The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Some good

First I feel it is important to note that people fail to consider that this election was a two edged sword
Trump is a disaster, yet I firmly believe Hillary his equal in that regard. I fear neither of them, but rather the common goals all the purchased politicians aspire to achieve as they perform the will of those that purchase them.

Hillary is every bit the neocon that Bush was, Every Bit the financial elite proponent that any trickle down Reaganite ever was. She is a neoliberal that believes in privatizing the commons (from education to everything else), making “sensible cuts” to “entitlement programs”. IS/was corrupt and purchasable as hell, believes in race to the bottom wages and wealth disparity trade agreements but would have had an easier time passing such Republican agendas as a Democrat, just as her husband did.

Welfare destruction, The incarceration of extremely large numbers of minorities, NAFTA, removing regulations, etc. were all fought against successfully when the Republicans tried them just prior to Bill’s ascension to president, but sailed through under his administration.

We did have a chance at decent leadership, but that ship sailed when a corrupt DNC run by Clinton’s most ardent supporters cheated the only true progressive in the primary.

I believe nothing of what Trump says, or has said in the past, but his economic agenda will likely mirror what Hillary Clinton’s private positions would have been (she in her own words told elite bankers that for political reasons she had to have two separate sets of positions, one for public consumption/deception, and one for those that had the wherewithal to purchase policies from her).

He will be a disaster, so would have she, perhaps however, much like when partisan Democrats were against middle eastern permanent war under Bush, they were just fine with it under Obama, (the same could be said of no child left behind, trade deals, Drone wars, regime change, and a wide range of other topics) there was resistance, rather than whitewashed acceptance because Bush bullshit continued or even expanded is OK when a “Democrat” does it..

In short, the worst of Trump’s agenda, much of which she privately shares should be harder to pass under a Republican than a Democrat. This was the painful lesson learned under both Bill Clinton and Obama. (or if not learned, should have been).

The truth is, there was no lesser evil to choose from, just different brands under the same inverted totalitarian leaders that truly run this country. I believe he is less capable (and less politically entrenched and connected) and will face resistance a Democrat would not, and therefore may cause slightly less harm than she would have.

It did take a Democrat (Bill Clinton) to dismantle most of the New deal and Great society policies of old.

It also did take a Democrat (Obama) to normalize spying on citizens, the militarization of police, permanent war, the privatization of public school resources, starving public education while destroying good unions, and for profit prisons filled by rule of contract quota, rather than by fair rule of law – mining largely minorities for slave labor, acceptable to the public.

It would have taken a Democrat to gut SS and the rest of the new deal and great society policies under (Hillary Clinton), The clown the uninformed public elected may, and likely will, try to do all of these things, but he will likely fail in more of those attempts than Clinton would have.

I have little faith in his words, but if “the Donald” is an isolationists as claimed, we may well even have less blood shed in the end (yet I doubt he would ever isolate profits from the kind of trade deals he claimed to be against while running). The largest valid contrasting concerns are of course the social wedge issues that we fear will harm minorities, immigrants, and the freedom of pursuing one’s innate and true sexuality as well as further danger to women’s rights and health.

However the truth is most gains in those fields were seldom made by politicians, but rather by committed activists. Also lest some have forgotten, Obama set the record on deportation and even in the public portion of her duopoly of stated policy goals, Hillary said she was open to compromise on abortion.

It will be bad, I do not deny that, but I also do not deny that it would have also been bad under a Clinton presidency, IMO likely worse because in such cases regressive policies are accepted rather than rejected because, “it’s OK if a (D) does it”, it is my belief that anyone that does not see that both candidates were poison to the serfdom referred to as the 99% are uninformed, intentionally deluding themselves or unintentionally being deluded by propaganda.

There is some good in this dynamic, but lest anyone think when I write of opposition it will (save for a very, very few exceptions) not be due to Democratic politicians, perhaps they will play a role, but only in that they must make certain pretenses of opposition in order to gain reelection from those among the population which are partisan Democrats, because they will again oppose such destructive and regressive policies they now support under Obama and would have under Clinton.

I believe it will be the nature of the partisan rank and file Democrats to reflexively oppose regressive policies again, just as they once did under Bush, not because they should or they possess a moral compass, but because of the “team sport” or tribal mentality they are enchanted by, which apparently causes them to reflexively oppose such policies when the “opposing team” pushes them, just as they dramatically change values and support the very same evils when “their team” pushes them.

The better news is that most citizens are no longer buying the elephant and donkey show at all anymore, most people are now becoming independent, also most when polled are far to the left of either party. The time draws closer for a new party to represent the interests of this much larger and ever increasing majority.

Some believe they can defeat the lure of billions and change the party from within, I feel our party structure is far too corrupt and addicted to the money for this to work, perhaps in some areas, in some localities, true party reform is possible, but the establishment itself appears to like things as they are, I suppose we shall see.

Had the Democrats not displayed their complete and total corruption by cheating Sanders of the primary, the country would have voted for him and at least had a decent President to lead, if not a decent group of legislators to do the follow through, but there would have been a veto pen, a bully pulpit, executive orders and real inspiration, all the things that merely collected dust the past 8 years under a Clinton Democrat. Instead we have a Trump for better or worse.

This obvious and failed play to lie, cheat, and steal just so Hillary could gain power, did increase the number of left leaning independents which may lead not only to the fade away of the Democratic party, creating a vacuum for the increasingly impoverished and dissatisfied population that are beginning to hate corporate rule, to create a new party to represent them, rather than the extremely rare few that hold nearly all the wealth and their corporations that now own both existing parties in our government.

Now for the bad

Make no mistake, Trump is every bit the evil that Hillary was and all those deluded into thinking he saved us from anything, he did not, the corporate agenda will continue unabated and attacks on our safety nets will continue, as will the increase in poverty and wealth disparity, do not be confused by the fact that he may be less capable, or that there may be more opposition than under a faux Democrat, because he is nevertheless an evil in regards to the general well being of our country and its people with the exception perhaps of the billionaire class and the millionaire class that suck their toes to curry favor for a chance at being a true .01%er, as I said above, there was no lesser evil, I not only meant that, I believe it with every fiber of my being.

There is also the truly ugly.

The Republicans have grown more fascistic and also more Dominionistic. Unfortunately this will result in a great deal of suffering, especially at State levels, by minorities, woman (as has already been seen where technically there is a legal right to an abortion yet it is made nearly impossible to receive one in many a State) and those that follow gender love preferences not considered “appropriate” by the dominionist factions that are becoming increasingly more powerful in some states and have gained an advantage due to Hillary’s and the neoliberal Democratic leadership’s incompetence and general inability to inspire a turnout like Sanders would have that could have countered them to a degree.

There will be a great deal of pain felt by the enforcement of the “Dominionist Inquisition” and the laws passed in States where there isn’t even a corporate corrupted purchased Democrat opposition elected in such places to oppose such laws (for the sake of reelection to their gravy train hopes and dreams of corruption), the same regarding the fascist racists elements that will be similarly further empowered. Of course it will still as always in the end, be up to committed activists to help improve the hopes and rights of those groups punished by such laws, but State laws so incredibly insane are very difficult to fight.

There will be more pain felt by these groups, just as there will be more increased levels of poverty from the bottom on up to the middle class as wealth redistribution to the top will continue, as it would have no matter which oligarchy approved candidate had won (leading to even worse wealth disparity).

Poverty, bigotry and intolerance will grow in strength.

It will indeed be the darkest before there is any dawn…

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It is part of my signature line at JackPineRadicals that may be included here as well after some experimental editing.

“We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust. We must dissent from a nation that has buried its head in the sand, waiting in vain for the needs of its poor, its elderly, and its sick to disappear and just blow away. We must dissent from a government that has left its young without jobs, education or hope. We must dissent from the poverty of vision and the absence of moral leadership. We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better.” Thurgood Marshall
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detroitmechworks's picture

Of course, that's because I'm living WELL below market value here. Home Forward MIGHT pick up a little of it, but here's hoping that doesn't get gutted. (Since it's a VA program I'm enrolled under, it's less likely that Trump will destroy it, since Rethugs traditionally don't destroy the military funding as soon as they get into office, but I am willing to bet Hillary would have done so under the guise of "Right-sizing" things.

Bummer, but at least my land lord is a decent person who gave me 4 months to get used to it and make arrangements.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@detroitmechworks The truth unfortunately is that no matter which puppets are used for the "grand play" it will only mean minor differences in the timing of varied portions of the banana republic envisioned by those that own both parties. "The beatings will continue until morale improves" I say jokingly to my screen as I write this.

On a more serious note, things will become increasingly difficult and survival harder to achieve unless/until the people regain control of the lawmakers and democracy is restored. Under our current Oligarchy, our near Dickensian present and our assured Dickensian future has been planned since the thirties when the serfs revolted enough to scare the bejesus out of the bastards and they compromised with the New Deal and other programs afterwards to buy time to get back to their beloved gilded age.

The plan is working perfectly for them, only a political Revolution much like in the thirties will get us closer to a just track, they underestimate history however, a history repeated since the beginning of recorded events that I wish to avoid via a peaceful political Revolution because I abhor bloodshed and one never knows what the result of the other more inevitable type of revolution brings, the result often replaces the old with something as bad or even worse (although not always).
As JFK once remarked.

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even Shillary herself buys into that Dominionist crap, something about The Family and prayer breakfasts and such. And that plays into that whole Pax Americana thing - worldwide Dominion for US global "leadership" which we KNOW is her thing.

The thing I worry about most right now is how "Democrats" will work very hard to position themselves as our saviors now, they'll point to every outrage of the Rump and hold themselves above him, reminding us that they aren't nearly that bad. How many will fall for that? Possibly a lot with all the new lies we're about to be fed on their behalf.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


Worse Than Fascists: Christian Political Group 'The Family' Openly Reveres Hitler
Did you know that the National Prayer Breakfast is sponsored by a shadowy cabal of elite Christian fundamentalists? Jeff Sharlet's new book, "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power," offers a rare glimpse of this remarkable network, which is known variously as the Family, the Fellowship and the International Foundation.

The Family was founded 70 years ago by Abraham Vereide, a Norwegian immigrant evangelist based in Seattle. In 1935, Vereide said, God appeared to him in a vision and revealed where Christianity had gone wrong: preoccupation with the poor, the weak and the suffering....
...Sen. Hillary Clinton has been involved with the Family since 1993 when, as first lady, she joined a White House prayer circle for political wives. Clinton has also sought spiritual counseling from the current head of the Family, Doug Coe. Sharlet argues that Clinton's longtime association with the Family has helped her forge working relationships with powerful religious conservatives such as Family member and anti-abortion crusader Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas.

Edited to add:
Your last paragraph is well founded based on past and therefore expected behavior from a party that appears to lack any affinity for introspection or changing methods, in short, I agree with you.

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Dennis Kucinich posted a comment on FB today that I thought hit the mark.

There was much to object to in the Trump campaign statements, yet the 45th President, in his Inaugural Address, indicated an awareness of economic and policy concerns which needed to be said, and must be addressed.
As I reserve the right to disagree with the new President, and I will, so too do I reserve the right to agree with him.
None of the forgoing from the Trump Inaugural Address has been parsed in search of something, anything, upon which to agree for agreement’s sake.
Whether or not we believe he will deliver, the following excerpts from his Inaugural echo things I worked for, continue to work for, or stated as a Mayor, Congressman, and a presidential candidate, through the decades:

This is followed by a list of principles on which Trump ran and that Kuchinich agrees. I urge you to read it. Meanwhile Trump's press secretary on announcing actions taken to renegotiate trade and create jobs here. He is bringing in the unions and the autos as a part of the discussions.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

I will also read what you suggested.
An unfortunate problem I have simply taking the principles he ran on at face value is twofold

  1. He has often completely contradicted himself and has been caught lying many times.
  2. President Obama ran on principles I agreed with as well, only to do a complete 180 on nearly all he ran on.

I have hopes he will seek detente with Russia and attempt to reverse the overly aggressive current NATO deployments that could easily lead to war (deployments urged by Hills fellow neocon/neolib Obama which a new president can reverse).

Considering the new investments made to create what they actually consider to be "tactical Nuclear weapons" easily deployed by plane and supposedly with the ability to "dial" the megaton strength of the blast to a desired degree, I do fear actual nuclear war. It is well known that the term "tactical nukes" is used by those that believe that such a distinction means one can and should feel free to deploy those deemed tactical - disagreeing with the mutually assured destruction paradigm that holds if one uses them, we're done. I disagree, and the fact that we have spent so much developing these so called "tactical" nuclear weapons makes me very uncomfortable waging war with a nuclear capable country.

I also hope he is sincere about bringing in unions to help redesign/negotiate fair trade deals rather than the one's helping to destroy the working class now, but he is a hard core capitalist and so I have many doubts regarding a fair trade outcome.

I will take a wait and see approach, judging his actions rather than rhetoric, which I believe is fair.
I will say however, that judging by the actions he's taken regarding his appointment choices I'm very concerned rather than comforted.

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@Dragonfli Trust but verify - all we can do is wait and see. In the meantime, we cannot fight so blindly that we allow him and the GOP to claim our principles as theirs and not ours.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@dkmich I'd say we're in greater danger of having the Democrats do that.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver


This doesn't seem to be linked to the comment I intended, with the pertinent bit quoted below:

... Considering the new investments made to create what they actually consider to be "tactical Nuclear weapons" easily deployed by plane and supposedly with the ability to "dial" the megaton strength of the blast to a desired degree, I do fear actual nuclear war. It is well known that the term "tactical nukes" is used by those that believe that such a distinction means one can and should feel free to deploy those deemed tactical - disagreeing with the mutually assured destruction paradigm that holds if one uses them, we're done. I disagree, and the fact that we have spent so much developing these so called "tactical" nuclear weapons makes me very uncomfortable waging war with a nuclear capable country. ...

@Dragonfli Recced, but - do you really think that it was better having the US PTB use America's military and other resources to invade/attack other people's countries when it was assumed that a conventional military attack on smaller, poorer countries and their people could easily 'bomb them back to the stone age' and render them and their resources easy pickings for the Greeds, than having the US (and democracy-fighting 'allies') public's military and other resources exert their corporate hostile take-over for them, on countries with a smaller military but the capacity to retaliate against a nuclear attack and capably fight back in the same manner as they were to be murdered and dispossessed with?

The part leading up to the nuking of countries capable of self-defense is what Hitler had been doing when he was finally stopped - the US is exceeding that horror, with a smiling 'world's police-man' propaganda-mask held up by corporate media, and I rather doubt that you were 'comfortable' with that...

But I've been noting a number of people making such comments here and there and feel it best to try to point out that murder and theft is never acceptable, especially when it being so large-scale and destructive of so many ecologies and other people's lives and societies somehow causes horrific unprovoked and illegal military muggings to be termed 'war' with the '-crime' part missing.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North
That I have fought against every illegal war (even the 5 or six never mentioned in public) committed by the greatest threat at the moment to world peace, The USA.

I feel nothing but loathing for dictators or any other sort of bloodthirsty country or movement that commit murders and atrocities, nor do I believe in fighting proxy wars against them for the US allies that are often the most merciless of genocidal sociopathic institution (like the Saudi wahhabists) and their many terrorists militias funded off the books by both the royals and our country which I find equally disgusting.

I don't quite understand where you get your ideas about me from, but, I do not, will not, support US imperialism, OR external ass hats that murder children no matter what country they hail from, due to my ideology (or stupidity as some prefer to label it) I've even committed the "sacrilege" of protesting financial and military aid to the far right Likud party of apartheid Israel (I still get hate mail for that), preferring instead to support the left wing Israeli citizens often via Jstreet rather than AIPAC which unfortunately our citizens and politicians prefer to support instead.

Whatever illusions you may have of me, ignore them, read what I write if you wish to understand me, do not let your imagination paint a picture of a person you do not know.

I hide nothing, I abhor bloodshed, I don't believe in the shit you appear to have transposed onto my words. My deeds, also unknown to you, have resulted in my own bones being broken - shielding others while not using my skills to easily break the bones of the attackers. It can be done, not just by a single man (like me), but by entire countries and or movements. There are other solutions to problems, even those bursting with evil, beyond the use of violence.

Does that register at all, or answer even partially any questions you may have regarding me?
If not, I have no idea what else I could possibly convey to achieve understanding, and so I've done mt best.

Perhaps I am naive, that could be a fair point, but as I've said, I have a personal disgust for, and abhor bloodshed, perhaps because I have witnessed too much of it in person, along with that coppery smell of blood mixed with that of shit and piss, the stench tends to linger beyond a reasonable time and I can still smell it. I imagine you yourself have never been close to it. few in this country actually have, explaining much.

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Exxon big winner.... Going to exploit US resources to the fullest....

Abortion front and center....

Trump sure knows what to do with a bully pulpit.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Lily O Lady's picture

@dkmich He's a Republican. Democrats can't do that as they are the designated wimps who provide the illusion of democracy.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

MarilynW's picture

The way that he was squeezed out of contention should be investigated and reformed to pave the way for an alternative to "the bad" and "the ugly."

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To thine own self be true.

@MarilynW Even the evidence of the theft of his rightful place has been buried by the media. Sold as Neo-McCarthy rhetorical pablum to the open mouths of an easily fooled public, diverting attention away from the content of the LEAKED (not hacked) emails - redirecting focus on an alleged external enemy source, while ignoring the content of the emails themselves.

I agree with what should be, unfortunately, real power in this country will have none of what is just and fair, but they will insist on wars and austerity instead.

If only we lived in a democracy with a free and vibrant press, rather than an Inverted Totalitarianism and a uniquely American corporate McPravda full of little else but nonsense, news blackouts, and outright propaganda.

No, we certainly should see the good and justice, but we will not. Such a reality only can happen in a future similar situation if/when our democracy and free press is restored. I wish "we could have nice things" like decent countries do, but it is, what it is, unless and until we manage to change things for the better, for the just, and for the truth.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I think Trump actually is less likely to get us into a nuclear war than Hillary. This scared the shit out of me:
(start at 2:53)

EDITED because I said "less likely to get us into a nuclear war WITH Hillary," not "less likely to get us into a nuclear war THAN Hillary." LOL!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
He has always said he preferred detente rather than war with Russia. she is the Neocon of the two.
She also thought a no fly zone over Syria was the way to go (that would ensure war with Russia as we would be shooting down Russian planes in that scenario).

She never met a war she didn't like. She also voted against limiting the use of cluster bombs, considered to be extremely dangerous to children, she loves her some blood.

Read my post on her "campaign autopsy" in full, here is just a bit:

The autopsy will reveal that her campaign died of final stage Third Way cancer.

It had metastasized throughout the candidate’s entire soul, but remained hidden for decades as it usually presents first by destroying one’s internal moral compass while placing pressure on the glands that secrete lies, manipulation, and triangulations using the portion of the brain that mimic verbal concerns for constituents and the greater good.

An insidiously cruel disease, it causes the patient to mimic (often poorly as in her case , but sometimes more convincingly in other patients) a belief system in the good of the people while simultaneously destroying all the empathy organs and secreting a poisonous greed throughout the system, along with (as in her case) if it is one of the neocon substrains of the cancer, the additional symptom of a strange “bloodlust” that expresses in the form of a need to create the circumstances for death on a massive scale; usually of very young and brave soldiers that are misled to kill entire cultures even as their own deaths are sacrificed to the same bloodlust symptoms.

It is not known why, but often this need for blood is only satisfied when shed by darker, usually brown colored people and is not satisfied unless a sufficient amount of suffering is caused by the death of innocent civilians to include children, women and other such non-combatant civilians. Unfortunately some of these symptoms were seen earlier in a strange tendency by the patient to hold cluster bombs unusually dear and sacred and to make unusually transparent shady deals that resulted in great personal wealth, but were ignored by inept physicians that did not investigate further to see the metastasized disease the symptoms should have pointed them to...

The bold emphasis is only added to this partial quote as this bit reveals my thoughts on her hawkishness, which I'd thought I made clear in my blog entry regarding how he may cause less bloodshed.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Dragonfli You're right. Apologies for my overly quick reading. (I *did* read it, though; can't quite bear to respond to things after only reading their headlines--too many years in the academic world.)

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
Easing relations with Russia (if Trump attempts to) is bad in her eyes, provoking a War by NATO border entrenchment is applauded by the once considered progressive talking head turned neo-Mcarthy propagandist for war with Russia.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Dragonfli I know. That one is horrific. She's actually poisoning the well so that if Trump pulls back troops, he's proven himself to be corrupt.

That's the kind of tactic that should be brushed aside with contempt. If I were Trump, I'd pull those troops back and then give a speech about how Maddow and others tried to intimidate me into maintaining a foreign policy likely to get us into World War III

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

SnappleBC's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I have a mixed read on Dore, but that piece pretty much echoed my sentiments lock, stock and barrel.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

the establishment has stolen our talking points, tactics, and imagery, and they're parading around pretending to be some kind of populist resistance.

That would be contemptible, rather than scary, except that millions of good people who agree with us on a lot of stuff are falling for it.

Actually, what's happening to protest generally is pretty scary. Bad news all around. At the same time we had the feelgood establishment Women's March with Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the mainstage and cops high-fiving protesters and five of the six corporate media companies broadcasting it--all of which should let you know how the PTB felt about it--the Standing Rock Sioux tribal council ordered people to shut down the camps, blaming protesters for acts of violence and for the bridge blockade, citing the fact that the blockaded bridge was having a bad economic impact on the tribe. Also, in other news, as gjohnsit posted yesterday, there's an upswing in legislation that says it's OK to run over protesters if they block traffic.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

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ggersh's picture

the duopoly has finally merged with no regrets whatsoever.


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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley