Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).

It's good to see you. Come on in, leave your shoes in the hallway, we've got fire on the stove preparing lunch for later. In the meantime, browse the bookshelves and plunk down on the sofa with one, or pick out some tunes from the music library or come in to the kitchen to help with the cooking. Our special blend of tea is steeping and will be right up.
Make yourself at home...
One of the great things about this moment in history you and I are living through right now is the incredible communication methods we have at our disposal and completely take for granted. The fact that we're all gathered here, around a virtual campfire in the ether, each owning computers and phones which are now accessible and affordable to practically anyone, is totally amazing. It allows us to have face-to-face time with anyone around the globe, videotape anything we see in our daily lives and publish to the world and a platform from which to see if anybody cares or shares similar values with you. My infant son will only know of a such a world.
Only a decade ago and many of the things we take for granted, such as YouTube, Skype, Facebook and Twitter, were not even on the radar yet. Mind-boggling features continue to roll in, that somehow keep eclipsing what we had just a few short years ago.
Farcebook is the one that gets me, because it's the Great Missed Opportunity. Finally, a platform with which to communicate personally with people you know or have just met. But we frittered away what could have been an incredible opportunity to undergo an awakening of political awareness and of the existence a utopian world outside of the merciless, ever-churning grinder of unbridled capitalism, that has kept humanity enslaved to debt, without a real sense of community, and dazzled by consumerism. If Twitter is #We, FB is Me, Me, Me.
I tried to tell my "friends" there that we were acting like children who wouldn't eat their food. Didn’t their parents remind them that there's starving people in Africa? Similarly, there are oppressed people everywhere who could really use allies, but we're not acknowledging them on these social media platforms, because the forum has been hijacked by a pathetic strain of self-aggrandizement and "branding." Like kids who refuse to eat, we're wasting this food. On top of which the corporations buy and sell all that personal data we freely put up for the world to see. Lots and lots of "likes" for wedding pictures, vacation photos and pictures of pets; lots of silence when challenged to give a fuck about the current state of the world and politics. I've since given up on Farcebook.
I can't remember where I heard something explaining this era in a way that brought it home to me, but I think it was in this film "2012: Time For Change." Which was that, with the technological age underway, we are at very the beginning of an epoch so significant and as great as the Agricultural Revolution, which took a full millennium to develop, and the Industrial Revolution, which took maybe a couple of centuries to develop. This one has developed in a decade. The staggering part is, some think we're at the Model T stage of technological development.
One feature of the cell phone that has come in handy for me has been the speech-to-text function. When out and about and observing things that rile up some righteous indignation, one no longer has to reach for a stenographers pad or notebook. I still love to see friends putting pen to paper, but I welcome this development. While driving around NYC, for instance, I can dictate into my phone some of the many disastrous Neoliberal developments that catch my eye across the almost completely transformed cityscape.
Meanwhile the video capability, in everyone’s pocket who owns a cell phone, has utterly revolutionized the capacity for protest to become more inspiring, attractive and ingratiating to the masses. In the past, these events weren't getting covered, or slanted negatively. Now we can shoot our own videos and share those of others. And finally, we can hold accountable, or at least impact public opinion in favor of the victims, the previously immunized murderous cops who continue to lie in the face of clear evidence.
I’ll share some of those impressions of the Marie Antoinette-ization of New York City in an upcoming open thread. Like nearly every city and town around the world in this era of financial global elite and corporate plunder, NYC has become an eyesore of new gleaming banks on practically every corner, swaths of monopoly franchises and boutique shopping for the rich. Every day there's not a massive uprising I'm amazed. There won't be, not as long as we expend time and energy getting as many "likes" as we can on our FB pages.
So, what's going on with you?
Back in the kitchen we're listening to:
Reading/Browsing List:
The Zinn Reader, Howard Zinn
"Days of Revolt, Days of Destruction" Chris Hedges
"Last Words" George Carlin (with Tony Hendra)
”Snowed-in” pancakes for breakfast
Trader Joe’s multi-grain pancake mix
Add: sliced banana, ground flaxseed, a few drops of vanilla extract, a dash of cinnamon.
Cook in pan with coconut oil.
Arrange sliced strawberries around the perimeter, lightly sprinkle with confectionary sugar and serve with not more than a tablespoon of pure maple syrup.
Lemongrass Chai Blend
heaping scoop of dried Thai lemongrass
shards of cinnamon bark
a few cardamom pods
a few black peppercorns
A few cloves
fresh chopped ginger

Good morning.
Thank you for the open thread, Mark!
To make it really snowed-in pancakes, you need to bury the strawberries with whipped cream.
Morning, Olinda.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens
Yes, I don't really recommend all that whipped cream. I was just going for the snow look.
Both ways sound delicious!
what annoys me about facebook is that many
'townhall/panel meeting-style" broadcasts of some politicians are done over their facebook account. So, if you want to watch and listen, you have to log into your own facebook account, which I try hard not to do. As soon as you login again, it's reactiviated. That alone makes me want to punch Zuckerberg in the face. Sorry, the guy gets on my nerves.
Hi mimi. Was surprised with how little I miss FB.
I'm looking forward to the next thing coming along and doing to FB what FB did to MySpace, which is completely decimate it.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I had FB I think three four years ago for a couple of month
but when I saw some extended family members to communicate ONLY via FB (and mostly having nothing to tell that was important), I thought, if they want to tell me something they should use email.
I think I haven't been in there for over two to three years. My son used to use it, but has also cut it down, he claims. We use what's up to communicate, as we couldn't afford any other telephone communication. But I heard they surveille whats-up too, but I am too lazy to care about it, so far.
I don't miss FB one bit. I use twitter, but unregularly. I try to rely on four or five news sites and the EB and that's it. Since I have time to view German TV news here in Germany, I become more aware of ME and other foreign countries related news, more than I would have over msm US TV. So, sites like this, realnews network, democracy now, truthdig and other enviromental news related sites through them. I hope to add more. It's essential to get the "European way" of reporting one one side and the alternative news sites from the US. I guess that's enough, right?
Have a good day, Mark and I like me some German pastry...
I lke Facebook, here's why
In addition, I can get irate daily!!! by reading political posts.
However, looking out the window or even (Gasp!) going outside is better.
I understand, Shah, and basically, though I don't use facebook
anymore, it's because I have not much of family or friends, who use it. My generation and older (post wwII born or before) don't use the internet the way younger folks do, and the younger folks, who do, exchange their personal stuff on there, in which I am not that interested or voyeristish enough to want to know about.
Political stuff I just like to get from the usual long-term printed and online versions of magazines and newspapers. I get tired to figure out which of the newer online news blogs are tainted in what kind of direction. I misunderstand it often or feel it's too time consuming to figure it out for trying to do it on my own. I admit that I am a bit lazy in that.
Therefore I like to rely on EB or other sites for those services of offering collections of the political articles, when I come to the conclusion that they are open to all directions of thoughts.
Good morning, Mark and everyone!
We've been getting winter weather for two days, now. Not enough to stop normal business, but just enough for me to start my day late so as not to drive on icy roads.
I made the puttesca sauce on Sunday. It was DELICIOUS! However, next time I'll use smoked paprika! Didn't have time to pick it up, so next time, for sure!
Have a beautiful day, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Morning RA.
Happy to hear the puttanesca worked for you; that's my go-to. When we have parties or activist get-togethers it'll most times be the thing in the big pot on the stove.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Good morning
Sunny and 45 today - bad weather coming. FB does seem to be a big wasteland, which is why I keep accounts there. One that is me, and one that is dkmich.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good morning
One of my favorite teas is Jasmine Phoenix Pearl green tea. It is green tea scented with Jasmine flower petals and wrapped into a tight little ball. It unfurls as it steeps and has a wonderful aroma and a great taste. It's widely available.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Drinking blueberry tea from Celestial Seasonings
Made it cold in an infuser pitcher. Nom. Vodka adds some slight pain relief.
Still on FB, too lonely to do without. I somehow picked up Algerian elections. Good practice shutting off English to recall Francais. Cheaper than a phone call sometimes, not nearly as satisfying. Another V-day alone. If my house were immaculate that would be fine, but this broken foot has hampered even cleaning. Waiting for insurance "approval" to get an MRI of the foot to see if I damaged a ligament. If so, it needs to be pinned or something. I am Ti-sensitive. Neuropathy began after Ti and someone else's bone was placed in my elbow. I regrew bone, that is scheduled for removal when the season is better than now. I can't deal with a foot and and arm (same side) at the same time.
Happy V-day.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning MfQ.
Not a pancake person but that recipe does get my attention. Big fruit and natural vanilla fan here!
Facebook aka "Farcebook": brilliant name. I don't use it. I registered only so I could stay in touch with friends who are hooked on it. FB is too nosy for me. Central FL weather: sunny, humid, no snow nor ice, chance of rain and 72 degrees. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Gavin Newsom thinks he is playing football. Glub glub!
This guy wants to be the next Governor of California. Please don't vote for people like this who refuse to take responsibility on their own inaction. Do not reward incompetence, just leave the box blank if nothing else. Thanks.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom says spillway failure a wakeup call
Deflect much? Did Obama never happen after Bush? Did Brown never happen after The Terminator? Did a D majority in the Leg. never happen? Wha? I think he is referring to this document, Motion to Intervine.
Our brand is crisis much? I mean why does it take a near catastrophe to "provide California an opportunity to address other infrastructure needs"? Wha? Call up Lanai and ask for our money back!
Mm hm, talk talk talk. Please go on and hold him to account, it's not like he's been out of politics this whole time. Thanks.
Edit: to remove previous edit. heh dots.
Good Morning Mark
This morning it was 27 degrees when we walked, but it did not feel that cold because there was no wind. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here in western NC with the high somewhere around 60.
I am having trouble with my keyboard because I knocked over a cup of tea and got it wet. The space bar is acting funky. I hope that is the worst of it.
I really enjoy your open thread topics. For the record, I do have a FB account, mostly to keep up with old HS friends.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My haunt continues. Both water and food bowls for dog
are missing. I cannot find them in the house (yet)and she did not have outside access. I have Previous Dog Big bowls, so It can be done, although I have to venture to the car to collect the next bag. And I am still in robe (no Boot).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Pancakes are a way to use the sourdough starter that would
otherwise be discarded when refreshing the starter. That has become a weekend ritual here. I do them up at medium temp in a dry non-stick pan, hence no fruit in the mix, which would carbonize and stick.
I don't do facebook, but my wife does. For her, it isn't "me,me,me" but "what the heck are the relatives doing now?".
Thanks for the OT.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Nice cup of Lapsang souchong here.
from a reasonably stable genius.
my facebook links
original "definitive guide", history
Who OWNS Facebook?
first understanding about what like meant for personal privacy
Mark Zuckerberg is TIME Magazine's Person of the Year? Where's the "dislike" button?
this stunned me, still does
Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet
ted talk (sorry)
What FACEBOOK And GOOGLE Are Hiding From The World - The Filter Bubble
thought police
Facebook mind control experiments linked to DoD research on civil unrest
homeless creators give zero fucks
Eric Schmidt's Gang Of Four: Google, Apple, Amazon, And Facebook
admires larry ellison
Mark Zuckerberg Buys 700 Acres In Hawaii For More Than $100 Million
because of course
Mark Zuckerberg is suing hundreds of Hawaiians to protect his 700-acre Kauai estate
Is There Something Wrong With People Who Do Not Use Facebook?
thanks, hvd

Hey folks. Was able to nap as the baby did
so I'm sort of back now - although scattered between feeding him bits, keeping an eye on him as he self-amuses and then obliging him after he gently taps me wanting to play.
Back to coffee again.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut