War OF Terror Goes to Russia?

Ten people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion on a subway train in St. Petersburg, Russia Monday. Russian officials are indicating it was a terrorist attack by a radical islam suicide bomber.

"Russian upper house Federation Council Defense Committee chairman Viktor Ozerov said “all signs point to…a terrorist attack…especially the existence of the damaging elements in the explosive devices.” Reportedly, they were rigged with shrapnel to cause maximum deaths and injuries. “The choice of the place and the timing of (the incident) is not accidental,” Ozerov stressed. “The president of Russia is in (Saint Petersburg).” He’s participating in the Truth and Justice “media forum…taking place there…Many journalists” are in the city attending it."

Terror is not new to Russia.

"The high-speed Moscow-to-St. Petersburg train was bombed on Nov. 27, 2009, in an attack that left 26 dead and some 100 injured.

The attacks have consistently been blamed on Chechen separatists, who have sought to establish an independent Islamist republic in the southern Russian region. Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Moscow metro and the high-speed train.


"The most infamous terror episode is the Beslan school siege, which took place during three days in September 2004, ultimately resulting in the deaths of at least 330 people – including 186 children. During the assault, a Chechen-dominated Islamist outfit took more than 1,000 people hostage. Russian officials eventually ended the siege by storming the school. Authorities were criticized by some in the aftermath for being reckless and contributing to the deaths of hostages."


St. Petersburg is Russia's second largest city with about 5 million and it's top tourist destination.

Alternative news political analysts have warned for years that the war OF terror would be taken to Russia and China, following the same blueprint the imperialists, neocons and Zionists have used to remove governments and destabilize countries elsewhere on the planet. The war on terror is actually a war OF terror used to advance world hegemony and regional power agendas. Think tanks and oligarchy funded institutes and foundations have openly detailed plans for such tactics on Russia and China.

That's just speculation. What this means is not clear at this time but what is clear is the truth will be hard to come by. It comes at a time when relations with Russia are tenuous, when propaganda against Russia is at an all time post Cold War high, and when many in the Amerikan ruling class want war with Russia. It also comes shortly after Trump and his regime took control of Amerika's government and began their increased war OF terror agenda, including increased strikes and civilian casualties in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

Who was behind the tragedy in St. Petersberg and how Putin responds remains to be seen, as well as how Trump and his merry band of misfits respond. It's worth watching closely. I wouldn't expect CNN and Fox news to tell the people the truth so take whatever comes from the corporate media and turn that on it's head. If they say this was ISIS, watch out.

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Pricknick's picture

that they, the Russians, were responsible for terrorism.
It's interesting how little of this attack is covered by our glorious main stream investigators,
Look over there........Hillary wore leather.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Big Al's picture

@Pricknick attacks in the past during the Chechen war. I don't trust Putin's government either so they can't be ruled out, but I'm not sure why they would do it in this case, particularly if ISIS claims responsibility or if it's blamed on ISIS. Every ruler and/or oligarchy needs the public to be afraid, very afraid. But Russia has the U.S./NATO as the threat, they don't need to ramp up fear about terrorism. I wouldn't think so anyway.

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Pricknick's picture

@Big Al
is surrounded by a foreign power.
Fear Enables A Reaction.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

@Big Al

Honestly, Putin and/or Russia have been accused of everything so much and often by crazed liars and their panicked dupes since the Clinton's selection failure that I'd be suspicious if he were accused of Breathing While Russian. Actually, I guess he has been, hasn't he?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Well, Hill's in with the Cheney crowd and I could swear I've seen pics of him posted somewhere in a scanty leather bondage-or-whatever get-up, so I guess she's keeping up with the fashions of the bone-heads.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

janis b's picture

Terrorising and inducing fear are as much a weapon, as are bombs and guns. Thank you for so earnestly addressing this state of affairs.

I suppose terrorism can be defined in countless ways. One definition that I just read, is “The state of fear”. Fear and terrorism are obviously powerful tools, used to create instability. They can generate true terror, or a false manipulated one. There are so many people around the world that live in real fear, which is tragically justified, that the rest seems like insignificant and cunningly affected hysteria. All of it though is sadly life draining.

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CB's picture

Published on Apr 3, 2017

In light of the St Petersburg terror attack on April 3rd, 2017 – it is important to recap the severity of Russia’s experience with international terrorism, funded from abroad. The perception of Western audiences is often that the Islamic State has spontaneously emerged, and only in recent years. This is incorrect and has been an element of a deliberate and strategic foreign policy tool a number of decades. Ironically - few countries, outside the Middle East, are as familiar with the cruelty of an ‘Islamic Calipahate’ as Russia, having battled two civil wars on the territory of the North Caucasus in the 1990s. The bloodshed did not end there, with many a terrorist attack on Russian cities throughout the 2000s, and the despicably cruel hostage crisis on a school in Beslan in 2004.

What is more shocking, however, is that Western media often justifies such actions on behalf of the rebels against civilians, blaming the “Putin regime” for atrocities against them. In this compilation of videos, Putin explains his understanding of the fundamentalist agenda, their funding and their end goal.

The Russian campaign in Syria in 2015 took place on the verge of a ‘Caliphate’ forming there – the continuation of a very bloody and ongoing struggle against this form of modern day fascism.

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lotlizard's picture

@CB could have been a hoax or false flag. Yet that idea is “out there.” Similarly, when Beslan occurred, there were some who bought into, or pretended to buy into, the idea that it was fake — or a false flag by Russia’s version of the Deep State.

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CB's picture

came to power he has been characterized as a dictator, a murderer, a mafioso thug and is personally responsible for anything and everything that goes wrong in Russia. We are now seeing the results of 17 years of continuous demonizing by both the neocon and neoliberal controlled media/governments in the west. There have been extremely few leaders in major foreign countries who have been subjected to such an onslaught of degradation from abroad during peace time yet remain highly popular at home. That alone should tell us something. I tend to go with the Russian people. After all, they are the ones living day to day within Russia.

We all know that Russia, at the fall of the USSR was pillaged by US interests. Untold hundreds of billions of dollars were literally stolen from the people and carted out of the country by both new-made domestic millionaires as well as foreigners who had come to help Russia to privatize and capitalize every aspect of its economy. This was all done under the guise of 'democratizing' and bringing 'freedom' to the country. Sound familiar?

When Putin came to power on December 31, 1999 he wrote a paper that was published on a government web site the day before. If you understand the US' actions in Russia during the 1990's and its actions and meddling/intervening in almost every country in the world since WWII, you will understand why Putin is considered such a threat the existing world order dominated by America if you read his report. It also gives us a glimpse into the "soul" of Putin.

Vladimir Putin
December 30, 1999

Putin has made considerable progress lifting Russia in almost every sphere of its governance and economy in the last 17 years. This is why he is so popular domestically.

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edg's picture


The neocon/neolib warmongers in the United States hate Putin because he's been successful at thwarting their goal of taking over Russia. They'd rather have a drunk like Yeltsin giving away the store than someone shrewd like Putin who actually stands up for Russia.

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Thanks so much for the interesting video! (I haven't put quotes because much of this may not be precisely quoted.)

Putin speaking of Chechen and getting the terrorists: You cannot war on the people... we must win the hearts of the people...

Lol, and they claim that this guy influenced the US 2016 election? If he had, it would have been a lot less slimy and treacherous.

Not to mention his demonstration of a textured and nuanced understanding of 'the West' as (to paraphrase closely) not a homogeneous entity, but formed of many different kinds of people, different political movements, different layers of society.

Most unlike Hillary's notion of all of that solid American mass of stupid, useless-because-non-billionaire-poors-clearly-unloved-by-Mammon who simply had to vote for Her no matter what because Mammon - and The Billionaires Who Matter - clearly adore Her, therefore putting Her into the Exceptionally Exceptional (Especially Excepted From Law And Principles of Basic Decency. Not To Mention Principles, Period) category of Those Who Were Born To Be Top Management Over Global Free Trade Areas And To Make Tons Of Money Out of Any Public Service (lol) Job. So, 'bend over to be painfully serviced, like it or not, or get Trumped' amazingly failed all on its own.

So, Putin reasonably points out that only the extremist portion of the Islamic world is the problem, and continues to say that it has a solid 'infrastructure' in North America and in Western Europe, being used by their enemy in the Caucasus - to be interrupted with a statement that knowing the infrastructure used against them doesn't help - what happens if the US raises their electorate against them (presumably speaking of Russia) and rallies the administrations of France and others - will we be isolated? he asks Putin.

(And I've just posted something on Avaaz sending out a petition request providing a handy call board for everyone 'click to call the EU and ask them to arrest Assad for his gassing of children as a war-crime' this vouched for by (who else?) the freaking White Helmets with more of their notorious child videos... this right after Trump refused to go after Assad...)

Putin replies that they need to be clear on what they need to achieve - loans for lollipops from the IMF/World Bank and the loss of territory from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea? Is that not the end goal of those who attacked Dagestan? They made no secret of their plans. Sure, we can give them the territory, but they're not going to leave it at that.

They will go on to create an extremist Islamist State. And they will continue their attacks, as we have seen from the territory of Chechnya over the past few years while our capability to fight off their aggression will be reduced.

Speaking of popularity and of fighting terrorism in the Caucasus, Putin replies that he has a lot to do and he knows he will be tested. And shortly, when his popularity is again mentioned, wishes that people would apply it to the situation, as he speaks of concerns about governmental incoherency and destabilization in government and many other spheres, the ongoing threat of terrorism (where it really is a threat in Russia, rather than often an 'allowed' or a Black Flag PR move) making it seem evident that he relies upon public support, rather than over-riding public concerns.

I think the Clinton contingent hates him so virulently in part because they knows that she is far worse than this authoritarian dictator, who makes the candidates of the US PTB look even worse than they are by contrast, and it's making them hysterical because reality just won't change to suit their fancies. The rest, of course, is just 'business as usual' in the global hostile corporate/military takeover of Expendable Earth.

Whatever Putin might be, he's shown himself to be a man in control of his reactions, with a powerful intellect and broad understanding - in that sense more of a liberal than the corporate Dems, not that this takes much - and a man who loves his country and cares about his people. And I repeat: if he was 'influencing America's elections' they would not have been the blatant and criminally corrupt clown-show that they were. The more I learn about him, the larger the chunk he gets of the respect I once had for Obama, which he so thoroughly lost for his actions.

Truly a fascinating video - Putin's so very clear in laying out logically the history and circumstances of the Chechnya Islamic state issue; so very sane in stating that the interests of the Chechen people must be respected but that radicals were hijacking their prerogatives and pretending that defense against the fundamentalists was an attack on the Chechens.

Contrast with such liars-in-Chief as Trump, Clinton, Pelosi... Maybe if North American countries had Fair Voting in clean elections, we could also get the governments we actually need in our countries? I wonder if Putin would help with that...

Edited to fix a typo-ed letter in a word and to add that, as must be obvious, I'm hoping to yank a few chains in case this flushes some of the crap out of... never mind, doubt it'd work...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Azazello's picture

Bandar threatened Putin back in 2013 over Russian involvement in Syria.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Azazello That's what I was thinking.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

lotlizard's picture


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Azazello's picture

Of course, Saudi controlled jihadists come from all over the world.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

lotlizard's picture


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detroitmechworks's picture

Headed on over to the Clinton News Network, and they're already claiming that the Russians used chemical weapons on children in Syria.

Would be nice if the Terrorists wore Jerseys with team colors on them so we know which ones we're supposed to root for.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@detroitmechworks It would certainly help Senator McCain.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

CB's picture

have been removed. They had showed the "rescuers" wearing cheap white hazmat suits and handling "poisoned" babies without hand protection. Some had gas facemasks and simple dust facemasks and some had them pulled down to talk. These guys would have also been poisoned if it really was sarin. The graphic pictures of babies in hospitals also don't show any signs of Sarin exposure.

There was absolutely no need for the Syrian military to use these ineffectual weapons. The terrorists are on now their hind legs in this area after suffering immense loses during their early attacks several weeks ago. Cui bono.

Here's bombing run that they say was the chemical attack. But these look like standard bombs - not chemical. These bombs would destroy the sarin and push it up into the atmosphere where it would do little damage.


With international inspectors coming to investigate it will be a replay of previous events where the "rebels" supply the evidence because the "Syrian forces will not allow inspectors access to the site".

Makes good copy in the western media though.

Just out. Recent reports now saying the Khan Sheikhoun Hospital where the victim's of the sarin attack were being treated has been bombed and destroyed.

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detroitmechworks's picture

@CB and its destruction means that all of the evidence of the attack has been destroyed. Probably by Russians to cover up their tracks, about how Putin PERSONALLY injected each and every child, while whispering "This is because of Trump! If the US hadn't elected him, I would never have DARED to be so blatant!"


Or something to that effect. I'm sure the Propaganda arm has a real zinger lined up.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@CB Link to Hersh article pretty much disputing accusation that Assad used chemical weapons.


When I first read about the incident saw a clip from BBC of an expert talking about the sarin. He was surprised that the responders were not being affected. BBC didn't let him say much after that. But seems that Assad had industrial evil grade sarin which would stay on bodies and kill anybody who touched the victims. It appears cruder basement made sarin would not be so immediately lethal to any type of unprotected first responder.

Everytime these more horrific incidents happen, it seems to be when the Syrians and Russians are about to beat the snot out of the jihadists, with calls for truces or calls to stop the inhumane attacks against children and hospitals. At this point the Russians and Syrians are not going to agree to any cessation or truce as they were burned by them before.

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To cover up the lack of evidence, no doubt...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

have been in leadership positions of ISIS from the start.

ISIS’s New Chechen Warlord
ISIS minister of war Abu Omar al-Shishani looks dead and gone for good, but his brother may be smarter and more dangerous. Will he step out of the shadows?

TBILISI, Georgia — It’s been less than a month since news broke that the so-called minister of war of the so-called Islamic State, Tarkhan Batirashvili aka Omar al-Shishani (Omar the Chechen) had been killed… again. And this time, since weeks have passed without a resurrection, it might just be true. But that news is not quite as good as it sounds.

The famous red-bearded warlord originally from the troubled Pankisi Valley on the Georgian frontier with Chechnya allegedly perished in early July while fighting on the outskirts of Mosul, Iraq.

The Pankisi recruits in Syria credit Tamaz with planning the successful ISIS offensives his younger brother’s fame was built on, including the conquest of Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq in 2014, which led directly to the announcement by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi that he was creating an “Islamic Caliphate.”

… In 2013, Tamaz and Tarkhan went to Syria. Tarkhan had washed out of the Georgian security services and been imprisoned, he said, on trumped up charges. Tamaz took his wife and two children to the front, and began working closely with the array of jihadists and former Iraqi military men who are the core of the ISIS intelligence apparatus.

After the establishment of the “caliphate” in the summer of 2014, both brothers garnered important positions in the government of the putative state—Tarkhan becoming minister of war, while Tamaz took the position of counter intelligence and reconnaissance chief, all the while controlling and administering most of the prisons on the ISIS territory, according to members of the Pankisi network we questioned...

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CB's picture

@Linda Wood
in Georgia to fight against the Russians. Here's his history and how he eventually came to his leadership position within ISIS. His involvement in Syria was one of the deciding factors that brought Russia into the conflict.

U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” said one former comrade, who asked not to be identified because he remains on active duty and has been ordered not to give media interviews about his former colleague. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

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