Fascism has Come to America or Am I Just an Idiot?

It would appear that free speech is dead in this country. I say 'this country' because I no longer believe it is our country. I found out yesterday that my comments made to Seattle Times articles have been being censored since at least September of 2015. I believe the same thing has been happening at Huffington Post.

In the case of the Times, I have to log into my account to post comments and to have online unlimited reading capability you have to have a subscription to the paper which we do. Yesterday I posted in the comment section of an article titled 'Trump team challenges intel on Russian election influence' a paragraph from Glenn Greenwald's article in the Intercept about how there has been zero evidence presented that Russia has been interfering in our elections. I also included a link to the Intercept article. About 2 hours later I go back to look at further comments and I notice many comments before and after my comment all have many 'likes' and mine has none. I then use my iPhone to look at the comment section and I can see the comment there. I then realize my iPhone browser is signed into my Seattle Times account so I sign out and go back to the comment section and my comment is not there. So now I realize when I'm signed into my account I can see all my comments I've posted, but apparently no one else can. I check my user profile at the Times and the account says it's been active since December of 2011 and I've only made 27 comments. I have literally made hundreds of comments to many articles mostly involving politics and sports over the last couple years and not one of them has been seen by anyone but me.

In the case of Huffington Post, you have to have a Facebook account anymore to post comments. When I make a comment there, it is always at the top of the comment section and it never has any 'likes' where all the other comments have many maybe hundreds of likes. It is the same situation. When I sign out from Facebook, my comment no longer appears in the comment thread. So no one there has seen anything I've had to say for who knows how long. It appears that anyone who is a 'friend' of mine on Facebook can see my comments if logged in, but not the general public.

Over the last couple of years I have made even more comments at Huffington Post mostly pushing back against disinformation and providing links to independent media to try and get the truth out there. I don't think I've ever felt more frustrated. It would appear I have been muzzled. Or am I just an idiot?

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Song of the lark's picture

Gatekeepers have been increasingly active in recent years on every level of our society. Never fear the black scourge of the net our very own self funded gatekeeper, the No Such Agency has your every comment etched in silicon forever.

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of the day anywhere and then sit back and watch the howls of rage.

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Lookout's picture

has been their hold on power. I think Bernie's ability (and now Standing Rock) to go around or by pass the lame stream scares them. I expect more ways of censuring free speech on youtube and the internet to come in the future. Your story is a good example of the types of strategies we can expect.

The militarized police at Standing Rock shut down the camps phone service and internet with jamming devices - the veterans helped to block their technology so the camp is back on-line. They think they will win if they keep us in the dark...and they might be right.

and a new project condor in latin america (2 min)

No doubt why they want us ignorant and silent.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Thanks for the video link! That tactic of spurious 'legality' has certainly worked in the States so far, with the Supreme Court known to have been corrupted for decades with no action taken to fix it, having a scare-crow 'lesser/greater evil' two-party trade-off system and no actual democratic government permitted to win elections. It's harder for people to fight an inside '5th column' take-over of government and the legal system, as most of us are more reluctant to fight what's supposed to be 'legal' than a bloody tyranny, even though that's anyway the ultimate intended result, once any population is deemed to no longer have resources remaining to effectively fight back.

As has been pointed out, official censorship of the population and of their (remaining officially uncontrolled/non-corporate) information sources has been passed into American Federal 'law' based on a claim that 'the Russians!!! rigged the election!!!' and 'OMG, The People want actual investigations of publicized suspicious circumstances implicating political/would-be political figures in horrible crimes and they aren't accepting really freaking stupid excuses anymore because of having outside information we then have to overcome with more propaganda, so let's shut them down/lock them up under created 'law' at source', tellingly without any official move to investigate and to run any real, properly overseen election, something America has not had for some time...

When corruption is not eliminated, it spreads and grows ever more toxic. It's in the process of killing us all, now.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Hawkfish's picture

Several years ago, the publisher Frank Blethen shot his neighbors dog. They have broken strikes and seem to think that nepotism is an acceptable way to control the press. The ST had always been a cheering section for the CoC - expecting fairness from them is a doomed proposition.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

boriscleto's picture

They were deleting my posts that were the least bit negative towards Hillary...

Can't say that I've ever missed the celebrity side boob or pseudoscience articles either...

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

Eventually banned in 2007 for questioning the sites owner's intentions

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Zuckerberg is the Renfield of the plutocratic vampires. Much of the data he mines about his users not only feeds the NSA and other spook organizations, but also builds the databases "private" enterprise have built up on all of us. I refuse to give away my data just to make him more wealthy and to be able to leave comments on the ridiculously ignorant and divisive Huffington Post.

I also was ousted from Twitter. I am one of the last people on Earth who doesn't own a cell phone of any kind. Twitter demanded that I give them my cellular contact information or they would block my participation. I only had Twitter as the means to leave comments on a specific web site, so I wasn't too worried about giving that up.

I have refused to join any other form of "social" media for similar reasons. Somehow, the Sun continues to rise in the East everyday in my little world.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

There are increasing attempts to try to force people to join FB - makes it all the more obvious that doing so would be a very bad idea, doesn't it?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

Friend, fascism is no new visitor to the US. It has been here a long time. This election has just made it more obvious.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

they don't care anymore that we know. The believe us to be powerless against them. So far, they are right.

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Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

The establishment politicians certainly weren't trying to get Trump to win. They still want that power, and virtually all of them were talking about Hillary's inevitability. Even her opponents, her so called "enemies," rallied behind her over Trump. So they definitely seem to care about keeping people ignorant to that fact.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Is the day Fascism Arrived...
It's just fuzzy as to when the takeover happened, we are like frogs in a pot of water being heated to boiling...

This election can be marked as when it stepped out of the closet...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
snoopydawg's picture

The Deep State has been peaking out of the closet for awhile but during this election they came all the way out and are in full view.

Who had the power to change people's party affiliations or knock them off the voting rolls?

Now with Trump's cabinet picks we will see the corporate and economic coup completed.

I don't think Trump is the one picking these appointments, but the people running him.
I think that was why they let him win over Hillary. She might have enough power to fight back.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Bluesee's picture

...thinking Bernie definitely knew in which direction to take this country. But Hillary probably would have not been able to make it go in their direction. Trump, definitely. Agree that he is being heavily 'advised'. These are not his picks. He's in wayy over his head.

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Bernie is a win-win.

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

I'd consider that to be, at the very least, the biggest nail in the coffin.

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Greyhound's picture

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Every comment I make carries my job title and employer, it is the only site that exposes that information. So I don't comment there often.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

riverlover's picture

They want your Job Title and Employer? I may have skated by those being forcefully retired. If a place asked me more strongly for that info, I would ask then=m to free launder some comforters. smh.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Bluesee's picture

free launder some comforters

So close, I love a game, but I can't decipher it!

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Bernie is a win-win.

Their was a quiet effort to shutdown conservative blogs from 2008 to 2012 or so, by the conservatives themselves, blogs like mydailyroast(libertarian blog), and pursuitofliberty(ultra con nutter blog), where shortly replaced by fake blogs that had randomly generated comment sections. Their are others as well, many a ex conservative blogger received offers on their domains they could not refuse. The strategy failed, as far as I can tell because the fake blogs where not left up very long, and many of those domains are now up for sale!. Someone was attempting to control what the casual passer by would see.

The Democrats always being continually 8years or so behind republican strategies, tried the same going into 2016, not with small time blogs, but rather the big ones, With the added twist of real comment sections, that where heavily policed and censored. The Democrats are still running this strategy, your Seattle times story is merely the tip of the ice berg, Their is most certainly an idea floating around that people wont notice if you don't tell them they are banned, a simple flag that toggles a comment invisible to everyone but the original poster.

When you notice this happening at a place, BE WARY OF POSTING THEIR. Their is a near 99.9999% chance they are running big data analytics on every post made, And with a combination of browser tracking cookies, and compliant companies such as google, amazon, and Microsoft..

They really really want people to be surrounded by the information they control, They internet has been wrecking alot of politicians long term plans, ownership of the old media empires was supposed to be enough, 30-40 years ago when they first started down this path, what the internet is and has become, was entirely and completely inconceivable. And even as they saw how the internet changed things, they where idle, as the internet gave them new tools as well, even as stories and information leaked like a sieve, they where idle, as they believed their own con, that they could control it.

We are in the post Clinton defeat, post NDAPL world now... They now know they can no more control the net, then they can control the tides. The Democrats in their infinite wisdom, will probably double down on their failed strategy, and the ruubs will try and destroy the net rather then compete with it. For now both will fail.

Be on the lookout for legislation that tears up net neutrality, kills muni networks, expands spying powers, and attacks encryption.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

find ourselves in. More and more with HuffPost I just scan the headlines to see what they are trying to push. It's sad to read the comments from sometimes thousands of people that believe the disinformation. A lot of people want to go to war with Russia over this. Scary times.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

The end points will NEVER be neutral, The fight for internet neutrality is about making sure the road to and from all end points is free from encumbrance and/or manipulation.

It is very important we don't mistake the idea's we are espousing and, Media censorship and the internet neutrality are two different things.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

when your local newspaper that you have been reading for nearly 40 years has a place for readers comments and you are ghost banned and don't know it? That just changes the definition of a free press. They are free to muzzle you without your knowledge. There should be laws against this kind of thing but we're well past ever getting any protection like that.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Creosote.'s picture

in 2000. After that the closest I've come to the paper is only what's visible via the plastic on the front of newsboxes on the street. Now I suspect the forces Zim is describing, rather than profit margin, are what shut down the P-I, the city's only other daily paper.

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riverlover's picture

What will be the.single.talking.point.for.today? The expectation of an under-educated readership is self-fulfilling.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Happened to someone I know on Twitter.

As for the Dems, in general you're right and they trail behind the Republicans on strategies of this sort (notice how the Bushes did their election fraud first, in 2000 and 2004, and did it more successfully, than the Clintons in 2016). But I started noticing shit happening online in Democratic circles in 2011. Also, Obama had Cass Sunstein, who did work at Harvard on opinion management and perception management, as one of his top aides. So I don't think the Dems are all that far behind.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

All of the different blogs/new paper comment sections/social media entities/etc don't as of yet share a great deal of non meta information. That is through the commercial advent of advertising, they have a good system for tracking IP's, browser cookies, and site history. And this information is commonly shared, or sold in a fashion that its basically available to anybody who wants it.

I am sure that with that information above, I could identify with a 65-70% accuracy someone's political views. That is enough information to classify people into groups for semi targeted actions, such as ad's.

If you combine that with information collected from comment sections, blog postings, etc.. from across multiple sites. I could create a fine grained per household map of the united states, of political affiliation, and target individual people for precision targeted ad's, customized mailers, phone banking, or any number of disenfranchisement actions. And I could even give you the probability of success after a bit of data had been collected on the actions themselves.

Hopefully the effectiveness of these things decreases with time, as people figure out this nonsense, but shit...

Welcome to the Information Age!

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

If the site nanny doesn't like your comment, they can Ghost Ban you. Your comments will be visible to you but not to others. It's insidious.

It was created to deal with spammers. But now sites routinely use it against commenters who don't support their narrative. On youtube individual channels can ghost ban ids they don't like.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

One of the reasons I don't go to Raw Story, Americablog, Joemygod, Towleroad and Queerty anymore. If you question the orthodoxy of the day, no comments for you.

Makes me really sad/mad/frustrated that you cannot have a cogent discussion anymore. Especially in rebuttal to obvious propaganda. The spoon feeding of information, the lies of omission or outright distortions is especially galling when presented to the LGBT communities. You would think that as a set of people who traditionally sit of the outskirts of society, who have been unfairly castigated, who have had propaganda used against them and who consider themselves intelligent would be super aware of tactics like gaslighting, sock puppetry and various other techniques used to corral information. Alas it is not so.

Makes me feel more alone than the early/mid 80's (my punk/goth/alt part of my life) when everyone was slouchy sock preppies, headbangers or jocks.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

ever shadow banned at either place, but it seems they went corporate a while back just like TOP. I have no use for them.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Lenzabi's picture

Fascism has been with us for a very long time. They were simply hiding for many years when they failed for their coup on FDR. But they built things up so that they can be more open, welcome to the Corporate States of Oligarchia.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Greyhound's picture

I think you're just fine.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - GBS

This is common and becoming more so every day. Reddit does it (shadow-banning), nad FB is a bare-faced dictatorship and few seem to care, from "news" to "social media" virtually every commercially significant website does something like this. In fact, along with the paid trolling services, there is another industry that doesn't exist called online perception management services, that simply finds and, in a variety of ways, buries anything online that you don't want others to find.

When dinner walks up and introduces itself to you, then proceeds to kill and prepare itself for you, can you really blame someone for eating it?

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riverlover's picture

And I have gotten more discerning about loaded questions. Therefore, to your question: yes/no/when/where?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Greyhound's picture

Conversion through education can work, but it does require the student's desire to learn.

What is, is, and people will do as people will do.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

So sorry. This happened to a blogger I like very much, Nina Illingworth, on Twitter. Luckily, she noticed, we raised a stink, and suddenly she was reinstated.

I assume this shit is basically just standard OP for the opinion management/perception management types.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Yellerdog's picture

On background I once worked for the Seattle Post Intelligencer back when they put ink on paper and editorially they were the liberal voice of the region. The world liberal had not been stigmatized back then. It was something to be proud of.

Newspapers have never published all the letters to the editor and routinely edit them for style and grammar no less than they do the reporters. We would at times receive thousands of letters and post cards a day when hot topics were on the front page. To print them all would have taken up the entire paper. With the advent of tiny newspapers barely able to survive someone simply picks a couple of comments to print. Hopefully the try for some balance. As always the company owns the press and freedom of using it means they get to choose what they print same with websites.

Little has changed in that arena. What has changed is that once newspapers tried to separate news content from editorial comment but now not so much so. The death of investigative reporting is a subtle form of censorship. In their heyday newspapers could assign one reporter to do a 6 month or even longer to write an investigative piece and report what they found without an attempt at balance. If they discovered that the governor was a crook that's what they reported. Now there is no full time staff that covers government here in Olympia WA from any news outlet at all let alone one reporter digging into a specific issue. We simply know much less about what the legislature is doing. Without our guard dog we don't even know when the fox is in the henhouse anymore.

HuffPo has similarly accepted and rejected comments for years. I believe it began when Arianna sold out. We are all free to decide where to get our news but this is nothing new. I scroll though once a day but also have other news sources I check.

Censorship is a feature of all authoritative regimes and particularly those that subscribe to totalitarianism perhaps that is a better word to use than fascism which is only one form of totalitarian government. Fascism has become too much of a catch all word which I believe is a mistake because that makes it more difficult to recognize. China created a mixed capitalist/communist economic system which, with it's Great Firewall, is one of the most highly censored nations in the world. Iran practices censorship and it is a theocracy. Petty kleptocratic dictators practice censorship that may be a closer definition of the Trump era.

Yes I suspect censorship will be on the rise under the current administration. When the President can call out a virtual brownshirt army on you bringing down millions of threatening tweets and flooding your email it is an act of coercion that encourages people to stay silent. Same when he calls in the heads of all the major news outlets for a "come to Jesus' meeting about how he expects to be covered. To me those are much more worrisome than comments to the editor and they have only just begun.

However here we sit freely speaking away. Since 2008 I've posted 6150 flag-free comments and written 60 stories on "another site. " They haven't always been popular with everyone but then speech that is just pleasing to everybody is pretty much worthless. The point is that they were all published and I got to say whatever was on my mind. Some of it pretty stupid in retrospect. On the other hand the groupthink on that site creates it's own form of self-censorship. There are subjects and ways of saying things that just get you trounced on so you learn that they are off limits or ways to gently approach them that waters down the impact of what you are trying to say. I hope this site is not like that. The root of Progressive is progress. How can you make progress without open and honest dialogue?

It's an important topic that we should all be concerned be constantly vigilant about. Thanks for bringing it up.

I tend to write long comments. Hope that is acceptable here.

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ZimInSeattle's picture

"Free Speech? Not So Much". It's just rather unnerving realizing you've been muzzled for so long and didn't realize it. I must have been doing something right if they didn't respect what I had to say. Too much truth in their face. Think I will delete my account at ST and look into getting more of my local news at the PI and Everett Herald sites. I'll-- also see about getting my wife to cancel her paper subscription.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

I dropped my subscription to the Albuquerque Journal several years ago. I was fed up with all the ultra-right wing editorials and letters to the editor. Once in a blue moon they might print an editorial with a liberal slant which was then followed by letters wailing about the Journal's liberal bias. They still try to get me to re-subscribe, but I cannot really afford the paper and the paper never covers the issues affecting our country and the world. Needless to say the same RWNJs are still on the editorial page. When will these guys die off?

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SparkyGump's picture

I've seen this crap pretty much everywhere. Yea, sure, control the trolls but now it's being used to censor dissent.

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

Bob In Portland's picture

Since I'm progressive, I'm more likely to be banned by "liberal" sites that I visit. So far I've been banned from Booman Tribune (because, back in September or October, I asked Martin Longman, the proprietor, for proof about Russia hacking our elections), Balloon Juice (for suggesting that Mussolini understood how "corporatism" worked), Daily KOS for writing vaguely unflattering about H. Clinton's relationship to the 1%, Talk Left (I can't remember, but I believe this was back in 2008 during the "Obama boys" smears from the Clinton campaign), and Salon (for pointing out some of the more awful comments that Amanda Marcotte had written in 2005 about the Duke lacrosse team's rape trial in response to the awful things she was writing about "Bernie Bros".

So yes, censorship is on the rise in the US. Considering the current downpour of anti-Russian propaganda by the CIA I can only conclude that she was their chosen one for this election.

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Bob In Portland's picture

I'd like to add that Salon's banning is a little more sophisticated than the others. It allows you to type comments on the articles but only you can read them. They aren't published so that others can see. It's a good way to stifle conversation.

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