Why is the inauguration still going ahead?

Now Trump represents about everything I dislike in a human being, an intellectually bankrupt narcissist coupled with all the dangers that are associated with that type of personality when given power.

However, he was elected by our "democratic" process such that it is/is not.

There have been many accusations so far among them:

  1. That he colluded with a foreign power to usurp our electoral system.
  2. That he is a sexual pervert and hence open to blackmail.

He is an habitual liar but then again that has not prevented any of our past Presidents from taking power, hence that can be ignored.

Those two accusations should be enough in themselves to prevent an inauguration taking place, the first being treason.

So why is the inauguration still going ahead?

A total lack of any verifiable evidence.

So we have an MSM and Democratic party going bat-shit over what amounts to hearsay. The reporting and associated commentary implies that this hearsay is irrefutable fact. They cannot even be bothered to add "allegedly" to any of the reporting, this is the usual get out clause to protect them from future litigation.

The so called bulletproof accusations supported by a word salad by the FBI and CIA have been notably lacking in any hard evidence. The ex-spy that reported the sexual misconduct is judged without supplying any documentary proof a "reliable source". Hence, because some give the reports of sexual perversion and actual blackmail verbatim because they believe them to be credible, they are now taken as factual. We should demand more proof than that.

These are extraordinary claims about an incoming President, but also remember that this was a candidate that was so obviously flawed yet the Democrats still couldn't beat him.

This sets an extremely dangerous precedent when coupled to the last round of the incoming President was a Kenyan Muslim and therefore not even an American citizen, are we going to have this every 4 years from now on? Rumours demand to be treated just as that no matter who is the source unless cold hard evidence is presented. The timing of these releases also needs to be questioned since they came out only after the election process was completed. Do they seek to overturn the result, they should, if true.

When the US tortured, documentary and photographic evidence was presented, then ignored, there was no punishment meted out to those responsible for the program.

The Government/CIA said "Saddam has WMD" when all the evidence reported that there were none at all, in the end the proof was that we had committed the war crime of pre-emptive war based on a lie. Nobody was punished.

So before we inaugurate someone accused of what amount to treason how about proving the assertions? I know that after the inauguration that any lack of evidence will bring cries of "cover up". The story will continue through the next election cycles as a partisan football, everything else of real import to you and I will be irrelevant once again.

Without evidence acceptable in a court of law: it is conspiracy theory.

This type of crap allows what is left our democracy to be undermined continuously.

I demand better and so should our journalists, will they never bloody learn.

To quote Obi Wan Bush "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again".

Silly me wanting proof, but the fact that Americans have once again elected another bloody dangerous clown is sadly not enough.

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dontcha know, it's always someone else's nefarious plots that make us do it.

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and analysis of this whole affair, that I have read so far, comes from Patrick Bahzad at Sic Semper Tyrannis. An excerpt from his lengthy and detailed post:

It would also have been virtually impossible for Steele to reach out to his sources and meet them on Russian soil. With a pedigree such as his, the Russian government would not grant him a visa, or it would track his every move. Besides, the British government might not have allowed him to travel to Russia either. This means in turn that Steele most likely did not meet any of his Russian primary sources and had to rely mainly on intermediaries to collect the statements he's reporting on.
All this constitutes a further problem regarding the reliability of the dossier. The more human interference there is in the chain of intelligence, the more room there is for human error or foul play. What kind of people did Steele work with to get his sources talking ? How did he assess their trusworthiness ? Again, there is not a word about these aspects. The only thing we can do is look into Mr Steele's resume to figure out which are the most likely answers to those questions.

The entire post is well worth reading, and covers many aspects of the controversy.

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No. So the word "treason" doesn't apply, even if Trump personally hacked the DNC and gave the emails to Putin while they watched the third party debates on RT with their shirts off and toasted each other with genuine Russian vodka while a crew of sex workers cheered.

I loathe Trump like everybody here, but he won the election no more unfairly than usual. All this Russia Russia Russia stuff reeks of a soft coup by the deep state, because their candidate lost.

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Concise and to the point.

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No. So the word "treason" doesn't apply, even if Trump personally hacked the DNC and gave the emails to Putin while they watched the third party debates on RT with their shirts off and toasted each other with genuine Russian vodka while a crew of sex workers cheered.

I loathe Trump like everybody here, but he won the election no more unfairly than usual. All this Russia Russia Russia stuff reeks of a soft coup by the deep state, because their candidate lost.

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one would tend to think so, merely speaking to a Russian let alone visiting Russia is being treated as tantamount to treason by the MSM and partisans.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

There was a phishing attempt that John Podesta was fool enough to fall for, and there was a leak from within the DNC. The only hacking seems to have come from Guccifer 2.0.

"Hacking the election" is an awfully Orwellian way of talking about what just happened. Suppose it had been some other campaign that uncovered this material--like, for instance, suppose Jim Webb were running a real challenge to Hillary instead of being one of a few placeholders designed to make us think there's some actual competition going on here, and his oppo researchers found the material "hacked" from Podesta and the DNC, and his campaign released it. That sounds more like campaigning to me than "hacking." Revealing true things about a candidate, no matter how inconvenient or tawdry they may be, isn't "hacking" anything. You might have to hack in order to get the data--but in this case, looks like the data was, for the most part, not hacked, but either leaked or given away.

Take a look at this:

By the way, I almost wish this HAD happened:

even if Trump personally hacked the DNC and gave the emails to Putin while they watched the third party debates on RT with their shirts off and toasted each other with genuine Russian vodka while a crew of sex workers cheered.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

terriertribe's picture

Motive? Opportunity? Did you just accidentally out the "insider" Assange keeps referring to? I may have to face Maryland and open a bottle of the good stuff.

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Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I wish that Jim Webb were that guy, but he's not. He has some integrity, in that he refused to pick up the ball and run with it during the Democratic debates when Hillary set up a character attack on Bernie and obviously expected him to chime in. And it's clear to me he has respect for Bernie--maybe because of everything Bernie's done for veterans--but I don't think he's the kind of guy to challenge the powers that be.

It was just a hypothetical.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Big Al's picture

getting elected for second terms and Clinton running for President. All three at the time of their presidential campaigns were murderers, war criminals who had repeatedly broken national and international law. And yet Bush and Obama were elected again and Clinton was allowed to run for "leader" of this country.
It's all just a bunch of bullshit that doesn't make a different in how we Serfs live.
Actually now would be a good time to start a REAL revolution, catch them off guard.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

It isn't now, because everybody knows about it.

I love the assumption that the other candidates are so squeaky clean that they could never be blackmailed. LMAO!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Once it becomes clear that Trump has betrayed his base (as he almost certainly will) and that the Democratic Party is likewise indebted to a bipartisan ruling elite, then will be the time to strike on behalf of the 99%.

We're not there yet. At the moment, the US public is still busy quarreling over irrelevant issues, while largely ignoring the fact that it is being played for a fool by both official parties. I don't think this phase of confusion and obfuscation can last for very much longer. Msm have at best only 50% of the credibility they had ten years ago, and even that is eroding fast.

I predict that Trump's presidency will usher in a watershed moment, when the entire US political establishment will be turned upside down. That will be the time for us to assert ourselves, not before. But we must plan carefully for it, be ready for it, and use the Sanders campaign as a template, by focusing on the economic issues that unite us -- not on the social issues that divide us.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

that I don't give two shits what Trump does with prostitutes as long as he's neither raping nor killing anyone?

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

in the minority at this site, though in this instance I doubt that you are. If on the other hand you were to so blithely excuse Trump's alleged sexual misbehavior at TOP, you would be likely to meet with stiff resistance. Only Democrats, LBGTs ,and POC are permitted that degree of sexual license at TOP.

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Hawkfish's picture

The idea that you could blackmail the man seems pretty dubious to me. His sense of shame is pretty non-existent.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

BernieOrBust's picture

That's why the inauguration shouldn't go on. He's illegitimate because of voter fraud in key states and more. Read what Greg Palast has written about this. He didn't win the election fairly! He's not the President. HRC would not be legitimate for the same reason. Cheating and chicanery around the country during the Primary. The entire election needs to be re-done. The primary, and then general. No campaigning.

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dervish's picture

Good luck with that. Even Haim and the Kochs couldn't rig this one the ways they wanted.

On the other hand, we have front row seats to what might be the end of the world. Interesting times!

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

the transfer of power to Trump have Hillary stickers on their cars?

My problem here is a bunch of known liars and election fraudsters are the ones accusing Trump of rigging the election. That doesn't mean he didn't rig it. But if he did, why are they blathering on about the "hacking" of John Podesta's emails and the DNC? They might not like that very much, but it hardly constitutes "hacking" or "rigging" an election. Both George W. Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton did far more to "hack" and rig their respective elections--in his case, the general (twice) and in her case the primary. If they have better evidence against Trump, why don't they lead with that? If I were an ordinary reader of the mainstream news, I wouldn't have any idea of the more substantive charges.

As for Palast, where the hell was he when Hillary was doing even worse? Why weren't all these people in the streets when entire city blocks of Brooklyn were purged off the voter rolls? And that was only one instance in a smorgasbord of fraud and voter suppression conducted by Hillary 2016. You're a Bernie supporter, you know what I'm talking about--I've never seen such brazen, repeated election fraud. For that matter, why weren't they (at least those who are 35 or over) in the streets in 2000 and 2004? Why are they in the streets only *now*?

I wish to God people were protesting the exact way you describe: saying the entire thing was fraudulent and unacceptable and we want a do-over right the fuck now. But that's not the way they're protesting. They're essentially saying that Donald Trump is unacceptable--not that both Trump and Hillary are, not that the entire process was corrupt from Iowa on. Everything that happened in the Democratic primaries is being flushed down the memory hole.

What I see is basically a Punch-and-Judy show set up by the establishment: we're supposed to be one puppet and the right-wing Trump supporters are supposed to be the other. I decline to participate--because it's a bunch of genocidal flimflam.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

BernieOrBust's picture

The entire political structure, the media, the intel agencies, parties, etc.... the whole freakin lot is rotten to the core. You can't really trust almost any of them because they'll say anything to cover their hides, and/or get what they want. IMO, the Dems are every bit culpable for Trump being "president" (which of course he really isn't because the election was fraudulent from start to finish). You are right, nobody wants to talk about that. Yes, Trump is despicable, hideous, dangerous, and going places that are really detrimental to the psyche/health of this country, and I for one, am happy as a pig in shit that there will be 100's of 1000's of protestors protesting for all sorts of social causes. We need people to get up off their asses, open their eyes and SPEAK the truth!!!!! But as long as Dems and Repubs continue to be so damn tribal about their politics, we won't get the change that is do desperately needed. I think the Dems are heads above the GOP in so many ways.... but lets be perfectly clear..... they are still totally corrupt, war mongers, with almost zero credibility and integrity at this point on far too many issues!!! What a mess!! We have to be able to look at our politicians and say, I respect/admire you for blah....... but I'm going to vote your butt out of office if you even think about cutting Medicare! Until it gets to that point, the Oligarchy will run the show, and it will be in their favor with the politicians all running around looking to curry favor with their bosses, and only giving us an occasional thought.

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BernieOrBust's picture

The entire political structure, the media, the intel agencies, parties, etc.... the whole freakin lot is rotten to the core. You can't really trust almost any of them because they'll say anything to cover their hides, and/or get what they want. IMO, the Dems are every bit culpable for Trump being "president" (which of course he really isn't because the election was fraudulent from start to finish). You are right, nobody wants to talk about that. Yes, Trump is despicable, hideous, dangerous, and going places that are really detrimental to the psyche/health of this country, and I for one, am happy as a pig in shit that there will be 100's of 1000's of protestors protesting for all sorts of social causes. We need people to get up off their asses, open their eyes and SPEAK the truth!!!!! But as long as Dems and Repubs continue to be so damn tribal about their politics, we won't get the change that is do desperately needed. I think the Dems are heads above the GOP in so many ways.... but lets be perfectly clear..... they are still totally corrupt, war mongers, with almost zero credibility and integrity at this point on far too many issues!!! What a mess!! We have to be able to look at our politicians and say, I respect/admire you for blah....... but I'm going to vote your butt out of office if you even think about cutting Medicare! Until it gets to that point, the Oligarchy will run the show, and it will be in their favor with the politicians all running around looking to curry favor with their bosses, and only giving us an occasional thought.

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... The entire political structure, the media, the intel agencies, parties, etc.... the whole freakin lot is rotten to the core. You can't really trust almost any of them because they'll say anything to cover their hides, and/or get what they want. IMO, the Dems are every bit culpable for Trump being "president" (which of course he really isn't because the election was fraudulent from start to finish). ...

And Homeland Security has taken control over elections as 'critical infrastructure', shutting out independent/citizen oversight. I wouldn't like to bet on any further elections offering any more chance of actual choice to the people than did this one. And considering the blatant lack of pretence of there being any authentic election this time and the amount of (now-'legalized') and very obviously - and often pre-proven to be - false official government propaganda displayed, (while the few remaining independent outlets are under attack to be censored out of existence) I actually wouldn't like to bet on any further elections, period. While we wait 'in suspenders', we must also be braced.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

BernieOrBust's picture

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Alligator Ed's picture

And Der Trumpf probably has hundreds throughout Trumpf Tower. He knows whereof he speaks (sometimes).

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whether fancy, grizzly, panda, or polar. They all want to deprive us of our freedoms in one way or another. If you see a bear anywhere outside of a National Park, call 911 to alert the proper authorities. Or call CNN, either one. DO NOT go wandering around naked in the woods however, or you may be arrested for hunting bare.

All Americans need to know that the Russians are coming soon. They have been coming for the past seventy years, and the only reason they haven't gotten here yet is because they are very slow. Or because we are very fast and it's a long way. Or maybe because of Ronald Reagan. Whatever the case, they are coming, and so we must never cease to be vigilant, like John McCain. For the Russian Bear means to devour us piece by piece. Chomp chomp! Yum yum!... no more America. Beware ye patriots, first they will come for Estonia, then they will come for YOU. Especially if you live anywhere near Brighton Beach, or Alaska.

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dervish's picture

We can eat them first! I call on all true patriots to run to the corner store right now, and buy a pack of Gummi-bears, then viciously consume them all! We'll show them!

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
