Do you know what Redacted Donkeys are?

Good Morning, America.
They are Trump's greatest allies. So says The Hedges man. You can see the Redacted Donkey here and read about them too.

The liberal class, ranging from Hollywood and the Democratic leadership to The New York Times and CNN, refuses to acknowledge that it sold the Democratic Party to corporate bidders; collaborated in the evisceration of our civil liberties; helped destroy programs such as welfare, orchestrate the job-killing North American Free Trade Agreement and Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, wage endless war, debase our public institutions including the press and build the world’s largest prison system.

It is the job of the guardians of orthodoxy to plaster over the brutal reality and cruelty of neoliberalism and empire with a patina of civility or entertainment. They pay homage to a nonexistent democracy and nonexistent American virtues. The elites, who live in enclaves of privilege in cities such as New York, Washington and San Francisco, scold an enraged population. They tell those they dismiss as inferiors to calm down, be reasonable and patient and trust in the goodness of the old ruling class and the American system

The press, like the Democratic Party, is an appendage of the consumer .society. These institutions are not about politics or news. They are about imparting an experience. They create political personalities, marketed as celebrities, to make us feel good about candidates These manufactured emotions, the product of the dark arts of the public relations industry, determine how we vote. Issues and policies are irrelevant. It is marketing and entertainment. Trump is a skillful marketer of his fictitious self.

The pseudo-events on television displace reality. This is how a reality star becomes president. Sixty million people think Trump’s manufactured persona—the predominate tycoon—on “The Apprentice” is real. Our perception of the truth is determined by what appears on the screen. If an event is never broadcast, it somehow never happened. The electronic image is the word of God.

“When you work in that environment long enough you unconsciously become an agent for whatever that commercial strategy is,” Taibbi said of the press in our corporate-run political theater.

What we call right-wing and liberal media in this country are really just two different strategies of the same kind of nihilistic lizard-brain sensationalism,” Taibbi wrote in “Insane Clown President.”

Ok, so I am suffering under a mental breakdown now and am in need to push the "reset button" and reboot. If the machine doesn't boot, then I guess it's time to throw out the hard drive and get a new PC. It's one of those things that redacted donkeys are doing. Same shit on new toys.

Yours truely mimi, from Germany with Love.

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Big Al's picture

Like a bad science fiction movie.

The media at the top, the national media on TV and major print make the big bucks now. Many of them are fully vested in the One Percent and Above Club and will do whatever it takes to stay there and in their nice mansions.
TV news and political shows especially should be boycotted. There's no reason to watch shows with Maddow, Scarborough, Hannity, Blitzer, Meet the press, all that bullshit, imo. I know some disagree with that but we could at least put pressure on the big money media.

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mimi's picture

@Big Al
But now I am a c99p addict. I boycott TOP and facebook. Twitter I sin a little bit with. I wanted to boycott them too. Basically I want to boycott the internet. If it weren't for TRN, Democracy NOW, Truthdig and C99p I would have succeeded. Ok, I use the google news sometimes and read a little bit the German newspapers and magazine.I read everything the above mentioned sites lead me to. But other than that I am "clean" and "sober". Smile

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ggersh's picture

It's scary alright!

“I never even managed to become anything: neither wicked nor good, neither a scoundrel nor an honest man, neither a hero nor an insect,” the Underground Man wrote. “And now I am living out my life in my corner, taunting myself with the spiteful and utterly futile consolation that it is even impossible for an intelligent man seriously to become anything, and only fools become something. Yes, sir, an intelligent man of the nineteenth century must be and is morally obliged to be primarily a characterless being; and a man of character, an active figure—primarily a limited being.”

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

mimi's picture


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rising up in Germany, too, Mimi.
I'd be interested in your 'boots on the ground' perspective.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

mimi's picture

hmm, I looked, but didn't see them. People seem to like Schultz. I couldn't figure out yet why. Elections are coming up here. They all sound "politically engaged and well behaved". I don't hear much from Wagenknecht. I will come back to you on that. I will take my binoculars with me, may be then I see something. The SPD is the left here in your opinion? I mean they are lefter than your Democrats, but are not 'the left'.

I am also totally desinterested in politics. I follow more what's happening in the US than what's happening here. I think the world is a spectacle drama on a stage and I didn't buy a ticket for the play. That's all there is to it. Sorry. I will come back to you on it. They are all pro-EU, pro-NATO and anti-Trump, left, right and middle. The right-wing populist AfD is the exception with regards to the EU. But, heh, I don't deal with AfD folks. They are the neo-Nazis, not the left.

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@mimi @mimi I had to laugh at that! That's what happens when I try to use other people's definitions. I try to personally define things as decent or evil regardless of other folk's labels.
I just caught a bit on RT about anti corporatist demonstrations being harassed and followed by squads of police. Barely caught any of the particulars as I was just passing through the room.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

mimi's picture


I just caught a bit on RT about anti corporatist demonstrations being harassed and followed by squads of police

These demonstrations with police squads harrassing them, were they here in Germany? I don't know about them. At least not anti-corporate demonstrations. The right-wing AfD folks demonstrate and the left-wing folks do anti-AfD demonstrations. That has been like it since the seventies. Only difference is that the right-wingers have increased in numbers quite substantially.

I can't watch RT in TV here and haven't yet bothered to search for the German RT broadcasts. ok, I scanned RT Deutschland online and can't find a report about anti-corporate demonstrations with escalations with the police. I have not had the urge to watch RT in Germany. I am barely ready to read and watch the main-streem TV and print media here. I was over 35 years not in Germany and feel like a lost doggy who happened to have found his old home and tries to sniff out the things he remembers. So, I am not the best person to ask something about Germany.

With regards to "Die Linke" (The Left Party) they rise, but will always have to go into coalition with either CDU or SPD to govern. They will not go into coalition with the CDU, so their influence in government would increase only if they have a coalition with the SPD. At the moment I don't know how the Green Party intends to go into coalition with whom. I think it will become clearer in the next couple of month. The AfD rises and I am not sure from which party they take the votes away.

I am so sorry. I didn't follow it yet.

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I didn't hunt down the RT clip of the police following the protesters.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

mimi's picture

the demonstrations surrounding the G20 working group meeting of their foreign ministers were so 'normal' that they probably weren't even realized as something special. At least there was no police harrassment. It barely made the news here.

I support those protesting groups, but their demonstrations afaik haven't been met with police harrassments. And if the police were following the protestors, well police will always be at hand when protests are announced and lots of foreign government's officials are at the meeting. That doesn't mean the police harrass them or abuse their power. At least not that I know off. Protests like you mention belong into the normal picture of free political expressions. At least so far.

That might change at the main meeting of the G20 summit 2017 in Hamburg in July. If I should still be in Germany at that time, I am much closer to the actions and will follow what happens on the streets more carefully.

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Libeling liberals by attributing to them things done by neoliberal neocons of the third way (really 1.2 way) never gets old, I guess.

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