The Evening Blues - 1-11-17
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features vaudeville singer and dancer Bertha "Chippie" Hill. Enjoy!
Chippie Hill - Steady Roll (Around the Clock)
“Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality.”
-- Oscar Wilde
News and Opinion
An anonymous person, claiming to be an ex-British intel agent & working as a Dem oppo researcher, said anonymous people told him things.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 10, 2017
Greenwald nails it. This is a must-read article.
The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
In January, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his Farewell Address after serving two terms as U.S. President; the five-star General chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” ...
This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already-widely-disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”
Their most valuable instrument is the U.S. media, much of which reflexively reveres, serves, believes and sides with hidden intelligence officials. And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing – eager – to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry and damaging those behaviors might be.
The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There are a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combatting those threats: from bipartisan Congressional coalitions and Constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.
But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected President is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth – despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie – is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.
President-elect Donald Trump: "Buzzfeed is a failing pile of garbage"
BuzzFeed Posts Unverified Claims on Trump
BuzzFeed News became the center of a swirling debate over journalistic ethics [!?! - js] on Tuesday after its decision to publish a 35-page document carrying explosive, but unverified, allegations about ties between the Russian government and President-elect Donald J. Trump.
The document, a dossier prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Mr. Trump’s political opponents, had been circulating among high-ranking politicians and some journalists since the fall. Intelligence officials recently presented a two-page summary of the allegations to Mr. Trump and President Obama, CNN reported on Tuesday. ...
In a brief interview in the Times newsroom on Tuesday evening, Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The Times, said the paper would not publish the document because the allegations were “totally unsubstantiated.”
“We, like others, investigated the allegations and haven’t corroborated them, and we felt we’re not in the business of publishing things we can’t stand by,” Mr. Baquet said. [pffffttt!!!! - js]
Donald Trump to CNN reporter: "Not you, your organization terrible! You're fake news!"
The British have learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa Donald Trump paid prostitutes to piss on Obama's bed.
Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him
The chiefs of America’s intelligence agencies last week presented President Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump with a summary of unsubstantiated reports that Russia had collected compromising and salacious personal information about Mr. Trump, two officials with knowledge of the briefing said. ...
The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm. The firm was paid for its work first by Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals and later by supporters of Mrs. Clinton. The Times has checked on a number of the details included in the memos but has been unable to substantiate them.
The former British intelligence officer who gathered the material about Mr. Trump is considered a competent and reliable operative with extensive experience in Russia, American officials said. But he passed on what he heard from Russian informants and others, and what they told him has not yet been vetted by American intelligence.
The F.B.I. obtained the material long before the election, and some of the memos in the opposition research dossier are dated as early as June. But agents have struggled to confirm it, according to federal officials familiar with the investigation.
FBI Sought FISA Court Warrant to Spy On Trump Campaign Officials
The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.
Senators roll out Russia sanctions bill after election meddling
Senators are rolling out new sanctions against Russia as lawmakers debate how to respond to its meddling in the U.S. presidential election.
The bipartisan legislation spearheaded by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.) was introduced Tuesday and comes in response to cyberattacks as well as ongoing conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.
"We have been attacked. We have been attacked by Russia," Cardin told reporters at a press conference. "That is no longer subject to debate." ...
The legislation would include new sanctions for transactions with Russia's two main intelligence agencies and individuals tied to cyberattacks attacks, including freezing any assets within the United States and banning their visas.
It also includes sanctions targeting large investments in Russia's energy sector and the development of Russian energy pipelines, and pass into law recent sanctions that President Obama issued by executive order.
Russia waging information war against Sweden, study finds
Sweden’s most authoritative foreign policy institute has accused Russia of using fake news, false documents and disinformation as part of a coordinated campaign to influence public opinion and decision-making in the Scandinavian country.
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs said in a comprehensive study that Sweden had been the target of “a wide array of active measures” aimed at “hampering its ability to generate public support in pursuing its policies”.
The study said Russia had used misleading reports on its state-run news website Sputnik, and public interventions by Russian politicians in Swedish domestic affairs, as well as more covert methods.
These included forged documents and fabricated news items that appeared in Swedish media and were subsequently picked up by Sputnik and “other sources of Russian public diplomacy” and broadcast to an international audience, it said.
The report admitted it was impossible for researchers to establish exactly where and how the forgeries and fake stories had been generated, but said they were consistent with Russia’s strategic objectives.
How Russian and American Oligarchs Benefit from Mutual Demonization
Facebook unveils measures to promote stronger ties with news industry
Facebook has unveiled measures to establish stronger ties between the social network and the news industry, allowing for collaboration on product development, new ways for publishers to make money, and training for newsrooms and readers.
The announcement of the Facebook Journalism Project comes in the wake of heightened scrutiny of the social network’s role as a distributor of news, which saw the company accused of failing to tackle the spread of misinformation in the run-up to the US presidential election. At the same time, Facebook and Google are taking the lion’s share of online advertising revenue while newsrooms cut costs and make lay-offs. ...
“We’ve been working on this for a long time. Our media partners want a deeper engagement, not just at a business level, but a product/engineering level,” said Fidji Simo, Facebook’s director of product, who is leading the project.
She said the program is linked to the news feed values that Facebook announced in June 2016. In a blogpost, Facebook’s VP of product management, Adam Mosseri, revealed the news feed’s primary role was to show content from friends and family, but the other two roles are to inform and entertain.
Simo said: “We are making sure that journalism thrives as part of the ‘inform’ axis.”
Chelsea Manning on Obama's 'shortlist' to commute prison sentence – report
Chelsea Manning, the army soldier who leaked state secrets in 2010 and has been imprisoned longer than any other official leaker in US history, has called on President Obama to show her clemency in the final days of his presidency, saying that this amounts to her last chance for freedom “for a very long time”.
With nine days left for the Obama presidency, Manning is reportedly on Obama’s “shortlist” for a commutation of her sentence, according to NBC News.
Iraq PM: Turkey Ties Cannot Improve Without Troop Pullout
Speaking today on state television, Iraqi Prime Minister Hayder Abadi reiterated his demand that Turkey immediately withdraw all of its ground troops from Iraqi soil. An estimated 500 Turkish troops are believed to be stationed in Bashiqa, a fact which has been a source of tension between the two nations.
Abadi now insists it is impossible for Iraq’s relationship with Turkey to take “one forward step” until the troops have left. Turkey has repeatedly insisted that the troops will not leave Iraq under any circumstances, and are necessary to prepare for future regional events.
Democrats are about to do a 180 on foreign policy. Just you wait.
Partisanship requires a certain level of hypocrisy. Republican Congresses and the conservative media put on their green eyeshades and become budget hawks during Democratic presidencies, then abandon such fiscal principles in favor of big new spending commitments when Republicans are in the White House. We're seeing this play out in real time now: After eight years of railing against President Obama's deficit spending, the GOP Congress seems ready to embrace Donald Trump's big ideas about infrastructure spending.
Democrats have a version of this hypocrisy as well. It's on foreign policy.
Wars launched under Democrats are often lauded by many liberals as great patriotic exercises, vindicating our nation's commitment to human rights. When those same wars are prosecuted by Republicans, they ipso facto lack congressional oversight and authorization, and the connecting lines between U.S. action and the suffering of poor non-white innocents around the globe suddenly reveal themselves to the bleeding hearted.
In less than two weeks, Trump will assume the office of the presidency. He will inherit from Obama a U.S. military engaged in conflicts across the Islamic world. Will Democrats who either cheered or ignored these patriotic exercises of American power suddenly find it in themselves to oppose these wars as racist, imperialist actions of an arrogant unilateral superpower gone rogue?
U.S. Media Neglects to Report on Al-Qaeda's Presence Among Syrian Rebels
An excellent article, worth a full read.
How Obama Spread the Mideast Fires
With President Obama down to less than two weeks in office, everyone is busy assessing his legacy. So let’s begin with the Arab world. Not since the Vietnam War, we can safely say, has an administration left a region in ruins the way Obama has left the Middle East (although it’s true that George W. Bush contributed mightily to the mess).
But Obama has expanded the chaos outward from Bush’s legacy wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, now including Libya, Syria and Yemen with ripple effects from the refugee flows extending into Turkey and even into Europe. Terrorism is exploding, entire nations have been reduced to war zones, while religious sectarianism is raging out of control. ...
How did someone so charming and seemingly so progressive wreak such havoc? The answer is through a combination of weakness, complacency, and taking the easy way out. Obama is the sort of cool and laid-back individual who adapts effortlessly to whatever institution he finds himself in, whether it’s the Harvard Law Review, the Illinois state legislature, the U.S. Senate or the White House.
The writer Edward L. Fox argues that, during his childhood in Indonesia, he soaked up the Javanese doctrine of halus in which a king “does not conquer opposing political forces, but absorbs them all under himself.” Instead of meeting conflict head on, the king floats serenely above it. The idea is to “let your opponent yell and scream, listen politely, and then, when your adversary has exhausted himself, somehow end up winning.”
Whereas someone a little less afraid of getting his hair mussed might have confronted “the Blob,” as Washington’s pro-war foreign-policy establishment is known, Obama decided to name Hillary Clinton, one of its chief standard-bearers, as Secretary of State, and keep Robert Gates, another pillar of the national security establishment, as Secretary of Defense.
Rather than fighting what President Dwight Eisenhower dubbed the “military-industrial complex,” Obama’s idea was to disarm it by bringing some of its chief advocates into his inner circle and perhaps give his own standing a boost as well. But what it chiefly did was to provide the War Party with a new lease on life.
Thanks for the crumbs from the table, Obama!
Financial Crash Analysis: $22.6 Billion in Homeowner Relief; $7.8 Trillion to Four Wall Street Banks
As Goldman Sachs guys prepare to take the reins of power in Washington under the Trump administration, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) provided a tragic reminder on Monday regarding the power of the U.S. citizen versus their Wall Street overlords. The GAO released a study showing that as of October 31, 2016, the government “had disbursed $22.6 billion (60 percent) of the $37.51 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds” that were directed at helping distressed homeowners as a result of the 2008 Wall Street financial crash and the resulting housing bust.
Those paltry billions stand in stark contrast to the $7.8 trillion in near-zero interest loans that the Federal Reserve secretly funneled to just four Wall Street banks from 2007 to 2010. The Fed funneled $2.5 trillion to Citigroup; $2 trillion to Morgan Stanley; $1.9 trillion to Merrill Lynch; and $1.3 trillion to Bank of America. The total amount that the Fed secretly loaned to both U.S. and foreign banks came to $16.1 trillion.
The American people would still be in the dark about the Federal Reserve’s covert money spigot to the banks except for Senator Bernie Sanders. In 2010, as Congress was debating the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation, Sanders introduced an amendment that would force the GAO to conduct a one-time audit of the Fed covering its emergency lending programs from December 1, 2007 through July 21, 2010, the date the legislation was signed into law by President Obama. (Because of this abbreviated period of time, the public may still lack full details about Wall Street’s bailout. Sanders got pushback from the White House that prevented him from pushing for a stronger amendment.)
Trump just turned the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare into an even bigger fiasco
Donald Trump urged Republicans in Congress to repeal Obamacare immediately and worry about a replacement plan later, during an interview with the New York Times Tuesday. The president-elect’s recent request throws a wrench into the current debate within his own party over how to proceed with repealing President Obama’s signature health insurance legislation without having a viable replacement for it.
Trump, who didn’t seem to fully understand the timeline of how Congress passes laws, told the Times that Republican lawmakers could vote on repealing Obamacare “probably sometime next week” and that “the replace will be very quickly or simultaneously, very shortly thereafter.”
Trump’s line of thinking complicates the battle between squabbling Republicans who want to do away with Obamacare as quickly as possible but can’t agree what to replace it with or when. Drafting, let alone passing, another massive piece of health care legislation would likely take years, despite Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House. Yet if Congress repeals the act with no clear solution on the horizon, insurance companies would likely pull out from the government marketplace, leaving those currently covered with evaporating health insurance options.
Jeff Sessions conducts a master class on deflecting tough questions
The Senate confirmation hearings for Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, were forecast to be brutal, and in many ways the first four hours of questioning Sessions faced on Tuesday lived up to the expectations.
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Sessions is a member, grilled their colleague about his views on abortion, immigration, criminal justice reform, LGBT issues, his questionable record on civil rights, and several other tough topics. ...
The staunchly conservative Republican proceeded to repeatedly dodge and deflect difficult questions about his beliefs, deftly avoiding any potentially damaging moments. When pressed about sensitive subjects, Sessions frequently said it would be up to Congress to decide the laws he would enforce as attorney general. ...
When confronted with facts, Sessions often resorted to some variation of, “I haven’t studied that closely,” and let the questioner move on to the next topic. He also responded with disarming bluntness to some queries, saying he does not “support the idea that Muslims as a religious group should be denied admission to the United States,” and that the law “absolutely” does not allow waterboarding. (Trump’s transition website still lists a Muslim ban as being in his plans; Sessions also voted against efforts to end the use of torture.)
In a session that was frequently interrupted by protesters, Sessions seemed unflappable. While the demonstrators shouted and were escorted from the room, Sessions calmly paused, smiled, and took sips of water. The only moment he appeared to lose his cool came when Sen. Al Franken vigorously questioned whether Sessions actually handled several voting rights cases when he was a federal prosecutor in Alabama. Sessions disputed the allegations, made by attorneys who worked under him, and avoided a “gotcha” moment.
Sessions will return on Wednesday to face another round of questioning.
Sessions Faces Repeated Interruptions by Protesters & Weak Line of Questioning at Confirmation
Greasing the wheels
Big oil has donated over $4 million to senators in charge of confirming former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
The confirmation hearings for Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson begin Wednesday, and one thing is certain: the wheels have already been thoroughly greased by campaign donations from the oil and gas industry.
Because while Tillerson may officially be a political novice, his company Exxon Mobil and the broader oil industry have poured $4.6 million in campaign contributions to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee members over the past six years (the length of a Senate term). Of that sum, the vast majority ($4,063,612) went to the 11 Republicans on the committee, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. ...
Democrats, who have little to lose in terms of campaign donations from oil and gas, are likely grill Tillerson about times he acted at odds with the state department, as happened when he pursued a deal in with Kurdish regional government in Iraq in 2011. While the Tillerson’s confirmation could still derail, the money is very much on his side.
Bill McKibben: Rex Tillerson is big oil personified. The damage he can do is immense
In one of the futile demonstrations that marked the run-up to the Iraq war, I saw a woman with a sign that read “How Did Our Oil End Up Under Their Sand?” In nine words she managed to sum up a great deal of American foreign policy, back at least as far as the 1953 coup that overthrew Mossadegh in Iran and helped toss the Middle East into its still-boiling cauldron.
If the Senate approves Rex Tillerson after his testimony on Wednesday, they’ll be continuing in that inglorious tradition – in fact, they’ll be taking it to a new height, and cutting out the diplomats who have traditionally played the middleman role.
Rex Tillerson – who has literally spent his entire working life at Exxon – is big oil personified. It’s like appointing Ronald McDonald to run the agriculture department (which is certainly a possibility, since that job is still unfilled).
So in one sense Tillerson’s appointment simply makes formal what has long been clear. But in another way, his announcement is truly novel: the honor (secretaries of state are usually considered the second-most important official in our government) comes after a season of disgrace at the world’s largest oil company, in a moment when the energy business is on the ropes and when its product is causing the greatest crisis the planet has yet faced. ...
The only consolation is that it removes all the window-dressing. Big Oil will run our foreign policy, right out in the open. In that sense, I suppose, Trump gets credit for a kind of barbaric transparency. When the CIA overthrew Mossadegh at least they had a little shame about it. No more.
Flint Residents Barred From Closed-Door Water Quality Meeting
Residents of Flint, Michigan who traveled to Chicago were barred from attending a private meeting Tuesday between Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and other officials, who advocates say are rushing to declare the city's water supply safe.
Outrage over the closed-door meeting prompted protests in Flint and Chicago, where residents held signs outside the Water Quality Summit asking for their detailed water quality report.
Inside the summit, officials from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), as well as Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards, who is credited with exposing the lead contamination crisis, met with Snyder to discuss current sample data, ignoring testimony from residents.
"My eyes are still burning. I can't breathe when I get out of the shower...we're still melting here," Flint resident Tony Palladeno said in a recording aired on The Young Turks (TYT). Many residents have reported similar symptoms, particularly in regards to the city's shower water, which TYT host Cenk Uygur notes was not tested.
Synder, a Republican, has claimed that the water quality is improving and said the summit will allow experts to review all of the available data. But advocates are warning that current tests are not sufficient to declare the city's water free of dangerous contamination, and residents feel it is their right to be privy to the discussion.
First US bumblebee species listed as endangered after numbers plummet
The rusty patched bumblebee, a prized but vanishing pollinator once familiar to much of North America, was listed on Tuesday as an endangered species, becoming the first wild bee in the continental United States to gain such federal protection.
One of several species facing sharp declines, the bumblebee known to scientists as Bombus affinis has plunged nearly 90% in abundance and distribution since the late 1990s, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The agency listed the insect after determining it to be in danger of extinction across all or portions of its range, attributing its decline to a mix of factors, including disease, pesticides, climate change and habitat loss.
Named for the conspicuous reddish blotch on its abdomen, the rusty patched bumblebee once flourished across 28 states, primarily in the upper Midwest and Northeast – from South Dakota to Connecticut – and in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
Today, only a few small, scattered populations remain in 13 states and Ontario, the Fish and Wildlife Service said. ...
Bumblebees, as distinguished from domesticated honeybees, are essential pollinators of wildflowers and about a third of all US crops, from blueberries to tomatoes, according to the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, which petitioned the government for protection of the insect.
Water relief for 8,000 thirsty elephants neglected by Zimbabwe
As a drought-inducing El Niño settled over southern Africa in 2016, the animals of Hwange national park in Zimbabwe faced desperate water shortages.
During a heatwave in October, conservation worker Prince Sansole spotted an elephant partially submerged in a muddy pool. His movements initially looked no different from the water games routinely played by the giant creatures. Only a closer look revealed that the young bull was in trouble, struggling to get up. His limp trunk kept dropping back into the water, unable to catch a fresh breath.
A postmortem later revealed that the elephant had succumbed to heat stroke on arrival at Chamabonda waterhole, after days of searching in vain for water amid the heat and sand.
But thanks to an emergency effort by a local conservation group, water is now reaching at least 8,000 elephants and up to 10,000 other animals.
Alerted by the predictions of drought, the Victoria Falls-based Bhejane Trust started drilling and setting up solar-powered boreholes in the park in May last year.
Hwange’s animals rely on an artificial supply of water developed in the 1920s. But since the early 2000s, Zimbabwe’s government has let pumps and pipes slide into disrepair. When the rains last failed in 2005, hundreds of elephants died. ...
The Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (PWMA) of Zimbabwe blames the collapse of the network of diesel-powered water pumps, boreholes and pipelines that supplied the watering pans in Hwange on the withdrawal of US and EU donor support in protest at president Robert Mugabe’s violent farm seizures early in 2000.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
After 15 Years, Prisoners at Guantánamo Face More Uncertainty Than Ever
Donald Trump Is A Liar — And That's A Good Thing
Who’s More Anti-American, Russia Today or the US Director of National Intelligence?
How ’60 Minutes’ Became a Pentagon Mouthpiece for Drone War
Intelligence panel chair asks why Democrats denied FBI access after Russian hacking
Northern Ireland's decades-old peace agreement is collapsing
‘Correct The Record’ Scumbag David Brock Comes Groveling To Bernie Sanders
Meryl, Have We Been Living in the Same America All This Time?
A Little Night Music
Bertha "Chippie" Hill w/Wild Bill Davison - Baby Won't You Please Come Home
Bertha "Chippie" Hill - Do Dirty Blues
Bertha "Chippie" Hill w/Louis Armstrong - Pratt City Blues
Chippie Hill - Charleston Blues
Bertha "Chippie" Hill, Louis Armstrong & Richard M. Jones - Kid Man Blues
Bertha "Chippie" Hill w/Wild Bill Davison - Don't Leave Me Daddy
Bertha "Chippie" Hill - Some Cold Rainy Day
Chippie Hill - Mistreatin' Mr. Dupree
Bertha "Chippie" Hill - Sport Model Mama
If Sessions and Tillerson get confirmed all others will
I cannot think of two worse nominees.
Then again, this is par for the course in the starting nightmare.
The political revolution continues
evening shockwave...
heh, yeah, there was a lot of big talk amongst democrats about "resistance" and such, but i expect the dems to cave on most if not all of trump's nominees. of the bunch of them, the only ones that i expect to see much of any resistance on are puzder and pruitt and possibly a few dems might go after devos, but i pretty much expect the rest of them to get through without too much real resistance.
I watched his opening statement and several minutes of the beginning questioning. He sounded great! Haha. I know... , but you know how they can talk! Oooh, sounded so good!
One question that I expected him to seriously deflect on was something like "Is grabbing a woman by the genitals without her consent sexual assault?" I expected him to say "blah blah hypotheticals, blah blah..." or, "Each case would need to be looked at individually," or "I can't say without knowing more details," etc., but he just said "Clearly." Asked again, he said "yes it is sexual assault."
Amazing that such a normal answer can be such a shocker, eh?
evening olinda...
wow, he gave a direct, clear answer to a question? damn, he must really want the job.
I saw that earlier about Chelsea Manning being on the short list for a commutation, and I thought we shouldn't get our hopes up, but then got them way way up anyway!
i'm thinking that chelsea has about a 50-50 shot w/ obama...
commuting her sentence might appeal to him. throwing a bone to his progressive detractors who are going to dog him forever over his record with whistleblowers might calm the waters of his legacy some.
I watched some of the Trumpsters presser re Obamacare. He said it was very complicated and would be done in stages, but as something was repealed it would nearly be simultaneously replaced, the same day, week, maybe the same hour. As far as the article in the essay saying he doesn't know how Congress works, I suppose it is possible that a repeal could be voted on and the next vote is on the replace. Bummer if the repeal passes and the replace doesn't though!
Offhand, and smart assedly
I would say Trump has no idea of just how many palms will need to be greased to actually get legislation even written! He thinks he can drain that swamp? Hardly. Now he'll have to try to work with it.
Of course I also think he has no idea of just how much detail these laws have, all the ramifications, etc. Same deal, palms will need greasing and politicians will need to find just the right weasel words not to totally piss off constituents who'll lose Obamacare.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
i'm not sure how trump resolves the party demands...
to dump obamacare immediately and the need for an immediate replacement. it seems to me that obamacare is written in a way such that parts of it can't be excised, it seems like kind of all or nothing.
Some good questions coming from Democratic Senators
aimed at Exxon's former chief Tillerson in confirmation hearing. But the answers are not reassuring. For example when told about how climate change influences international conflicts he says it is not proven. Specifically he was asked about how climate instigated the rebellion in Syria leading to civil war. He brought up "the drought" indicating he was aware of it but he said it was not proven to be the cause or the source of the conflict. The Senator (the questioners are not filmed making it difficult to remember who is questioning him at a specific time) said "I'm sorry to hear that." Other Senators have reminded him that climate change has been scientifically proven to be a factor in international conflicts. He is a hard-liner lacking compassion, putting "America First in international affairs, but what did we expect? His decisions will be based on how the US can profit indicating he is still in the corporate mode.
To thine own self be true.
Oops Tillerson just said "a barrel of oil is a barrel of oil"
in response to a question about US buying oil from Saudi Arabia. We really are in trouble with this guy as Secretary of State.
To thine own self be true.
evening marilyn...
it certainly looks like he will not be changing his worldview from that of a corporate chieftain when he takes over as secretary of state. i guess exxon has always needed its own diplomatic agency with embassies all over the world.
Tillerson is a Climate Change Serial Killer
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
And there is no climate change threat
Long time no see, hello.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
enjoying Chippie and feeling surreal about the news
Deep state vs Donald ? Somehow I doubt it, but it is a good show. The Russians are coming you know. As long as the oligarchs benefit all will be well. It will be Great...
It's kinda cartoon like with - There will be a great wall....a wonderful wall....
I guess I'm still hopeful that the big war with Russia is averted. Didn't watch the press conference, just heard bits and pieces. Sounds like corporate media's heads are exploding when they describe it. I must admit I like the way he's driving them nuts (and maybe deep state too?).
Sorry to read about the endangered bumble bee. We have fewer and fewer bees. I think mass extinction is our fate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
evening lookout...
heh, well, i'm not sure whether it's the deep state or the neocons and their cia allies vs trump.
mccain and the neocons certainly seem quite desperate.
Good Evening Joe and blues folks, I have so much headache
trying to make up my mind about what I read. So, I tried to read her, because she is detail oriented and fair from what I remember:
She at least is honest in saying that she doesn't have an opinion yet on everything.
the list of sources sounds like someone wants to bamboozle my mind. So, I let you make up your own mind. Mine is blank. And I am not ashamed of it, after reading that emptywheel hasn't made up her mind yet either.
Thanks for the Evening Blues and News. They are alwasy appreciated. Good Night from dark, cold, wet, grey Northern Germany. I don't even want to crawl out of bed these days.
evening mimi...
well, marcy is one of the most credible investigators that i can think of, i generally take her opinion seriously.
personally, i find the dossier to be quite dodgy on general principle. it was created by someone who was being paid to find sensational information about trump. not surprisingly, the dossier delivers sensational claims about trump, but is utterly devoid of evidence or means of evaluating the sources of the claims. at least one of the most serious claims, that trump's lawyer (michael cohen) had a clandestine meeting with shadowy putinistas in prague to coordinate election activity has been utterly impeached.
that doesn't mean that nothing in the dossier is true, but it does increase my skepticism.
yes, but with a small detail that could be used
to argue against Cohen's statement and unleash more "conspiracies".
Trump attorney Michael Cohen: ‘I have no Russian Kremlin connections’
Well, I think Buzzfeed, CNN and Bannon could have counted on the fact that nobody would recognize that it is possible to travel between Schengen area countries without getting a stamp in their passports.. I just went through it and was amazed that they really don't check you twice. Even at first touch down in an EU country the passport control was lax. The fact that people claimed Cohen's wife is Russian, whereas she is Ukrainian makes this whole fucking story even worse. Perfect to incite all possible thoughts about conspiratorial relations. More than disgusting.
But I consider Bannon and CNN intelligent and evil enough to just love to bathe themselves in such dirty mud pools.
I believe Cohen in this more. May be it will be proven that I was a naive and dumb again. But really, who wants to be "intelligent" these days? Who the fuck is buzzfeed? Ah, somehow politico and Huffington Post are meddled in there. Why am I not suprised. They meddle in all over the place in "European" onlne news sites' reporting as well. It's even not important anymore who copies from whom. At least thirty years ago, you could still figure out who was the original source of some "idea" or "scientific fact". No more today.
Thanks Mimi, I respect Marcie and I find myself in the
same frame of mind. I am not ready to accept it all but I'm not dismissing it either.
To thine own self be true.
Hi joe!
With Greenwald, it's difficult to choose which of so many deserving parts to embolden. I would have added this to the bolded sections:
And Democrats, still reeling from their unexpected and traumatic election loss as well as a systemic collapse of their party, seemingly divorced further and further from reason with each passing day, are willing – eager – to embrace any claim, cheer any tactic, align with any villain, regardless of how unsupported, tawdry and damaging those behaviors might be.
He does have a way with words, hmm?
Thank you for the news and blues.
Happy Wednesday, Bluesters!
Greenwald is amazing
If you haven't had the chance to see the Oliver Stone film Snowden, be sure to check it out. I know that it was a dramatization of events and things were compressed, etc., but it was quite a thrill seeing Greenwald and Laura Poitras getting the treatment that Woodward and Bernstein got in All the President's Men. And my sense is that Greenwald and Poitras were risking even more personally than the Watergate investigators were, given the NSA and the eroded civil liberties environment we live in.
evening olinda...
heh, there is the temptation to just bold the whole thing.
Evening all ...
I thought this was interesting, about The Birth of the Wah-wah Pedal
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
great article, thanks! there's lots of little bits of info in it that i had never heard.
Thanks AZ
Oops wrong song first time.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Yeah, I wondered about that.
I believe "Sneaky Pete" Kleinow was the first to run a pedal steel through a wah-wah but Jerry G. took it to another level.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Loved this song ever since I saw Little Miss Sunshine
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
evening steven...
thanks for the tune! i hope that all is going well and you're having a great evening.
Not bad
Waiting to pick my wife up from Greyhound back from Daughter's school. She has her own car now (Thx mother-in-law!) so no more miles on ours. Hopefully Clara got some sleep on the bus. About a 9 and a half hour trip (two bus changes).
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Good evening, Joe, thanks. Love that Wilde quote, it is just
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
thanks, it seemed to sum up just about everything i'd been reading today.
Another article on David Brock - scumbag crawls in
This is from the atty and prof Jothanan Turley
Last paragraphs
In what ways is Brock like TOP.DK?
“I’m With You”: David Brock Pledges Allegiance To Sanders
evening don...
while i would assume that sanders has the good sense to avoid associating with a worm like brock, there is a sort of silver lining in brock's petition to sanders. brock is a cunning player, he is generally able to sort out who is playing the strongest hand and tries to attach himself to that.
what brock is signalling to all of the players in the political market is that sanders is the new king of the hill.
good to see you!
Hola, Joe & Bluesters! Thanks for
the excellent news roundup, tonight.
Apparently, DT named one of PBO's VA privatizers--Dr David Shulkin--to replace former P&G CEO (Bob McDonald) as Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Of course, if you read any of today's 'fake news' from various MSM outlets, you'd likely think 'the opposite' had happened.
I've got to get out before the next rain cell passes through, but later I'll post a LA Times piece published after today's press conference, and set it side by side with a El Paso Times piece that describes the privatization pilot program which was approved by just-appointed Dr Shulkin, in late 2015.
IOW, this pilot program was proposed, not by a Republican, but by a Texas US Representative. It is simply a further expansion of the VA [medical services] privatization which began as a result of the passage of the Choice Act in 2014. More on this law later. (The veteran's CA also began the dismantling of the MSPB Civil Service employee protections from adverse personnel actions, resulting in practically the equivalent of at-will firings, etc.)
As Georgia Congressman Johnny Isakson boasted in a C-Span 'Newsmakers' interview, that Act 'broke the glass ceiling.' (on privatization)
I'm going to figure out a way to post this kind of stuff, and Tweet it. The only thing I can't figure out is if the MSM is complicit, or just ignorant of what this Administration has been doing for almost 8 years.
On a lighter note, hope Everyone's weather is improving--ours is, finally. Actually, we enjoy colder weather, especially me. But, unlike our piping in Interior Alaska, I always worry a bit about the potential of having broken pipes [in the Lower 48].
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!
[Edited Typo: 'began' not 'begin']
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Agree, and look forward to you future post on VA.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hey, DO--hope you and JB are 'over' your shots! ;-D Gotta
brave rain that's fast turning to sleet, before it gets worse. But I'll post the two pieces tomorrow, to illustrate the 'Kabuki' nature of the VA reporting today.
Appreciate all your activism and Tweets regarding MFA.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
i vote for complicit.
looking forward to your info, thanks for following these issues closely.
Hey, thanks for the venue, Joe. I always feel
comfortable going on my (social safety net) rants at EB!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hello, joe, and thanks for featuring the RNN youtube with the
Moscow University Prof. Met so many interesting people in Ukraine and Russia when, with the support of jakkalbessie, I quit teaching and promoted and helped organize US/USSR citizens' exchange project tours in the mid 80's.
The Prof is right of course, people of both countries need to be able to dialogue and work together in the joint challenge of facing the ptb in both countries who will, to paraphrase what he said, 'never promote policies that will benefit the majority of people in [either]country, and where both countries house death star nuclear weapons systems that can destroy life on earth.'
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
yep, the vast majority of people all over the world want the same things, a decent and dignified life and the ability to raise their families in peace and moderate prosperity. all over the world, the vast majority of people a thwarted in these things by a small group of people that craves vast wealth and global dominance.
What the funk did T-Rump think was going to happen
... when he challenged the shadow government's credibility and threatened their overhaul? Trust me (in Trump like voice with weird hand motions), the shit flinging will not stop. And T-Rump is not very bright, he could have used friends in the shadow government.
I saw an article attributing the aspersions to a Jeb Bush super PAC. That is funny, and somewhat believable. I believe the Bushies can reach into the CIA, when then need revenge. I sure hope a circular firing squad is forming.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
evening tim...
heh, well, i've read that the bushes have deep roots in the cia. i don't know if that means that jeb is able to use his family connections for the purposes of revenge, but it seems a possibility given that the cia seems to have similar interests.
This guy figured out Obama from acceptance speech in Sept 2008
An article came across my twitter feed and the headline had "colonization" in it. The author also has a father from Kenya and is Muslim and he is a leftists so he saw through Obama right from the start.
First here he is
He makes the case that Obama laid out The American Dream in his acceptance speech Sept 2, 2008 and from that one could see that he was wired to neo liberalism. (He didn't say it directly like that, but that is the import). Many of us, including myself were surprised about what Obama did but in hindsight it was there all along.
Obama and the Closing of the American DreamObama and the Closing of the American Dream
That article does not have much new now that it is 8 years old. Here is the new article.
Decolonizing Obama What happened to the third-world left?
This is a long article. It was 16 pages in 11 pt type. There is a lot of history about the ups and downs of the left
Who said the dems are not tightly coupled to TPP???
I heard just a little bit of Obama's speech last night, enough to thank us for making him Commander in Chief??? Thought he was president.
There is a lot about third world politics in the article and he just touches it here
That is more than enough to give you an idea of his work.
With the colonization by the Zionists, the probable murder of Water Protectors, and as one activists called it "seed slavery" about Monsanto's grab of the world's seeds, ... will be an interesting year
Evening, Joe and all!
Days like these are perfect fodder for Wonkette. Just a sample of their recent bathroom humor headlines.
It’s OK To Talk About Donald Trump’s Alleged Love For Wee-Wee Hookers, You Guys
CNN Reporter Banished To Pee-oria For Asking Question At Trump Press Conference
TWIST! John McCain Knew About Trump’s Alleged Pee Fetish The Whole Time!
Only 37% Of Americans Would Pee On Donald Trump If He Were On Fire
evening crider...
i have a feeling that we are going to be hearing pee jokes for a long time to come, whether or not the story about trump and the hookers turns out to be true. it's just comedic gold as they say.
To All: PLEASE Don't Change Article Titles After Publishing
C99P URLs use the article title, so if you change the article title, you change (break) the url, and all previously tweeted links become dead ends.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”