Whoopsie OT for 01-07-16
gol blast it! It's Wednesday night, isn't it? Well, now I know I should write this thing Monday or Tuesday. But then it wouldn't be topical, would it? I mean, who wants to read about nutballs taking over a backwater wildlife refuge building? Or Saudi Arabia being barbaric? Or Bill planning on campaigning for sHills?
When you can have fresh, newer news like nutballs still out there, hoping for snacks. Or I saved a dollar by not buying a Powerball ticket. By the way, about Powerball, I don't know how much it costs. $1? $2? Don't know! But a) I might need that dollar and b) for sure, some street person needs it more than I do or whoever makes money off such things as Lotteries. We have this thing here called Street Roots. It's a local newspaper about homelessness and poverty and low income housing. They're well organized, giving each vendor his or her spot to sell the paper. We usually get it from this one particular fellow outside New Seasons, our formerly "healthy" supermarket and now a step up from Safeway. The vendors are all in some sort of bad financial situation and this replaces panhandling as a way for them to get some moolah.
But Powerball....I went into the 7-11 to get ciggies for shaz. She smokes those American Spirits. Organic! Well, I went into the 7-11 and I was the only person in there NOT buying a Powerball ticket. If the guy behind me wins the $500 million all I can say is "oh well!" What's the difference between Powerball and Dance Marathons of the '30s? I mean, they're both some sort of desperation, hoping somehow to get enough money for "a better life".
In other up-to-the-minute (from late Wednesday night) news, the Baltimore police might have given Freddie Gray a "rough ride", meaning they put him in the paddy wagon, handcuffed, and swerved so much he'd be thrown to the floor and banged up good. Check this out, from the Baltimore Sun:
The idea has long been floated that Freddie Gray might have been given a "rough ride" — a practice in which police transport vans are intentionally driven erratically to harm unbuckled, handcuffed detainees.
See that? It's "a practice". So they do this regularly or at least often enough that it's known as "a practice". Thanks O'Malley. I was gonna vote for Bernie but now that I know your police do this and have been doing this for a long time...well I'm "O'Mad About O'Malley" now! I admit, though, that it's not as barbaric as what they do in Saudi Arabia.
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, who was President of Iran for a brief moment, sort of like Kerensky in Russia, just did an interview. Interesting that Bani-Sadr is still alive and in exile in Paris while Kerensky went to New York. We're all familiar with what happened to Trotsky in Mexico. You figure they'd have gone after Kerensky too but he lived until 1970. Anyway, Bani-Sadr has been talking about the Saudis vs Iran and says this (among other things):
Both regimes need crisis as a fish needs water, and hence see their existence only through creating crisis. Both regimes have terror organizations and are supporting armed organizations in the region.
Which could be said of certain unnamed countries that are finding themselves involved in disputes in the region.
Anyway, Merry Serbian Christmas, everybody!
that's from my favorite Rolling Stones album, "Between the Buttons". Here's some more. I remember hearing Eric Burdon and the Animals do this live. That's post Animals when Burdon put a new group together. But here's the real thing.
This next one's from the British release but not the American one. Good lord, they were sexist! This is a beautiful, sexist song.
and the brilliant Ruby Tuesday with some very good advice. "Catch your dreams before they slip away".

Morning Shah, 99ers~
American Spirits, you say? I smoke organic as well, but they cost about 90 cents a pack--coz I make 'em. That leaves me free to invest the remainder of my disposable income into the po' folk retirement plan-the powerball lottery--two bucks! HA HA HA!
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Thanks Shahryar
Saudi Arabia executes the highest percentage of population of any country. It could be Iran, but Amnesty International does not have reliable numbers for Iran. Without Iran, the US makes the medal stand in third place.
In 2014, at least 22 countries around the world carried out executions.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
also doesn't have reliable numbers for China, which annually executes more human beings than all the rest of the world combined.
Amnesty Int’l adds unnamed "reliable sources" to Iran stats
which it does not do when computing execution counts for Saudi Arabia or any other country in the region.
Good morning....
There was a segment on TV about the odds of winning the Powerball. They were really astronomical. The only one I can remember is that you have a better chance of getting hit by a meteor than winning.
Have to agree with O'Malley on Cruce. In fact, I think everybody on the GOP ticket is more dangerous than Trump.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Of course the odds are crazy!
But somebody wins, that's why the poor will always play. Do you imagine that they believed the numbers games they played before the lottery came to be were on the up and up? No, Still, they played. Being poor really sucks, you honestly don't have a chance, the odds are against you in life, but you might have a dollar. Is that stupid? Maybe. But the occasional ten or 25 dollar win sure lifts the spirits.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
i like
your twinning the dance marathons of the 1930s with the Powerball fervor of today.
The "rough ride" treatment is not cabined to Baltimore. It is routine across all of copland. Here, it is called "grilling." Cop doesn't like somebody, cop handcuffs the person and puts them in the back of the car, but doesn't belt them. Then the cop starts driving, and periodically slams on the brakes, forcing the person's face into the grill separating the front seat from the back. When the cop gets carried away, and the person actually has welts and cuts and wounds and grill patterns all over his or her face, there is some horseshit in the report about the cop "forgetting" to belt the person, or the person somehow getting out of the belt; always, the person is said to have voluntarily flailed around wildly, and thereby injured his- or herself.
Paris is traditionally a place of political exile. Marx, Lenin, Pol Pot, and Khomeini, among many others, spent time there. Bani-Sadr, to my knowledge, has not endorsed violent resistance to the present Iranian regime, and on occasion—as during the Iran-Iraq war—has expressed support for it. There is no reason to kill him. It would just raise a stink. If he died crossing the street, people would yell Iran did it. He's basically an observer these days, watching the wheels. Pretty astute. For instance, that's an interesting piece you reference.
Heh. We *save* yesterday's papers, for collecting
& wrapping compostables to take to the worm bin, or, otherwise, to the green waste recycling bin. Theyre also good shredded for various projects. In a pinch, our paper, cardboard, plastic and metals recycler wants them as well. So there!
Also, FWIW, if memory serves me well, in 1967 - the year Between the Buttons was released - women's equality, feminism and the surrounding halo of concepts were far, far from widely accepted. Many women didn't get it and were in opposition, and within the movement, great numbers of the males didn't get it. It was, in a very real sense, still developmental.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
good morning all!
Time to wake up and get to work!
I'm one who doesn't mind yesterday's papers at all. Every once in awhile I'll see a newspaper from 1973 or 1937 or 1379...no, wait, not 1379. Anyway, they're little time capsules. "The Good Old Days" and then you see they were the same as now.
Good Day Shah and 99%'ers!
I never play Lotto, Powerball or any of those things. I am not known for winning anything, so why would I even guess that I could win one of those big payoffs. Plus I think that much money would be a curse anyway. That said, I have known of two big winners. A co-worker won a couple of thousand in the lottery by matching five of six numbers. He missed the first one, so he did not hold his breath. It came at a good time when he and his wife had recently divorced and she left him with a lot of shopping bills.
The second person I knew who won was a man who was dating a co-worker of mine. He was a middle aged guy who was an airline pilot. They would go out on Friday nights for dinner and on the way home they each would do a quick pick card with five sets of numbers. He hit all six numbers on one of his cards and won $23 million as a result. They were watching the drawing on tv so they knew immediately. Surprisingly, he kept working after winning.
We are in the midst of a mini disaster here at my house. After I had taken my shower this morning, I heard a strange noise coming from our inside utility room. I saw water coming out from under the door and when I opened the door, there was water spewing upwards and steam everywhere. Either a connection or a line to the hot water heater let go and it was like Old Faithful in there. My husband had to go outside to turn off the water at the street, but not before we had water all over the bedrooms and hallway. It is a mess.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Oh no! That is awful!
When I was about 20, hot water came rushing through our ceiling onto my grammom who was laying in her hospital bed. Me, my mom, and my aunt rushed to wheel her out from the stream through thickly piled carpet. Midway through, I looked around and noticed the panic on my mom and aunt's faces, and there was gram as calm as a cucumber, and it occurred to me how three stooge-like was this scene. I fell out, they looked up, they started laughing, and there the four of us were, grunting, and giggling, and dragging a bed. By the time we were done, I was so spent from laughter and exertion, it damn near took all I had to run upstairs and find the source. Pipe burst under the bathroom sink.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Well it could have been a lot worse
We are now drying out and will have to throw out a bunch of stuff (re: mostly junk that should be thrown out anyway) and carpet, but that may be a blessing. We need new carpet anyway and carpet is relatively inexpensive in the grand scheme of things. The good news is that it was not the hot water heater or its connections. It was the not water connection to the washer, which can be easily fixed. Thank goodness we were here when it happened or it could have gotten into the living area and done some really bad damage.
I am happy to hear that your grandmother was the calm in the eye of the storm during your flooding incident. I guess everyone has one of those in their lifetime.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
oh yes , that's a mercy, that you were home.
yeah, my gram was one of a kind. she's been gone since 87 but I still miss her all the time.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
The Kosovo success story
another myth
Turkey's war against the Kurds
It's amazing how much this is ignored in the progressive communities
Stocks are dumping again
DOW down 430 points
China matters