Trump: Big League (Bigly) Heartless Jackass

Two things that pissed me off about last night's speech.

1 ) Did anyone else catch the HUGE lie Trump told the Navy Seals wife that he "just spoke" to General Mattis right before the speech and the Army has finally realized they got a wealth of info from the raid Ryan Owens was killed on? Anyone catch that? I almost threw a rock thru my TV. How fuckin low can he go? He just spoke to the General who "just" found out they got info in the raid? I couldn't have felt more badly for Ryan Owens' wife. What a tool Trump is.

2) Zero mention of climate change. We're doomed. This guy ( Jackass ) is totally clueless.

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refused to meet with Trump when Trump went to Florida, where they're from I think? The father said his conscience would not let him talk to Trump. And yet the wife lets herself be part of the Trump Show? Whatever.

I didn't watch any of it, either his "speech" or the rebuttals. Why bother, it'll just piss me off

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

I mean this sincerely. He grew up about 10 miles from where I grew up in the metropolitan New York area. I have to believe that he was required to take classes in Science. I am hoping that there is some chance to bringing him around on the science of anthropomorphic climate change.

Mr. Trump registered for the first time in New York as a Republican in July 1987, only to dump the GOP more than a decade later for the Independence Party in October 1999, according to the New York City Board of Elections.

In August 2001, the billionaire enrolled as a Democrat. Eight years later, he returned to the Republican Party, The Smoking Gun reported.

After only two years as a registered Republican, Mr. Trump left the party again, and in December 2011 marked a box that indicated, “I do not wish to enroll in a party.”

Again, I have absolutely no idea of who he is. I think that he staked out outrageous positions during the election campaign to get noticed and to rally middle America, which had been horribly neglected by the Liberal establishments.

Does he know who he is? I doubt it. We now have a president with no experience in government and no rational political philosophy.

He has spent his entire adult life creating a showmanship personality, based on personal, black and white preconceptions, as in good guys v. bad guys. He knew that something was seriously wrong with our country and ran to the left of the Republican Party, all the while trying to stake out positions that were both outrageous and acceptable to mainstream conservatives. The result is total incoherence.

I suspect that there is something to be salvaged. If you watched him on The Apprentice you can appreciate that the situations created were complex and difficult. I think that he is reasonably smart, far more so than W. I don't think that he is a bigot, but I also don't think that he understands that some of his positions embody bigotry. He's all we've got for a president for the next four or eight years so we had better get our act together in knowing how to oppose him, and how to work with him where there is hope.

I thought that his speech last night signaled a major change from his bombastic, vacuous showmanship. His aides are starting to get through to him.

The biggest issues that we need to get through to him are Climate Crisis and military build-up. His SOS, Rex, actually understands that CO2 increase is driving warming. His attitude is that global warming is not yet serious enough to do something about it. But he's not a dogmatic, head-in-the-sand denier. However we are possibly now faced with devastation of the EPA budget. The states and individual contributors are going to have to make up for this. I would say that we are in condition Red on the environment.

His foreign policy is an incoherent mess. On the one hand he acknowledges that our military adventures in the ME are a disaster. He also realizes that we must work with Russia, and every other country in the region willing to seriously confront ISIS, Al Nusra, etc. On the other hand he wants to drastically increase the military budget at the cost of already underfunded social programs and "take-out" ISIS. Does this mean soldiers placed in harms way and body-bags? Are we going to bomb everywhere, only twice as much? I just don't know. We need to have a rational opposition, not just a bunch of Hillary supporters moaning in agony.

We desperately need to have a third party that can coalese around focused opposition. It can't be the Democrat Party since their positions are really about a incoherent as Trump's, since they genuinely support the Oligarchs, Neocons, Neoliberals, and the MIC.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard Sure, he may not really actively hate, but then again he talks like he does. Sure he's channeling something ugly that was already here in America and fed and nurtured very well by the Right Wing. But I think he's like far too many others out there who think they aren't bigots but they do show active contempt for those they perceive as somehow weaker or inferior. He's the typical American Bigot in my opinion, sure that he isn't one but too damned ignorant to accept that he is. And once again, I think his own massive personal insecurity drives that and uses it to portray himself as superior when deep down, he knows good and well he's far from it. Anyone who has to constantly blather on about NOT being a bigot or not being ignorant protests too much to be believed.

And you're spot on with the incoherence but the RWNJ faction will take care of that. He's wanting re-election, no doubt, or at least the possibility of it, he'll not piss off his benefactors enough to lose that opportunity.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

@The Wizard We will have a new savior, I just heard a short clip on the local radio news that Oprah Winfrey was being interviewed and said something about how unbelievable that a tv personality with no political experience could become POTUS. Now that she knows it can happen she said she might consider running. Anyone else here anything about this?

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Alligator Ed's picture

@The Wizard

We need to have a rational opposition, not just a bunch of Hillary supporters moaning in agony. We desperately need to have a third party that can coalese around focused opposition. It can't be the Democrat Party

Also note that HillaryBot protests are unfocused, except that just like Medusa's campaign they concentrate only on NotTrump.

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Big Al's picture

who will hear that line about "did get some info" and not only believe it but they'll think it was for their own good, their safety. I cannot get over how scared so many Americans still are 15 years after 9/11.
Really, Trump saying that is one thing but people believing it is off the charts.

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@Big Al

And he couldn't have been more obvious that he was reading from a teleprompter. That line, "did get some info", was based on complex database algorithms from facebook and other data, so it was known, when that line was written, that it would help build up the frenzy. The billionaire behind it is talked about in this Guardian article.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

@Big Al I really don't even have words to even describe how I still feel about it. If is proven to be false he should be removed from office. Seriously.

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"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho

@the_poorly_educated @the_poorly_educated

I'm not sure the spineless, Republican sycophants are up for impeaching him unless they're told to by higher ups. A lot of corrupt, soulless, greedy, narcissistic, short-sighted, money and power stands to be lost.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Big Al's picture

@the_poorly_educated it's all bullshit because the U.S. should not be in Yemen anyway and actionable intelligence on what, killing more children? He's talking about how he committed a war crime right out in the open and no one questions it.

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edg's picture

@Big Al The United States stopped caring about war crimes at 5 pm on the day the Nuremberg trials ended. Except for when we can claim that other countries are committing them.

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edg's picture

It really seems like that mission (boondoggle?) was a trap set up by the departing Obama administration to catch Trump authorizing something stupid. And he fell right into the trap.

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@edg @edg

Wouldn't be too surprising - and after all, setting someone up to order the killing of a mere... what, 30 people, including children? is nothing when trying to make someone else look bad. Obama probably murdered more via drones every Tuesday, before lunch. Freaking psychopaths...

Edited, having written a 'what' in place of a 'who'. A natural error under the circumstances, I feel.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture


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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

sojourns's picture

of the congress on national television was one of the most disgusting acts of political theatre I have ever seen. Drumpf takes absolutely zero responsibility blaming the generals and possibly an astrological misalignment while trying to console Owen's widow and the rest of America by telling us that enormous amounts of information was obtained during the failed raid. Uh huh. Next he'll be recompensing Owens' widow with monopoly money. Yemenite monopoly money.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

edg's picture

@sojourns Hillary Clinton parading out the Khans at the Democratic national convention. It sickens me when politicians use military people as props. They should be ashamed of themselves. Obama did it, too, parading out wounded vets and war widows at his SOTU speeches. It's unconscionable.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

@edg From Presidents down to Mayors, Parade Out the Fathers, Mothers, Wives, Husbands, Sons, & Daughters, of Fallen Heroes. Even when their lives were cost by the politician's incompetence, negligence, or budget cuts that affected safety. Make a big show, spread enough bullshit, some people will forget or, not question, whether that hero died in vain...

Then head back to the office and make budget cuts so the surviving family gets less in survivors benefits. They will find a way to live on with less...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
sojourns's picture

@Oldest Son Of A Sailor --it seems so highly contrasted because Trump is so thoroughly vile.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage