Because it's Thrusday here's your OT
Shaharazade style. There is something in the air and wires that feels like spring even though it's the dead of winter in more ways then just the weather. Maybe I'm just sick of being pessimistic and full of fear so I have cooked up the sense that somethings happening here there and everywhere. Maybe I'm seeing things from a different perspective, one where segments of the world's population are waking up to the game at hand. Regardless today I'm okay with the ongoing mess for this week at least. Perhaps a little emotional detachment offers relief from a tainted perspective of fear and anger.
Because I read some good articles on Martin Luther King that did not portray him as an icon of the paritsan, moderate, mainstream, left I was able to observe MLK Day. National Service Day buries his powerful visions of equality and has tamed his continuing legacy. This year I didn't get schooled by Denise about how my white privileged ass had no right to whiteslain' about his vision of universal equality, social injustice, or what he stood for or even what he meant to me in my formative years, politically and as a human What a treat to read about the MLK with out the filters of Democratic partisan 'moderates' who have co-opted his 'fierce urgency of now' into the politically safe mainstream left icon in the still oppressive system fought against. The incremental urgency of now just doesn't cut it as far as human and civil rights go.
This is an excellent essay From Jacobin Magazine...
Restoring King
Every year, in January and April, we commemorate the extraordinary career of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. But there is probably no figure in recent American history whose memory is more distorted, whose message is more bowdlerized, whose powerful words are more drained of content than King.......
In media accounts, King was quickly labeled the “Apostle of Non-Violence” and, by the mid 1960s, portrayed as the antithesis to Malcolm X. While King adhered to nonviolence for his entire career, the single-minded focus of the media on the horse race between Malcolm and Martin led reporters to ignore King’s more radical pronouncements. They simply didn’t fit into the developing story line.....
King’s radicalism is lost to the obfuscating fog of memory. In American culture today, we have several Martin Luther King Jr’s: the Commemorative King, the Therapeutic King, the Conservative King, and the Commodified King. Each of these Kings competes for our attention, but each of them represents a vision of King that he himself would not have recognized.
Another excellent Jacobin article about Martin Luther King
The Evolution of Dr. King
By the end of his life, Martin Luther King Jr was an avowed socialist.
Because I live in Oregon I have gotten caught up in the bizarre story of Eastern Oregon's invasion by the fundamentalist Mormon RW Cowboy Militia who need snacks. The people of Harney county, which is strongly Republican, have despite their differences with the Feds told them to Go,Go Go. they don't seem like they are going anywhere except to go shopping and recruit more armed loons to join their righteous crusade against the Feds and the birds.
Oregon Standoff
In sometimes highly personal remarks, speaker after speaker vented anger – at public officials, at the federal government and at the man in the brown cowboy hat sitting high in the bleachers to take it all in – Ammon Bundy.
"It is time for you to go home," Grasty said to Bundy, vowing to meet with Bundy anytime, anyplace – outside of Harney County. A chant then grew in the gymnasium: "Go, go, go, go, go."
But the audience of perhaps 300 people had plenty to say, and it seemed the cork had come out of the county.
Today our governor, Kate Brown said she wants the Feds to step up and do something to get them outta here. I'm not in favor of another violent bloody Waco siege but surely this is not the only alternative to giving them free access to come and go as they please in their deranged range war and armed occupation of the wildlife refuge. What's up with this? Why didn't they arrest them when they came to town to hear what the locals had to say?
Kate Brown criticizes federal response to 'unlawful occupation,' wants funding to help pay costs
"This situation is absolutely intolerable and it must be resolved immediately," Brown said, saying she'll continue to press her case with the White House and FBI and also seek federal reimbursements. "The very fabric of this community is being ripped apart."
She confirmed that federal authorities had asked her office and other local officials to say as little as possible about the occupation to keep from adding any fuel to the occupiers' rhetorical fire. But that didn't stop her from speaking out all the same.
"This spectacle of lawlessness must end," Brown said.
Another take on the invading Mormon cowboy militia from Mother Jones. Hey MJ this is not Oregon's militia it's not our native Militia specie. Other then this beef it's an interesting point of view
The Oregon Militia Is Picking the Wrong Beef With the Feds
Ursula K. Le Guin weighs in
Novelist Obliterates The Bundy Militia — And Oregon’s Largest Newspaper — In 194 Words
Because socialism is breaking out all over and it seems to be catching I'm in a good mood.
Martin Luther king weighs in on communism and capitalism. Is the higher synthesis not socialism?
"What I’m saying to you this morning is that Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the Kingdom of Brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of Communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say question the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated."
We always wrung our heads too much
We know the reasons, but such and such
On your own,
You will not catch your unknown
And so on and so on

So much dishonesty about what the Rev. Dr. King really stood for
Now after U.S. media has again suckered the world about Rev. King, time to lower the boom
The West talks human rights, real focus is market for its arms
From Inter Press Service:
Western powers protect arms markets ignoring civilian killings
The idea that nobody but an African American...
can ever understand or learn from MLK is deeply racist.
Course once you consider any comment from the idea of "Well you're 'insert race here' so of course..." you might as well just end it there. Doesn't matter what race it is. I know there's a whole school of apologetics to explain why it's ok to do it to the "Oppressor Race" but that just feels like the justifications of a hyper-partisan using extreme tactics that normal society finds abhorrent.
IMHO, any time you have to spend more time explaining why what you're saying ISN'T racist than actually saying the statement, you're completely full of shit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
All the race-linked rhetorical shenanigans at Daily Kos
are the reason I no longer hold it in esteem.
Too often, the management and prominent members of the community appear to be flat-out encouraging that load of horsepucky.
Kos actually said that only black people know what's racist. They get to decide.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No possible way THAT policy could be abused...
I mean, it's not like we ever had somebody going around labeling their political enemies "Communist" because...
Oh, wait...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
ditto /nt
Good read, thanks. Of course King was an anti-war socialist,
even a pure anti-racist would have to wind up there if they could think and reason, which King could.
The idea that he was an incrementalist and gradualist is evidenced by the fact that he stayed at home, preaching exactly that, and how people had to stop interpreting the Bible as supporting slavery and discrimination, but, wait, that never happened, did it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great diary, Shaz!
I think for my comment, I am going to attach a video of a portion of the talk of Dr. Cornel West speaking to occupy Tallahassee in January 2012. Go to the five minute mark and he segues into some comments about Dr. King.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm so glad you did!
While I was reading and writing for this OT I thought about including Cornell West. He see like King see's the overriding connections we are dealing with that perpetuate racism. He also has a great sense of humor and is playful with his message. Thanks Nancy.
me too, thanks gg and shaharazade
for all that is in the OT and for gg added video of Cornell West.
I remember well, when I was met with disbelief (ie hostility, but some black folks on dkos covered it up, saying I was "excused" as me being a foreigner, who wouldn't be able to understand why Cornell West is not one of "them"). That was in fall 2011, when I said that Cornell West is a "principled brother I like" or some such. I have forgotten the diary's exact headline and I realized that I erased the original diary years later, when I had a low moment of depression and anger. I think the whole thing was around the inauguration of the MLK memorial to the public. Just the update to that diary is still there with my obligatory apology acknowledging that I am too much an outsider and too much of a ... person to understand Cornell West had insulted many black folks to say something I have forgotten, that apparently he wasn't allowed to say and was insensitive and not respectful enough towards MLK, especially on that day... or some such. It's all fogged out in my memory. Just not the reaction people had to that diary.
It was beyond me. I gave up. Yeah and in this update I said too, that Cornell has lots of humor and is even cute...
Well, the racial atmosphere of identity group "activists" on dailykos has affected me more than I allowed myself to admit. It was the final straw and is the reason why, when I banned myself, I was so within an hour. I don't regret it. I couldn't contain myself to post darn comments and don't like to do it. So, it's better this way.
Cherie Blair, Tony Blair’s wife, doing all manner of good works
Does this balance out her husband’s complicity in destroying Iraq and ruining millions of lives?
Enter Tony Blair dressed as LADY MACBETH, with a taper:
“Out, damned spot! out, I say! . . .
Here’s the smell of the blood still:
all the perfumes of [Saudi] Arabia will not sweeten this little hand . . .”
Her charity work
is as self serving, corrupt and bogus as the Clinton's Foundation. Of course like the Clinton's who left the WH 'broke' the Blair's too needed big money.
Uncharitable accusations dog Cherie's book tour
Hillary Clinton lobbied by Cherie Blair to meet Qatari royal, emails reveal
Charity in trouble over Blair tour
No the balance does not cover the war crimes in Irag or the damage done to the ordinary people in the UK who live in austerity thanks in part to the complicit Blarites of New Labour. Her leopard skin pill box hat sold on ebay included.
Good morning 99%er's.
I was up late last night burning the midnight oil so this is morning to me. My brain seems to be fried from burning it's time on the internet. For someone who was going to sit this time around out I seem to have entered once again 'a region of chaotic space, in which time does not exist'. Into the the fray of a black political hole that just might 'spit out the other side, through white holes, new universes.'
the time has come..
On the other hand there's no reason not to dance under the serious moonlight...