Ann Coulter is Tired of War
Take it easy, man. Relax. Take it all in. Breath deep the gathering doom.
I find this interesting. Ann Coulter, the high priestess of conservatism and bigotry, is "tired of war". It's interesting because it tells us something about what's happening in this country.
The democratic war party and it's partisan supporters are leading the anti-Russia drive to WWIII while many on the right, including most Trump (or former Trump at this point) supporters who expected a focus on this country, not Trump's "axis of evil", are becoming antiwar. Like Ann Coulter.
"A fiery Ann Coulter told radio host Joyce Kaufman on Wednesday that she doesn't care if it was Bashar al-Assad who used chemical weapons because she's "tired of Regime change."
Though Coulter said she doesn't believe Assad actually did use chemical weapons and suspects the rebels were behind the recent attack, she said even if he did it's no excuse for getting involved in another "pointless war."
"I don't care if it was Assad who used these chemical weapons," she said. "I'm tired of regime change. I'm tired of war."
"But this, again, is not the first time we've had a Reichstag fire for some pointless war," Coulter said. "In the Gulf War, famously we were told that Iraqi troops were rushing in and throwing -- always the babies, it's always the children -- taking babies out of Kuwaiti hospitals and pulling them out of incubators and throwing them on the floor."
We have been lied to over and over in cases like this and I do not think [Trump's attack on Syria] shows toughness, I think it shows everything Trump's enemies said about him -- that he's erratic, that he's emotional, that he's desperate for approval -- it wasn't because they violated some some horrible, you know, laws of war and humanity," she said."
Well, golly, garsh, shazam said Gomer! What the fuck is going on here?
Hey, maybe we should reform the republican party instead.

She doesn't seem to understand the big picture
very well but it's something. We always have to be careful where strange bedfellows will take us however.
With all drifting on the wind we may see surprising overlaps /nt
Like Dean
Solidarity forever
oh, never mind, I
thought the headline read, Ann Coulter is a tired whore. My bad.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Its too damn late
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
If we had a top comment, that would be it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Americans know what war is like.
Full employment, big bands and/or Woodstock.
And so does Russia
I could take
a whole week trying to respond to your presentation of these three photographic and musical propaganda pieces. But for the moment, I will only write isolated words that come to mind.
Truth, education, reality versus sitting in front of a screen.
I give up. But part of what you show here is that experiencing war is different from watching war by sitting in front of a screen while the war is thousands of miles away and unlikely to arrive in your home.
Yes. The truth of the matter is that America has
not experienced war on it's soil since the American civil war, 1861-1865, and that was mainly in the south. The US has also never personally experienced 'modern' war on it's soil except the relatively minor attacks on Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
As you said, America has experienced war vicariously, on radio, movie theaters, TV and the internet. It's never been upfront and personal like in Russia. We better believe that Putin meant it when he said the next war will NOT be fought on the Russian motherland.
Big Al, good she is tired, she should take David Brock
by the hand, drag him to bed with her and sleep happily and tightly embraced with him ever after. Mama says thank God she got those two kids into bed to sleep.
She must see a boost in earnings in this, striving to be
You might have a laugh at this from Coulter
"we could be a little less worried about civilian casualties"
she says.
came out with that line, no trouble at all.
it's easy. no trouble at all.
she got rich saying things like this. what a country.
What a country, I've been asking that same damn question
Not pleasant, but Coulter
is right. Fight the damn "war," or don't. But this half-assed vietnam-style of "warfare" is horse$h!t. War is messy and civilians get killed. Violently. There is no way around that. But, this "war on terra" could have been won in two years or less if G. Dubya hadn't pussyfooted around, and got down to the business of killing people and breaking things. Instead...
Well, instead we got what I said we would get back in Aug. 2002: Another Vietnam lasting 4, 5 years with the same result: troops boarding helicopters on the way out of there. It is what we do now. Drag out a "war" until it no longer makes sense, then tuck tail and bail. In effect surrenduring to a lesser foe. Leaving behind a place no better off than before we dropped our first bomb.
Sad, but true, Ann is right. Go in guns a blazing, bombs a dropping, kicking so much ass there's no time to take names. Show the "enemy" you're there to do just that, show them their 2 year olds don't matter to us, and it's amazing how quickly those white flags appear, game over, war over. American troops kicked Hitler's ass in Less Than a Year upon hitting the beaches of Normandy. Less Than a Year! They didn't worry about bombing 2 year olds, shooting 9 year olds. In the process they saved Tons of lives!
This "war" has become a joke, and Ann points out the obvious. Either get it done in six months, or bail. What, Terrist pissants are more dangerous than Hitler? Never in my wildest back in 2002 did I think we'd still be "fighting" this "war" in 2017. Fourteen years to beat Terrist pissants. WWII vets must be turning in their graves. War is messy. Kids get killed. Violently. If America can't sign up for that then there's no sense dropping the first bomb. Which was my argument back in 2002. "What the hell is Dubya doing going into the M.E.? Is he out of his F'ing mind?" My experience in Germany in the '70s was Terrism is fought by the local police and FBI equivalent there. They bring in Army troops when they have to. Which is almost never. Their State and local police, and FBI fight their War on Terra there, and they've done very well keeping people safe. Dubya, alas, paid no attention. Four or five platoons of Special Forces troops, coordinating with Interpol and the FBI would have had this thing won before Dubya left office. No bombs dropped, few kids killed. Instead...
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Aha, very interesting,
I think you have a political warmonger exhaustion syndrome and get a tad bit too mad.
I guess you are right WWII veterans must be turning in their graves ... because of what you are saying here. Wars are never jokes, even not the "little ones".
You must have missed
this part: "War is messy. Kids get killed. Violently. If America can't sign up for that then there's no sense dropping the first bomb. Which was my argument back in 2002."
Which is the point, and Ann's point, too, I believe. We can't continue "fighting" "wars" like this, taking 14 years to accomplish nothing. We either go in guns a blazing, get it done as quickly as possible, or we don't drop the first bomb. It's criminal to do otherwise.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I know, I was in a bad mood and decided
to just read the parts of your comment that fed my mood. Sorry for that. You are right.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
I remember back during the Vietnam War a double-page ad in the NYTimes featuring various celebrities either "Pro" (left page) or "Con" (right page). I was already a science fiction fan, so I only remember three names now: Poul Anderson was "Pro" (get in there, win this thing and get it over with), while Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein(!) were "Con".
Asimov, of course, was a peacenik. Heinlein's reasoning was pretty much along the lines just expressed by Ann Coulter.
But any time you got *those* two on the same side, there's Something Happening Here.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
terror crimes are for the police, imo.
In Germany
Exactly. Was my position
in Aug. 2002 when Dubya first mentioned publicly his intent to invade Iraq. But, I wouldn't have known how Germany (and Europe) countered terrism (Dubya spelling) if I wasn't stationed in Germany as an MP, and received those weekly "Terrist Activity" bulletins. No need in Europe to send in the entire fucking military - their State and Local police (and FBI equivalent) (and informing US military police) were plenty to counter the terrists.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I reject almost
everything you say here. As a pacifist I understand the true, harsh dilemma that once your enemy is armed to the teeth, you are in the necessary position of having to destroy him with as few civilian casualties as possible. I think the American people have been falsely led to believe that what won WWII was the cremation of civilian cities in Europe and Japan. I disagree.
I disagree as well with your premise that we didn't do enough bombing or killing of civilians in Iraq to win that war. We armed that country to the teeth after shock and awe bombing and allowed the resources of weaponry, explosives, and cash to "fall" into the hands of corrupt, desperate insurgencies, on purpose. We didn't lose the war. We kept it going and have kept it going. On purpose.
What never arrives on the planning table is the arrest and bringing to justice of the funders, smugglers, and propagandists of the terrorist armies who come to threaten us. That would include the U.S. banks who armed Hitler as well as current celebrities like Bandar, who funded the attack on our country on 9/11, leading to the quagmire you and I are in today. If we have to kill someone, let's make it the people who cause war, sustain it, and profit from it, not children, who are no threat to us at all.
People who bomb civilians, because they can't think of any other way to destroy their enemy, are exactly the same, and just as monstrous, as the terrorists we are fighting.
Just saying, Linda, that
there are ways to fight wars, and there are ways to win them. And "we" haven't won one since WWII. Iraq is an example of how Not to fight one. No one, not me, not GI Joes in uniform today, want to light up 9 year olds, bomb 2 year olds, but it's a fact of war, is going to happen, no way around it. The business of war is to break things and kill people. And win. If we can't get that done in a rather quick period of time, then there is no sense dropping the first bomb. This "war" is horse$h!t, criminal even.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Linda Wood
Cheers and applauds loudly... and wakes roommates...
Edited for a missing letter - evidently can't clap my hands and type at the same time...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
American soldiers did not kick Hitler's ass
It was Russian soldiers who did that. You seem to have got your history from Hollywood movies.
The Western Front was not the main theater of WWII. The war was decided on the Eastern Front. The fighting here was between 400 German and Soviet divisions and ran for about 4 years along a 1,600 km front. 88% of the German casualties occurred along this front. The Western Front involved about 15-20 divisions.
July and August 1943 the Germans were defeated at the The Battle of Kursk. This was the last time the Germans could mount a massive front, either in the east or the west. It was all downhill for them from this point on.
The Allied invasion of Italy took place on September 3, 1943. The Germans withdrew September 16 because they could not get reinforcements. On June 6, 1944 (D-Day), after over three years of Soviet pressure on the Eastern front the Allies finally invaded France. They made steady progress until they hit the Ruhr river in Germany where they failed despite a high offensive.
On 23 June 1944 the Soviets mounted Operation Bagration which completely decimated the German armies on the Eastern Front. After this point, the Germans could not send reinforcements or materiel to the Western Front. They were completely defeated by this time but Hitler's ego would not let him recognize that fact.
One wonders what the world would now be like if Hitler had not decided to attack the Russians.
The US has NEVER won an asymmetrical war. They are not winnable by bombing. They take boots on the ground. The US no longer has the stomach for this kind of war.
Where did massive bombing and firepower get the US in South East Asia? 90% of the deaths were civilians. Thousands still get maimed or die every fucking year from the shit the US left in those countries 50 years ago.
You want to do this to Syria?
Hitler thought Russia
would be a cakewalk. He made the same mistake US Generals made in Vietnam. They stayed too long. Our best and brightest apparently thought bombing the tender loving $h!t out of southeast Asia would be the easiest way to win but, eventually, after no gains made, one would think the generals would call off the dogs. Funny, we keep doing the same thing in the M.E.
Or not. As for Syria, I gave up giving a flying fuck what happens in the M.E. years ago. I knew before the "war" started how this was going to end. (badly). I hardly doubt I was alone (though I was the Only one among a dozen or so on "my" local board that openly said so). These "wars" are easy enough to start, but it seems no one has the backbone to stand up on the House floor and say, "enough is enough." "Have Wall Street finance your damn war. We're done." Nope, not a stinkin' one.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I appreciate your position completely, but I think CB makes the point our whole country is struggling with:
And I think we no longer have the stomach, not because we have no courageous soldiers, but because the business of war is NOT to win but to keep it going for time and all eternity, to endlessly lose, to flood countries with bombings and contamination and destruction and and to keep losing in order to keep the funding.
Thank you! As usual, lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@Wink CB is correct on
And bombing/killing a slew of citizens until the white flags go up will likely not work against the terrorists; they are typically outside mercenaries. This is the currently the case in Syria. They don't care about those citizens either, so no matter how many you kill, why would they surrender? They won't surrender no matter how many innocent civilians you kill, the upside for them being that if you keep doing that, you will undoubtedly contribute to their cause, facilitating their recruiting as more and more of those remaining innocents become enraged to your callous disregard and atrocities.
Your milage may vary.
My point simply was that in the pursuit of "the bad guys" a two year old may be blown to bits, a nine year old caught in the crossfire. Not that this was /is S.O.P., just that it is a fact of war. My point simply that if you're "going to war" then, by God, go to war. Accomplish what you can in two years instead of 14, and if kids get killed... well, kids get killed. Becuz to drag it out for 14, well... the same number of kids get killed while tip toeing thru the tulips attempting to obscure the obvious. So, what's the diff.? The diff. is you kill a whole lot more "bad guys" in two years by waging war the way it was intended to be waged: Guns a blazing, bombs a dropping. And, if we don't have the stomach for that - and we apparently don't - then we stay home. Which suits me just fine.
Coulter is right. It's time to put up or shut up, fight or go home.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Winning doesn't seem to be the end goal in the MENA
Waging war for profit while at the same time shattering the country back to the dark ages seems what it is all about. This has long been the policy of the Deep State. If they can't get regime change to their liking they will destroy the entire country. Every one of the countries that the US has destroyed have taken generations to get back to where they were before they were brought 'freedom and democracy'.
Oh, exactly. The MIC
hasn't had any intention of "winning" any "war" we've been involved in since Vietnam. Nixon ran on "getting us out of vietnam" in 1968. We see how well that went, the Nazi Kissinger keeping us in it until people in this country got sick'n'tired of the nightly death toll, finally realizing we were not going to "win." The only intention of the MIC is "perpetual war," and have said "we will be in the M.E. a long damn time, the "war on terra" never ends."
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Gotta say, I like Bin Laden's attitude in that instance...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Well, that was Goldwater’s point about Vietnam in 1964, too
Democrats twisted the argument, turning it into the “Daisy” meme, and the rest is history.
I agree w/ Goldwater. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I made it 30 seconds.
Standard operating procedure for the Tired Whore.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Gee, I feel so sorry for her.
If she's finally complaining about war, imagine how U.S. troops must feel.
President Trump is the embodiment of what Coulter and her kind have been foisting on us since Vietnam.
Ms. Coulter--and I say this in all sincerity, from the bottom of my heart--sit down and shut up.
that chair is great. (++)
can we (c99) make some and present them to people?
little ones, like an Oscar. maybe deliver the big one to their offices.
I want to give one to John McCain. really. rachael maddow chris hayes. BERNIE.
I am serious.
Sure. Be my guest!
I love the chair, too. Stole it from someone who stole it from a tweet.
There is definitely change in the electorate.
They have been measuring public satisfaction with our government all my adult years, and it goes no place but down. People are at the bottom and flailing at anything that moves trying to kill the malfeasants. If we ever get night vision and identify the suckers, they're history.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
A hundred
thousand Recommends. Your comment is one for the treasure vault. Peace. Thanks. Hilarious.
Thank Al...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thank you dk.
Damn I love this place and all that it stands for.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
It's a rare occurance indeed,
but Ann Coulter happens to be right this time. The raging debate over whether or not Assad used a chemical weapon is something of a red herring. The unproven (and highly doubtful) accusation that he did so, is being used to justify a longstanding US campaign to discredit the Syrian government -- a campaign that remains active regardless of Assad's innocence or guilt of this particular crime.
Now that the nominally "liberal" US establishment is in unison spewing war propaganda right and left, any dissenting voices deserve at least a hearing. Coulter apparently thinks that the SAR is the wrong target. I agree with her about that, if about little else.
Exactly. I'm amazed she
got this one right, thought for sure she would be among the bomb, baby, bomb crowd. If Ann, of all people, "gets it," well, it's long past time for this "war" to be history.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
She may be a bloodthirsty harpy,
but at least she's got a mind of her own.
Is that going to be like LBJ’s realization with Walter Cronkite?
Assuming there’s even one power player left in the Deep State capable of such reflection.
It appears that issues are only important to bludgeon ones
opponents with, but in themselves no longer have meaning. I would imagine Colter would be happy to support war when it suits her interests.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
True, but this "war"
has proven too much for even Ann to support. Good for her. And, if even she can't support it, who can?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
She probably shifted out of investment in missiles just before they went up and her sour grapes withered on the gnarly vine... now the stocks are too high to buy back in again, so no profit in murdering citizens in other countries would accrue to her anyway. Just a theory...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
LOL that would be a fitting end to this mess
The Republican party becomes so discredited that the Kochs and the other fossil fuel/MIC/PIC oligarchs are forced to abandon it and join the Wall Street/Health Insurance/Pharmaceutical oligarchs who run the Demonrats, leaving the Republicans to become a progressive party of the people. I'd register as a Republican if that happened.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The original Progressives *were* Republicans
back when there was a much wider political spectrum in this country and there weren't just two sides hard-locked into doublethink.
Maybe, just maybe the locks are breaking and a hint of sanity is beginning to return. We better hope so, at least.
At this point I welcome a bit of sanity from anyone.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Actually, Hillary won a lot of the big Republican donors and I believe that evidence was posted on this site that the Koch brothers had also supported Dems this time, as well as the Repubs. But that didn't fly well, with two right wings and nothing permitted on the left... also made for a lot of circular raisining (not a typo, claims made being all kinda shrivelled and sticky and not involving reason) in the propaganda spewed.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.