pain, it is now Known, is "almost as bad as a heart attack."
So why isn't anyone researching it?
Because Science Men, are men.
Great skit from the Saturday Night Live people:
Harper Lee has died. More than any person who ever held any political office, she induced white people to understand that black people are human beings, just like them, and that what happens to black people in the United States, how they are treated, how they are regarded, is wrong. Lee was Boo Radley, a person who could not live in this world, but who, when it mattered, came out, and did the right thing. The world is a poorer place, without her in it. For she would be there all night. And she would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.

Good day, hecate and 99%'ers!
I got back late yesterday from visiting my mother with a side trip to have lunch with some of my high school classmates. Our 50th reunion in early November was such a success that many people wanted to do informal get togethers a couple times each year. There were 50 of us at this get together for lunch at a local sports bar. I never thought I would enjoy these things, but I did! I have made some new friends while getting to reunite with old ones.
Wednesday night, my mother and I went with a group from her independent living facility to see the dress rehearsal of Singing in the Rain put on by the local little theater. It was amazing! They even had rain falling on the stage for the title number while the lead actor sang and danced in the puddles. Overall, it was outstanding! It was hard to believe that all the actors with the exception of lead actor were amateurs. The two top male leads were incredible dancers too. I could have gone to see it a second time. My mother is talking about going back to see it again when my sister comes to visit.
Funny thing. I was gone three days and nothing really changed over at GOS. Same old dog doo, different day.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
is fun. We had just had a three-day rain-run here, and I tried one evening to sing in it. But this was vetoed by one of the cats. This cat is like a voice Hitler. I am not permitted to sing, whistle, whisper, hum, or curse. I can only use the normal voice, or, better yet, the special cat voice. Otherwise there is a Complaint.
Thanks. I figured that plane was CIA. but the only
CIA air arm I'm familiar with is Evergreen, out of Oregon, now named something else. Thanks for the great round-up.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
southern air
for decades got up to all sorts of no good. Then came publicity it did not want, when a Southern Air plane was shot down over Nicaragua, and the bailing Eugene Hasenfus did not dutifully swallow the pill, but allowed himself to be captured, and from there unraveled the whole seamy Iran/Contra nutbarness. You can change names all you want, but when you land a plane with a bleeding corpse and millions in currency aboard, chances are people are going to think they know who you are. ; /
Trump takes it up one step further
he says is disgusting, and he intends it to be disgusting."
China's ghost cities
Unborn cities pics
Global wind power tops nuclear power
for first time
Nevada just called it for Hillary
But she's only winning by about 4%.
That's far cry from the 30% of least fall.
she prevailed
only because of the sneaky Bumpus Hounds maneuver. Flooding the caucus sites with canines. As she foretold.
el oh el
as Poligirl says. I just finished watching a video of Trump going on and on about hillary barking like a dog on TV. He promised his audience that with him there would be no barking. Which made me laugh as he's nothing but a barker. I had know idea that this was true, I thought he was being metaphorical but here she is barking like a dog.
i didn't
know that people here didn't know about the barking. When I first heard it on the radio, I thought I was hallucinating. But no. It was Real. Here it is, below, naked, and unadorned.
Listen to MSNBC, if you want to
witness folks throwing Bernie under the bus. Maddow just said that Bernie would have to find a way to justify going forward (because of this loss).
As much as Wolf grates on our nerves [with his droning voice], think we're going to switch channels, LOL!
With only 4 points difference. Bernie should be declared the winner, considering "expectations' just a couple of weeks ago.
Bet he'll have a great night, fundraising, though.
"A fool sees himself as another; but a wise man sees others as himself."--Dogen Zenj
Postscript: Hoping Kasich finishes waaaaaaay back of the pack in South Carolina. We've never seen so much Repub Establishment/ institutional support for such a marginal candidate (he's employed a lot of Jon Huntman's former campaign staff). His 'good ol' boy' schitck is wearing thin, already.
When the primary is settled, if he's still in the running, I'll outline how he has set about to privatize and destroy Medicaid in his state. (He's also doing the same by participating in test pilots for 'dual eligibles.')
Over and out . . .
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
is that by delegate count or by actual votes ?
Ah shit, I never get this damned system.
ok, have to go over there to the gos now... terrible/nt
Better you than me (shudder)
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
I 'think' that was popular vote, Mimi. But, I'm multi-tasking,
and could have missed something.
Maybe gj knows, for sure.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
by county-convention delegate count. Not by popular vote. As in Iowa, the Democrats in Nevada do not release popular-vote counts. For no reason known to me.
Thanks, hecate. Moved on to the Repub
primary race, as soon as I heard 52-48. Just saw a few minutes ago, it's (now) a five point spread. I'm just relieved that they got their figures in so soon. I heard predictions that it might take a day or two.
Still think it means that Bernie won [for all practical purposes], due to expectations.
Noticed that FSC gave her web url at the end of her speech, just like Bernie usually does. That's okay--she's gonna need more money!
"A fool sees himself as another; but a wise man sees others as himself."--Dogen Zenj
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
thanks /nt
2008 = 2016
the next week, until the votes roll in from South Carolina, she will be black, 24/7. She will open every campaign event chanting "I AM A NEGRO!" She will be like a minstrel show. To survive such a spectacle, everyone will need Lenny Bruce levels of Medicine.
oh my, you are "bad" ... :-) ... but to the point ... :-)
I lose hope when I listen to people calling in to C-SPAN.
I need some music to get over it !!!
some Bamboozled music.
Spike came out this week for the Deli Man. Spike, he don't get bamboozled.
:-) makes me long for ...
... some booz(e) to bam me with ...
and Bill will stay behind her biting his lips and grinning /nt
She already tried that trick once...
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
they are already
calling South Carolina for The Hairball. Crud and Boobio are battling it out for second place. In fourth is Death Of A Salesman ("Attention must be paid!"). Heb, he is fifth, above only Uncle Ben.
How much more humiliation can that man take? P. T. Barnum and a couple of foreigners, using him as a trampoline. Heb will now have to go to the nuclear option. Reanimating the corpse of Terri Schiavo, and marching her before him, everywhere he goes, claiming he rose her from the dead, like Jesus with Lazarus.
nope: that's it: heb is
out of the race.
So much for the 678,567,897 pundits who confidently predicted 2016 would be a battle of the hereditary family dynasties, Heb vs. The Mad Bomber.
One down. One still to fall.
hecate, I just want to say
I love reading your comments and every time I smile.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Smiling is good. So I am glad I can help you get there. ; )
he can't take more humiliation and his
concession speech made his wife weep. I wonder how difficult it is to say the words he just said. There was not one word in it that came close to be honest or true, but he managed to say them without his face falling apart and been shattered. Poor man. If he just had run instead of GWB. May be we hadn't have the wars of the last fifteen years.
had an apt line there: "I congratulate my competitors, that are remaining on the island." Network was a true-life documentary film. We are seeing that, in this GOoPer playpen nutballery.
Actually, Bush was fairly straightforward regarding 'policy,'
including that he wanted to cut (slash) so-called entitlements. Frankly, I 'suspect' that, other than 'Bush-fatigue,' this was one of the primary reasons that he never got any real traction. (I've heard him give about 7 or 8 stump speeches. XM Radio carries all of the candidates speeches.)
BTW, Jeb's no more dangerous than John Kasich on this issue. Of course, Kasich operates like corporatist a Democrat--he talks about the issues in coded language, so that many (low information) voters don't have a clue what he's saying. Nothing else can explain 'how' he was able to garner a quarter of the support of the Ohio AA Community, as well as decent support in other minority communities, when he ran for Governor the last time.
This, in spite of how he has 'reformed' Medicaid/Expanded Medicaid in his state--with a waiver, privatizing most of the services/benefits, making it a managed care program, with capitation fees--and therefore, broadening 'Estate Recovery.' He is also preparing to scr*w over 'dual eligibles,' who are also enrolled in the Medicare program.
In short, Kasich is 'toxic.' If he remains in the race (much less wins the nomination), I'll be concentrating on getting out his many decade record as a budget austerian. He's and old hand at 'balancing budgets,' and slashing social programs.
(I'd have to double check, but it seems that he's even in favor of passing a 'balanced budget' amendment. This Dude is 'out there,' as they say.)
Naturally, practically all of the corporatist print media reporters, and their Editorial Boards adore him. (All owned by the One Percent.) That alone should give folks pause.
"A fool sees himself as another; but a wise man sees others as himself."--Dogen Zenj
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
i think
there should be a song, in honor of the entombing of his Hebness.
he tried to do his best
but he could not
Ben Carson gives a "beginning speech", media, he said, thought
he would make a "concession speech". Right now he talks against money in politics - like Sanders. He discovered corruption and filth in politics. But however, God is in charge, he said. Thanks. God. This was the first time I listened to Carson. And the last time as well.
I hope you heal, folks.
but you gotta
hear Uncle Ben speak about how Joseph built the pyramids to store grain:
but, but, but ... that sounds pretty smart and intelligent :-/nt
wish I knew how to embed Ben's tweet
his campaign in saying he got as many delegates as anyone other than the winner. They're not saying Trump got them all and Ben, like the other losers, got zero.
Meanwhile, gotta love the weird Hillary campaign lies re: "English only, you Mexican!" Which didn't happen. I loved the discussion on dKos where many people said to the 'bots "listen to the audio" and one of those 'bots said "no, I prefer to take the word of blah blah blah". Reminded me of the Catholic Church and Galileo's telescope.
i am
pretty sure many of the releases from the Uncle Ben campaign come from the Onion.
In re Galileo, Ratzinger, the ex-pope, the one who went in for swastika armbands, like the people of The Hairball, he was arguing well into the 20th Century that the church was right, and Galileo was wrong:
So don't expect the people of the Bomber to change any time soon.
OMG Trump speaks ... I believe
for the first time he could win... people will choose him as their last possible savior to save them and make America great again. He will save face for all of them.
Earlier I heard a woman on C-Span saying, let's face it the US is a business, so we need a the best business man we can. She was just so much in love with Trump.
Well, I wonder when that business is going bankrupt. It's hard to watch it.
I somehow wished he would be stopped by Europe.
But Europeans are always caving in front of Uncle Sam. Pump is just such an outrageous Goebbels-like asshole. OMG I insulted the next US president.
USA! USA! USA! ....
Hairball is not going to be the president. Any more than Uncle Ben Carson served as chief grain-collector for Joseph at the pyramids.
so, who will be President then?
btw, I like your comments too, a lot, when I am not completely "out of my mental shape". Which happens. Just saying.
How do you know he won't be president?
examinations of The Hairball appeal confirm that his people are angry, ignorant, soccer thugs. Dark as one may want to view the country, such people do not represent a majority of the electorate. The Hairball has yet to demonstrate he can even secure the votes of more than a third of those casting ballots in his own party. George Wallace never commanded a majority, either. And The Hairball is basically a rerun of Wallace. History repeating as farce.
Huffington Post explains why Trump could win
Here's How Donald Trump Could Become President - If he succeeds in the Rust Belt, look out.
I have this disturbing condition that makes me believe that if I can imagine something could go wrong, then it will.
the states
those doomsayers identify—Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin—are Catholic states. To begin, I have a hard time picturing legions of Catholics streaming into the voting booths to there pull the lever for a man who has threatened to unleash ISIL on the Vatican, to there smash to bits all the Mary statues, while meanwhile chopping off the pope's head.
You could try, instead, imagining things going right, and having that come to pass. ; )
Ai, Ai, Sir, everything alright, Sir, you are right too... :-)
I am going to watch "Doc Martin" now. At least that doesn't confuse my mind.
i thought
Doc Martin were shoes. Do they have a show now? ; 0
The danger is much higher than you think
What Republican is going to take it away from Trump?
Rubio? The establishment robot?
Cruz? The evangelical neocon?
I don't think so.
So is Hillary going to do it?
Sure, she'll get the Dem votes. But independents hate her. There's a real question about whether she can beat Trump.
Also BBB has a diary up pointing out that Democratic turnout is down by a third, while GOP turnout is hitting records.
it really isn't. ; )
There are a lot of assumptions built into your doom cloud.
(1) That if The Hairball is the Republican nominee, 50% +1 of the American electorate will suddenly become vicious, vengeful, authoritarian populists . . . when thus far The Hairball has been unable to convince more than one-third of the people in his own party to walk that way.
(2) That The Hairball, if not the Republican nominee, will not bolt and run third-party.
(3) That some other New Ork moneybags (say, Mike "STOP THAT SMOKING!" Bloomberg) will not also decide he has to try to be the president.
(4) That The Mad Bomber will be the Democratic nominee.
(5) That primary turnout will be reflected in general election turnout, for both Democrats and Republicans.
Let's see what happens. But one thing is for certain. The Hairball is not going to be the president.
Well, the MSM has already slung everything but the kitchen sink
at him. So, if the Repub Establishment can't stop him soon, I believe that Trump's on his way to get the nomination.
Also, I don't believe that FSC can beat him. Another tranche of emails was released Friday, with a couple more tranches to go.
They have already documented over 1700 'classified' emails. Most of the classified emails in this tranche were the lowest level--Confidential. (Approximately 24 that are classified as Top Secret, or even the higher category of this classification--the ones with drone strike data/info.) Although there's almost a blackout in the progressive community, this topic is actually reported on by some news outlets, including those other than Fox News Channel. Even NPR and PBS cover this story, from time to time. There was talk earlier today on the Sunday Talk Shows about how they are now gearing up to beat her over the head on this issue (if she takes the nomination).
It's not the emails themselves--it's the 'dishonesty' narrative, that all this feeds for many folks.
IMHO, the only way to stop Trump is to nominate Bernie. I'm not positive that he would win, but I feel certain that FSC couldn't beat him. And, I'm convinced that Bernie, at the least, has a really decent chance of beating him.
Also, if it's a Kasich/Rubio Republican ticket, I think that they would clobber FSC. Not so, if Cruz is on the ticket.
But, of course, that's just my 'guess.'
“If a dog won’t come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.”-- Woodrow Wilson
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
the media
hasn't touched The Hairball. They've reported what comes out of his mouth. But not the things that he's done.
But not for lack of trying. For the past 6 months, I'd
say that I've averaged (daily) 5-7 newspaper pieces to my cell phone feed alone--all of them very derogatory.
And, we hear 15 hours weekly (XM program from 2-5 pm) national campaign reporters from NYT, WaPo, Reuters, The Christian Science Monitor, The Guardian, USA Today, etc., who come on presenting negative coverage.
I'm curious, even the reporters I'm hearing say that he's the 'Teflon' candidate, since nothing they report seems to hurt him with his supporters. And they admit to trying! Their frustration is that, if anything, sometimes their disparaging reporting seems to boost his numbers.
One NYT reporter even wrote a story about Trump not seeming to like the national press corp that covers his campaign.
As everyone knows, he's been a public business figure for decades, so much of his personal life (3 marriages, etc.) is probably common knowledge. (And, I'm assuming doesn't bother his supporters.) Do you mean his use of eminent domain, or filing Chapter 13 on several occasions? Or the housing/zoning issue, when his Father was still in charge of the family business?
The Press has knocked Trump for months, trying everything to bring him down. Jeb Bush spent almost 25 million dollars (alone) trying to bring him down.
Not to be contentious, but what exactly are you referring to?
(Don't mistake me for supporting him, please, just because I think that he may win the Repub nomination. I'll be voting for Stein, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.)
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
i mean
his business activities. Nobody makes that sort of money without wading through real filth, and he's no exception. For example, I have not seen one piece, anywhere, about him being, like anyone who makes his sort of big money in his sort of fields, in New Jersey and/or New Ork, mobbed up; and I know that information's out there, because I used to read it in the Voice, way back when.
I just don't understand why there is so much
hate against "the left" in the US from non-white ethnicities, people, who have been discriminated and exploited for generations in the US. Why do they feel the "left" is their enemy or probably just "fraud"? What has the "left" done to deserve their distrust and even hate? What happened?
Where does that come from?
My 'guess' (in a word) is NAFTA. ;-) N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Emergin market warning
this can't continue
Always love reading your posts, hecate
even if I get to 'em late
Anyway, here's a nice poem for you, summing up how your posts keep rattling around me poor brain:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
thank you
That poem's great. ; )
and another,
shorter, version, from my lady DuBois:
First time I see Chris Hedges discussed on the gos
in a diary - Bernie Sanders Supporters: You are Doomed! I don't understand. I saw a snark tag first and now I don't see it anymore. But I don't think the diary is snark. But a tool to belittle Hedges as one who gives the Sanders campaign difficulties.
I listened again to the interview he gave to Book TV. And he is very detailed.
the interview above on Book TV is almost 3 hours long
and the Q& A session is really very good. Can't help to always be impressed by the clarity of Hedges thoughts and analysis. He talks even about Oprah, Hollywood once in ways that I clearly like.
Just saying. It's long, but worth every minute.
referenced Hedges, approvingly, numerous times, over there. Including in the now-invisible memory-holed diary for which I was banned.
Hedges, in my view, was best in his beginning, in War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning. Where he himself was not spared, in his critiques.