Open Troll 01/05/16
I have never really been comfortable with designating the truly Bad People on the intertubes, "trolls."
When I was a kid, which I confess was back in the last millennium, trolls were short, hairy, needle-nosed creatures, perpetual grumps who seemed to be eternally afflicted with vicious hangovers, which caused them to menace goats who clip-clopped too loudly upon the planks of bridges laid over watery troll wallows.
This is, admittedly, probably not the way anyone would really want to be.
But neither is it glorying in indulging in "sadism, antisocial behavior, psychopathy, and machiavellianism," which is what the brain doctors tell us intertubes trolls, they do be.
Also, I must confess, when I was a child, and my brother was a child, we together passed many a happy hour, in make-believe games, involving some sort of plastic spaceman, about three inches tall, whom we called "Robbie The Robot," and a naked, smiling, eyes-wide, plastic troll doll, of similar height, with LSD-colored hair, sprouting all and everywhere, from out the top of his cranium, known, to us, simply, as "Trolly."
Together, my brother and I, we passed these unalive alive plastic beings, together, through all and every story, that we could conceive, through all and every, that we could conceive, solar system.
All our stories, they occurred out in space.
Because that's where we most lived.
That's where we all most live.
My brother was most often the robot. And I was most often the troll.
I can still summon up, sorta, smoker's-coughingly, "Trolly's" voice.
My brother, he can't summon up much of anything. Not that any of us can easily hear, at any rate. Because, he's dead.
A guy who truly knows trolls is Thomas Keightley, an indisputably eccentric gent, one who more or less admitted to having "wed" a fairy. Keightley spent his life meticulously documenting the doings of such non-ordinary lifeforms as dwarfs, kobolds, nisses, fays, mermaids . . . and trolls. And what he says of the latter, I find interesting.
According to Keightley, trolls, like hobbits, dwell in hills, mounds, and hillocks, and thus are sometimes known as Hillpeople.
They are often quite wealthy. During occasions of great troll festivity, passersby have reported seeing trolls, unashamedly drunk, roaring and reeling and shoving great chests of money about.
It is alleged that troll homes, behind their modest dirt exteriors, are constructed of gold and crystal.
But they are not misers, these troll people. Trolls are generally "obliging and neighbourly; freely lending and borrowing, and elsewise keeping up a friendly intercourse with mankind" . . . except when they run unaccountably wild, and steal from humans not only "provisions, but even women and children."
Well. Shit. Maybe these people, they needed to be stolen. Who knows? Let's check with CPS . . . .
Trolls totally hate noise, which explains their reaction to the clip-clopping goats.
Their aversion to noise apparently began when Thor used to hurl his hammer at them; Thor, it is said, hated these troll people, and worked to strike them down wherever he was able.
These days, trolls are most discomfited by church bells, which cause them to foam at the mouth with fear, and move forthwith to wilder, more pagan territory.
Trolls can render themselves invisible, and can also assume whatever shape they choose, which explains Karl Rove. They can foresee future events ("Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside US"?); can confer prosperity, or take it away (Bush tax cuts?); and can perform feats of physical strength beyond the power of mortal man (Darth Cheney surviving 136 heart attacks?).
Trolls are—so sorry to put it this bluntly—pretty damn ugly. Keightley phrases it more kindly: "of personal beauty, they have not much to boast."
These days, they can be kinda scary, in their sprout-haired plastic smiling dancing nakedness.
Often they're hunchbacked, or have long crooked noses. Sometimes they're just fat and sit in a chair smoking a cigar while bellowing lies like a demented foghorn (Rush Limbaugh?).
If you try to speak to a troll, it is said s/he will often respond with a shriek of "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me Me!"
Which, true, pretty much jibes with a lot of our experiences, here on the intertubes.
The word "troll" is believed to derive from the name of the Scandinavian waterfall Trollhaeta, which translates roughly as "the abyss."
There are no trolls, it is said, in France. France is a troll-free zone.
What there are in France, at least in southern France, are fairies the size of adult human beings, who usually dwell in rivers and streams, but who occasionally find it amusing to assume human form, walk among humans, and even take a human as husband or wife.
I do not know what sort of fairy it was that Keightley wed. But, I'm pretty sure, it was this form of French fairy, from out of the water, with whom I cohabited, and for many years.
Until we fucked it up. And drained each other, for each other, of all that we most were.
Something out the corner of the eye. Stranger who's strangely familiar. Endless like the sky. For all time.

Look, if a troll can put a smile on this chipped-teeth blue-
skinned marauder, then, hey, I ain't all that bothered by 'em.
Nice bit of trolling there hecate
Wonderful way to start a sunny (finally!) cold crisp morning!
Thanks, as always, for the Morning Mind Meld
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
if i
opened a thermos, and there was a troll in it, I would need Medicine.
As always, a delight to read
Way back in the day when I was younger, but not really a youngster, I remember the troll dolls. One of my nephews was a towhead whose hair refused to conform to any manner of combing. His mother, my sister, would try to slick it down for even a few seconds before taking family photos, but it would immediately spring right back straight up into the air like that of a troll doll. He is now a very handsome young man with normal hair, but back in those days, he was the troll kid.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
there was
a kid at school with troll hair. Hopefully his too has since calmed down. ; )
Morning hecate and folks...
thanks for another great one! Gotta' go out and troll the real world today, collect some tolls and other troll stuff. See y'all later this afternoon, and keep them damn goats off of the bridge!
see you.
; )
Open thread so I'm just going to say this here,
you know I've been outspoken against the War OF Terror since it began. And I'm adamantly opposed to the democrats, liberals, and progressives insisting on calling the PROTESTERS in Burns, OR terrorists. That is because the U.S. is waging a GLOBAL War OF Terror with war times rules and laws and a terrorist is a terrorist. We've already seen American citizens caught up in the web of the War OF Terror. I think labeling groups of American citizens as terrorists just adds to the overall mess we're in and will assist in perpetuating this illegal and immoral war.
I comment on a few other blogs that consist of mostly far left and radicals and I haven't received pushback on my opinion that they shouldn't be labeled as terrorists.
But I've noticed at Daily Kos the primary theme is that these people are terrorists, it's accepted to the partisans and progressives there. I think that's pretty much peculiar to them at this time. To me in effect they are supporting the War OF Terror.
I'm certain of it and I'm not changing that view. Using the term terrorist plays right into the hands of the architects and purveyors of the illegal War OF Terror.
And that's why I can't be a democrat and won't vote for a democrat, including Sanders.
I would say they're insurrectionists.
But that's just me.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I could live with that.
i don't think
they're terrorists. I think they're ignorant peckerwoods.
I can live with that too.
To the police forces of the US,
…all protestors are "enemy combatants." Their prior military training and raging PTSD tells them so.
I absolutely agree with you.
Given the Patriot Act and other legislation wiping out the constitutional rights of Americans, applying the terrorist label liberally is dangerous to activist like Occupy and Green Peace. If Americans blow up buildings, they are mass murders. If foreign nationals blow up buildings, they are terrorists. Big bright line between them is required.
My computer is off, and I'm on my phone. Please forgive errors and feel free to fill in any blanks. I can only squish or scroll to proof and neither facilitate the process.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hello good people~
You know, some folks are just aggressively ignorant and proud of it. This morning there was a post in my group about Chelsea Manning and naturally there had to be "that dude." You know him, he's the one that just has to say, "Bradley!" He won't back down, he's just dying for you to explain anything to him so that he can tell you why he doesn't care! Guess what, pal? I don't care that you don't care, it's not about that, you don't have to care, you don't even have to like it one little bit. If you can't show a basic level of respect for someone's human dignity you'll be gone. That's not up for debate. Jeeze! Unreal.
Oh, and last night when I told Joe I sold my first piece of art, I forgot to post a pic. Here it is...

I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
wonderful work.
thank you, hecate!
I feel like it's the best I've ever done, this series.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Very nice triv33
No wonder it sold. When I look at really good art i tend to drool this painting had my saliva glands going full blast.
A series of suicide headaches
has me dragging my feet to get set back up, but I must will my way through it. My son, my sweet Baboo has promised we'll pull prints tonight, so I can cut more trees, then I'll be on my way again.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Beautiful Triv!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
thank you, JayRaye!
I'm blown away by the positive responses I'm getting.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Hey, nice, Triv--major congrats! Got so wound up
about Blue Dog Dems, I missed these couple of entries. (Sorry!)
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Postscript: BTW, I just heard on XM Radio that a recent survey (poll) of 3,257 US adults conducted in late November, shows that heavy users of social media are usually very angry. From "The American Rage Quiz," Esquire Magazine/NBC News.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I love your art!
It combines visual aspects of several art forms such as applique and batik with a very spiritual and ethereal quality. I love it!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
triv, yes, been spending time enjoying your
good work; makes me happy.
oh, hey, smiley...
thank you so much.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Trump still leading in polls
It's 2016 and The Donald still leads by a wide margin

Time to figure out what the Hell is going on here.
Meanwhile in the Democratic race
Hillary still leading among conservatives

I get why conservatives and women like Hillary, but why blacks?
i suppose
the quick and easy answer would be that she's a Democrat. And they don't know Sanders or O'Malley. If you're a regular person, not a politics junkie, you don't hear much about those two. It's wall-to-wall Hairball.
Name recognition may be part of it,
but, more than anything, I 'think' that the Black Faith Based Community is one of the key drivers of this.
I heard several talking heads discussing how Rahm Emanuel won reelection earlier this year. Don't have time to locate the comment (now), but I posted about this in some detail at the old EB.
The best that I recall, they said--the broadcast was out of Chicago--that Emanuel took either all, or almost all of the majority Black precincts. There were "10" in the metro Chicago area, I believe.
They discussed the GOTV efforts, especially those driven by the Black Churches. I imagine that it wasn't too hard of a sell, since pastors probably sold a vote against Rahm, as a vote against the President. (Since Rahm was one of his Chiefs of Staff.) And, they said that the timing of the election, right after Easter Sunday, made their role even more effective in driving the vote for him.
Regarding FSC's support from this Community--"Hey, dontcha know, WJC was the first Black President!"
Approximately 3-4 years ago, I posted (at DKos) a photo of PBO standing at a church podium, with the (I believe, WaPo) piece about how greatly he has expanded the White House's "Faith Based Initiative." Especially, its outreach to the Black Faith Community. And, he actually put one of the most conservative faith leaders in charge of it--a Pentecostal.
It's call 'propaganda.'
"The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind."--Atiśa
"By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom; By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind."--Hui Neng
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Here's an excerpt
from a piece that I'll be posting this evening.
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like many of Trump's supporters are the so-called 'Reagan Democrats.'
It doesn't totally surprise me, since many of these same folks left the Dem Party because they placed the blame for NAFTA with the President who lobbied for its passage/ratification, and signed it into law--WJC. Personally, I don't buy into the meme that most of the Reagan Dems left for cultural reasons, or "Guns, God, and Gays."
I think that this could be (part of) what the current backlash among this crowd is all about.
Delightful OT, hecate. Haven't seen one of those troll dolls in ages--they've much cuter than I imagine the 'real trolls' are (at some of the other progressive blogs).
Have a nice afternoon!
"The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind."--Atiśa
"By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom; By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind."--Hui Neng
Postscript: FSC is droning on at a campaign event (on XM Radio) as I'm typing. She's pushing Bill's toxic neoliberal economic policies. And, she sounds just like PBO--we need to reach across the isle, yada, yada, yada.
I'm wondering if this meme will sell again . . .
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Can you explain Reagan Dems to me?
Do you have any kind of a handle on that? I don't get it. I've heard the stories, but I just can't buy into them. I never knew any Dems that were that conservative... none. And I was brought up Catholic, pro-life-y and all that jazz. The moral majority scared the shit out of us.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
You're asking me? ;-) I can't even explain
the heavy conservative leanings of some of the DKos crowd!
(Of course, I still go over there; and, still place some value on being able to participate there, from time to time.)
No, seriously, Triv, it is hard for me to fathom, too.
(Of course, my leanings have been very much left of the Dem Party Base for almost two decades. I didn't even vote for WJC the second time around.)
Now, having lived some in the Deep South as a young child, I don't think that the "Reagan Dem" is a phony construct--at least, not there.
What I mean by that is that, for the most part, Southern Democrats ARE conservatives, and would usually pass as a Republican in most areas of the country. Luckily for us (my family), we've lived out of the country twice, and in every quadrant of it, as adults--so, although we know 'who' these folks are, we've not been affected by their conservative thinking or views.
In parts of the South, there are literally Democrats who routinely run to the right of Republican candidates in many districts. And, if they don't run to their right, many Southern pols totally mimic their opponents (Republicans) stances.
When I get more time, I may try to locate the C-Span video of the Debate between Florida's US Representative from the 18th Congressional District, Patrick Murphy, and his Republican opponent.
We almost fell out of our chairs laughing when in Murphy's closing statement, he reminded voters that "he had actually been a lifetime Republican!"
Unbelievable, we thought. That's got to be the ultimate pander.
It is depressing. Does anyone recall when former DLC President, and US Representative Harold Ford, Jr, ran for US Senator (TN)? Another example of a Dem running to the right of Republican businessman, and former Mayor of Chattanooga, now Senator Bob Corker.
Harold Ford went so far as to tape ads sitting in a church pew. We thought that the pandering was sickening. As someone who was still registered as a Democrat (at the time), it was truly an embarrassment. BTW, Ford lost the election.
Another very common occurence (in Southern policitcs) since 9-11 has been the recruitment of former military members to run for public office.
Another way for Dems to prove their 'conservative creds.' (I suppose)
Hey, if I could figure all this out, I'd be sitting on Easy Street by now.
Please check out the NYT piece and link that I'll be posting later this evening. They're the experts, not me. The stats supposedly come from a survey of 11,000 individuals, which is pretty extensive.
I guess it's sorta like we once told a neighbor, when they came over to introduce themselves (while we were living in a Southern state, not long after relocating to the Lower 48):
"We're from the South, but not 'of the South.'"
Ironically, the neighbor turned out to be quite conservative--the woman, a professional woman--had a permit to carry a concealed handgun. (Years ago, she was a Probation Officer, IIRC.) We certainly didn't hang out together, but we had a pleasant and neighborly relationship. We were polar opposites many areas, but we shared a mutual appreciation for folks being upfront about what they believe. (if that makes any sense) But, we never touched the subject of politics--for obvious reasons. Sorry, got off on a tangent.
Hey, have a good one!
"The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind."--Atiśa
"By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom; By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind."--Hui Neng
Postscript: Regarding the 'Moral Majority'--before the Dem Party Establishment flipped to an all-out corporatist Party under WJC--Mainstreet/Establishment Republicans 'used' the so-called Religious Right to win elections (Reagan, Bush). Of course, they no longer need them like they did. There was a piece posted at EB a year or two ago about how 'happy' Wall Street would be with either a Bush, or a Clinton Presidency. IOW, the Religious Right has (mostly) served its purpose as a "usefull idiot" for the Republican Party--and their services are no longer required.
Saw a piece the other day about the corporatization of both legacy parties. Considering adopting the writer's lingo--they referred to both parties as the "bipartisan fusion party."
Pretty apt and clever, IMHO.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
first time poster
Can you explain Reagan Dems to me?
Probably not in this small box, but I too have noticed "progressives" holding vigils for St. Ronnie. It's always a disappointment. When asked why, the usual response is that Reagan preserved our "freedom."
Ronald Reagan created an "investor class" by throwing the middle class into a death spiral of homelessness, joblessness, poverty, desperation and despair. Hey, if President Reagan could laugh at the homeless, the fictitious Welfare Queens, the "homeless by choice,"and found humor in demonization of the poor, then why couldn't you? It was all good, unless, of course, you happened to be down and out in the brutal reality President Freakshow made with a twinkle in his eyes.
Among other noteworthy accomplishments:
The list is from From Promise To Scandal by Jesse Jackson, Jr., [Agate Publishing Nov 29, 2012]
Sorry for the lengthy reply. I could go on. There are many other "accomplishments" but those self-identifying Reagan Democrats? I'd love to see just one make a list, on paper of what Ronald Reagan really did, fact-check the hype and listen to whatever they had to say.
A hearty 'welcome,' lyrica. Thanks for elaborating
on 'Reagan Dems,' since I got off on describing today's Blue Dog/Conservative (Southern) Democrats, instead of addressing actual Reagan Dems that Triv was actually asking about. BTW, I've posted a piece at Evening Blues that speaks to the fact that some of these disaffected conservadems are registered Democrats, but often vote for a Republican (for President).
After the primary race for Democrats is over, I'm going to repost a handful of my lengthy comments/posts from DKos regarding Social Security policy from the 1980's--beginning with the Greenspan Commission, up to the more recent 'entitlement' cuts in keeping with the President's Fiscal Commission's proposal, "The Moment Of Truth."
Great to see you here!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you, Mollie
For your kind welcome.
The differences between Democrat and Republican have become a bizarre, shift-shaping mystery to me in recent years Both have leaned in, leaned out, and bisected so much it's very hard to discern a genuine authentic political affiliation without knowing where candidate stands on the issues and his or her voting records.
I look forward to reading your viewpoints on Social Security and that tangled weave it has become. me I know!
From the moment that I found myself standing on the unemployment line when my job at the shoe factory went bye-bye in the very early 80s, and I called it that we would soon see our other factories in town and the surrounding area follow, I have been suffering a severe Cassandra complex. I would try to tell the conservative folk in my tiny red podunk that I didn't care what St Ronnie said, that ain't how this shit works. The economy either grows from the ground up or it ain't really growing, not for us, anyway, but no....I don't have nothing, so that means I must know nothing. Dozens of factories, thousands of jobs and 30-some years later, and still...they vote Republican because, get this--a poor man never gave them a job! Oh well.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
"a poor man never gave them a job!" -- I think this
line of thinking might be the product of more than two decades of Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative talkers dominating the AM airwaves.
It is mind boggling that so many conservatives, and/or conservadems blame everyone for their plight (diminished economic status), but the wealthy and corporations.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well said
that pretty much sums it up as far as Reagan Democrat's go. I would add they were the same people that hated the DFH. like I was. Jesse had it right. The silent majority that Nixon invoked had many Raygun Democrat's that followed suit. Reactionary to the 60's so called radicals that were hitting the streets and demanding change both social and governmental. So tell me what is the difference between Raygun Democrat's and the present Democratic royalists that insist this fucked up mess and farce of democracy is the inevitable only 'way forward'. Heh?
Welcome to Caucus99. I liked your comment. That was a very coherent definition of what Reagan Democrat's were about. Nowadays what do the so called Democrat's that we get to vote for represent and stand for? Not much difference except that this time around they are called pragmatic moderate and mainstream. They are your only choice unless you want to get the Hairball. At least Raygun only invaded Grenada while his administration (including Cheney, Bush (daddy) Rumsfeld the whole neocon gang worked hard to pump unitary executive power and undermine the rule of law.
Hard at this point in history to blame it all on Raygun as his senile commie hunting legacy lives on and has infected and lapped over to the Democratic party's so called 'moderate pragmatic' corporate loving Raygun Democrat's. Seems where all Reagan Democrat's or else we are supporting the RW Republican lunatic fringe. Hey this isn't a real choice. We all must embrace the suckatude of a commie hunting bad senile actor and his creepy handlers who seem to be zombies that refuse to die despite heart attacks or else? What we get Killery the Hun?S The Dems. seem to have skipped right over Raygun
and reverted right back to Kissinger, Nixon, Goldwater, Madeline Albright, Tony Blair and Marget Thatcher and the puppet Raygun in all his now Democratic revised zombie 'world as we find it'. Two Raygun legs better.
Anyway thanks and hope you come back and post some more. Forget about my negative radical reactionary negativism. I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Better living through electricity and Reagan was one bad actor.
shaharazade, thank you
Your very kind welcome means a lot to me. (Please forgive the formatting I don't know yet how to use.)
"So tell me what is the difference between Raygun Democrat's and the present Democratic royalists that insist this fucked up mess and farce of democracy is the inevitable only 'way forward'. Heh?"
This is an excellent point, and no doubt Cheney, Rumsfeld et al set the table for an exclusive 1% and have left most of us, if not all of us, begging for scraps like a Charles Dickens' novel. Left to an exhausting struggle. 9 to 5 to stay alive day after day isn't even a livable wage. It's reprehensible.
It seems that many are clinging to an Establishment agenda and an Establishment candidate. I'm hoping they are wrong and that voters don't like dynasties or a self-described feminist who's clearly not a feminist at all.
Please no worries about any "reactionary negativism." It didn't come across that way to me. You're not alone. I can sense that your intentions are good.
We, collectively, have every right to righteous anger toward with an uncaring, unresponsive establishment. We've been fighting back for years and have been ignored, tuned out, lied to, ignored, robbed, deceived, oppressed, or even worse. It's only right some of us, if not most of us, are mad as hell, in my opinion.
I think the best explanation can be done in three words:
George Wallace Democrats.
Here is Rachel Maddow in a very well done comparison of Wallace's campaign via side-by-side video clips with that of Donald Trump's (the video won't embed, but it's very much well worth the watch, and the comparison begins about 4 minutes in).
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Power grid hacked in Ukraine
No longer a movie plot
No mention of the transmission towers going to the Crimea that were blown up.
U.S. to build up forces in Afghanistan again
no peace in sight
Terrorists occupy federal building
Thanks. I have known many who trolled, but it
generally wasn't my thing. I was much more into cast and retrieve, or, best of all, bottom fishing with a long leaderso that the bait could move with the current near, but off of, the bottom. There are many ways to do this involving either mucho somewhat costly rigging, or just a hook, a sinker and an ordinary button. I was a button guy.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Now you're talking my language, el...
we call them river rigs around here. Three way swivel with a sinker on the drop just big enough to keep in contact with the bottom, a short drop if the fish are hugging the bottom and a longer one if they are suspended a bit. Varying length leader to the bait, usually with a lightweight hook or a floating jig head. Either live bait or a lure depending on how active the fish are. This is a great rig to slow troll with, as slow as the boat will go, either dragging the rig on the bottom or a gentle occasional lifting and dropping. A live nightcrawler injected with some air so it floats, hooked through the head so it stretches out and tantalizingly waves with the current. This is a great technique for catching all fish but especially walleye. Yuuhuuuummm!!
A cousin to the river rig is the slip rig, as you state above. I us a large egg sinker with a hole through it and a swivel and glass bead to stop it, the clicking of the bead on the sinker adds an attractive sound for the fish, sounds like a crawfish. The bait can be rigged in many ways, but rigged the same way as the river rig is very effective. The slip rig is called a Carolina rig in bass fishing circles. Deadly in certain circumstances with a rubber worm. I've spent hours, days, weeks, years bass fishing but arthritis in my hands and wrists has limited my cast and retrieve fishing (lure fishing). It's hell getting old, good for the fish though, heh!
I've done a little bit of lakes, streams and rivers, but
mostly off the rocks along the CA shoreline. One can go with a slip rig or, quite often, a bull durham sack of sand looped through a dropper knot in the line. Where you put the dropper determines how long a leader you have floating out in the current.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Trip trap, trip trap
Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen and Moe, Jorgen. East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon.
My parents read us fairy stories from both the Bros. Grimm and East o' the Sun West o' the moon and not the Disneyfied versions. These were some gruesome rip snorting tales. Billy Goats Gruff really scared me and gave me bridge phobia for years. Although the troll was scary lurking under the bridge the fattest goat Gruff was terrifying.
Later in life I baby sat a goat couple on the farm behind us for a summer and found neither the female or the fat male to be anything like the big Gruff. Although the female goat was extremely stubborn and smart and was the hardest of the two to get in the barn. I had to trick her with bait from my garden she preferred radish greens.
Internet trolls are a whole different matter. I'm sure their are real sadistic ones out there but the so called trolls of dkos are tribal villagers and hard to spot unless your tribe has a vigilant witch hunter who knows a troll when they see one.
i had
forgotten that tale was so grisly, and that the goats were really Bad and Mean.
I think in real life maybe the grossest behavior in which goats engage is when the males slather and spray their own urine on their beards and front legs, in order to make themselves more attractive to the females.
Takes all kinds. : /
I thought it was the trolls that pissed on everything?
Thanks for trolling!
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -