Electrons go Superballistic
New research shows that electrons passing through a narrow constriction in a piece of metal can move much faster than expected, and that they move faster if there are more of them — a seemingly paradoxical result.
The result is that, through a sufficiently narrow, point-like constriction in a metal, electrons can flow at a rate that exceeds what had been considered a fundamental limit, known as Landauer’s ballistic limit.
Missing from the article from which I lifted these quotations is that in 1957, Rolf Landauer treated the electrons as individual interacting particles. Electrons in close proximity to each other exhibit bulk rather than individual behavior.
Atomic structure is not a miniature solar system with individual electrons orbiting a compact nucleus. Nuclear and atomic processes are not mutually isolated so we have no reason to think a collection of electrons in an atom or in a constricted space act as mutually isolated individual particles.
So, while I had no reason to suspect this particular result in a metal, the result is not "Earthshaking", just as quantum tunneling is no longer thought of as surprising. The researches should be commended for finding an result that will, no doubt, be very important in the design of the next generation of computers if not a breakthrough finding in the development of quantum computers.
Love Your Sciency Stuff, PR. Wish We Could Hang Out and Chat
about it. Right fucking over my head, nearly all the time. I would have to talk and share information to catch the net.
We'll be in the Pac NW this summer. Maybe we could hook up in OR.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Sounds like a plan.
I plan to hang out, rather than travel, this summer. Living in a real mountain valley is awesome after such a long time at the edge of the high plains.
Greater efficiency through self organization?
I'm a big believer in equilibration. My take is that as the electrons interact they start to take on similar motion characteristics, homogenizing their states and allowing for greater efficiency than diffuse electrons in more random states.
As with most things quantum, the key may lie the spin of the electrons as they self organize. It would be interesting to know how the spins of the electrons line up as they pass through the slit. My guess is it's a self reinforcing process: the more the electrons interact, the more uniform the spins become, which in turn leads to greater efficiency and thus greater linear speed. Rinse/repeat.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Damn, I wish I had had this thought!
Self-organization inducing some functional cooper pairing. Nowhere (but from you) did I see that thought expressed.
In "normal" superconductivity cooper pairs are "disrupted" by lattice vibrations, hence the temperature dependance. This phenomenon involves bypassing the bulk of the lattice so we would not expect the same temperature dependance.
I'll be checking the mail...
for my honorary degree.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Explains a lot of phenomena
Like my worst comments getting posted before it is ready
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
I'll Be in Touch... Mid-June We'll be Rolling Through... nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I will set a Mid-June "alert"