Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
It's good to see you. Come on in, leave your shoes in the hallway, we've got fire on the stove preparing lunch for later. In the meantime, browse the bookshelves and plunk down on the sofa with one, or pick out some tunes from the music library or come in to the kitchen to help with the cooking. Our special blend of tea is steeping and will be right up.
Make yourself at home...
I understand from all and sundry, that we're about to get a walloping parting shot from Father Winter and the relatively mild one we've been given thus far. I think I'm probably in the minority when it comes to these things, for still as an adult I absolutely love everything about a good storm, particularly those during this season.
It always used to rankle me though, when I watched tv, the way the dumb, predatory mainstream media would go to the all-too-nauseatingly-predictable, same old dumbed-down footage of people scurrying into stores to clean out shelves of the requisite and all-important "bread and milk." As if a) people in this overly-coddled country of excess don't at any given time have enough food in their cupboards to survive at least 15 days if they really needed to, just by having a little imagination (lest anyone think I'm lacking compassion for the financially-strapped: i.e., for less than 10 bucks anyone can get a small bag of rice, a couple of lbs of assorted dried beans, onions, some herbs and spices, as just one quick example) and b) milk and bread are the most important things to have when stranded. I can think of way more things I'd covet in such a situation. The MSM are prime purveyors of Fear, with a propensity to frame things in the narrowest ways. With such predictability and pandering, how can their days not be numbered?
Onto another, bigger rant...
Here's a truth few Americans are willing to acknowledge or accept: Capitalism ends one way, and one way only, in concentrated wealth held in the hands of a few.
That's what SCOTUS Justice Brandeis famously said. He said, instead of democracy, we'd have the power of concentrated wealth in the hands of a few. Because, as he precisely concluded, “you can’t have both.”
85 human beings have more wealth than 3,000,000,000. Dwell on that for a moment or two; and let it sink in.
This is beyond unnatural. No single person can claim to have worked that hard to earn such a obscene, staggering amounts of money. No way. Impossible. Not when someone right now is picking strawberries in a field under the hot sun of Southern California and the market dictates that that person will get only a few bucks a day, because some prick capitalist has pitted workers against one another for the cheapest labor. If hard work equaled wealth, then African women farmers would be the wealthiest people in the world. What kind of a system allows such a wild imbalance with the natural order of things?
None of this is given a fair hearing in the mainstream media. They're the perfect example of the grave dangers of concentrated wealth. Six corporations control 90% of what we see, hear, eat and buy. An unregulated "free market" cements that cartel's control, with increased corporate mergers and acquisitions making a sick of joke of capitalism's "free market" fraudulent ideology, mindlessly followed by working class lemming adherents thinking one day they'll join the big club of the American Dream, or short of that draw the winning lottery ticket or sign up for the next ponzi scheme to defraud someone else.
It is way past time for a political revolution in this country.
We were pretty close in the 1930’s, and accomplished some important and necessary changes, but not nearly enough. That job is not close to being done. Precisely because of lackeys such as the Neoliberal apologists for the Economic Terrorism of Wall St and status quo defenders who run interference all day at TOP in allegiance to the fraud known as the “Democratic Party.”
Today again the scales have been tipped, the game’s been rigged, the refs have been paid off, the system has been hijacked. Even someone who did everything by the books, nose to the grindstone, cut no corners, can still be totally screwed.
We look to the noble halls of justice to adjudicate the misery created by this collusion of power. But the justice system we find is a playground for wealthy corporations and banks to conduct and win wars of attrition. The politicians, whose campaigns are funded by them, and the media, also owned by the oligarchs, team up to run distraction and sensationalism so that the 99% are divided and conquered, manipulated by racism, bigotry and envy, which DC then scores votes with and the media scores advertising dollars with. The money circulates around and around unto the members of the Big Club, while we are told to be happy with the crumbs they leave us, otherwise we are ingrates for not appreciating the incremental change they fought so hard for.
What we get from our politicians instead is tough-talking “law and order” malarkey, with their finely manicured fingers pointing in the direction of black kids committing petty crimes. The hideous irony of this, while the Economic Terrorists of Wall St heisted trillions from the public coffers, then came slithering like snakes for a bailout, which they then took and with which they brazenly paid themselves exorbitant bonuses and solidified their positions in the real estate and hedge fund markets. As we chanted during Occupy: “Banks got bailed out, We got sold out.”
Lazy statements such as “there will always be some measure of wealth inequality” are the kind of responses conditioned by RW apologists when cornered on the economic inequity issue. Same with war. Or greed. “It’s always been there,” they’re quick to say.
So, throw in the towel? Or begin to lead by example, by forging a new reality, Closer to the Heart? A new reality such as the one the Abolitionists sought, that would end human bondage. A new reality such as the one the socialist unions and anarchists sought, that would abolish child labor, institute an 8 hour work day/5 day work week and establish the rights of workers to collective bargaining. A new reality such as the one sought by blacks in the South, in which they could vote and live in a desegregated public. A new reality such as the one sought by gay people, in which they could enjoy the civil protections of legalized marriage.
All of human development has constantly evolved through various revolutionary change, whether it was scientific, social or economic. But not from acquiescence. As Eric Fromm put it, "Human history began with an act of disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience.”
During the Nazi occupation of Greece one could travel to the most remote part of the countryside and see the word "Oxi" carved into a tree or written on a wall. Oxi means "no" in Greek. It was a simple act of subversion that reminded its countrymen of the righteousness of their cause of resistance.
We must begin learning how to stop implying "yes," and to regain the power of quite firmly saying "no."
The language of French Revolutionists should be ringing clear to the 99%: “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.”
Closer To The Heart
And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the HeartThe Blacksmith and the Artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the Heart
Yeah, it's closer to the HeartPhilosophers and Ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the HeartYou can be the Captain and
I will draw the Chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the Heart
I've been mostly abstaining from media of late. And thus, I feel it's worth giving thanks to soul rebel Russell Brand, for consistently engaging in a kind of more evolved discourse, stemming from empathy and compassion, so sorely missing today (the clip contains much more than the title) and giving some of us hope:
So, what's going on with you?
Back in the kitchen we're listening to:
(When I first heard the Canadian power trio Rush as 12 or 13 year old suburban kid, it was the perfect melding of the kind of heavy rock I was increasingly becoming enamored with. They were obviously influenced by the heaviness of Led Zeppelin, but they took it in a more progressive rock direction of Yes and Genesis with odd time signatures and long passages. Lyrically though, they were quite a departure for such heavy rock, with uncommonly thoughtful and literary poetry. Lots of philosophy, science, history, mythology, sci-fi, riding atop formidable riffing and drum hero flourishes, wailing high vocals - undeniable virtuosic, progressive rock musicianship that kicked ass. They made a deep impression on many in my generation; the lyrics went a long way in that regard. Especially during those adolescent days of libido, mischief and rebellion when required school reading left one cold and consequently took a backseat. Such was the case below, as in the title song to the album 'A Farewell To Kings," being one of the more than a few times drummer Neil Peart's lyrics impacted my burgeoning, young worldview and helped to expand my vocabulary and interest in larger concepts:)
When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow?
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistanceCities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wiseThe hypocrites are slandering
The sacred halls of truth
Ancient nobles showering
Their bitterness on youth
Can't we find
The minds that made us strong?
Oh can't we learn
To feel what's right and what's wrong. What's wrong?Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wiseCan't we raise our eyes
And make a start
Can't we find the minds
To lead us closer to the heart
Reading/Browsing List:
"Everything You Know Is Wrong : The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies", (edited by Russ Kick)
"Harry Belafonte, My Song: A Memoir" (with Michael Shnayerson)
"Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain," by Justin Kaplan
"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx Is Burning: 1977, baseball, politics and the battle for the soul of a city" by Jonathan Mahler
Black Forest Garden Mushroom Soup
Caramelize one diced onion
Then add:
2 chopped celery stalks
2 chopped carrots
Let saute for a bit.
Add black mustard seeds
Then add ground whole spices:
corriander seeds
yellow mustard seeds
4 cloves
fenugreek seeds
Allow to mix, then add:
1 sliced parsnip
3 cloves garlic
bay leaf
After a couple of minutes, add:
qt. veg/chicken/ or turkey stock, plus a little water
and salt.
Bring to slow boil.
Then add sliced shitake mushrooms,
after a couple minutes turn off and let settle.
then add:
handful of chopped fresh dill
snippet of green carrot leafs (if you’d like)
big pinch of thyme
lots of crushed black pepper
Lemongrass Chai Blend
heaping scoop of dried Thai lemongrass
shards of cinnamon bark
a few cardamom pods
a few black peppercorns
A few cloves
fresh chopped ginger
Good morning!
The notion that there is such a thing as a large "free market" separate from government is a Big Lie. Markets exist only as government aided entities. The fact that the market mechanisms have been captured by international finance makes the owners of society cloak this fact by paying academic and business "economists" to parrot this skewed notion endlessly. Strauss, Friedman, Hayek, et al, articulated a stance that enabled those who own the political economy some verbal cover for the brutal military takeover in places like Chile to impose neoliberal regimes aimed at enriching global capital at the expense of those who have only their labor to sell to keep body and soul together.
Capital is international and moves at the speed of light - a computer click. Workers need to forge solidarity to overthrow this system of impoverishment on an international level. Incrementalism doesn't work: It took capital decades to reverse the gains made in the New Deal but reverse it they did. FDR didn't displace the system and it worked relentlessly to come back stronger and more predatory than ever.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
You've got that right, duckpin.
One of the most ironic to me is how fundamentally misled people are when they become defensive about being self-proclaimed "capitalists." A capitalist is one who makes most of his money off of money. That would disqualify anybody who has to work for a living, in other words the vast majority of the country, many of whom don't like to be told there's something wrong with capitalism.
You nailed it about the poison of Neoliberalism being taught in the universities and also seeping into the MSM's disseminating the flunky think tanks' garbage philosophy to the masses. As you say, it's a hijacking of the commons and sovereign resources by the Global Financial Terrorists of Wall St., who have utterly rigged such an odious system of high speed transactions and esoteric scams to connive huge sums of money earned by the blood, sweat and tears out from their rightful owners.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Bud break spreading through North Coast vineyards
My neighbors across the street are working six days a week already, I don't know how they keep up. And they are so fucking happy, they still stay up past midnight Saturdays drinking and singing, then they do Sunday chores and start over Monday crack of doom. In the fall they work seven days a week, during harvest and crush. These are the people who make such shit wages, they still qualify for SNAP and have to visit the local food bank, so three families on one property. When I first came here, there were five!
Anyway, it will it will be a good year for Gavin Newsom (D-Plumpjack) and Nancy Pelosi (D-We'reCapitalists). "That's the system."
Thanks for mentioning yoga in a different thread. I remember a time practicing Sun Salutations daily, provided good balance both mental and physical. Also, neti pot helps spring allergies. I took out the old book on foot reflexology too. Thanks for reminding about self-care, it is helping me right now as I type. cheers
Another snapshot of the wreckage of capitalism, eyo.
Saw a pretty good documentary the other night by Bob Herbert, former NY Times reporter and now at Demos. His most recent book, "Losing Our Way," was one of the few by a mainstream journalist to dig into the country's untold story of accelerating poverty and broken infrastructure.
PBS special "Against All Odds". It's part of a series called "Chasing the Dream."
Funny thing is, a couple of years ago we attended a interview/discussion he did with author Taylor Branch. Afterward we buttonholed Herbert to ask him about his take on Occupy. He thought it had some merit, but overall that it wasn't as effective as it could have been. Fast forward to a year or so later and I'm listening to him being interviewed on Leonard Lopate's show on WNYC and Occupy comes up again; and he basically says Occupy was right and it was we the people, who let Occupy down, by not joining forces, not the other way around.
Yes eyo, I believe in well-being through eating, exercise and what we choose to take in mentally every day. To that extent for me, I also greatly make a concerted effort to avoid all predatory advertising, garbage pop culture and and the negativity and false, self-aggrandizement of social media. Need to create and exalt a culture that values simple, elemental things as you've mentioned, in order to push back against this ugly, crass consumerism we're all drowning in. My credo: don't participate in garbage culture, and take the time to explain to others why.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Scientist, 14, verifies phone signal threat
Oyster larvae mortality attributed to mobile phones
If I were a guy I would not put a cell phone in my front pocket, that's for sure. Wait, oh my gynes, oops it's a good thing they are past their primes. Mm, raisins.
I wish more people would read and discuss outside the U.S. "News" boundaries, it is pretty pretty entertaining I think. Solidarity with the 99.99%.
Etc., the same but different.
Surgery yesterday went okay. Good thing it was Monday,
today expect a foot of snow. And now I am in a cast up to my knee, but with toes sticking out. I am supposed to only weight-bear on my heel, learning curve there. Just had a check-in from the hospital, and she suggests ooching on my butt up and down my multiple levels of stairs. My dog finds that hilarious. Keep up with pain meds (a-codone) and one adult aspirin to prevent blood clots. I have no memory of talking to the surgeon post-surgery. RN daughter did. She was there. I had to copay $60.00. More will likely appear in the mail. And I have decent insurance, NYS retiree. Until next year if Medicare still exists.
When I had been up for a while, I realized that the house temp had dropped 10 degrees. I only have 150 gal of propane, truck could not make it up the driveway before three days of snow. I messed with the control panel and seem to be getting some heat back. But heating guy will be here, WTF happened? Bad propane? Igniter failure after another two years? My plow guy has also been called to plow this AM as well as ?tomorrow?. Whatever, bad things happen. Money goes away.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Igniter fail.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The American idea of healthcare administered by insurance co's
We're so beaten down here, and have lost all our sense of rational and critical thinking, that people actually resort to defending it with the most lame excuses, such as, "what would happen to the people working in the insurance industry if all those jobs went away?" You fucking morons; they'd get jobs in the public sector! Just that they wouldn't be tasked with developing more and more devious ways to deny people coverage and run interference so that their for-profit bosses' can reap bigger bonuses and throw some loose change to their front line henchmen quiet.
Hope you can find ways to endure this episode, riverlover.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Good morning
As everything begins to bloom we're expecting 23 degrees tomorrow and 22 Thursday AM. We'll have to put on row covers and mulch today over the tender plants.
The free market is a joke. Take health care... where all the free market competition would control prices. We'll they didn't include a public option (thanks Obummer), and in our state there are only two over priced choices for healthcare companies. I hope Al's single payer argument carries some water, but I'm afraid they just don't care about your health nor well being. I'm a couple of years from Medicare and I'm hoping they don't destroy it between now and then.
Grover's dream of shrinking government till it dies is well underway. We can only hope that they won't call a constitutional convention and crown the corporate oligarchy... condemning the people to servitude to the overlords. Perhaps we're there already?
Well, here's hoping you all experience a little freedom and joy today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hello Lookout.
As Taibbi said so brilliantly about the leading vicious criminals, "The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."
I think it's really as simple as this: until some high level bankers and CEO's are frog-marched out of their offices in handcuffs, in the middle of the afternoon on a nice Spring day, and prosecuted and sent to jail, it will be business as usual. They'll pay fines and laugh it off, while concocting the next scheme as they're gorging on lines of coke, prostitutes and buying up more real estate. When a few go to jail, it will stop.
I didn't realize it gets that cold in Alabama.
I'm off to make some homemade pizza (sort of) that we came up with by using an excellent local Turkish bread. Was inspired once by its appearance as close to that of a Sicilian pie, though more oval than square, to match the puttanesca sauce I had to it. Now it's one of our favorite treats.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
We're all cozily snowbound here in NYC...
Blanketed in white, everything stilled. A grey canopy overhead, the feeling of inert weight relaxing the body.
No trucks rumbling, nor cars revving, nor ice cream trucks blaring the same monotonous jingle over and over, nor 1% privileged douchebags being whisked in and out of the city in helicopters. Just the sound now of hail hitting the roof and windows, in this wintry mix of snow, sleet, icy rain and hail. A distant squall echoing.
Mother Nature is in charge at the moment.
Hope some folks who otherwise are conditioned by the frenetic pace and depraved morals of capitalism will be given to a little introspection on a day like today. There's nothing like a storm to clear the mind in recognition of the common denominators in life.
Very relaxing, here.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Great Open Thread today, Mark
This past weekend, I visited my 94+ year old mother in central Florida. She insisted that we go to see The Million Dollar Quartet which was playing at their local little theater. Through a friend, we were able to get last minute tickets despite every show having been sold out. Mom had seen the dress rehearsal and thought it was terrific. Most little theaters are so so, but the one in her town of Winter Haven, Florida is considered the best community theater in the Southeastern United States. We went to the Saturday evening performance and it was wonderful.
When we look at all the ills in our society, nearly every one of them can be traced directly back to the asset stripping nature of our capitalist system and the neoliberal ideology which ensure our economic system is unencumbered by regulation or any equalizing measures to prevent it from cannibalizing our society.
Mark, you have a wonderful way with words. I always enjoy your open threads.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for the compliment, gulfgal.
Was just thinking, while in Steven D's essay, about how much we heal, are fulfilled and get a sense of inner peace found in the in-person mutual acknowledgement of being with people who care and are willing to put themselves on the line for the benefit of others, as you know well know from both your Peace Vigil group and Occupy interactions.
People like yourself fill me with a sense of hope and inspiration. It's that interaction (which is many times inspired by the selflessness of others), when one takes a stand for peace and justice, comes to the aid and defense of the marginalized, dispossessed and downtrodden, that marks the highest level of human development.
Self-preservation is too easy, it's instinctual. Self-interest is also too easy, as the main driving force in one's life. Capitalism stokes that, creates a cold and empty world of self-centered, greedy misanthropes. Socialism, in a general sense, would go a long way to putting dignity back into the forefront of society.
Thanks for sharing stories about your Mom. She sounds lovely to be around.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
So, I'm falling apart.
About 6 months ago, my back went out. Used to walk 2-3 miles a day regularly. As of today, could barely 8 blocks to the store and back. I'm trying, desperately, to walk more, but it's freaking killing me here. Ugh.
I don't normally whine about things, but my SO has told me I'm way too stoic about things that bother me. I ignored severe ear infections till I had hearing damage, pretended I didn't have PTSD until I was suicidal, etc... etc...
Don't know why it is. Think it might have to do with my weird upbringing, combined with the Military experience which literally told me that blood gushing from the back of my head was a "Superficial" wound and I was lucky they didn't charge me with malingering for taking it to a doctor.
Sorry, just need a place to vent, and Hope the open thread works. Here's a little tune for improving the day. Yes, it's ultra white guy music, but I'm from CA originally, so I have an excuse.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
My genuine sympathies, DMW!
I know painfully well of what you speak. I used to bicycle over 15 miles in a day, and/or walk nearly that far. Today, due to osteoarthritis in both knees and breathing issues, I can't get far enough out of my apartment to dump the effing garbage.
It fucking sucks, and I am genuinely sorry you are undergoing it too.
It's the good old Puritan heritage of every American (YUK!)..... Admitting that you have actual needs means either (1) you're not working hard enough; (2) you aren't "living right" and/or aren't part of "the elect"; or (3) both.
Pure bullshit, of course; but baked-in to our culture.
Again, I'm sorry as I can be that you have these afflictions to bear. You don't deserve them!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"way too stoic" Huh! I just looked up Stoicism
Stoicism on the wiki and felt better, maybe others will too. Cheers.
thanks, somebody once called me "stoic" for working through pain like a robot all the time. The other day after my meltdown here, I told myself to be more stoic so to not drive people away (I hope). Then I looked upPeace
The Doobie Brothers - Natural Thing
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thanks for the kind words.
Makes being housebound much easier.![Smile](
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks for dropping in yesterday, dmw.
Can't really imagine the kind of privations a vet like yourself has to learn to deal with, mentally and physically. I do know that as getting older I've got all sorts of things hampering me that I'm constantly wondering about and dealing with.
Lightening the load, which I hope you did a little bit of, is always important, I think.
There have been times in my life when I think I let pride and too much self-awareness as a younger man to disincline me from unburdening myself. Was probably trained subconsciously away from such "weakness." Only when in the depths of going through a divorce and reaching out to old friends and feeling welcomed to unburden myself did I feel like I made some necessary strides to really finding myself.
Surrendering and humility toward the universal helped clear my head, give peace. Sharing the burden with others helped me a lot.
Thanks for the tune. Kind of missed Jackson Brown, growing up mostly a hard rock kid, aside from his biggest hits. But I'm in the process of buying some of the albums/artists I missed whenever I'm out used-record shopping. Running On Empty is one I've bought and listened to recently. Need to know more about him, as he seems very much in line with progressive liberal thought (was really impressed with what he did regarding his support of #NoDAPL).
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Bravo! Capitalism might as well be named
rentierism, because it is the same concept. The return, or reward, from production is assigned to capital and not to labor. This cannot help but lead to ever increasing concentrations of capital and a tendency to drive wages or other compensation for labor to the lowest possible level.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Never actually been a prepper
But in the last decade have found wisdom in SOME preparations. As you suggested, rice, beans are really cheap items that store well. I've added pastas, bouillon cubes, dehydrated refried beans, cup o' soups, dehydrated hash browns and mashed potatoes, and sealed bags of vegetable soup mix (from Frontier Natural Products Co-op, shameless plug), Spam, cans of chicken and tuna (regularly rotated), and salt, plenty of salt.
I use a tablespoon of the dehydrated vegetable mix to rice, pasta and potato dishes all the time. One 16 oz. Bag lasts two people two years.Honey lasts forever.
Keep sugar, flour, and masa and you have a well rounded assortment of healthy meals that are lightweight enough to pack on your back, should that scenario arise.
Of course, everyone should have a good supply of clean drinking water stored up. Be it the hot water heater (which makes it even more important to STRAP your unit to the wall), or 5 gallon bottles of water. Rain barrels under your roof drains can be used for flushing toilets or watering your garden. The disease fighting advantages of being able to flush your toilet is immeasurable. Stock up on a few gallons of bleach (a $1.79 a gallon is cheap) gives you the ability to not only sanitized questionable water but food prepatory surfaces and even wounds. Just a few suggestions, your mileage may vary.
I also keep a couple of bottles of bbq propane, lamp oil, briquets, and a supply of firewood. I have a lantern that runs on gasoline keep a small supply of gas, but most of my gas is in vehicles, safely stored. Sea Doo in garage holds 15 gallons, enough to run that lantern for months, if not years.
Lantern can also be ysed for cooking with little modification.
Ammo could be a fine replacement for money in some scenarios, even if you don't own a firearm.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.