Hillary Clinton Is Missing In Action
Today Bernie Sanders, along with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, have announced plans to hold a rally on January 15th to protect both Medicare and Medicaid called Our First Stand: Save Healthcare.
Wonderful. This is what a leader looks like. No waiting for Republicans to blow the whole thing-up before being outraged, this is proactive grassroots resistance and organization at its best. Bernie is such a beast.
I wonder what Hillary Clinton has been up-to since her crushing defeat at the hands of Das Pumpkinfuhrer, because she has completely disappeared. Where is she? I thought she was a natural-born leader, who would lead all battles for us, and help us stand-up to the evil Republikans... I guess not so much anymore. Standard Hillary. Now that all personal gain has been removed, Clinton is nowhere to be found. Shocker.
Which brings me to another protest, the Million Women March in Washington D.C... I was sure Hillary would jump up and be all over this event, because women, but lo and behold, not a peep about her involvement or her possible attendance. Not even a boilerplate press release showing tepid support... nothing, nada, zilch. If there is one thing I am sure of from the past election cycle, is that Hillary is a woman, and it seemed really important to her. I expected her and her team to be all over this event, since she spent the better part of two years saying she was a champion of the movement... That is not to say that she might finally attend, and maybe even speak, who knows, however the silence has been more telling than anything.
Hillary Clinton is M.I.A. and maybe we should send out a search party... or not.

She was spotted at Mohonk Mountain House in upstate NY.
I don't know how to do links (what can I say? I'm in the Hillary demographic and about as Luddite as Her Heinous!) but it was in The Daily Freeman FB feed. I'm sure she's really with us in spirit though! /s
I think it's this one:
There was also that infamous donor thank-you party...
Progressive to the bone.
As the elite mea culpas trickle in...
Former NY Times Editor Jill Abramson was just like all the other political elites cajoled, shepherded, threatened or just plain bought the Fear about Trump while coming around that it's Her Turn. All year, it seemed, she was part of the club, re-writing history to favor Her Heinous, looking the other way and falsely propping her up from pathetic neoliberal husk to champion of the people. But she's just one of many.
Yet, suddenly she sees the light that many dissenters like those here have been saying all along.
Would be fun to collect them all in one place, all the pathetic sellouts, especially while Bernie was lighting it up and could have used more elite support (then again, maybe not. HRC had every single newspaper endorsement, save for Adelson's papers, and the entire Dem and some Repub establishment - and still lost, bad!)
"The Clintons Turned the Democratic Party Over to Donors. Can It Recover?" By Jill Abramson, Guardian UK
23 December 16.
While the pundit class all said the Republican party was being torn apart by this election, it is the Democratic party that is in tatters. Now it must be rebuilt.
Let the political elites now begin to expose the fraud, that we here have been speaking about for years. It's the least they can do for their rampant intellectual dishonesty that gave us Trump, by colluding against Bernie.
Hillary has been hiding all year, aside from slipping in and out of high-end fundraisers. Because She has No Clothes. These people make me sick.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Killary Klinton's Kampaign
besides the fact that she is a pathological liar whom almost as many distrust as they did trump.
This will not happen because the elites have a constitutional right against self-incrimination.
Who the fuck needs
Wall Street? Buh bye. Buh bye. Bernie proved you can win the pesidency $27 at a whack.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I think this is the one TB mare was talking about...
I don't have much luck embedding a tweet but here goes.
Let's not.
How can we miss her if she won't go away?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That was, by the way, a GREAT song
Dan Hicks...
Hillary's 2020 campaign song.
I've talked to your mother and I've talked to your dad
They say they've tried but it's all in vain
I've begged and I've pleaded, I even got mad
Now we must face it, you give me a pain
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
Keep telling you day after day
But you won't listen, you always stay and stay
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
Your never ending presence really cramps my style
I dream that it won't always be the same
At first I was attracted but after a while
Have you ever heard of the hard-to-get game?
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
I keep telling you day after day
But you won't listen, you always stay and stay
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
And I mean it, too
Out of three billion people, why must it be me?
Oh, why, oh, why won't you cut me loose?
Just do me a favor and listen to my plea
I'm not the only chicken on the roost
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
I keep telling you day after day
But you won't listen, you always stay and stay
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The perfect pro-Trump picture
She is hoping some young thing will grab HER by the pussy. (oooh, did I really say that? Yes)
The terror!
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
uuuh... no, please. wait a sec.
In the woods with the ill - fated search party:
John: Be careful Jake. She might just be "playing possum."
Jake: I've got this, sissy! [Thump. Thump!.] Take that, you foul- breathed lizard!
Oh, no! She's got me, Johnny! Run, my son! Run! AAARRGHH!!
John: OMD! OMD! (retching) MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAyyyaarghfgh.. gurgle. owww...oowww.
Other: BURP. ..... ssssssHrcssssshhh.. burp.
Edit. If anyone thought "Gahan Wilson", thanks.
Let's leave her well alone....
For several decades say.
from a reasonably stable genius.
When I wrote this
the sentiment of her staying away was strong and hopeful, but even I, in all my cynism thought she'd join the Women March...
It's just weird at this point.
Progressive to the bone.
Not weird.
You nailed it earlier: there's no personal gain anymore, so why should she inconvenience herself by being outside in the cold? Or taking a stand on anything, really? (Which we all always knew she was never interested in to start with).
And we "Democrats" betrayed her
since we didn't make HER turn come to pass, why should she do anything for us, we are so ungrateful after all.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Did you check the BLM or Gay Rights event calendars?
maybe She was doublebooked by some incompetent little person.
So it starts, the "Democrats" are fighting back, with Bernie,
the sort of democrat when he wants to be, leading the way.
We can now rest assured Medicare and Social Security will be saved.
Um wait, I just had a thought, actually it usually works out the opposite when the democrats fight back. We be in trouble now.
Somebody needs to fight back against both of these political parties and their so called "leaders".
Yeah, I have no hope for Wall Street Schumer or "The Democrats are just fine" Pelosi.
They say we should look towards the younger generations.... oh Booker and Gillibrand.... yeah Obama-lite and Clinton-lite....no thanks.
In the end, after the failed 2016 election, with no possibility of blame left, Bernie should have ran away from the Dems. He should have started a 3rd party or infused an existing one. But instead, latched on to the carcass of the Dems. As Trump would say, "Sad".
If Bernie wants it
it's all his. Ain't nobody stopping him now, the field is clear sailing. I don't know how much of it he wants but I fully expect him to play a leadership role in 2017, and have thought so since he -ahem- "endorsed" Her Highness at the convention. That's NOT to say he'll claim the mantle (even if he wants it), but there's no doubt he is a major player this coming year.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yep. I think Bernie will play a significant role in reshaping
the Dems - once they are dragged out of the sewer and given a long hot shower.
Native People are doing that now in South Dakota.
edit. excess
Ya they are.
They've been doing that for hundreds of years now.
She's like Predator: Invisible to the naked (peasants) eyes, scavenging through the forest.
Hillary, don't go away mad...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hillary spends Christmas and or
Welcomes the new year in the Dominican Republic with Henry Kissinger at Oscar de la Renta's villa. Google it.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Mark it and bet on it.
Every now and then
I remember the Hillbots fist-pumping in rabid adoration because "Hillary gets things done." How ironic that history's most effective doer has been radio silent since losing and nowhere to be found in the Dems' plans to take on Donald the Sentient Cheeto.
Hillary will lead the parade or she won't be in it at all.
Anyhow, she and Donald are old buddies. She won't try to undermine him now that he's won. That's not the ruling class way. After all, only the peons are in danger. None of Trump's policies will hurt her or her rich friends.
Twain Disciple
Witness Protection.
She's gone over to the Dark Side with Darth Cheney
Hopefully she'll get lost in the middle of the Death Star and not find her way out for 300 years.
any flexibility on that time frame?
wait, if she's missing
how will I know when to pop the cork!?
I've been saving a bottle for Dick, Bill and Hill. And while I'm genuinely concerned that Cheney may live another 1,000 years, I figured since at least 1992 that I'd be able to pop that Bill bottle one day. Sure hope Bill don't go missing too.
I'd sure like to get drunk at least one more time before I go.
(my heart Doctor said that booze and my meds don't mix BUT he said if Cheney dies he won't give me crap about the bottle)
Yes I hate the Clintons, both of them. Look what they have wrought. I stand unashamed.
Proudly shouting for all to hear, "I NEVER voted for a Clinton, 3 times I never did'.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
No, we need that search party!
We need them to find her lair, so that we may trap her inside before she slithers out again in 4 years.
Has anyone...
...checked the Hillary Safe Space over at TOP?
I'm no mystic, but I did grow up in South Boston, back in the day when the working class was still the middle class-- "The Gas Company," "The Phone Company," "The Edison," "The Commonwealth," etc provided pensions, full health care, a living wage, etc; and something in the air there seemed to produce, not MBAs and 'strategists,' but the ability to smell a phony a mile away-- and it was clear from the get-go, at least in that milieu, that the Clintons were as phony as one could find on a long day's walk, as my Irish grandmother would say, among those selfless toilers (hehe) in 'public service.' They weren't the first pols to be concerned, first, last, and always, with self-aggrandizement, and they won't be the last, alas-- but their hijacking of the People's Party and its transformation under their hydra-headed think tanks, lobbyists, foundation, media, etc into something that stinks to high heaven should incur the never-ending wrath of every true American. They have, in every sense of the word, betrayed us; their penchant for war and 'regime change' is, of course, an added bonus. Of course she's not interested in these events, as you so rightly noted.
Semper ubi sub ubi
Och, Hillary. We hardly knew ye.
My first thought
was that this would backfire - protesting Trump before the inauguration, and about something he said he wouldn't do - was just a setup. But then I remembered, the house Republicans announced that they were going to repeal Obamacare and Social Security. Now, if Trump is smart he will wait till the event and announce that even if the bill or bills reach his desk he will veto them. This makes him look good, but it also emboldens the left and creates a wedge between Trump and the Republicans. ("What do you mean you won't go back on your word and laugh at the suckers?")
As for Hillary showing up, she will, just to ruin it with her grandstanding.
On to Biden since 1973
hillary had a VERY cogent economic message. Fuck You if
weren't 1 of her Ivy'd sell out scum buddies.
IF Heil Herr Trump hadn't been a sexist racist flat earther ... how many millions who held their nose and voted "hillary" wouldn't have bothered?
Oh yeah - and about her VERY cogent message -it fit the yuppie scum sell out policies, like a glove.
But then I sigh; and, with a piece of scripture,
Tell them that God bids us do good for evil:
And thus I clothe my naked villany
With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;
So What?
After HER! Sorry Performance, she should hide. HER! ego can't take the snide laughter at her failure.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.