2017: What's new for caucus99percent.com
Good day folks and Happy New Year!
I've been working my fingers to the bone creating a new modern layout for the site. The current site is clunky and looks like something from the 1990s, it really does need to be improved. The new layout is more in line with current website formats.
The main new features will be:
*It will be responsive, meaning it will be mobile friendly.
*The comments will be nested with parent links (yoohoo!!).
Here's the link to the development test site, check it out and leave comments in the practice essay I left at the top of the essay queue. You'll have to log in to leave comments.
Keep in mind that the test site is in the rudimentary stage, many changes have yet to be made, but this will give you the gist of the idea.
There will only be one sidebar, many of the features in our current sidebars will be consolidated and made more efficient. All the functionality that you enjoy now will be present in the new layout but will be located in different areas and some will be links to separate pages.
Take a peek and let me know what you think, especially those that use phones and pads to view our site, I really need your input.

'Idle hands are the devils something somethin and all that, damn
you're good! Look forward to it bro!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks do...
did you view it with a phone or pad? How did it display?
Viewed it on Android smartphone and it displayed fine.
We travel with older Dell windows laptops with Firefox, and on Android Smartphones.
Tried to upload an image taken with the phone camera, but meh, same as current site, would have to resize. Don't have a program on the phone for resizing that that I am aware of. Gallery is the program on the phone but does not include a resize selection.
Is there not some work around that would automatically resize images to fit site requirements (asks the totally ignert user)?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
when you upload an image using the site's uploader, there should be a "Resize" button at the top of the uploader. Take a look and let me know if you don't see it.
Yes thanks, have seen that here an on the beta. In fact
I tried something diff on the test site with my phone trying to get the resize to work. Sorry am so dense with this.
here's what I tried, I think:
1. Clicked image icon
2. dialogue utility popped up
3. Clicked browse
4 Selected image from my files
5. Clicked upload, got rejection message fill bigger than allowed which surprised me since it was taken using the phone camera.
6. Selected image again. Then selected resize function for the hell of it to see if it might let me resize it. Entered 500 x 500 as a test. Clicked. Got message say image not selected.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Try selecting the image...
below the uploader after you have uploaded it. Then you should be able to resize it.
Image not uploaded because file too big.
What am I doing wrong?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
How big...
are the default size of your camera images? That is weird because I've seen some huge images uploaded to our library.
Thanks for your patience. FWIW I never have to resize an image
FWIW I never have to resize an image from my pc or my phone storage to www.travelpod.com where we have our travel blog and where have uploaded from best image quality setting for the Canon 7D , nor do I have to resize for Facebook either.
Whereas here have to resize every image that has been saved to my laptop in order to post here from my cannon 7d. Just thought might not have to resize with the phone cam on the test site.
Went back to look at the phone camera settings after you asked just now and it shows
w9.6m 4128x2322 (16:9)
Smallest choice is w2.4m 2048x1152
I don't know what the w...m stand for?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I don't know what the w...m stand for? Megabytes
2048x1152 = 2.359 × 106
4128x2322 = 9.585 × 106
I don't know do...
that seems rather large, if I remember right there is a size limit that is allowed, the file size is 64 mb but can't remember what the pixel limit is. But 2048x1152 is huge. If images that size were allowed it wouldn't take long to eat up some serious band width.
I'll have to look into it later, remind me if I forget.
Thanks! Surely travelpod.com doesn't store huge images
either but has some type of program that resizes them automatically.
At any rate, looking forward to a bright future with the new look!
Don't know why this site rotated the picture!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Het do...
you have to download a resizing app for your android:
I don't know why...
it rotates images but sometimes it does.
I get those all the time w/pix from iPhone or digicam
even if I have re-saved those as .jpeg's. I feel your pain. And I am in the US!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Haha thanks. PS, I am in the US as well!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Is This Design Set in Stone, JtC?
Thanks for everything you've done to maintain this island of sanity. Happy New Year!
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Hi JnH...
Happy New Year and thank you!
Yeah, I've experimented with several designs and I like this one the best. There'll be many tweaks that I'll have to make once I transfer it, to get it just right.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
The selection of the "Theme" might be set in stone...
However, The theme can be thought of as canvas is to a painting...
Many of the basic features as well as the functions and appearance is built into it. But, with coding tweaks things can be easily changed to look quite different.
The following are sites I made and they all use the same theme but as you can see they are quite different in appearance...
All of these sites were made with the same theme but coding tweaks drastically altered the appearance along with different built in options and plugins being used or not...
So while it is set in stone, JTC is taking his jackhammer and explosive to it turning it into a Mt Rushmore so to speak...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Perhaps you mean:
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Wow! it looks great.
Your a talent JtC. I don't use a phone or pad but I can tell that the new design would be much more effective and readable on a small devise. Stylish. Thanks for all your hard work. Happy New Year I hope this coming year is as big of an improvement for the 99% as the new site layout and design is.
Thanks shaz...
I think we miss out on a lot of new members because of this current layout being a mess on mobile devices, especially with the younger generation. It's time that c99 came into the year 2017.
who needs em?
For godssake don't make me have to ask the 6 yr olds next door how to access a website. Again.
Lucky you! One next door?
I would have to walk half a mile to the next kid (I have spied one on a bike, in his/her driveway, newest neighbors). All others are in college or beyond and have exited the place.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'd try it but...
the thing won't let me log in.
Looks real groovy coolness.
So great past essays there to read. Especially, OPOL's one on Dan ans Phil.
I want a Pony!
It wont let you log in?
Are you sure? Try again.
I was able to log in with my test user account, which is just a regular account, so you should be able to log in also, unless your password has been changed. The test site was set up months ago so if you changed your password since then that would explain why you couldn't log in.
Change my password??
Gee...I was just trying to thwart them sneaky Russkys frum hakin lectionsn.
I want a Pony!
New Site still doesn't recognize my password
I joined in early May and haven't changed my password.
Forgot in my earlier comment to wish you and all the C99 critters happy new year!
Happy New Year, EyeRound...
I don't know what's wrong then, I can't see user's passwords as they are encrypted, so I can't help you there.
It's all moot anyway because when the changes are applied here everything will be as it is now.
I like . . . Works nice with my iPad.
looks pretty slick JtC
I could not log in...I recently changed my password. Let us know if we can help in any way. Thanks for all the work!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
try your old password on the beta site.
Happy New Year, JtC.
Thanks for the site and your hard work. I'd send some cash, but things are kinda' tight around here just now.
Someday ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Happy New Year AZ...
no probs, brother, I hear ya'.
looks like a new kitchen - :-)
we could cook some spicy meals in the old one, but now we can serve our soups first and the salad before the main dish, while dessert goes after the main entry and not after the salad. No way to mess up the order.
It will help to know who answered to whom and to exactly which comment. That's great improvement.
Hi and Thank you, JtC
for your great work! I wasn't able to log in to the new pages, tho. Sadly. Maybe because I haven't commented here in so long (not for lack of interest--just lots of unwanted bother intervening and taking my time!). Message was that username or password wasn't recognized.
Am accessing the new site on my laptop--no mobile device at present.
The site looks great to me, streamlined.
Thanks again.
Making C99P more mobile friendly is YUUGGEE
You can't compete with the Big Boyz without it.
Will it have an https login?
after I get everything squared away.
First I have to update the Drupal software for this site and then apply the new formatting. It will take a while and I'll have to put the site in maintenance mode to do most of it. We'll be down for a while, I'll give ample heads up when I do it.
C99's second anniversary is Jan. 7, I hope to get it done by then.
Worked well & looked great on my Droid
Very cool! I'm a little slow getting used to new things, but I should easily adjust to it. Happy New Year!
Thanks Deja...
it will take a little while for everyone to get use to the commenting and formatting changes, but folks will love when they adjust.
Posted a test comment,
JtC. So far so good. Will try to take a look with the iPad later.
Thanks O
Miss the recent essays. . .
Well, I don't own a phone or have phone service and I am going to miss the list of recent essays, the featured essays and the links. I am not sure how anyone can write on a cell phone, but who knows?
From the Light House.
Hi Alex...
the recent essays and featured essays lists will still be there. All the current functionality will be present, just moved around a bit.
I find that clunky, or I am (Most likely)
Texting takes me seconds to minutes per word even with autoguess.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I can't log in either -- and a couple of suggestions
Just logged in here with no problems. My password hasn't changed since I joined. But the test site won't let me log in.
I use a PC, not a pad or phone, so the new design probably won't make a difference to me.
The two things I wish were different (I've emailed these to you before): I'd like to be able to embed FB videos (the links look like this: https://www.facebook.com/michael.markus.9/videos/vb.1270143715/102111640...) and here's what happens when I try to embed
[video:https://www.facebook.com/michael.markus.9/videos/vb.1270143715/102111640... (**edited to note: nothing happens)
And I'd like the image uploader utility to work more quickly. It seems to need to load the locator for every one of the almost 10,000 images every time, and the "user images" section doesn't seem to work for me.
Thanks so much for all you do for us! blaze
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Hi blaze...
the test site was developed back in June or July, I don't think you were a member here yet, that would explain why you can't log in.
Facebook videos will embed here so I don't know what you're doing wrong. I clicked the link to embed the video to show that it can be done but I don't have a Facebook account so I couldn't log in.
The uploader is so full of images that it takes a while to load, especially if the device you are using lacks enough CPU and and a good internet connection. The overloaded image library is a problem that I plan on butting heads with in the future.
my first comment here = June 2
Any other ideas why I can't log in to the beta?
You've said before that FB vids will embed, but since I can't do it, can you please help me through it? I do the exact same thing I do with Youtube videos. I use square brackets surrounding "video:" (without quotation marks) and the URL, with no space between the colon and the URL. It always works with youtube but not with the FB videos of the sort I gave an example above. I, personally, never log in to FB, so that should not be the problem. The videos that are not marked "private" play for me if I click the link. I just can't embed them in my essays here. It seems to me that the square-bracketed embed instruction is not seeing the FB videos as videos, and so it ignores them.
If the problem is on my end, pls. tell me what I should do differently. But maybe it's a bug on the site's side?
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
try just pasting the embed code into the editor rather than using the "Video" box. The "Video" box and the "Insert video" button are for the video URLs only, not the embed code. The embed code should be directly pasted into the essay/comment body.
What is the "embed code"?
I've looked at the C99 help function, and I don't see any information about how to do that or what it is. On the help page, I also found the list of supported video types, and Facebook is not on the list, so maybe I'm trying to do something that really can't be done?
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I like it too
On my ipad. Easy to read and to follow comments. One,thing that happened in the old ( current) system, is that my comment would disappear if I left the page or looked at another comment before finishing and never come back. Most of the time, I would just not try to retype it and so would not comment. Not sure if that was an Ipad thing or just a redstella thing. Could happen in the new system as well?
When you leave a page...
you will lose the content, that's normal. When you do that try right clicking the back button on your browser and return to the page you had open, it should be cached.
lol, in early pre-Mac Apple days when Universities were shifting
I went to consult with someone in IT who showed me the elevator button. Not so obvious then (I think we ran most stuff off floppies then). My first shortcut! I remember it well!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
We ONLY ran things off floppies then as I recall
At the time, I was in one of the very first colleges to receive Apple computers (i.e. a school from which one of the founders dropped out...) and was a student representative on the committee deciding what to DO with the technology. Way over my head both then and now.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
When I was in High School...
We had a Digital PDP-8 Computer...
It had about 1K of useable memory after the operating system to run our programs on and yes it was a desktop computer, it fit on an desk...
We had 2 teletype machines we used for writing our programs to punch onto a paper tape for loading into the machine and we had to turn the tape feeder on and off as we fed it in to avoid overloading the input buffer...
Then there was a separate screen and keyboard for basic inputs...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Thankfully ! Just typed you a long response and
BAM all of a sudden hit a wrong key and page moved, it was gone, but then did this
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I could not log into the test site from my PC
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
The test site...
was developed several months ago, so you may have changed your password since then or possibly weren't a member yet when it was created.
We need to keep
the banner and wreath all year long! They are so cheery!
Maybe change "Seasons Greetings" to "Hello!" 
I took the Christmas lights off of the porch today. The porch is going to look so dark and dreary tonight. It's surprising how much those itty bitty lights light up the area.
Your elecric bill will let you reminisce.
My latest Christmas and outside lights are solar. Just got LED Floods for "forever" outside lighting.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The electric bill
here is always pretty low, riverlover. I have all Energy Star appliances, tankless water heater, excellent insulation, double windows, etc. For water everything is low flow, faucets, shower, toilet, and front loading washer and dryer. There is a water circulator that puts hot water to the faucets so you don't have to let the water run to heat up.
The house is EPA certified under Energy Star, Indoor airPLUS, and WaterSense programs. Pretty sure the Christmas lights used this year are LED, but I'd have to unbox them to check. I have quite a few sets of varying types from over many past years. The pathway lights are solar.
questions and observations
how come I can upload photos there but not here? Is it because of the huge number of photos we now have stored at the current c99p?
Let me try doing this here, just in case for some reason it's decided to kick in.
Also I don't see anyone's avatar, just a space that says something like "Deja's picture".
Ok, here goes, going to try to upload here. As mentioned, it works fine at the development site.
Nope...just sits there when I try to upload. I received this message:
Script: http://caucus99percent.com/sit…/imce/js/imce_extras.js?oj34pe:125
I clicked "stop script" and went on from there with no luck. Should I just let it run?
I'll try that. (later) well I don't have all day. shaz' computer. which runs on Windows 7, has no problem.
Hi shah...
yes, the image library is overloaded here. it takes a long tome to load for folks with lower CPU. It loads pretty quickly for me but I have a fairly robust machine.
The avatars don't show at the test site because the image URLs are different, all will be fine when applied here.
I read further down and saw mimi's and dkmich's pictures
so if anyone wants theirs to show up now all you need to do is go to your account and upload a photo.
Also, I need to make a little more moolah and get a new computer (now that you mention it)
Also, I need to get paid so I can send you some of that moolah. It's coming, though! I swear!
Thanks shah...
the thing is, the test site is temporary and will eventually be taken down. All the action will be right here.
I get the script running box
here when I use the image editor. I checked the script out and as far as my Luddite self can tell it's a java script run amok. Instead of hitting the 'stop script' box I now click the 'continue' option. It takes awhile and the whole screen goes woogie but then it kicks in and uploads your image. As far as the resize box goes I love it. I do my resize after I have up successfully uploaded the image and before I send to editor. I sometimes resize a second time if I don't like the first result of resizing. The image editor here is better then the one I use on Constant Comment for our marketing. That one is truly frustrating. The resizing function works better then my Corel graphics software. Simple and easy and it figures out the proportional dimensions for you once you type in the new width.
Looks like I already resized this Diego Rivera mural detail I'll try a new one
This pic was uploaded at 500x500 (pixels) and as I'm mathematically challenged I really like only having to figure out what width I want. I reduced it to 300 width and the resize function automatically did the height so it retained it's proportions. I was a pre -computer graphic artist/ designer and I still have my old proportional wheel that I still use for analog art work as percentages are beyond my brains comprehension.
Another tip about the image editor that works for me is I have a file called cc99% art scrap pics and when I find an image I want to use I tight click on the image and 'save image as' to this file. Now when I post an image here it goes automatically to my cc99% file when I select 'browse'. I work from a PC not a phone camera. I do have a digital camera and can use images from the My Pictures file where the computer stores my photograph's. Once you get the image editor down it's a great tool even though it does have a pesky script to deal with. Just continue on and don't let Java stop your image posting.
Hey JtC --
I trust that the monthly contributions are remaining healthy? Pl. let the community know how things are going --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Not so good...
slowly diminishing. Will address that in the next month or so.
My feedback, FWIW. I have both a laptop and a tablet, and
have compared both old and new side by side.
A big problem with the old format was that photos at 500 width, fine on the laptop, bleed into the right-hand verbiage on the tablet. They look MUCH better with the new format. BUT... photos at 400 width on the new format end up with our words that should be under the photo placed over to the side instead! That looks kinda crappy. Of course we can fix that by making our photos wider. But tall photos that are maximum width are kind of overwhelming. So if you can keep words that we place under photos, under the photos where we placed them, that would be best.
I like the clean lines of the new format, but NOT the black/gray/white! We have been the calm blue waters, I think of that as part of the brand. I think the gray should be light blue and the black should be dark blue.
Please, please, please, if you do only one thing I say, make the type darker! This type is as light as you should go, and darker wouldn't hurt. Lighter? I'm going blind and I've only been on the testing site maybe 15 minutes. The font was equally small in both formats on the tablet. And equally light in the new format on both devices.
The Image Loader was much faster. Same as here otherwise, good for easy learning, but therefore I suspect it will slow way down like this one once it's fully loaded. Would it help to put photos in folders? Is it faster to load 100 folders of 100 images each than 10,000 photos? I'm thinking it might be because the folder contents wouldn't really load until you clicked to open one.
Your Donate information needs to be placed prominently.
For those trying to sign in, sign-in worked with my old password, not my new one. The Menu option didn't do anything. I could either select Menu or Menu. Other than that, I like it!
Please let us know if we need to worry about losing old posts!
Thenkyew, Johnny, and Happy New Year!
Edited to add: I like how you dressed up the place for Christmas!!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You were too kind to mention MONEY, but I'll do it.
I promise to get you some money this month. (let it be so!) ik.
Dog made the world real.
Beautiful Johnny. Clear, clean, attractive -
a really nice space to hang out in. The Juke Joint - the same old place, with a facelift ; ).
I’m glad you've modernised it to attract a younger audience as well. It will be a nice mix.
Thank you especially, and all the rest who made it possible.
To a very promising year for all!
Looks cool JtC! Bolder print in the text, maybe?
I'm cruising around it on my MacBook Air. Seems more lean, concise and palatable. Generally I'm not one to get into aesthetics too much; more into the navigation/resource/access aspects. That said, it's nicer to look at it.
Just some cursory observations:
- it seemed that the text of the essay comments fall into the background too much, in terms of the boldness of the font or something (again, I'm a complete novice on this stuff, so my apologies in advance). Especially contrasted with the subject line of each comment, which is bolded, the eye seems not to take as easily to the rest of the comment. Seems the same for the rest of the page too.
Maybe the font could be stronger for all text on the page not already bolded.
On another front, this idea just came to me:
- what about a Best of the Week feature? Might be a good idea for folks only intermittently on the site who may have missed some of the more interactive essays with lively discussions. Doesn't have to be or equate to a "Best Of," but rather a "here's what you missed while you were away" kind of feature.
- lastly, a number of folks have suggested it and I wholeheartedly support it, that we should revive the Resiliency series, for obvious reasons. The series had so many good how-to suggestions, resource material and shared ideas. Should feature prominently somewhere. It's the kind of real and tangible stuff people will be looking for in the days to come, and would serve to put us in the kind of standing straight-up "political" blogs don't usually offer and for that reason aren't complete (to me).
If the last two suggestions aren't what we're looking for at the moment, my apologies. I'll bring it up at another time.
Thanks again for all that you do here. I'm delighted to see the C99 community grow.
(copied and pasted from the Beta testers practice essay, because the text "saved" there was way too muddled and hardly-readable).
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Great observations and ideas,
for now or in the future.
Are we losing the blue?
If so, I'm going to miss it. A lot. I like the blue header for the comments and links.
My $.02
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Happy New Year and Thanks!
Attractive but
On an iPhone the text is too small to read in portrait orientation. OK in landscape, but shows just a few lines and not all of some pictures. With the current layout, I can read whole lines in portrait orientation.
Classy looking, though..