Amish farmer jailed over chickweed salve, bloodroot salve
Better to read the transcript, because this ongoing incident is pretty dense ( dense in the sense that there is lots of detail, all of which is important).
This is a case of FDA domineering overreach, pure and simple. The local sheriff supports Mr. Girard, told federal authorities not to arrest him, which they went ahead and did anyway, and is now working on a petition for a presidential pardon. Lets see if the Pres's pardon pen is where his mouth is. If he wants to scale back the bureaucracy, FDA is clearly the place to start. As. Ms. Oh points out, the persecution of one Amish salve compounder has cost you and me millions.
I think there is a bit more involved here than picking on Amish because they don't believe in defending themselves. For one thing, the bloodroot is apparently quite effective against skin cancers, which suggests to me that someone wants to patent the active ingredient and then prevent anyone else from growing or using the herb at all.
A number of libertarian sites have picked up this incident, so I hope someone will do some in depth reporting, looking at matters such as why this particular farmer why now, and exactly who is the federal prosecutor and who is the federal judge, who appointed him and what are his associations and alliances.

Here is
the story at Natural News
Mary Bennett
This issue is likely to be more controversial than it seems,
because it raises all kinds of questions about proper boundaries, personal liability, public safety, proportional response, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
And most of all about the role of MONEY.
We are fast - very, VERY fast - approaching the status of "Everything Not Explicitly Permitted Is Forbidden". Never mind the 9th and 10th Amendments - they're dead letters, like all the other Amendments except the 2nd, and like half the main body of the Constitution as well.
We have too much law, and only as much "justice" as you can buy.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
2nd Amendment is dead, too.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Yes. n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Who will get prosecuted for collections of ramps and ginseng?
Can I be prosecuted for collections of wild things (plants and fungi) on the property I pay taxes on if I then try to sell them? How is not not a hunter-gatherer? Living off the land, likely stewarding that, because it's income? How is that different from people who buy at barn sales and estate auctions, with a good eye, and turning around to sell at profit?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
there is no scientific evidence that bloodroot is
"effective" against skin cancer, or any other cancer.
a couple of studies have shown mild tumoricidal properties, but only in the petri dish.
it can also be pretty dangerous.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
If you want to quote someone, please get it right.
Please, help us out here. Just what is the objection to someone using their own ingenuity to make and distribute a product from commonly available ingredients?
FDA inspectors also questioned the man's comfrey plant. I also have a comfrey plant. It produces good compost material and provides food for pollinators.
Mary Bennett
you wrote that is "apparently quite effective"
to the contrary, it is not "apparently" effective in the least, nevermind "quite", and some damn fool who buys it from this farmer thinking it's going to magically melt away his melanoma is probably going to end up dead, and almost certainly going to be in a bad way.
like this guy, who rather than going to the doctor to get a diagnosis, decided to heal himself:
What the FDA objects to is people selling false hope -- and in particular, dangerously false hope.
None of which means I am taking a particular side in this case. I'm just noting that if you've got cancer, there's no particular reason to think that bloodroot salve is going to do you any good.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I knew somebody was going to go there :-P
That's why I stuck to general principles.
There is a point past which prosecution becomes PERsecution - and the FDA stampeded way over that line a LONG time ago, probably in the wake of the DEA, ATFE, and other hypercontrolling agencies.
There is no legislation that will cure stupidity.
Edited to add another thought: maybe if seeing the doctor didn't cost an arm, a leg, and several back teeth, more people would be willing to do that instead of trying to treat themselves.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Home remedies make my blood run cold.
But as a scientist I tend to avoid walking through some sections of Trader Joe's and Ashland Food Co-op · · · go figure.
The Amish, the only true followers of Jesus of Nazareth
They don't complement the new age Moneychanger Christians. So, a War on Fake Religions is born. Next they will be deemed "savages" and you know what follows. Forced relocations, trails of tears, desert lands, starvation.
I smell the stench of Dominionests at work here.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I have yet to learn that hope or even false hope
are illegal. Considering what is legally sold, from tobacco to Roundup to pesticides, I tend to think that a salve compounded from beeswax, olive oil and herbs, none of which are poisonous--we are not talking about castor beans or hemlock here--seems rather benign. The author of the article is a journalist, for those who demand "professional" testimony; she stated that she has used this man's products herself to good effect and with no harmful side effects. Nor were the prosecutors able to find any witness who had suffered harmful side effects. The unnamed person whom FDA claimed had been harmed mysteriously did not show up to testify and no evidence as to that anonymous person's identity or harm done to him or her was introduced at the trial.
We have seen a lot of these prosecutions of farmers in the last decade, under Republican and Democratic administrations in which testimony from satisfied customers who are willing to spend their hard earned money on out of the mainstream products is routinely dismissed as unworthy of consideration. I can't help thinking that in addition to commercial motives, there is also at work in these cases a certain corrosive jealousy on the part of incompetent keytapping apparatchiks.
Mary Bennett
The farmer was scheduled for court today. Will you please post verdict, or a link to the article about what happens in court? This bothers me a lot. I hope the whole thing against him is dismissed.
Not good.
I intend to be writing to my congresswoman, even though I live in another state. There is a vibrant and economically successful small farm food scene here in the Mohawk Valley, as well as an Amish population. I believe I can speak for most upstaters when I say that we admire and value our Amish neighbors and we don't want to see these industrious and peaceful Christians being persecuted by out of control govt. agencies.
The sheriff is said to be getting up a petition for a Presidential pardon. I guess we will be finding out just how "libertarian" Mr. Trump really is.
Any ideas anyone might have about what to put in a letter to one's congressperson would be most welcome.
Mary Bennett
Just to put this in some kind of context
pproved pharmaceutical drugs kill 1 person every 19 minutes. Merck’s FDA-approved Vioxx killed over 68,000 people. Nobody in Big Pharma goes to jail. They pay out billions in fines (after making billions in profits.) No companies close, nobody goes to jail. Nobody. Even after killing and harming 100s of thousands of people.
4. Sam Girod and his products have hurt no one.
Those statistics come from the reporter, Ms. Ohl. As a reporter she can surely be considered A Professional, so I think her figures, result of her research, can be accepted. Just to repeat that, Vioxx killed 68,000 people. Perhaps some knowledgeable person can link to or describe the prosecution of the company which put Vioxx in the marketplace? How many convictions? What fines paid or jail time served?
Mary Bennett
HUGE article,with a wealth of detail - would highly recommend reading in full at source, if at all possible.
The situation has, unsurprisingly, further deteriorated since among the powerful Big Pharmaceutical Mafia, only now, less of the evidence is officially even sought...
But all you hear about now is the knee-jerk 'anti-vaxxer' Monsanto/Bivings-style propaganda, no concerns about potentially unsafe vaccines and other pharma drugs in some cases becoming mandatory '... even if they are made with flagrant disregard for basic safety precautions. ...'
Citizens producing small quantities of balms or traditional herbs in competition with Big Pharma (having more wealth and power than small countries, in many cases due to their fostering at citizen expense by especially the US government, among others) are a whole 'nother story.
Edited to add a missing i and a missing t to two different words, as my keyboard sometimes sticks and I needz to press harder, drat it!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.