Seeing thru the Fog

war on terror.jpg

Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept has an article up, "Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised". He describes how Trump and his regime have ramped up the fifteen year war OF terror on planet Earth and how Trump told us he was going to do that all along.

"From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump’s “war on terror” has entailed the seemingly indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people in the name of killing terrorists. In other words, Trump has escalated the 16-year-old core premise of America’s foreign policy — that it has the right to bomb any country in the world where people it regards as terrorists are found — and in doing so, has fulfilled the warped campaign pledges he repeatedly expressed."

Greenwald goes on to highlight some of the actions Trump has authorized and taken thus far in his imperial presidency, the bombings in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, the horrific killing of civilians, etc. His main point in the article is this is what Trump had said he would do and it is not inconsistent with being a non-interventionist, which Trump indicated he would be as president when he was lying campaigning last year.

"Each time Trump drops another bomb, various pundits and other assorted Trump opponents smugly posit that his doing so is inconsistent with his touted non-interventionism. This is just ignorance of what these terms mean.

Trump’s campaign pledges regarding Syria, and now his actions there, illustrate this point very clearly. Trump never advocated a cessation of military force in Syria. As the above video demonstrates, he advocated the opposite: an escalation of military force in Syria and Iraq in the name of fighting ISIS and al Qaeda. Indeed, Trump’s desire to cooperate with Russia in Syria was based on a desire to maximize the potency of bombing there (just as was true of Obama’s attempt to forge a bombing partnership with Putin in Syria).

Nothing Trump has thus far done is remotely inconsistent with the non-interventionism he embraced during the campaign, unless one confuses “non-interventionism” with “opposition to the use of military force.”

But what Trump’s actions are not is a departure from what he said he would do, nor are they inconsistent with the predictions of those who described his foreign policy approach as non-interventionist. To the contrary, the dark savagery guiding U.S. military conduct in that region is precisely what Trump expressly promised his supporters he would usher in."

While I agree Trump is doing what he said he would do, I warned many times that Trump was all in for the fake war OF terror, I don't think it amounts to non-interventionism.

"Interventionism: governmental interference in economic affairs at home or in political affairs of another country;
the policy or doctrine of intervening, especially government interference in the affairs of another state or in domestic economic affairs."

To believe what Trump and his warmonger regime are doing in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and beyond is non-interventionist and solely about trying to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda is to believe the war OF terror is really about defeating terrorists that attacked the U.S. on 9/11. That would be typical Greenwald who dances around the issue of 9/11 and the real reasons for the war OF terror.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen were not attacked by the U.S. and company to fight the war on terror against ISIS and Al Qaeda, they were attacked for imperialist geopolitical goals of the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia and others. The war OF terror, as precipitated by the false flag event on 9/11, was always intended as an excuse (the "New Pearl Harbor"), the required enemy, to wage interminable war in the middle east and beyond, to take down governments, destroy economies and countries, i.e., an excuse to "intervene" in the affairs of other countries. If that's not interventionism, I don't know what is. I'm not sure what the main point Greenwald is really trying to make here. He describes those pointing out Trump's intervention in other countries as people who "smugly posit that his doing so is inconsistent with his touted non-interventionism. This is just ignorance of what these terms mean."

Well, call me ignorant Glenn. I never thought Trump was touting non-interventionism anyway. I thought he sounded like an American warmonger president from the get go. As you state, he was all over the fake war OF terror and for building the biggest military ever. To me, that was the tell. The war OF terror is the ultimate interventionist tool, it gives our government carte blanche to attack any country in the world under the guise of the war OF terror. The war on terror is a fraud. All war is a lie including the war on terror.

I think he's a non-interventionist only if one thinks the war OF terror is real. You'd have to believe that Trump and his regime really are trying to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda instead of using them as proxy armies for "interventionist" regime changes and country balkanization agendas and as an excuse to greatly increase the military budget and feed the military industrial complex. Does Greenwald really think that? I don't.

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Lookout's picture

promotes war to fill the pockets of the real rulers of our country...
Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed, Exxon, and so on.

Other countries are not paying their fair share to NATO (and buying enough weapons from us).

It's not about people, planet, or even is profit. We are a warmongering empire in decline. It is past time for the collapse!

PS Big Al, if you missed this piece in last edition of the weekly watch, I would love to hear your take on this arms trade fair. I know you prefer reading, but you need to see these generals and such shopping together. I hope you find it worth a few minutes of your time. It blew my mind...
The business of war (20 min)

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Big Al's picture

@Lookout I'll check it out. That does sound interesting.

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CB's picture

in domestic security according to that report. Current spending is $190 billion which is expected to double to $400 billion in next two years.

The major enemies to the state are expected to be their own populations in the future. We can see that right here with the growing DHS inserting its tentacles into every aspect of our lives, including the monitoring of blogs like this one. (The reps from DHS evade giving a real answer in the attached video.)

I think we are eventually headed for a fully controlled society - cashless with a chip in everyone's ass to control movement and access to commodities. The sad part is that the majority of the sheeple won't give a fuck, as long as they can sit in front of their bargain priced WallyMart teevees which will watch them keeping up with the Kardashians while they stuff GMO enhanced McFat burgers into their pie holes.

Damn, I'm gonna have to move my bed away from the wall so I can get up on the other side.

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Lookout's picture


gjohn posted in another essay? Militarized police for the rich...(5.5 min)

Oh boy.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


Thanks for posting that! (I'll be under my pillow screaming, if anyone wants me - the arms market doubling every year???!!! Much of this against civilians???!!!) To paraphrase a cartoon character: I hate war profiteers - love peaces.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Arrow's picture

Two apt words for the 'endless wars'.
Thank for posting this Al.

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I want a Pony!

CS in AZ's picture

I never got why anyone thought trump was going be in any way antiwar or "noninterventionist" when he ran around beating his chest and threatening and bellowing about how vicious he would be.

Now I see -- I failed to understand that "nonintervention" didn't mean we would stop bombing and destroying things and killing people all around the world and intervening in world affairs as the boss of everyone - it simply meant we'd do it based on a specific rationalization. Like that changes everything. Or anything.

Does it even make any difference what Trump thinks about why we're intervening? Not that I can see. Whatever technical definition is attached to his perceived reasons, he believes in the US acting like the world's police force, making all the rules, and enforcing them with extreme violence and threats.

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snoopydawg's picture

Obama had the chance to end the wars in Afghanistan and even though he removed most of the troops from Iraq, he resent them back.
The wars in Syria and Yemen are his responsibility alone.
He thought that removing Assad from office would be just as easy as it was to remove Gaddafi. Why didn't he didn't count on the Russians to help Assad? He had to know that Russia had many business dealings with Syria.
And kissing the Saudi's assets so that they didn't devalue the dollar? I hope it's worth it for him, because over a hundred thousand Yemen civilians are dead and 1,000 are dying each week due to starvation.
So much for Never Again
Just how many times has that promise been broken?
Way too damned many!
And as we said, the anti war movement has woken up because Trump is doing what he told us he would do and that was kill the terrorists and their families.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Obama killed their families and Trump said he intended to kill their families. Obama just didn't broadcast his intentions.
Dead families, regardless of party affiliation.
That's just how we roll.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp
It's just that I am seeing so many articles and diaries about how Trump has relaxed the rules on civilian causalities and they have basically forgotten the last 8 years of the Obama administration and his furthering PNAC's goals in the Middle East.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Blind eyes everywhere.
I am a month away from 65. I haven't experienced this propaganda prevalence in my life.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

It makes a difference in the numbers of despairing avengers terrorists willing to die to hopelessly strike back at the monsters within the fog of for-corporate-profit-and-power attacks war...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

is that just like poor, dumb ol' Glenn Greenwald, I don't share your false-flag narrative of 9/11. And since you have at your disposal not one single datum that is not also available to me, and since I'm really really smart, I have no particular reason to prefer your interpretation of the available information.

And that's exactly as polite as i can ( or need ) be on the matter. When you attempt to bolster any other argument by drawing in analysis based upon your beliefs about 9/11, you lose me, 100%, because you are arguing from premises that I think are almost certainly false.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@UntimelyRippd -Just not as well-supported by facts.
I must congratulate you, however, on using the "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" meme on the OP without actually writing it down, bald-faced and honestly. Way to completely write off the actual point of the essay without having to contemplate it. I guess that's what really really smart people do. Politely, of course.

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"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes

not share the author's false-flag narrative.

presumably, the author would similarly dismiss me for not sharing the author's false-flag narrative.

thus, the difficulty is not that i am invoking the Crazy Conspiracy Theorist meme, the problem is that the author is doing the converse: if someone doesn't agree that the 9/11 attacks were a false-flag operation, then that person has some sort of fundamental cognitive deficit that calls into question that person's analyses. what i am invoking in response is the "If you think you're smarter than me, and you dismiss me because I don't share your particular narrative about a controversial event, despite the reality that you do not know one single significant fact about that event that I do not also know, you haven't thought more deeply about it than me, nor researched it more broadly than me, and you are not, in fact, smarter than me (the odds are not in your favor); well, then you're mistaken and boring and I'm going to ignore the rest of what you have to say ..." non-meme.

believe what you want to believe about 9/11, i couldn't give a rat's ass, but if you premise any part of any argument on what you believe about 9/11, and i do not believe that same thing, then your premise is invalid to me and your argument collapses. that's the burden you accept when you decide to premise an argument on a belief that is shared by rather a small fraction of reasonably well-informed and intelligent people. when you double down and dismiss the analysis of others because they do not share your premise, you're only weakening your position.

you don't have to be crazy to be wrong, you just have to be wrong. most people are wrong about most things that matter, most of the time. generally, i view most varieties of 9/11 trutherism with the same bemusement i view birtherism, climate-change denialism, holocaust denialism, homepathy, and suchlike: inexplicable (to me) attachments to narratives that at best are a poor fit to the available data, and at worst stand in direct contradiction to the available data. but who cares? most of the people whose opinions i must take seriously actually believe in a magical sky fairy who made himself flesh in the form of his own son (huh?), so that he could then sacrifice himself in a bizarre and inexplicable martyrdom, in order to finally be able to forgive us for being exactly the beings he created us to be. a significant fraction of those people believe that when they undertake each sunday to nibble a biscuit and sip fermented grape juice, the wafer and juice actually and truly and, like, for realz, transmogrify into the actual and true and, like, for realz, flesh and blood of that same incarnate son of the self of the sky fairy. compared with that narrative, even holocaust denial starts to sound, not reasonable, but marginally sane.

so, like i said, believe what you want to believe. just don't try to tell me that i'm stupid, or ignorant, or foolish, or misinformed, or any comparable pejorative, for declining to join your odd little cult: because i am not stupid, i am not ignorant, i am not a fool, and i'm no more misinformed than any other ordinary citizen who takes an interest in these things.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.