The Evening Blues - 1-13-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features jazz and blues singer Jimmy Witherspoon. Enjoy!
Jimmy Witherspoon - Going'to Kansas City
“To keep any great nation up to a high standard of civilization there must be enough superior characters to hold the balance of power, but the very moment the balance of power gets into the hands of second-rate men and women, a decline of that nation is inevitable.”-- Christian D. Larson
News and Opinion
An Alternative State of the Union: Progressives on Obama's Legacy & Hopes for His Final Year
Obama Speech Ignored His Death Toll at Home and Abroad
The White House kept one seat vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday “for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice.” This was part of Obama’s campaign for new federal restrictions on firearms ownership.
But shouldn’t there have also been chairs left empty to memorialize other casualties – including those “who no longer have a voice” thanks to Obama administration policies? ...
If the first lady sat alone among the other 28 seats the White House receives in the first lady’s box, it wouldn’t make room to represent the casualties of Obama administration policies at home and abroad. Presidents have the prerogative to morally grandstand in State of the Union addresses. But Obama’s righteous indignation would have more credibility if his litany had fewer glaring omissions.
The American Sailors Held by Iran Have Been Released After the US 'Apologized,' Says Iran
Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps said on Wednesday it has released 10 American sailors who it had detained a day earlier, according to a statement broadcast on state television. A US official has also confirmed that the servicemen have been freed after being held overnight.
This came after the US apparently apologized to Iran, according to General Ali Fadavi, the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards naval forces.
Iran detained the sailors aboard two US Navy patrol boats in the Gulf on Tuesday in an incident that rattled nerves days ahead of the expected implementation of a landmark nuclear accord between Tehran and world powers. ...
"This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces' last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the US Congress," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of Iran's armed forces, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.
U.S. Media Condemns Iran’s “Aggression” in Intercepting U.S. Naval Ships — in Iranian Waters
News broke last night, hours before President Obama’s State of the Union address, that two U.S. Navy ships “in the Persian Gulf” were “seized” by Iran, and the 10 sailors on board were “arrested.” The Iranian government quickly said, and even the U.S. government itself seemed to acknowledge, that these ships had entered Iranian waters without permission, and were thus inside Iranian territory when detained. CNN’s Barbara Starr, as she always does, immediately went on-air with Wolf Blitzer to read what U.S. officials told her to say: “We are told that right now, what the U.S. thinks may have happened, is that one of these small boats experienced a mechanical problem . . . perhaps beginning to drift . . . it was at that point, the theory goes right now, that they drifted into Iranian territorial waters.”
It goes without saying that every country has the right to patrol and defend its territorial waters and to intercept other nations’ military boats that enter without permission. Indeed, the White House itself last night was clear that, in its view, this was “not a hostile act by Iran” and that Iran had given assurances that the sailors would be promptly released. And this morning they were released, exactly as Iran promised they would be, after Iran said it determined the trespassing was accidental and the U.S. apologized and promised no future transgressions.
Despite all of this, most U.S. news accounts last night quickly skimmed over – or outright ignored – the rather critical fact that the U.S. ships had “drifted into” Iranian waters. Instead, all sorts of TV news personalities and U.S. establishment figures puffed out their chest and instantly donned their Tough Warrior pose to proclaim that this was an act of aggression – virtually an act of war: not by the U.S., but by Iran. ...
Iran detains US sailors. Released promptly or not, a hostile act by a regime that acts w/o US cost/consequence
— Aaron David Miller (@aarondmiller2) January 12, 2016
Iranian hardliners have been systematically trying to undermine Rouhani and damage US-Iranian relations. Seizing sailors, that'll do it.
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) January 12, 2016
Hey Iran, you have exactly 300 days left to push a US president around. Enjoy it while you can. After that, there will be hell to pay.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) January 12, 2016
Somehow, the U.S. media instantly converted the invasion by U.S. ships into Iranian waters into an act of aggression by Iran. That’s, in part, because the U.S. political and media establishment believes the world is owned by the United States [...] Thus, the U.S. military has the absolute right to go anywhere it wants – even into Iranian waters – and it’s inherently an act of “aggression” for anyone else to resist. That was the clear premise of the bulk of the U.S. commentary last night.
What Hillary Knew about Libya
In selling the Libyan policy to the American people, it was also important to downplay another part of the crisis: that Gaddafi was right when he warned of the danger from Islamic radicals, including Al Qaeda’s North African affiliate, operating in eastern Libya.
Gaddafi’s original military offensive was aimed at these groups, but the Obama administration’s propagandists twisted the issue into Gaddafi supposedly committing “genocide” against the people of eastern Libya, thus requiring a U.S.-led “responsibility to protect” or “R2P” mission.
However, in the emails to Clinton, Blumenthal conveyed the actual reality – that these supposedly innocent anti-Gaddafi rebels in the east indeed included jihadist elements. He wrote: “Sarkozy is also concerned about continuing reports that radical/terrorist groups such as the Libyan Fighting Groups and Al Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are infiltrating the NLC [the rebel’s National Transitional Council] and its military command.
“Accordingly, he [Sarkozy] asked [a] sociologist … who has long established ties to Israel, Syria, and other nations in the Middle East, to use his contacts to determine the level of influence AQIM and other terrorist groups have inside of the NLC. Sarkozy also asked for reports setting out a clear picture of the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the rebel leadership.”
Blumenthal added: “Senior European security officials caution that AQIM is watching developments in Libya, and elements of that organization have been in touch with tribes in the southeastern part of the country. These [European] officials are concerned that in a post-Qaddafi Libya, France and other western European countries must move quickly to ensure that the new government does not allow AQIM and others to set up small, semi-autonomous local entities — or ‘Caliphates’ — in the oil and gas producing regions of southeastern Libya.”
In other words, the danger of Islamic terror groups exploiting the power vacuum that the Obama administration and its Western allies were creating inside Libya was well understood in March 2011, but the supposed “R2P” mission pressed ahead nevertheless.
Deadly Bombing of Polio Clinic Points to CIA's Chilling Legacy
At least 15 people were killed and 25 wounded on Wednesday when a bomb blast targeted a polio eradication center in the city of Quetta, located in southwestern Pakistan.
The bomb reportedly hit a police van that was accompanying health workers in a drive aimed at immunizing young children.
The bombing is the latest deadly attack to target polio facilities and workers, who have fallen under greater distrust after the CIA orchestrated a fake vaccination drive in 2011 as part of the hunt for Osama Bin Ladin.
Iraqi Sunni Mosques Burned in ‘Revenge’ Attacks, 10 Killed
Anger at yesterday’s ISIS attack on a cafe popular with Shi’ite militias has led some of those militias to launch revenge attacks. Not against ISIS, of course, but rather against Sunni civilians in Iraq’s Diyala Province, where at least 10 were killed.
Militia fighters with loudspeakers were roaming the streets of the city of Muqdadiya demanding all Sunni civilians leave within 24 hours or be killed on sight. The militias destroyed at least nine Sunni mosques in the area, and dozens of Sunni-owned shops.
Syrian Troops, Hezbollah Retake Latakia Town
Syrian military forces, backed by Hezbollah forces on the ground and Russian airstrikes, have retaken the Latakia Province town of Salma, along with strategically important hillsides around the town’s outskirts. ...
Holding Latakia is also a top priority for Russia, as they have a naval base further south along the coast, and want to ensure that there is a secure path between the capital city of Damascus and the coast. This is why, despite the lack of ISIS in the area, Russia has heavily supported offensives against other Islamist rebels in and around this area.
In addition to the al-Qaeda coalition, Turkmen rebels are also active in northern Latakia. The Turkmen are heavily backed by neighboring Turkey, and have been targeted heavily by Russia since Turkey destroyed one of their warplanes over Syrian territory.
Syria air strikes: David Cameron admits 'there aren’t enough' moderate fighters on the ground and some are 'hardline'
David Cameron has admitted that “there aren’t enough” moderate Syrian fighters to defeat Isis yet and conceded some of the rebels belong to “relatively hardline Islamist groups”.
He insisted however that the Government’s strategy of relying on 70,000 on-the-ground rebel fighters to seize Isis-held territory following Western air strikes was the right way to defeat the Isis, also known as Daesh and rejected the idea that the only way of beating it was by supporting President Assad’s forces.
Faced with criticism over his claim that 70,000 “moderate” fighters existed in Syria, Mr Cameron said it “wasn’t a figure I invented” but was provided by the security services and was a “best estimate”.
He accepted that not all of the rebel fighters were the “sort of people you bump into at Liberal Democrat party conference” but refused a request to publish the names of groups British intelligence services had identified as part of the 70,000 figure.
You can’t report truthfully on Israel without facing its wrath
Makarim Wibisono has announced his resignation as UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories. ...
The Indonesian diplomat says that he could not fulfill his mandate because Israel has adamantly refused to give him access to the Palestinian people living under its military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
“Unfortunately, my efforts to help improve the lives of Palestinian victims of violations under the Israeli occupation have been frustrated every step of the way,” Wibisono explains.
Shaker Aamer: Gitmo built with sole purpose of breaking people
Canada campaigners to demand public debate on controversial anti-terror law
Opponents of Canada’s sweeping new anti-terror law are planning a major campaign to pressure the Liberal government to launch broad public consultations before overhauling the controversial legislation.
Civil society groups, legal scholars and labour unions are calling on the government to hold a public debate on reforms for the legislation – known as C-51 – which they say are necessary to protect Canadian civil liberties, freedoms and personal privacy.
“We know very little about the government’s plans for C-51, so our hope is they are going to listen to the huge number of Canadians who expressed deep, deep concerns about this bill when it was passed,” British Columbia Civil Liberties Association executive director Josh Paterson told the Guardian. ...
Bill C-51 provoked widespread outrage when it was passed by the Conservative government last June. Liberals took a beating in public opinion polls when they voted in support of the legislation, though they promised to repeal its “problematic elements” if they won the 19 October federal election.
They did, and now the bill’s critics – who say it is too broad, lacks sufficient oversight for national security and law enforcement agencies, and includes a number violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a rights bill embedded in Canada’s constitution – want to ensure those problems are dealt with in full public view.
UN: International migration surged 41% since 2000
The number of people who migrated to foreign countries surged by 41 percent in the last 15 years to reach 244 million in 2015, according to a United Nations study released Tuesday. Of those people, 20 million are refugees. The U.N. is planning a series of meetings in 2016 to address migration, including a March 30 gathering in Geneva where countries can pledge to take in Syrians fleeing civil war. But while the Syrian refugee crisis has gripped the world's attention, it is but a drop in the sea of international migration. ...
While Asia and Europe host the largest portions of international migrants, they also contribute the most. Asia is the biggest regional source of international migrants, with 104 million, or 43 percent. Europe contributed 25 percent, or 62 million. The U.N. report explained that migration occurs mostly between countries located in the same region. Latin America and the Caribbean was the third-largest regional source of international migration, with 37 million, or 15 percent. Only 2 percent (4 million) are from North America.
India had the world's biggest diaspora, with 16 million people, followed by Mexico (12 million), Russia (11 million), China (10 million) and Bangladesh (7 million) and Pakistan and Ukraine (6 million each).
US intelligence director's phone account was hacked, office says
James Clapper, the director of national intelligence (DNI), appears to have become the latest government official who had a personal account accessed by a hacker. In October, CIA director John Brennan said he was “outraged” after a still-anonymous hacker or hackers broke into his AOL email account and posted files online.
“We are aware of the matter and have notified the appropriate authorities,” DNI spokesman Brian Hale said in a written statement. ...
The hacker allegedly accessed Clapper’s Verizon account so that calls to the director would be forwarded to the Free Palestine Movement. The hacker also claimed to have accessed Clapper’s wife’s personal email account.
Apple’s Tim Cook Lashes Out at White House Officials for Being Wishy-Washy on Encryption
Apple CEO Tim Cook lashed out at the high-level delegation of Obama administration officials who came calling on tech leaders in San Jose last week, criticizing the White House for a lack of leadership and asking the administration to issue a strong public statement defending the use of unbreakable encryption.
The White House should come out and say “no backdoors,” Cook said. That would mean overruling repeated requests from FBI director James Comey and other administration officials that tech companies build some sort of special access for law enforcement into otherwise unbreakable encryption. Technologists agree that any such measure could be exploited by others.
But Attorney General Loretta Lynch responded to Cook by speaking of the “balance” necessary between privacy and national security – a balance that continues to be debated within the administration. ...
The Washington Post reported in September that the White House had decided not to pursue legislation against unbreakable encryption. But the intelligence community’s top lawyer was quoted in an email saying that that the administration should be “keeping our options open…in the event of a terrorist attack or criminal event where strong encryption can be shown to have hindered law enforcement.” ...
Cook has been outspoken in his opposition to the idea that we need to sacrifice privacy and digital security for the sake of public safety. During an episode of 60 Minutes on December 20, he said: “We’re America, we should have both.”
US Admits Some Families It Rounded Up for Deportation Could Qualify for Asylum
At 3.30am last Thursday, US immigration agents removed dozens of El Salvadoran women and kids from a South Texas detention center and loaded them onto a plane to be deported. As their flight departed San Antonio, Isamar Sanchez and her seven-year-old daughter wept, fearing what would happen after they returned to their gang-ravaged homeland.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents had raided the family's Virginia home just days earlier, taking the pair into custody as part of a broader roundup of 121 Central American mothers and children who entered the country illegally. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which oversees ICE, claimed the families had exhausted all legal options to remain in the US and would be deported immediately.
But when the jet carrying Sanchez and her daughter touched down in Laredo, Texas, for a brief layover before continuing south, the 23-year-old mother suddenly heard her name.
"Isamar, get off!" a DHS agent commanded. "We're taking you back where you were."
The agent ordered two other families picked up in the raids to deplane as well. He explained that DHS had been mistaken — the families actually had one more chance to stay in the US. ...
Sanchez and her daughter are now being allowed to stay in the US indefinitely. After initially stating otherwise, the government now admits they may qualify for asylum, the protection granted to individuals that have fled persecution in their home country. The Board of Immigration Appeals granted stays of deportation for 12 families, as the court determines whether the families can now file appeals on their asylum decisions.
The vast majority of families targeted in the recent ICE raids were denied legal counsel, because the fact that undocumented immigrants have been accused of violating civil law means they are not guaranteed the right to an attorney (unlike defendants in criminal cases.) Those like Sanchez, who could afford a lawyer or had one provided to them by legal aid groups, had a much better chance of avoiding deportation, said attorney Ian Philabaum, who has secured stays for 12 families.
The Most Durable Economy in the World?
State of the Union: U.S. is in decline
If you watched the President’s State of the Union speech at, you got to see the interesting charts – some are still available here along with a transcript of the speech. One chart, shown below, reads: “Today, the top 3 percent of the richest Americans hold half the nation’s wealth.” That correct assessment, unfortunately, makes another statement by the President impossible to justify. The President told the highly cynical American people the following: “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.”
It’s simply impossible to have an economy or a democracy moving in the right direction when wealth and income is clustered in so few hands. There is simply not enough purchasing power in the hands of the masses to buy the goods and services being produced by the rich corporate owners.
It’s not just the Republican candidates running for President who are saying the U.S. is in decline. It’s also Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who is running as a Democrat. Sanders is stumping across the U.S. telling tens of thousands of fellow realists the following:
The U.S. has the greatest income and wealth inequality of any other major developed country;
One percent of the population now controls a greater share of pre-tax income than at any time since the 1920s, (the last time Wall Street was legally allowed to gamble for the house with bank deposits);
The top one-tenth of one percent of the super elite own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent;
Since Wall Street imploded under the weight of its own corruption in 2008, destroyed the U.S. economy, used taxpayer money to bail itself out and reward the financial elites with millions of dollars in bonuses and golden parachutes, only the poor and middle class have paid the price. The one percent have reaped 58 percent of all income gains since the crash.
There is simply no honest argument to be made that the above set of facts does not depict both an economy and a democracy in decline. ...
The President peddled some additional fiction when he stated that the financial crisis had been caused by “recklessness on Wall Street.” Recklessness is when you run a red light. Fraud is when you are repeatedly warned of illegal acts within the business you oversee and you look the other way because the profits and your big bonuses are rolling in.
Royal Bank of Scotland hits the panic button:
Sell everything ahead of stock market crash, say RBS economists
Investors face a “cataclysmic year” where stock markets could fall by up to 20% and oil could slump to $16 a barrel, economists at the Royal Bank of Scotland have warned.
In a note to its clients the bank said: “Sell everything except high quality bonds. This is about return of capital, not return on capital. In a crowded hall, exit doors are small.” It said the current situation was reminiscent of 2008, when the collapse of the Lehman Brothers investment bank led to the global financial crisis. This time China could be the crisis point. ...
RBS is not the only negative voice at the moment. Analysts at JP Morgan have advised clients to sell stocks on any bounce.
Morgan Stanley has said oil could fall to $20 a barrel, while Standard Chartered has predicted an even bigger slide, to as low as $10. Standard said: “Given that no fundamental relationship is currently driving the oil market towards any equilibrium, prices are being moved almost entirely by financial flows caused by fluctuations in other asset prices, including the US dollar and equity markets.
“We think prices could fall as low as $10 a barrel before most of the money managers in the market conceded that matters had gone too far.”
The Racist History of the 2nd Amendment and Why it Matters Today
Oregon militia to discuss 'when we will be leaving' wildlife refuge
The militiamen occupying the Malheur national wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon said on Tuesday that they intended to tell the public soon “when we will be leaving”, signalling that the takeover could be heading toward a resolution.
At a press conference at the refuge, LaVoy Finicum, an Arizona rancher and one of the main spokesmen of the armed militia, announced that on Friday, the occupiers planned to meet with the local community of Burns, the closest town to the wildlife sanctuary, located 30 miles away. “We will be going into town and holding a meeting with the community, to explain to the community … why we’re here and when we will be leaving. And that will be important,” he said. “We invite all to attend.”
The announcement is significant given that, if they follow through with the plan, the 7pm Friday event will mark the first time the occupiers enter Burns and formally communicate with local residents, who have increasingly called on the militia to end the siege and leave Oregon.
Although numerous Harney County officials and many Burns residents have condemned the armed occupation led by Arizona rancher Ammon Bundy, militia members have continued to claim that their local support is growing and that they will back out once they can transfer their efforts to Burns residents.
Oregon judge proposes militia pay $75,000 a day for occupying refuge
Judge says ongoing standoff at Malheur national wildlife refuge led by Ammon Bundy is expensive for the county and ‘we’re going to send Mr Bundy the bill’
A local judge in Oregon has raised the prospect of making the armed militia occupying a federal wildlife refuge pay as much as $75,000 a day for the toll the standoff is costing the rural county.
Harney County judge Steve Grasty, a vocal critic of the militia, estimates that the armed occupation led by cattle rancher Ammon Bundy cost the community roughly $60,000 to $75,000 each day of the first week of the occupation.
Grasty, an administrative judge, proposed making Bundy and his associates pay the expenses at a community meeting on Monday night in Burns, the closest town to the ongoing occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge.
It’s been 10 days since Bundy and a group of out-of-state militiamen stormed the federal wildlife sanctuary headquarters to protest the government’s land regulations and the imprisonment of two Harney County ranchers in an arson case.
Grasty earned loud applause from the audience when he told residents: “We’re going to send Mr Bundy the bill.”
Those costs will grow if the militia continues to ignore pleas from local residents for them to pull out. And if the standoff drags on for another week, expenses could add up to more than $1m.
People in the Western US Really Do Want Federal Regulation of Land
As the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in rural Oregon enters its second week, a new public opinion poll shows that a majority of people surveyed in seven states in the American West do not share the demands of Ammon Bundy's armed, camouflage-clad militia.
The State of the Rockies Project at Colorado College surveyed 2,800 residents in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming and found "strong public support" for federal efforts to preserve and regulate land.
The survey found that 58 percent of respondents oppose giving state governments control over national public lands and 60 percent oppose selling significant public land holdings, such as national forests, to reduce the budget deficit. Seventy-two percent of respondents believed that national public lands help their state economy. ...
"Charges of government overreach from the ideological fringes are making headlines, but in reality most Westerners in this poll favor greater protection and sensible use of the open lands and national treasures that define the region," Eric Perramond, a professor of human-environmental geography at Colorado College, in a said in release accompanying the polling data.
Pennsylvania police fatally shoot 12-year-old at her home
A police constable in Pennsylvania killed a 12-year-old girl when he fired a shot at the girl’s father that passed through the man’s arm and hit her, officials said on Tuesday.
Ciara Meyer was pronounced dead at her home on Monday morning after Constable Clarke Steele attempted to “enforce an eviction order” on her family in Duncannon, north of Harrisburg, according to officials.
When Steele approached the apartment, Ciara’s father, Donald Meyer, allegedly opened and then shut the door before opening it a second time armed with a rifle, officials said. Steele and Meyer exchanged words briefly before Meyer “leveled” the rifle at Steele, according to police. Steele fired a single shot at Meyer, who was struck in the upper left arm before his daughter was hit, police said.
The Intercept nails Hillary T. Hypocrite:
Hillary Clinton in 2008: “Since When Do Other Democrats Attack Each Other on Universal Healthcare?”
Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been excoriating fast-rising rival Bernie Sanders for his proposal to adopt a single-payer universal health care plan. But in 2008, she decried the notion that a fellow Democrat would attack another for proposing universal coverage.
“Since when do Democrats attack each other on universal healthcare?” Clinton asked.
'Fighting Dirty,' Clinton's 'Inflammatory Distortion' of Sanders' Single-Payer Plan
Perhaps spurred by palpable momentum around Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton took aim this week at a centerpiece of her chief rival's platform—and political career—a Medicare-for-All program that he says would save the average U.S. family thousands of dollars a year in healthcare costs.
This isn't the first time that Hillary Clinton has attacked single-payer healthcare, having done so in November and December of last year.
In a statement on Monday, Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs hit back: "Secretary Clinton is inaccurate in suggesting that Republican governors would be able to circumvent the law and deny implementation in their states." Referring to a single-payer proposal he put forth in 2013, Briggs added: "The bill Sen. Sanders introduced was very clear. It is national legislation for all states."
National Nurses United added its voice to those defending Sanders' proposal, accusing Clinton of deliberately distorting the facts.
"Surely Hillary Clinton knows that Medicare and Medicaid are national programs, and that they would be funded as national programs," said NNU co-president Jean Ross. "To claim that expanding Medicare to all would hand it over to state governors is a crude, inflammatory distortion, and shows an indifference to all those people who continue to be harmed by a broken system."
Bernie Sanders's health care plan is literally called "Medicare for All" and Hillary/Chelsea lie and say it dismantles Medicare. Shameless
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) January 12, 2016
Ryan Cooper wrote at The Week, "it's obvious what's happening here. Clinton has been flagging in the polls of late, and as usual she's turned to fighting dirty."
Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Shrinking Nationwide: Poll
With just three weeks left before the Iowa presidential caucuses, voters throughout the country are rapidly turning away from Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and throwing their support behind once-dark horse Bernie Sanders, new polling shows.
A New York Times/CBS survey released Tuesday night found that Clinton's nationwide lead over Sanders continues to fade, with the former Secretary of State receiving 48 percent of prospective voters' support to the Vermont senator's 41 percent. Just a month ago, she had 20 percentage points on him nationally.
Other recent surveys found that Sanders has a five-point lead in Iowa and a 14-point lead in New Hampshire, while his support among women voters continues to grow.
Civil disobedience often leads to jail. But now, protestors can explain themselves
In the face of governmental failure in addressing climate change, the climate movement has seen a dramatic increase of civil disobedience. The threat of jail is real to activists who use these tactics – as I learned first hand. But now activists now have a powerful form of defense: necessity.
For the very first time, US climate activists have been able to argue the necessity defense – which argues that so-called criminal acts were committed out of necessity – to a jury. The Delta 5, who blockaded an oil train at the Delta rail yard near Seattle in September of 2014, have been been allowed to use the defense in an historic climate change civil disobedience trial being heard this week. They said they acted to prevent the greater harm of climate change and oil train explosions.
Like all civil disobedience, this new wave of climate disobedience is an inherent critique of the moral authority of government. The necessity defense is an opportunity to elaborate that implicit critique into a fully developed legal argument for the responsibility of citizen action in the face of governmental failure.
In addition to gaining the permission to openly argue the necessity defense, the Delta 5 defendants have so far been winning the crucial legal maneuvers in the courtroom. The trial started with several motions from the prosecution to limit how the defense could present “sympathetic” evidence or anything related to their backgrounds. These motions were denied.
The judge has shown himself to be committed to a fully open trial of all the factors that would drive people to risk their bodies to stop fossil fuel expansion. This kind of openness is distressingly rare for civil disobedience cases in American courts. Why this particular judge, Anthony Howard, is breaking ranks in this climate trial is unknown, but I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that he is young enough that he will still be alive in 2050.
The EPA's Hush-Hush Response to the Flint Water Crisis
Officials with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for months knew about the poisoning of the Flint water supply and, rather than raise alarm and stop residents from drinking the lead-tainted water, took a backseat on the matter.
The Detroit News reported late Tuesday that federal officials began making inquiries in February and the region's top EPA official, Susan Hedman, confirmed to the newspaper this week that as early as April the agency knew about the lack of corrosion controls in the water system.
According to the reporting:
An EPA water expert, Miguel Del Toral, identified potential problems with Flint’s drinking water in February, confirmed the suspicions in April and summarized the looming problem in a June internal memo. The state decided in October to change Flint’s drinking water source from the corrosive Flint River back to the Detroit water system.
Critics have charged Hedman with attempting to keep the memo’s information in-house and downplaying its significance.
Federal officials for months engaged in a bureaucratic, behind-the-scenes "battle" with Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) "over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water," the paper reports. Hedman argued that it was not the "role" of the federal agency to regulate local water operations.
All the while, residents of the poor, largely African American community blindly continued to drink the poisoned water.
From Seabirds to Starfish: Climate Change Driving Unprecedented Die-Offs
From seabirds to whales to antelopes to starfish, animal die-offs across the globe are raising alarm about the deadly impact of climate change on the world's ecosystems and their vulnerable inhabitants.
An estimated 8,000 black-and-white common murres were found dead on the beaches of Alaska's Prince William Sound over the weekend, joining thousands more that have washed up on beaches from California to the Gulf of Alaska over the past year. The seabirds, who appear to have died of starvation, "are indicators of what is happening in the marine ecosystem," the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) wrote in a press release (pdf) on the matter. ...
Meanwhile, the BBC reports that at least 45 pilot whales have died in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, after more than 80 were stranded on the shore at Tuticorin. M. Ravi Kumar, the top government official in the port town, told the Associated Press that the whales began washing up on beaches on Monday evening, and that while 36 of the large mammals had been rescued and pushed back out to sea, they appeared disoriented and kept coming back.
These heart-wrenching stories add to a list of similar incidents—a massive starfish stranding on Australia's Moreton Island; the mysterious die-off of endangered antelopes last spring in Central Asia, which killed more than half of the entire species in less than a month; drought in the Western U.S. transforming stretches of river into a "mass graveyard for baby salmon;" and historic coral bleaching events that degrade and erode the structure of living reefs. ...
"Incidents like these are often mysteries to be unraveled, with scientists sorting through various explanations—hunger, habitat loss, disease, disorientation—for the mass deaths," Sarah Kaplan wrote at the Washington Post on Wednesday. "But in a swath of recent cases, many of the die-offs boil down to a common problem: the animals' environments are changing, and they’re struggling to keep up."
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Hope and change are all but gone. Obama's got nothing to lose any more
Supreme court justices put on defensive in overturning 1977 teachers’ union case
What Sean Penn Teaches Us About How Not to Chat With a Fugitive
Why Larry Summers is Wrong and Bernie Sanders is Right on Glass Steagall
McDonald's Slammed for Super-Sized Grip on European Economy
Michael Klare: Plunging Oil Prices – A Recipe for More War?
A Little Night Music
Jimmy Witherspoon & Richard ''Groove'' Holmes - Goin' to Chicago
Jimmy Witherspoon - Love Me Right
Jimmy Witherspoon - It Ain't No Secret What My Baby Can Do
Jimmy Witherspoon - In The Evening
Jimmy Witherspoon & Groove Holmes - Take this hammer
Jimmy Witherspoon - Fast Women And Sloe Gin
Jay McShann & His Sextette with Jimmy Witherspoon - Strange Woman Blues
Jimmy Witherspoon with Ben Webster

Nasdaq is threatening to crash today
Down almost 3.5% and picking up speed.
afternoon gj...
the buzz around a market crash is getting quite loud.
Looks like the dip-buyers arrived
Only down about 2.5% and leveling off.
Still the DOW is down about 1,600 points just so far this month.
Dip-buyers took a loss too
Nasdaq ended down 3.4% on the day.
I've been talking about the deflationary pressure for at least a year now.

Hello Bear Market
A 10% fall from the top is a "correction". A 20% fall is a "bear market".
Large-caps are only in "correction" so far.

looks like october might come early this year.
the dips
are flooded out on Ord Ferry Road.

This happens when it rains a lot.
Wow! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Deeply oversold conditions" meaning exactly what?
I thought they were required to stop that shit.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's according to technicals (i.e. charts)
For instance, if you go here, you'll notice the RSI at the top and the MACD at the bottom.
It's two different ways to measure how overbought/oversold a market can be (there are lots of other ways). It's valuable for short-term trading.
It's useless for when the fundamentals take over and the market makes a secular move.
"People of the Western U.S. really do want Federal
regulation of the land". Vice News.
What an absolutely bullshit headline. Reminds me of Vice New running a series when the Ukraine regime change occurred titled, "RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE! - Day 1"
Regardless what's happening in Burns, OR, there are many good reasons to be concerned about Federal government overreach at the state level and Constitutional adherence and that's where the primary concern is for most of those awake enough to care.
Shit, polls showed 72% of Americans supported the Iraq war, polls shows most Americans support the illegal, inhumane, and insane War OF Terror. Doesn't mean it's right or wise.
Confirms my opinion of VICE news being just another propaganda outlet.
evening al...
frankly, the article makes a lot of sense to me. the folks out west are all for the transfer of taxpayer money that builds infrastructure, maintains roads, provides fire protection and allows them to make use of federal lands (among other things). on the other hand, they just hate it when the federal government tells them that they can't capitalize in certain ways on the investments that taxpayers have made in the federal lands. when the big, mean government tells them that they have to refrain from logging a piece of land or keep their free-rider cattle off of it, they get all pissed off.
that's not to say that the federal government does a fabulously wonderful job of managing the federal lands (and their attendant resources) that are the birthright of every american to share. but the principle of the government, as a collective tool of the public to preserve and maintain our shared resources is a good idea and shouldn't be cast aside because the officials of government are bad. it makes more sense to replace the bad government officials than to give up on the idea of a shared commons.
It depends on
who the Federal government decides to share our commons with. Seems to me that they are selling and leasing our commons to transnational corporation that are environmentally disastrous and destroying our national parks and lands. Nestle wants to use our waterfalls here in Oregon as bottling facilities, mining, fracking, drilling, clear cut logging and outright destruction are rampant. Remember Ken Salizar? He was a gem. His successor as secretary of the interior is Sally Jewel. Sounds a little better but Mobil Oil? A corporate CEO is managing our public national land.
The states are not much better. Our former governor a Democrat and supposed environmentalist had to resign over dubious deals and kick backs with bogus scammers who called themselves environmental orgs. . I think most people do want the our public lands to be protected by the government but instead the government looks upon them as another source of profit for the real owners of the place. Public is now a dirty word, all our public resources are up for grabs. Seen one redwood you've seen them all. Pillaging the earth is their entitlement as they are wealth creators.
I don't mean that I think this militia who wants snacks is right they seem to be idiot insurrectionists and disgruntled leasers who don't want to pay the Feds for the use of our commons. Delusional cowboy range warriors. I really don't understand why the Feds are letting them do this. They had no problem 'removing' the Native Americans from this land or any land they decided was theirs. Bundy's free rider cattle are still grazing even though he hasn't paid his hefty vig.
In theory I believe in a shared commons and preserving the land that is set aside as a shared treasure for all. These days we the people are left with nothing but theories and dreams of common ground and good.
why wouldn't it be a propaganda outlet
Vice secures further $500m investment - Digital media brand says cash from Silicon Valley tech firm and US cable broadcaster values company at more than $2.5bn
Fox Invests In Vice, A Media Company That Makes Money Being Terrible And Brilliant
How did Vice media just get half a billion dollars in new funding? One of the investors explains.
How Vice Grew to a $4 Billion Media Powerhouse This Year - The Brooklyn-based media company officially left its alt-monthly origins in the dust.
Why would you trust a company that can do what it did, not be capable of being a propaganda power house?
Good info mimi
Plain as day. They're one of them.
heh, mimi, you had me at, "Why would you trust a company?"
i don't trust any of the corporate news sources that i post and i barely trust the non-corporate sources.
there is no fully trustworthy news source. period.
they should all be handled with skepticism.
agree, but with that amount of skepticism, it looks as if
it is not worthwhile trying to figure out who you can trust and who you can't trust. I wonder how you can go on like you do. I feel crushed by the whole thing. I think it's the internet thingy that is to blame...
heh, let me help you...
you can't trust anybody. there. see? simple.
what i do is i look at a variety of news sources that i'm familiar enough with that i have a sense of their biases and politics. i look to see how different sources describe an event, which facts some include and others omit, similarities and differences in word choices, etc.
one has always had to filter media information, but in the current (internet) era, there are a lot more sources to choose from. i think that the expansion of sources is a good thing.
thanks for the help
I think that's what I and everybody else would try to do, but then, if I would do it as seriously as you do for the EB selection, I would do nothing else but that and ... I am not strong enough for that.
Thanks as always for your work. You know how we appreciate all of it. It's excellent and so helpful.
Thannks, Joe. It is amazing how much support for the
US trespass, and antagonism toward Iran, even from putative liberals, this event generated. The US, it seems, can do no wrong, and it is simply bad for people to seize those who invade their sovereign territory.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
heh, we are not a nation without audacity, no matter what they say.
What did Obama
say about audacity when he campaigned? I can't remember as my brain deleted most of his bs rhetoric as it was inflaming it. Ah yeah was it the audacity of hope?
It was about 3 years back maybe when the war drums were
the loudest against Iran.Remembered my jaw dropping when I heard something on NPR on the lines of "ZOMG! Teh Iranians! how dare they? They say they will fight back if we attack them !!!".
Arab spring 5 years later
Drive like an Egyptian — March 2011
How hopeful things seemed then! How quickly those hopes were dashed!
The U.S., the U.K., the Saudis, the Israelis, and their assorted pawns had too strong an interest in murdering those hopes in the cradle.
Evening all....
EB on my laptop tonight. How very nice. Things are heating up in Michigan for Gov. Snyder. Everywhere he goes, all the news wants to talk about is the Flint water and what did he know and when did he know it. There is a criminal investigation going on by the fed. EPA says they told MI DEQ back in April 2015 there was a problem. Governor says he knew there was discussion going on between EPA and DEQ, but he didn't know "there was a problem problem". He made a huge deal about calling out the National Guard. 7 Guardsmen showed up. The news asked them where is everyone? The guy said, what's the point? There is no water or supplies. We're just standing here watching them fail. Honest to god, that is what he said. It now seems that Flint has had a high incident of deaths from legionnaires disease since the water was attached to the Flint river. I also heard that the water to Flint has been turned off. It gets worse by the minute.
Speaking of worse by the minute, this is funny. dkos is having an influx of new registrations claiming to be college kids for Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
evening dk...
i hope that they hound snyder relentlessly and that his despicable acts dog him to the grave and beyond. poisoning 100,000 people to enrich your cronies is just so far beyond the pale that i don't think that the law has an adequate remedy.
oh my, an influx, you say. what a surprise!
considering who is participating in the "influx's"
defense it seems to me to be not funny and indeed more of a surprise than I had thought possible.
Luckily one doesn't have to comment. And thoughts are still free.
What Hillary got paid from 12 speeches
to big banks
Evening Joe & c99%-ers lounging in the Blues Bar.
Joe, Wow! Thanks for the detailed Shaker Aamer interview. Watched few mins and saving it for later viewing. Seems very interesting.
evening funkygal...
it's an interesting interview in certain ways. he does not describe his experience in much detail, but you do get a sense of him as a person who will probably be struggling to process all that he has been through for as long as he lives.
Reg Corp America & encryption,
and the larger issue of co-operation with NSA, I find Ted Rall's theory very plausible - they are coerced into co-operating under the threat of prosecution for tax evasion.
it looks like they are under considerable pressure...
from the government to comply without making the government force them. comey in particular has been quite voluble in his demands that corps "change their business model" in order to accommodate his desire to peek into all of our communications. obama's henchmen have been quite clear that all of their weapons are on the table and that all it will really take is for the government propaganda machine to find just one incident that in some small way could have encryption involved and they will unleash their whole arsenal.
Skirts, high heels, sun glasses, silk dresses, Oh my !
The Saudi princess is into fashion big time. The hypocrisy, it burns!
It is that time of the year - the anniversary of the
murder of Araon Schwartz. Came across a very interesting article by him on schools/(mis)education :
Not going to nitpick on things like "spread of schools and factories destroys the American model of freedom". Overall, it is good I felt.
Hey 99ers, well we're finally having some sunshine here.
About time.
College kids for Hillary at DK. Now that's funny. Haven't yet met even one single college kid for Hillary. Everyone I know under 30 is for Bernie. And wildly enthusiastic in their support to boot.
If they're being paid to support Hillary at DK, wonder if they will make that known, as required by site rules.
Still getting very positive reactions whenever I go out and about in my Bernie gear. Haven't seen folks this enthusiastic since Wellstone. They also laughed at Wellstone and said that he didn't stand a chance. But we just kept right on plugging away no matter what anyone said.
I still have a Wellstone button on my wall.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
evening jr...
heh, my guess is that if there's an infestation of "college kidz for hillary" at dk, most of them are guys in their 40's with bald spots, beer guts and nothing else better to do with their time. most of them probably haven't set foot in a college classroom in years.
OK, made me laugh with that one, Joe!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
heh, it's like they say...
on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
grad students from Tel Aviv...:)
evening smiley...
heh, probably.
have a great evening!
Greetings, Joe and Bluesters! Quick (friendly) drive-by
to thank you for the excellent 'news and blues' selections for this evening.
Since it's rather late, and I've got quite a bit of 'Flickr' work to do, I'm going to find and post the 'No Labels' comment that I mentioned, tomorrow afternoon.
At the same time, I'm going to post a link to Senator Sanders (2013) legislation regarding a single-payer plan. Hopefully, it will clear up some of the misperceptions and misconceptions regarding his Bill.
I remember that Senator Sanders said (on one of the Sunday Political Programs) that he would be releasing an 'updated version' of this bill. That was a couple months ago, or so. I think that it would be a great idea--especially to clarify the funding stream(s) that would pay for his proposal.
Heck, earlier this afternoon, I was accused of being 'disrespectful and sexist' in a diary (over there). I should have known better than to have attempted to engage in sane and/or reasoned discussion.
Seriously, I found out that it is improper to use the term "the Clintons," when referring to FSC and Chelsea. That's because "it actually means Bill and Hill," regardless of the writer's context, intent, or even their explicit reference to FSC and her daughter, Chelsea.
Honest to goodness, some of those folks need to take chill pill. I've never seen anything like it!
Hey, Everyone have a nice 'rest of the evening.'
"The Morning Glory which blooms for a day (sic, an hour) differs not at heart from the Giant Pine, which lives for a thousand years."--Zen Poem
"Be a lantern to yourself and a refuge. Draw close to the light within yourself, and seek no other shelter."--Buddhist Wisdom
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Insults, ad hominem, and hairsplitting over tone and terminology
Anything to avoid discussions of policy and substance.

"Thank you," LL! Your chart nails it. Gonna screenshot this,
and post it over at 'the other place,' the next time I'm the object of a baseless attack!
"The Morning Glory which blooms for a day (sic, an hour) differs not at heart from the Giant Pine, which lives for a thousand years."--Zen Poem
"Be a lantern to yourself and a refuge. Draw close to the light within yourself, and seek no other shelter."--Buddhist Wisdom
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Here's the link to the original that I used:
I usually resize it to width 500, height 375.
Got it. That's a good, readable size. Thanks! ;-) N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.