Well that did not take long at all Keith
Keith Ellison has dispatched his first fund raiser email for the DNC and really I can do no better than the commentary provided by the Jimmy Dore show.
The DNC are bound and determined to lose as hard as they can in 2018. They seem to believe that this is bottom, that president Trump is and will be so bad that there is no alternative but to swing back behind the Democrats. So they are carrying on with the same policies and behaviors of the last 25 years. DLC, Blue Dog, Triangulation of the Left.
At this point all that remains of the Left in the Democratic party is the Our Revolution and Justice Democrats people. They are solely focused on reforming the party from within by taking over the state party organizations and the primary process. Which apparently runs smack into the DNC having all of the authority, holding all of the cards and making all of the decisions. How long are those groups going to bang their head against that wall before the leave?
George Carlin had the Dems number long before me, same with others here. I've been yammering on about the Dems being faux opposition since I came here 25 years ago. I've witnessed decades of failure to wake people. The Sanders campaign in the primary did something I have seen successfully frustrated for decades. Waking millions of people up, motivating them, validating their plight and their ideals, connecting them. I have been waiting DECADES for this moment where we start to break through. For me the guy, the team that accomplished this do earn credit with me which translates into giving them the benefit of the doubt and some patience in recognition of that accomplishment. Does not mean they will ever accomplish any more but I try not to be so quick to write them off.
The people are awake, they are free of the corporate media, nobody watches the Six O'Clock News anymore, no one watches cable news, their viewership numbers are trivial. The problems facing 60% of the country are stark, bleak, crushing and ultimately fatal. Even if it is not Sanders a leader will emerge. There are too many passionate, articulate, intelligent, cogent, charismatic and right in that 60%. Someone, many, will be standing up. I see some of them in the DNC debates, in online news blogs. It is already happening.
All of these groups and people that oppose the corporate Dems are going to coalesce into a new party by 2018/2020. There is no alternative at this point, unless a miracle occurs and OR/JD execute a successful hostile takeover of the Dem party. But that's a real long shot. So it is time to get out there, right now, the change is in the air and it's time to push as HARD as you can to get the country moving in the direction YOU want it to go because believe me after growing up 40 miles down the road from The Troubles, the alternative is much, much worse.

Bernie had two things....
1) Credibility, and 2) a platform that transcended identity politics and party. This is what we need, and it isn't going to come from the Democrats.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No the Tom Perez vote was another thumb in the eye of progs.
J. Caesar.
Way to go, Dems!
Why is Schumer getting a pass here?
I've always tried to engage random people in politics talk but there is a big difference these days. People are more likely to want to talk politics and are certainly more open to socialist, commie and generally heretical ideas like they never were before.
The temperature is rising
The trend is clear
What the Dems are doing isn't working. In fact, it's getting worse
Finally getting some momentum behind that perspective.
It isn't working
I hear ya, gendjinn. Will folks fall back into line for the Dems
Haven't most of the Bernie campaign staff abandoned Our Revolution? Wasn't there a mutiny over the mission statement, in which the fight against a mandate to not accept corporate donation money was overruled? Jesus Christ, that was the whole linchpin of the Bernie movement, the biggest takeaway. That a good, authentic, honest candidate could get enormous support, and a lot of it just be virtue of not taking Wall St and corporate money.
It's hard to believe these bastards are so fucking clueless. Devastated on all fronts, after losing 1000 seats nationally...and they're still holding onto the same old formula that Bubba Boy Clinton introduced, which is playing for the same Big Money donors as the Repugs. After losing to the worst candidate of all time, in such a bone-crushing defeat to such a hideous moron, they still don't get it.
But then again, like many have said here, it's all kabuki theater to them, a charade they play
notso well. They live in hermetically-sealed worlds in which their schedule planner books are filled with either fundraising dates for their next campaigns, cocktail parties of the well-connected and meeting with their donors and their lobbyists. The game just goes on and on, like an interminable cricket match in which there is now winner. Which is the point. That's how they all stay elected, pump out fear of the other side to their loyal partisans, back by a non-stop onslaught of propaganda from the lapdog media, who also have big financial interest in keeping the game going. Don't do anything to upset your donors, and you'll have a long career, which includes the guaranteed lobbyist or consultant gig as you grease right through the revolving door back wearing the jersey of the other team.From what I've seen locally of Our Revolution, it's a fraud. Sort of like when the most extremist elements of the RW were re-branded as the Tea Party, but were transparently just a Koch Bros-funded, astroturfed, racist front to both rail at the black president and used the lemmings to disrupt even the slightest proposed changes to the corporate status quo of healthcare through insurance companies. The Democrats are attempting to re-brand their simpleton, lesser of two evil brilliant strategy as The Resistance™, in the same way, a clumsy cover for their odious Neoliberal agenda.
I went to the first local Our Revolution meeting after the primary was over, and watched two former Bernie campaign guys just latch right onto to the $hills campaign in the general, while barely batting an eyelid. I was so astonished at the rapid transformation that I began wondering if their allegiance to Bernie was just a front. When I brought up the validity of a 3rd party run and my interest in Jill Stein, based on the political revolution Bernie had just conducted, I was met with disinterest and no support. I never went back to anything they did after that. A friend went to another of their meetings and said it was another corporate affair, saying the same thing. Our city council guy was there, a Neoliberal who takes lots of real estate money. They clearly want to co-opt all this new-found protest energy, and suck it right back into that graveyard of a party.
I'm more interested in seeing what develops of Justice Democrats. Their platform is more similar to Bernie's, and most prominently is based on the fundamental issues of Money In Politics. To me, that is the most winning of all ideas. If you can prove to people that good candidates don't have to take Big Money, taking off from the single most important thing Bernie's campaign had wild success on, you stand the best chance of getting elected - mostly on that premise alone (provided one is not a multi-millionaire). I mean, think about it: If Trump didn't have money he'd be nowhere in sight now. Goes for the entire makeup of government at all levels, from local to DC. But if you however can get people to canvass for you and contribute small donations, because they believe in what you're saying, you stand an excellent chance of using that leverage against your opponent, who in almost all cases will be someone who got elected to office solely on Big Money stuffing their coffers. When new progressive candidates can do what Bernie did, and point to the fact that they are not accepting any corporate money - well, that's the whole thing in a nutshell. No longer are these new politicians beholden to Wall St or Corporate America (see Kshama Sawant in Seattle).
I don't have much hope in the electoral political system at all. But I'm curious to see if some of these candidates, taking a page from Bernie and not accepting any big donor money and standing on a staunch Occupy-style reform platform like Bernie, can get some traction. I think they can.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
The OR people have taken over the CA state Dem party.
People of good faith are co-opted by sociopaths all the time (gotta plug Figgs' A People's Tragedy for how regimes co-opt and destroy). Maybe Sanders is now on board, if always was, why wake people up? Why keep them awake?
I'm not going to worry about that because either he will or he won't and it will be soon or someone else will. The sand in the hourglass is running out and change is coming.
The Oregon people . . .
We Oregonians have plans, but I didn't know this was in the works. Abbreviations can be very confusing.
Only last night I was saying Stephen King novels find
From what I hear many CA have settled in OR, so it would only be fair play if you were to take over the CA Dem state party.
I suspect it will all come to tears but worth keeping an eye on it to see how it unfolds and where the group goes next. If anywhere.
@PriceRip I have this image of
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
@PriceRip I really hoped that
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well stated Mark
I keep reading that the DP hasn't learned their lesson from not only this election but from the 2010 midterms that saw them lose so many seats and states.
They haven't learned any lessons because they have no plans to change anything.
As I have stated many times, if Obama was upset about losing so many seats and states he would have fired DWS and not letting her stay on to run the primaries.
And I think it was intentional to lose that many because it gives the republicans the power that they need to dismantle so many of our social programs and the democrats are helpless to stop them. I don't see any other way to look at it.
And wasn't it convenient for the democrats to change the voting rules just in time for them not to be able to block any of Trump's cabinet positions and the other legislation that they want to pass?
It seems that only the republicans can block legislation by placing holds or use the filibuster .
As you wrote, it's kabuki theater and if anyone doesn't get reelected there is always a lobbying job waiting for them.
George Carlinhos was f'cking right when he said it's a big club and we aren't in it.
We should have listened to him a long time ago and not have to wait for a Bernie candidate to wake us up.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
But now people are awake.
Ironically, will Trump have marginalized dems for a generation?
Well, maybe more the democrats will marginalize themselves even more. The democratic party leaders and elected officials have pretty much deliberately coalesced around attack Trump by using Hillary's major theme--Trump is a Putin stooge and so are his appointments. They are going to totally ride that horse into 2018 elections, and also the theme they want the resistance movements to adopt as the major message against Trump. Even Maxine Waters got involved but flubbed it as nobody thinks Russia is invading S.Korea.
But I think, maybe more wishing on my part, is that resistance may move away from democratic party controlled themes which again focus mainly on Trump/Putin. to the areas that Bernie in good measure brought up. The Tax Day protest which is supposed to be about Trumps tax return which is more about finding or inventing any ties to any Russians. But you know, maybe the protests will move beyond that to income inequality, a tax system favoring the rich, tax relief for working families. And these are certainly areas establishment democrats don't want the protests to go. And in all of this it may reveal the utter corrupt bankruptcy, and uselessness of the democrats.
@MrWebster But Russia is invading
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The Dems are working on their image. The Obamas were all over
the morning news shows this morning polishing their image as well as that of Dubya. After all, the plutocrats have to stick together. Dems are just fulfilling their function of legitimizing our phoney-baloney "democracy."
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Isn't it funny how these Dems are out now, working hard to rehab
Chimpy's reputation? The guy's a freaking war criminal. Well, I guess that's something they have in common so that probably doesn't really bother them. But geeze Louise, George W. Bush??? He was the epitome of all that was evil for 8 long years.
What am I missing?
EDIT: not/now and added a ,
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
And not just Chimpy who has been out of office for 8 years.
President Obama has made a very public media blitz a month after leaving office.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
There's plenty of fake unity smiles for everyone!
But wait - it gets even better!
Democrat's Announce Stupid Plan To Woo Millennials 9:09
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrJh2mEvZfI width:550]
I like Jimmy's plan better.