Autistic or Expressive Don't Fly United

          Actually this relates to each and every airline company, but United is in the news, I assume you have seen the videos, so why not use it for "click bait" right ?
          Airline customer training protocols have evolved over the years toward a midwestern (or perhaps more precisely a Mormon) style of customer service, Passive Aggressive to the max.

          This incident happened in May of 2015 wherein one passenger stated:

          She wasn’t put off the plane because she had autism, she was put off the plane because she was maybe proposing some kind of a threat, to (about) 170 other people at 36,000 feet, which doesn’t make anyone feel safe. What if she got crazy and got up and opened an exit door at 36,000 feet?

          I read the story here, here, and here, so with proper framing (read Passive Aggressive) any tiny behavioral "aberration" can be interpreted as potentially dangerous.
          Until drastic changes occur I will shun air travel as much as possible, for someday I will most likely get arrested or at least detained. I have a bad habit of "speaking my mind" and, generating effective actions. Some people just can't deal well with people like me.

          Over the years I have expressed displeasure with regard to various colleagues' behaviors and in each case triggered a state review board inquiry that resulted in said colleagues being censured. Those incidences and the fact that I had constructed, and possessed a model of a hydrogen bomb resulted in the Dean's records containing some notes suggesting I am an angry person. Later that all got summarized into PriceRip has "Anger Manage Problems". Yep, I have an "Anger Manage Problem" because, coming from the West and living in Nebraska, I don't know how to act friendly. In Nebraska being friendly is to be civil as you slide the stiletto your target's back.

          So, while our paranoid Transportation Security Administration continues to spiral out of control I will continue to opt out of dealing with the Passive Aggressive questioning, scanning, and other intrusions. I will just spend more time walking in the woods. At least there I only need be concerned with cougars, and bears. Much more relaxing ... Oh Yeah.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

That's what I do, as much as possible, which is a challenge when you live in New Mexico!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

ggersh's picture

you aren't good enough to fly with us, it's what separates
the elites from the 99%.

UA like amerika no longer work, but tptb don't seem to mind.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


UA like amerika no longer work, but tptb don't seem to mind.

The John Galters are in charge now and they're the ones who are making everything go to hell because of their blind, self-justifying "ideology".

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Beware the bullshit factories.

ggersh's picture

@Timmethy2.0 oligarchs i.e.Kochs,Adelsons, Buffet, Gates etc.etc.etc.

hired hands 544 in DC

somewhere in the middle, WS/IB's/PE, banking in general

the 99.9% just a number

society need to change

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

and I think I may avoid United if I can at all help it. But then again, I imagine it's not only United who gets away with this crap.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

is an inherently dangerous thing to do. There's no getting around that. So when a plane full of several hundred random humans are crammed together in an enclosed and very limited space, in uncomfortable proximity to one another, way up high like that, a certain degree of enforced discipline is obviously advisable. I do not believe that a commercial airliner in flight is an appropriate place to express one's individuality to its fullest extent.

Personally, I loathe the experience of air travel. From check-in to luggage pick-up, the whole routine amounts to something of a nightmare for me. For reasons I need not enumerate. But nobody forces me to board one of these glamorous super-sonic tin cans. If I do climb aboard one, I do so of my own free will, and I agree to accept whatever restrictions that might be placed on my personal liberty, as being part and parcel of the entire, somewhat humiliating process.

IOW, if you can't accept being de-humanized and herded and controlled during every stage of your journey, then don't fly. Better to stick a few miles closer to Mother Earth, and take more time in getting to where you want to go.

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PriceRip's picture

          I just watched the YouTube Democracy Now! video concerning this incident. This is a very bad thing because I realized that if I had been close enough to hear the doctor say he was scheduled to see his patients, I would have intervened.

          Given the general tenor of the circumstances I probably would have been quite assertive with my objections. I think trying to deescalate this situation was not an option with these officers in their state of mind, they clearly have not been properly trained to perform their assigned duties.

          It is well worth your time to listen to this discussion addressing some of these concerns.

And, of course. here's Amy:


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... along with the very courageous doctor.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

TheOtherMaven's picture


It was only a matter of time.

I hear their stock took a severe nose-dive, and serves them right. It would serve them even righter if China boycotted United.

That would only leave three major airlines, but it might throw a PR scare into them.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

PriceRip's picture


          I wish I could live to see the day when even one of these "Too Big To Fail" corporations would be held accountable for their institutionalized malfeasance.

          I say this because in local and personal conflicts I have been very effective in fighting "The Powers That Be" in the academic setting as well as in local / regional municipal and state institutions. That is, in part, why I value my experiences here, in the MidWest.

          I know, from personal experience, it is possible to hold bullies accountable. Holding corporate bullies accountable, however, is not a part of my skill set.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

instead of being tacked on to the end of a story nearly two years old now. People need to know what kind of shit is pouring down.

First United claimed it was "within its rights" to remove anyone for any reason.

Then they claimed the passenger was being "irate" and "disruptive".

Then a scandal was dredged up about a doctor with the same name, who may not even be the same man.

Now the CEO is piously wringing his hands and wailing that this "must never happen again".


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There is no justice. There can be no peace.