Senior Anglican clerics call for church apology to LGBT people
The letter, signed by over 100 senior church officials, was sent to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
The archbishops are meeting attending a meeting of 39 primates from the global Anglican Communion this week,
The letter calls for the church to acknowledge that LGBT members around the world have been treated as "second-class citizens."
[F]or too long the church has treated gay, lesbian and transgender people as a 'problem to be solved'.
-The Very Reverend Mark Boyling, Dean of Carlisle Cathedral
The meeting is being held in an effort to prevent a schism between liberals and conservatives.
What we cannot do is compromise what is not ours to compromise. If they in any way compromise the Bible’s teaching, that would be an issue.--Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester and leading conservative figure
It’s a bit disingenuous to say that there is one biblical view. There are different views in scripture. Jesus had nothing much to say about sexuality, certainly not about homosexuality, but a lot to say about pride and love and judgement of others.
What we’re seeking to do is put love first. How that’s going to work out I don’t know, and none of us do. Walking out or giving up on one another is not the way of love that we should pursue. I don’t know the way forward. I hope we won’t have to have a split, but the split I’m most concerned about is the split in love where people stop loving one another.
--The Very Reverend David Ison, Dean of St. Paul's
There are some within the LGBT community who are so fed up with being slandered and being held back, that they have lost patience with [the conservative wing]. My view is that it’s terribly important that we stick together because who is going to speak up for gay Christians in Africa or Asia if we go?
--Jayne Ozanne, signatory to the letter
The letter calls for "repentance for accepting and promoting discrimination on the grounds of sexuality, and for the pain and rejection that this has caused. We, the Church, need to apologise for our part in perpetuating rather than challenging ill-informed beliefs about LGBTI people, such as the slanderous view that homosexuals have a predisposition to prey on the young.”
There really is a time now for action, not just for saying sorry and saying we got it wrong and whatever we say about you we really like you, really that's not good enough.
We've got to take action to stop some of the dreadful things that are going on around the world aimed at LGBTI people.
--The Right Reverend Dr. Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham
The Bishop of Buckingham courts publicity for his revisionist agenda and gets it.
He has sadly become a figure of disunity in the Oxford Diocese and a cause of grief to many faithful Anglican Christians.
The version of marriage he espouses is incompatible with Biblical Christianity.
--The Reverend Will Pearson-Gee, Rector of Buckingham
Knowing some of the things that those who have signed it have said in the past, I think there's a real confusion over what it means to follow Jesus as our Lord, to accept him as our saviour.
--Susie Leafe, Director of the Anglican evangelical campaigning network Reform

Thanks, Robyn.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks Robyn
As a former Episcopalian (which is practically the same as the Anglican Church, as there seems to be little difference other than nomenclature) it is not surprising the level of discord this has brought to the Church. I remember a similar discord that accompanied the ordination of women, and so it continues with those whose primary concern is with the number of angels dancing on the heads of pins.
Progress is, however, a good thing, no matter what quarter it comes from.
BTW, here's an interesting bit of nuanced transphobia from the Wall Street Journal concerning kids and what the author is characterizing as gender dysphoria, although she seems to miss the point. Not so the commenters who are clearly transphobes and proud of it.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon