Tuesday Open Thread 03-03-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Our National Park System really is a treasure. It’s also something that we need to fiercely protect and ensure its proper funding. Even though it enjoys the support and enthusiasm of about 70% of our population, Congressional Republicans find it a rich target for their slash and burn budgets.
Writer and historian Wallace Stegner called national parks "the best idea we ever had. Absolutely American, absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best rather than our worst."
Starting in the 1800s, the scenic natural wonders of the West, places like mineral springs in Arkansas, towering mountains and majestic trees of Yosemite, spouting geysers of Yellowstone, and the arid ruins of Casa Grande, inspired individual Americans to call for their preservation, asking their government to create something called “national parks.”
In 1916, the work of caring for these places was moved to a new agency created by Congress for that specific purpose. The National Park Service was given the responsibility to not only conserve and protect parks, but also to leave them “unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.”
The job got bigger as the number and types of parks expanded. In the 1930s, military parks and national monuments were added. Then came national parkways and seashores followed by urban parks in the 1960s. During the next decade, the size of the National Park System nearly doubled with the addition of 47 million acres in Alaska.
And a few fun facts… with more on the web site.
- There are 397 units in the National Park System that go from A to Z – Abraham Lincoln Birthplace (KY) to Zion (UT).
- More than 280 million people visit the National Parks each year.
- The first National Park -- Yellowstone -- was created in 1872 through a law signed by President Ulysses S. Grant. The cavalry was the first caretaker.
- The largest living things in the world are in National Parks -- Sequoia trees -- and the world's largest carnivores -- Alaskan brown bears.
- National Parks have volcanoes, glaciers, white sand beaches, and dinosaur fossils.
Russell Cave National Monument (AL) has an almost continuous record of human habitation going back to 7000 B.C. - In National Parks you will find grizzly bears, Dall sheep, timber wolves, peregrine falcons, flying fox, Pacific Boa, gray whales, moose, Roosevelt Elk, and Olympic Marmot.
As you’ve probably surmised the web site is also a treasure trove of information and a handy way to plan a trip, or just learn more information about our parks and historical locations. Admission and special charges vary by park but you can get an annual pass, or earn admission by volunteering. If you’re 62, or over, you can get a lifetime pass for $10. (Hurry before Paul Ryan decides it’s too inexpensive.) Members of the military and permanently disabled US citizens get access free of charge.
There are numerous independent apps available that you can download. Many are geared to one park in particular and can serve as a hand held guide during your visit. Many are free and some charge a nominal fee. You might also want to check out The National Parks: America’s Best Idea is a six-episode PBS series produced by Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan. Video excerpts are available on the web site.
Finally, yes this is an open thread so tell us what’s on your mind today. Links to articles of interest and diaries on your favorite topic are always welcome. And of course, you can tell us about the parks you have visited.
There are three primarily federal/national land
management agencies - the NPS and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under the Dept of Interior, and
the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) under the Dept of Agriculture.
It's not all hunky dory of course, there is corruption running rampant through all three agencies and both
Departments. And then there's the fact that both Dept Heads report to an Obama or a Bush or one of those
creatures we allow to make huge decisions for us.
Putin in 2012...
A prescient prediction? Is he covering his ass 3 years in advance? Propaganda? Is the translation accurate? I don't know the answer to any of those questions, I post this for your own judgement.
Saw that.
And of course there's a dueling narrative that Nemtsov predicted his own death at the hands of Putin.
Who knows, we can't put anything past anybody anymore (whew).
All we can do is become as informed as possible about current events, as knowledgeable as possible about
historical events and actions, and use our best judgment.
In the end, like everything that happens on a day to day basis, it doesn't really matter. We the People of the
United States and the People of this World, need a Revolution, a change of power into the hands of the people
and out of the hands of the plutocracy. Nothing changes that.
World War Zero...
started millennia ago and is still ongoing, the war for your mind.
What a terrific comment! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hillary and Jeb
have launched their dirty campaign and the crazy dkos meltdown has started. Apparently Hillary used her personal e-mail instead of the official State Dept.'s. Meanwhile the Dems. won big time and got der Homeland Security funded. lol. I'm glad I have come full circle and am not getting my knickers in a twist over our pathetic state of the union, watching this from a distance makes it almost funny in a black way. The arrogance of our 1% designated dynasty candidates is breathtaking, not to mention surreal. Gawker has a story about Big Dog and the 'Lolita Express'. Let the mad rumpus begin.
Jeb enters the fray...as they used to say 'pass the popcorn'. It's going to be a long insane election cycle.
Here's some more dirty deeds and antics by our global ruling class from last month. Somebody linked to it at the dkos debacle. I'm not a Gawker reader although I do admit I was following this sex scandal on The Guardian but had no idea that Bill Clinton was involved
Long and insane indeed.
More than ever.
It's amazing how well the Clinton's and Bush's remain covered by the mainstream media.
Here's a comment I just made at Firedoglake
in a diary about the email BS.
"Clinton is a war criminal murderer for her role as SOS pushing and lying for the illegal Libya war. She should be tried for murder and hanged with the rest of "our" war criminals.
Emails are nothing compared to what she's done.
She has killed children."
I'll make my views known about Clinton and Bush this election season.
We've got 20 more months of this squalid soap opera ahead of us
I predict that companies that manufacture prescription painkillers, salty snacks, and alcoholic beverages will outperform the market between now and Election Day.
I still drop in from time to time.
In that same diary, someone was "warning" everyone to watch out for the FDL screamers who were attacking Hillary down thread. Unfortunately I couldn't resist a response. dailykos is such a wasted resource.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
re: dropping in...
the admins have still not noticed I did a GBCW two months ago. Last I looked I still had 4 bars. I'll never post there again but I do get some amusement from some of the 'botty comments.
Now, as we all know, instead of single payer we got a warmed over "RomneyCare", the Heritage Foundation's plan....the right wing plan! now called ObamaCare. Passed off as something good by the McJoans of the world.
So apparently there's some Republican plan that's even more Heritage-y but pretty close to what we have now and the 'bots are besides themselves with how unimaginative the Repubs are....because the 'bots don't understand that it's a Republican plan in the first place! Here's the link to the diary:
and here's my favorite comment:
6 recs!
LOL, I figured it out
I think that the admins have decided to "punish" you by not locking you out. It is too funny.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
And to add insult to injury,
we get to pay for the privilege of being wired to their spy network.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon