The Evening Blues - 2-3-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues piano player Curtis Jones. Enjoy!
Curtis Jones - Lonesome Bedroom Blues
"An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war."-- Charles de Montesquieu
News and Opinion
Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Well, Hillary Clinton’s Your Choice
Hillary Clinton likes to extol her foreign policy credentials, particularly her experience as secretary of state. She attaches herself to Barack Obama’s coattails, pledging to continue his policies. But she is even more hawkish than the president. ...
Clinton wrote in her book “Hard Choices” that “America remains the ‘indispensable nation.’ ” It is this view that animates U.S. invasions, interventions, bombings and occupations of other countries. Under the pretense of protecting our national interest, the United States maintains some 800 military bases in other countries, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars annually.
Obama, who continues to prosecute the war in Afghanistan 15 years after it began, is poised to send ground troops back to Iraq and begin bombing Libya. ...
The president has bombed some seven countries with drones. But besides moving toward normalization of relations with Cuba, his signature foreign policy achievement is brokering the agreement to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Although Clinton supports the nuclear deal, she talks tough about Iran. ...
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Clinton promised to “totally obliterate” Iran if it attacked Israel. Clinton was, in effect, pledging to commit genocide against the Iranian people.
Clinton’s vote in favor of President George W. Bush’s illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq cost her the 2008 election. It also cost more than 4,500 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis their lives. ... [In 2011], Clinton led the campaign for forcible regime change in Libya, despite opposition by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Responding to the gruesome sodomizing of President Moammar Gadhafi with a bayonet, Clinton laughed and said, “We came, we saw, he died.”
Clinton has promised to escalate the wars in Syria and Iraq, including a no-fly zone in Syria. Since Islamic State doesn’t have an air force, her no-fly zone would be likely to capture Russian planes flying over Syria. ...
There is little doubt that a President Hillary Clinton would continue our “perpetual war.” She would do everything in her power to ensure the robust survival of the American empire.
Pentagon lists Russia as top global threat, seeks fourfold boost in defense budget
Pentagon Seeks Increased Budget, Citing Russia, China
While yesterday’s indications were that the new Pentagon budget request would center on the ever-escalating ISIS war, the new $582.7 billion budget request for 2017 also hits all the other key touchstones, talking up potential conflicts with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter emphasized the possibility of wars in the “decades to come” against Russia and China in particular, terming them “stressing competitors” for the United States, and presenting the Cold War era as a “luxury” when the US could focus on just one potential war against one potential enemy.
US Army, Marines Chiefs Say Women Should Have to Register for Draft
US Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller both went public today in supporting the idea of forcing all women in the United States to register for the military draft, backing the call for such a requirement by Sen. Claire McCaskill (D – MO). ...
The Selective Service Act requires all US men to register for the draft at age 18, though none have actually been conscripted since 1972. Women are not required to register. A number of Congressmen have suggested forcing women into the program would mean more equality.
Isis in Iraq: The only way to ensure Islamists are beaten in Iraq is to defeat them in Syria first, say Kurds
Isis is losing ground in Iraq, but Kurdish leaders say its retreat is slow and do not expect to eliminate it unless it is also defeated in Syria.
Real progress is limited, despite exaggerated claims by the Iraqi government that its soldiers have won decisive victories in cities such as Ramadi and Tikrit.
“The initial attack by Daesh [Isis] in 2014 was like the Mongols, but they could not hold on to fixed positions,” says Dr Najmaldin Karim, the Governor of Kirkuk province in an interview with The Independent. “But this does not mean that they are being destroyed in Iraq and this will not happen until they lose in Syria.” ...
The Iraqi government and the authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government have boasted that they are defeating Isis by recapturing cities such as Sinjar west of Mosul and Ramadi west of Baghdad. But these victories, won with the help of hundreds of air strikes by a US-led coalition, turn out to be less than decisive since Isis did not fight to the end in either place and withdrew in order to limit its losses.
“Isis is reverting to guerrilla warfare,” says Dr Karim, a native of Kirkuk and formerly a brain surgeon in Washington DC. ... As in the rest of Iraq and Syria, the front lines are too long to be manned effectively and fortified, so each side can make a lunge forward but gains are difficult to hold. The Iraqi army and the Kurds have the great advantage of American air cover, but Isis takes refuge in elaborate tunnel systems and breaks up its forces into small units of eight to 10 men. Asked if Isis could be defeated, Gen Barzani points out that the US army in Iraq with 150,000 soldiers failed to defeat al-Qaeda in Iraq. ...
Claims in Washington and London that Isis is buckling under attacks by the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga look like wishful thinking on the plains around Kirkuk and Irbil. There have been significant successes but Isis fighters have not lost any of their core regions from which they began to attack two years ago.
Britain rules out sending combat troops to Libya
Britain does not plan to deploy combat troops in Libya but will instead seek to give strategic and intelligence support to its new government, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday. ...
"I don't think we are likely to think that putting combat troops on the ground is a helpful contribution - there are plenty of armed men in Libya. What they need is organization, command and control, air-gathered intelligence, strategic organization."
Japan puts military on alert to shoot down North Korean rocket
Japan has threatened to shoot down any North Korean missile that threatens its territory and has deployed ballistic missile defence units in preparation for what officials in Pyongyang says is the imminent launch of a satellite.
Japan’s defence minister, Gen Nakatani, on Wednesday ordered the deployment of Aegis destroyers in the Sea of Japan and Patriot missile batteries on land, hours after North Korea confirmed that it was preparing to launch the satellite – an act that would inevitably use a banned long-range rocket.
North Korea has informed the International Maritime Organisation, a UN agency, that it planned to launch the Kwangmyongsong earth observation satellite sometime between 8 and 25 February.
Hundreds of Turks Flee Deadly Violence As City Curfew Lifted
Hundreds of people fled a conflict-hit area of southeast Turkey's largest city Diyarbakir on Wednesday, taking advantage of the lifting of a curfew to escape fierce fighting between security forces and Kurdish militants.
In another besieged Kurdish town, at least six of a group of up to 31 people trapped in a basement for nearly two weeks have died, with ambulances unable to reach them despite being stationed nearby, according to the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party.
A Reuters witness said people left the Diyarbakir's Sur district with suitcases, televisions and carpets on the back of pick-up trucks and handcarts, deserting an area damaged heavily in fighting since a curfew was declared there a month ago.
"It's always the ordinary people who suffer," said Mehmet Ceylan, 45, carrying a bundle on his back. "I've lived in Sur for years, and I've never witnessed a scene like this." ...
Thousands of police and tanks have been attacking towns and cities in the southeast of the country, and curfews have been declared in more than 20 towns.
Jewish Peace Groups Reveal Role in Spoof New York Times That Criticized Paper’s Stance on Israel
The Intercept admits reporter fabricated stories and quotes
Digital magazine The Intercept has fired reporter Juan Thompson after discovering “a pattern of deception” in his reporting. In a note to readers, editor-in-chief Betsy Reed revealed that Thompson had fabricated quotes in several stories and created email accounts in order to impersonate people.
“Thompson went to great lengths to deceive his editors, creating an email account to impersonate a source and lying about his reporting methods,” Reed wrote.
Following an investigation into Thompson’s reporting, the publication is retracting one story in its entirety and appending corrections to four others. Among the inconsistencies The Intercept discovered were quotes “attributed to people who said they had not been interviewed” and quotes that could not be verified.
“Thompson admitted to creating fake email accounts and fabricating messages, but stood by his published work. He did not cooperate in the review,” Reed wrote.
UN May Find Detention of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Illegal
Panel finds Los Angeles police officers justified in shooting of homeless man
Los Angeles police officers were justified when they fatally shot a homeless black man on Skid Row six times, including twice in the chest, a civilian oversight panel said Tuesday.
The Los Angeles police commission issued the finding in the shooting of Charly Keundeu Keunang, after discussing it in a closed-door meeting. The commission found that one of the officer’s tactics violated policy, but it did not explain how.
The decision led to outcries from about a dozen activists in the room who have criticized the shooting and repeatedly called on police to release body-camera footage that captured it. ...
Keunang’s family has filed a $20m lawsuit against the city and police department. Joshua Piovia-Scott, the attorney representing Keunang’s family in the lawsuit, said he was frustrated by the commission’s finding.
“It’s hard to believe that six heavily armed and trained officers and one unarmed, lone homeless man on a sunny street on a sunny day results in those officers holding the man down to the concrete and shooting him in the chest and killing him,” he said.
As Countries Line Up to Sign Toxic Deal, Warren Leads Call to Reject TPP
With 12 nations expected to sign the corporate-friendly Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) in New Zealand on Thursday, opponents in the U.S. and beyond are renewing their criticisms of the deal's worst provisions, which they warn pose serious dangers to the climate, working families, and democracy.
The signatures mark the end of the negotiating process, with a broad agreement on the deal having been reached in October. Now, all 12 Pacific Rim countries will be able to begin their respective domestic ratification processes, which in the U.S. means passage by Congress.
Recent reporting suggests Congress won't take up the issue until after the November elections—which gives opponents time to hone their arguments against the toxic deal.
"I urge my colleagues to reject the TPP and stop an agreement that would tilt the playing field even more in favor of big multinational corporations and against working families," Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said on the U.S. Senate floor on Tuesday. Noting that "most of the TPP's 30 chapters don't even deal with traditional trade issues," she argued, "most of TPP is about letting multinational corporations rig the rules on everything from patent protection to food safety standards—all to benefit themselves."
Pharma Executives Worry About Presidential Candidates Demanding Reform
Responding to tough talk by presidential candidates about price gouging by drug companies, pharmaceutical executives have told investors that they are working actively to influence the political debate. And in a move that reveals how much leeway drug firms actually have over pricing decisions, some are even saying that they have minimized price hikes in recent months to avoid attracting attention.
Democratic contenders Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have both called for the government to do much more to bring down the price of medications. And last week, Republican candidate Donald Trump came out in support of allowing Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug prices, a move that places him even to the left of some leaders in the Democratic Party.
On Thursday, former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli is scheduled to join other executives in testifying before a congressional panel about why they hiked prices on lifesaving drugs by as much as 5,000 percent.
The political environment has Wall Street worried. “We heard Bernie and Hillary last night go after drug pricing again and I think that’s also something we are going to hear from the Republicans,” warned Jami Rubin, the Goldman Sachs health care group analyst, on an earnings conference call last week for Johnson & Johnson. ...
Merck chief executive Ken Frazier, speaking at the J.P. Morgan Health Care Conference in San Francisco last month, pledged to do more as chairman of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the industry’s lobbying group.
Here's a fine wrap-up of the bloviating establishment Hillarypundits who were very wrong:
Insiders Predicted That Bernie Sanders Would Be No Threat to Hillary Clinton
The stunning virtual tie between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in Iowa came after months of mainstream media pundits and leaders of the political establishment confidently predicting that Sanders would be no match for Clinton’s electoral machine there — or anywhere, for that matter.
“For now, Hillary Clinton has nothing to worry about as she prepares for the Iowa caucuses,” Bloomberg political reporter John McCormick wrote last May. “Despite a wave of influence-peddling allegations involving her family’s foundation, her prospects for winning the first-in-the-nation presidential contest remain undamaged.” McCormick cited a Quinnipiac poll showing Clinton capturing 60 percent of the vote in Iowa to Sanders’ 15.
Quinnipiac promoted this poll as definitive in the race. “One thing is obvious about Iowa Democratic Caucus participants: They are loyal as the day is long, at least when it comes to Hillary Clinton,” said Peter A. Brown, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “There is no candidate who appears to have the political and financial resources at this time to successfully take her on.”
Citing the same poll, Politico’s Annie Karni reported that “Clinton’s challengers are considered bit players, so far, in the drama of the 2016 election.” Laura Clawson, a Daily Kos editor, said that the poll is “evidence that the 2016 Democratic presidential primary is not the 2008 Democratic presidential primary,” with Clinton holding “an extremely healthy lead. Extremely healthy.”
Is Clinton "A Progressive Who Gets Stuff Done"?
Bernie Sanders takes message to New Hampshire after strong showing in Iowa
Bernie Sanders hailed his narrow loss in Iowa as “an important step forward in the fight for the political revolution” on Tuesday, as the Vermont senator’s campaign switched focus to New Hampshire ahead of the state’s 9 February primary.
Speaking to a fired-up crowd in Claremont, Sanders hailed the Iowa caucuses, which he lost to Hillary Clinton by just 0.29 percentage points, as a success.
“Last night in Iowa we took on the most powerful political organization in the country. Last night we came back from a 50-point deficit,” he told his audience at the Claremont Opera House.
The result showed that people “are prepared to stand up for fundamental changes in the way politics and economics are done in America”, Sanders continued, to cheers from the crowd.
About 400 people were at the rally, Sanders’ last event before Wednesday night’s Democratic town hall, an unofficial debate at which he will face off against Clinton, whom he leads by an average of 18 points in New Hampshire polls.
Kerry sent 'secret' email to Clinton from personal account
As a senator, Secretary of State John Kerry sent at least one email to Hillary Clinton from his personal account that has now been classified as secret, the State Department confirmed on Tuesday.
The largely redacted May 19, 2011, email from Kerry — then the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee — “was sent from a non-official account,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.
ADVERTISEMENTThat account, Kirby added “is no longer active.”
The message referenced India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and was classified for containing information about foreign governments and U.S. foreign relations.
Jimmy Carter calls US campaign finance ruling 'legalised bribery'
Former American president Jimmy Carter has warned that US politics has been corrupted by billions of dollars of campaign financing following a supreme court ruling that he said legalised “bribery”.
He described the landmark 2010 Citizens United court decision, which equated campaign spending with free speech, as an “erroneous ruling”.
Carter said: “The erroneous ruling of the supreme court, where millionaires, billionaires, can put in unlimited amounts of money, give legal bribery the chance to prevail, because all the candidates, whether they are honest or not, or whether they are Democratic or Republican, depend on these massive infusions of money from very rich people in order to have money to campaign.”
The former peanut farmer turned Democratic president claimed that middle- and working-class Americans were being “cheated out of an opportunity to improve their lot in life”.
“As the rich people finance the campaigns, when candidates get in office they do what the rich people want. And that’s to let the rich people get richer and richer and the middle class get left out. All the statistics show that the middle class are stagnant or going down in their income for the work that they do.”
Criminal charges filed over massive methane leak in California
Thousands have been displaced from their homes in the Southern California community of Porter Ranch after a utility company’s underground storage site sprung a leak last fall. The methane leak first reported on October 23, is from a Southern California Gas Co. natural gas storage storage site. At the height of the leak, 100,000 pounds of methane spewed out into the atmosphere per hour.
On Tuesday, Los Angeles County prosecutor Jackie Lacy announced four misdemeanor charges filed against SoCal Gas. Three charges for allegedly failing to report the leak from October 23 to October 26, and one for discharging air contaminants. If convicted, SoCal Gas could face a fine of up to $25,000 a day “for each day it failed to notify the California Office of Emergency Services” and an additional $1,000 per day for air pollution violations.
The criminal charges come on the same day that California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced a civil lawsuit against the company for violations of the state health and safety code. As NPR notes, the company is also being sued by the city and county of Los Angeles; owners of businesses in Porter Ranch; residents of Porter Ranch; and the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
Privatization on Steroids: Emergency Manager Who Switched Flint Water Resigns From Detroit Schools
The pending congressional investigation of Flint's neoliberal-imposed water crisis appears to be more of a coverup and blame-shifting operation. The "investigation" is likely to only turn up a small set of facts convenient to the Rethuglicans.
Congress Will Look at Flint's Water Crisis — But They Won't Hear From Several Key Figures
Congress is poised to begin its examination of who is responsible for the poison leaching out of [Flint, Michigan's] pipes and into the water supply, with a hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform taking place on Wednesday.
But they'll be missing at least three key figures at the center of the crisis: Michigan's Republican governor, the emergency manager he appointed to deal with Flint's fiscal woes, and Miguel Del Toral, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientist who raised concerns that Flint's water testing could be flawed and the lead contamination widespread.
The first person appearing before the committee tomorrow will be Congressman Dan Kildee, a Democrat who represents Flint. He said the crisis is the result of bad decisions made by state officials, especially Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.
"The State of Michigan did this to Flint," Rep. Kildee said. "It was a combination of the emergency manager, appointed by the governor, looking at nothing but cost when determining how to provide water to the people of Flint and then the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, not only failing to protect public health, but actually covering up the fact that they failed." ...
Gov. Snyder was not asked to appear before the committee and Earley is refusing to attend. ...
In a memo, the House committee said it expects to focus on the role of the federal government in the Flint disaster, likely including that of former EPA administrator Susan Hedman, who resigning last month amidst the crisis.
But national and Michigan Democrats are furious that the largely Republican committee will not be questioning Gov. Snyder, also a Republican, nor Earley.
Long line outside of the Congressional hearing on the #FlintWaterCrisis. How can @onetoughnerd not be here?
— Emily Wurth (@EmilyWurth1) February 3, 2016
Facing Dual Crises, Former Flint Manager Resigns as Detroit Schools Head
On the same day that he refused to testify before Congress on his role in the Flint water crisis, Detroit Public Schools emergency manager Darnell Earley announced he would resign as leader of the embattled school district effective February 29.
Earley, who served as Flint's emergency manager from September 2013 until January 2015, was one of five witnesses invited to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Wednesday, as the lead-poisoning scandal continues to unfold.
His refusal to speak to the committee drew immediate fire from elected officials and community leaders alike.
"Children in Flint are having their blood tested, families must have their water tested and yet Darnell Earley is refusing to face the simple test of answering questions about his involvement and knowledge of what happened in Flint," said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. "People in Flint deserve to know the truth about how their water was poisoned but Darnell Earley doesn’t think the people deserve the truth."
'Sexually Transmitted' Case of Zika Reported in Texas
The first known case of Zika virus transmission within the United States has been reported in Texas, and was likely contracted through sex rather than a mosquito bite.
The announcement was made on Tuesday by local health officials in Dallas, one day after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Zika an international public health emergency.
The infected individual's partner had recently returned from Venezuela, though they themselves had not traveled abroad.
The virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is spreading rapidly in the Americas, and WHO officials on Tuesday expressed concern that it could hit Africa and Asia as well. Zika had been thought to be spread by the bite of mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, so sexual contact as a mode of transmission would be a potentially alarming development.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
There are way too many Hillary Clintons
This is how the U.S.-led coalition investigates itself when accused of killing civilians
How the Post-9/11 Antiwar Movement Was Erased From History
The Peace Movement’s War Story
Is the Saudi Market Share Strategy Backfiring?
A Little Night Music
Curtis Jones - Love Fake Blues
Curtis Jones - Roll Me Mama
Curtis Jones - Reefer hound blues
Curtis Jones - Highway 51 Blues
Curtis Jones - Wrong Blues
Curtis Jones - Flamin' Blues
Curtis Jones - Cool Playing Blues

ZIRP is squeezing banks
Dropping interest rates from 18% to 1% was a windfall for banks. But ZIRP and NIRP is a nightmare for them.
Syrian Army surrounds Aleppo
Putin is hitting Turkey where it hurts
revenge is served cold
Juan Cole had a column a few days ago how Russia change game
in Syria
Turkey's position has collapsed
In short order major progress which continues as you report above
The US actions over years have not been as dramatic as these developments
And Erdogan's war against the Kurds, all Kurds, but especially the YKP, is failing as the Kurds have been the major force on the ground making headway against ISIS.
evening gj...
it looks like patrick cockburn was pretty much on the money when he said that the sides had little reason to negotiate. syria is slowly (with russian help) neutralizing its enemies and the sunni jihadis thrive on conflict.
Another wave of refugees
more fighting means more suffering
A bizarre request
but it's OK if we keep bombing
yeah, keep bombing and
then give some band-aids to the folks, who god wounded, by handing out some dough. From the article:
Goethe (Faust, Gretchen):
Ach, wir Armen. Oh, us poor. Indeed.
hi, joe
The "way too many Hillary Clintons" story was upsetting to me. I had not previously considered that she may have been cloned. That there are now so many of her, it may be impossible to get rid of them all. Like lice, or scabies.

This is a frightening tube:
hi hecate, hmm ...
I kind of wonder who is Jeff Lieber and who is Bob Johnson on the gos. I shouldn't wonder about it, but I am a weak person, who gets dizzied to the point of fainting with both of their "writing style's imaginations", especially if they want to be smart. You may have an idea what that is all about. Feels as if the gos needs to get some meds to handle their mental health issues.
jeff lieber
is a co-creator of the TV show Lost, and thus sleeps every night on a Midas pile. Bob Johnson is a pretend-human created and maintained by a canine known as Rex.
thanks, hecate, I think I should read more diaries
by Rex. I guess I understand now why Jeff Lieber sounds a little bit "Lost". No wonder I feel very much lost. Thanks.
being self-banned there I couldn't post, but....
I wanted to slam Jeff for the terrible, horrible, dismal, stupid conclusion to Lost.
evening hecate...
that is indeed a frightening tube. the idea of multiple bushes, cheneys and clintons is deeply frightening.
Hillary's campaign reminds us how bad Bill was for the US
In the video about Hillary as a progressive, we are first reminded about some of Bill's biggest hits including NAFTA, welfare and welfare "reform."
And it is fascinating to see how quickly Hillary changes her stance from middle to progressive to middle or whatever
The status quo was shaken by the biggest insurgency in decades and the support of the youth means that the game has changed for a long time.
If Bernie does win the primary (I think he will), then the minority and poor voters that come to the polls will shake up the system even more.
The Bernie movement has been launched!
The article you linked, How the Post-9/11 Antiwar Movement Was Erased From History
was Tom's introduction to a long TomDispatch post which makes a very important point. ISIS IS A CIVIL WAR. And the more that we bomb them, the worse it gets. ISIS is not all that popular in the Muslim world but being attacked by the US and the West is their means to gain more followers.
This is the link to the longer story with Tom's introduction at the top
America's New Vietnam in the Middle East A Civil War Story About the Islamic State Might Spark a Peace Movement
The Peace Movement can't be dormant for ever and the latest scare tactics and expanded military budget are a cause whose time will come some time. Not sure how things will shake out by the election time.
I have not been that keen of Bernie's foreign policy statements, but he is not far from saying that Isis is a civil war (and as it says in the article, that when the peace movement framed the VietNam war that way, it had a foothold for a major movement)
evening don...
i find it hard to believe that anyone is going to be taken in by hillary's progressive schtick. with powerful progressive actions to her credit like, "i told those guys on wall street to cut it out," her credentials are transparently lacking.
the post 9/11 Anti War movement was so much hidden
I don't remember one to have been there. I remember anti-war demonstration in the beginning of 2003. Wasn't working with news, but some conservative German "not-so-much thinking tank", which I endured patiently due to necessary income needs for survival. I started to read more news only after the Iraq invasion. Just watched a little bit of TV in the late evenings. All I remember is Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, Rice, and Keith Olberman.
So, was there a visible anti-war movement directly after 9/11 that nobody could overlook ? I became aware of "War is not the Answer" and/or "Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)" only later. I think some people on my next job called them "the usual suspects".
Well, I know nothing, it's terrible.
Of course, the very biggest argument against war to avenge 9/11
was evidence that 9/11 was not being dealt with truthfully and/or had had inside help.
Right after 9/11, the Powers That Be immediately took pre-emptive measures to confine political discussion to an extremely narrow terrain. Everywhere, their gatekeepers demanded — on pain of being instantly barred and dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” — that no one be allowed to question the government’s account. On the contrary, everyone was expected to distance themselves from any such questions and questioners.
The moment dissenters and critics started allowing themselves to be muzzled and turned against other dissenters in that way, any nascent anti-war movement was split right down the middle. A broad coalition wasn’t so much shattered as prevented from forming in the first place.
Once you had been forced to make loyalty-oath type assurances in public that, yes, you subscribe 100% to the official story of 9/11 from start to finish, effectively arguing against war became that much harder. Especially if it was also risky just to be seen making common cause with others who rejected the Bush-neocon regime’s story.
By the time I got to the second paragraph
…I thought you were talking about Obama. But I agree that all these things happened.
I try not to conflate 9/11 with Afghanistan or Iraq, because those wars have nothing to do with 9/11. They never did. For 15 years the US has been murdering the people of Afghanistan, people and a nation that had not attacked the United States. As far as I can tell, that war exists to keep the heroin flowing along with the war profiteering. It serves no other purpose that anyone can point to.
The US government knew 9/11 was done by Sunni terrorists from Saudi Arabia in revenge for the continuance of US military presence and bases in the Middle East from the first Gulf war. The US was warned if they didn't remove themselves from Islam holy lands, the US would be attacked. Just about every intelligence agency in the world knew this. It wasn't a secret and was discussed for years in the geopolitical world. And the US stayed in the ME and it suffered the consequences of ignoring the warning. Why was anyone surprised about that? Your foreign policy in other people's nations has consequences.
Iraq, of course, had nothing to do with 9/11 or anything other than war profiteering. Absolutely nothing was accomplished except to make the world a shittier place.
So, there are two tracks:
The 9/11 track, which the US allowed to happen.
And the War track. Antiwar was alive and well during the Bush years, in the US and throughout the world. It was only during the Obama administration that the Antiwar crowd was Rickrolled. They were blatantly baited and switched. Trapped by their own political correctness between a massive bloody war crime and a president whom liberals did not dare criticize. And, by the time they worked up the nerve, it was too late. It was a brilliant move by the Neocons to put a Neocon-controlled Democrat in the White House. A Nobel Prize winner, no less.
I have to laugh thinking back on the entire epic bamboozle — from Wall Street to War Street.
Yes! The elevation of Obama was indeed a stroke of neocon genius
Using identity politics to get minorities and their politically correct liberal allies on board with the exact opposite of everything Martin Luther King and Malcolm X stood for.
Total surveillance, total military empire, total police power, total integration with Israel and Saudi Arabia — the Dulles brothers would have been delighted.
I am not a fan of Russia, but their foreign policy makes sense
Ray McGovern, the retired CIA officer who was a Russian expert and gave/presented daily briefings to presidents, linked an article about a foreign policy statement by the main foreign policy representative. It was given on Jan 26 with 150 correspondents and no story came out in the Western press. It is translated and commentated on in this article.
There are some main points. The sanctions against Russia have backed others into a corner and they want them ended. Hurt others more than Russia.
The world is moving to a multi polar situation and Russia is critical of those countries who just go along with the US who has dictated and dominated international institutions
The banking and finance with organizations like BRICS which include Russia and China will further enable other countires to go their own way without controls by the US
I found this fairly long article of interest, something not found in Western media, and some of you here who are stronger in foreign policy might want to check it out
A Russian Diplomat’s Take on the World
tweet from Glenn - Glenn you know who
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 2m2 minutes ago
Glenn Greenwald Retweeted Zaid Jilani
They liked him when they thought he'd run a nice, cute, unthreatening campaign and then bow out and endorse Clinton Glenn Greenwald added,
Zaid Jilani @ZaidJilani
Dem elite liked Bernie Sanders until he was a threat. They went from "I like Bernie, he's doing his thing" to "this man must be stopped"
This is what they think of the little guy
In other words, you sheeple deserve to get sheared.
Elites have lost their healthy fear of the masses
Time for a sharp blade of justice
And this is different from Goldman Sachs
…and how they treat the sheeple of America?
And the Federal government let's it happen and then blames America's poor for the sub-prime bubble that kicked off the Global Financial Crisis.
What's with the China propaganda? Putin Derangement Syndrome has been bad enough. And the White House needs to show me on the doll where Iran touched it.
Evening Joe, I just wonder how many of the feminists
will love the idea to force women to register for the draft. Something tells me that many of them didn't have that in mind. Am I wrong?
evening mimi...
i am guessing that younger feminists (i.e. those of draft age) will like the idea a whole lot less than older feminists that might think that it's a great idea.
it seems to me that in the era of an all-volunteer armed forces, a draft organization is a waste of resources and ought to be terminated.
Good evening, Joe. Thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
you're welcome as always.
My stars, joe.
I should learn to always come here and see if in your fifty posted stories one I'd thought to write've already covered.
But one addition before the big Assange announcement (around midnight where I live):
Julian had said earlier that if the judgment goes against him, he'd submit himself for arrest by the UK police. It's hard to know what steps might come next, even from the #freejulinassange account.
My heart to his, and to Chelsea Manning.