Aleppo is about to fall
The rebel defeat in Aleppo is imminent.
Forces loyal to the Syrian regime have ousted rebel groups from Aleppo’s Old City as an increasingly battered opposition pleaded for a five day ceasefire to allow remaining civilians to be evacuated.
The advances were the most strident of the past week and edged the fighting in Syria’s second city towards a final showdown in neighbourhoods where it all began for the besieged rebel groups four and a half years ago. Bashar al-Assad’s forces, backed heavily by militias that have been instrumental in shifting his fortunes in the war, are now the closest they have ever been to seizing the entirety of east Aleppo – a city central to the fate of the war.
The battlefield advances came as the US, Britain, France, Italy and Canada released a statement condemning both Russia and Syria for the “humanitarian disaster taking place before our very eyes” in Aleppo.
You know it's almost over when jihadists want to talk.
This ugly chapter in humanity is coming to a close.
That being said, the war is far from over.
What the fall of Aleppo does is solidify Assad's government. He can no longer be kicked out of power, short of a foreign invasion. Putin's gambit was a success.
However, that doesn't mean that Assad can win.
Jihadists still control all of Idlib province, and Assad forces have made no progress there in years.
ISIS is still firmly entrenched in Raqqa.
Turkey, along with jihadists, occupy northern Aleppo province, and it wants regime change.
However, the biggest danger for the Assad government is it's increased dependence on militias, both foreign and domestic.
Assad's government depends almost entirely on alliances and common enemies, rather than dictatorial power.
Things like this can happen.
Pro-Assad militias have reportedly engaged in fighting against each other in Syria’s Deir Ezzor, where regime forces are encircled by ISIS.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Thursday that combatants in the National Defense Force (NDF) that serves as an auxiliary for the Syrian army exchanged gunfire with members of Army of Tribes, a loyalist militia made up of members of the Al-Shaitat tribe.
And this.
The disagreements between the Iranian and Assad’s militias expanded to Damascus rif and evolved into armed fights which resulted in militias reported killed and injured. These armed fights happened after Halesh militias and Suhail alHassan forces alias al Nimr after verbal rifts between them.
Syria will remain unstable no matter how this turns out.

The only chance
for stability, is if we get the hell out of it. That will never happen, as it's a proving ground for failed U.S. military tactics and the MIC never misses a chance to peddle influence and sell destruction. I'm sure there are more than a handful of congress critters holding their pockets open.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
So how are we to get our pipeline from Qatar to Europe with all this war going on?
Pretty interesting conversation...
... with Tariq Ali and journalist/author, Jonathan Steele about events in Syria and the possible recalibration of US foreign policy under Trump. (30 min) I listened while tending to laundry.
Thanks for the updates!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Another failed state.
And temporairly a bad ending. The only caveat that with Aleppo pacified some civilian lives may be saved. Long term the MENA district is in collapse.
Looking more like a failed rebellion
As awful as the Assad regime has been for Syria, it's impossible to argue the point that this civil war has been far worse. Jeffersonian democracy was never in the cards there (not even here, anymore), so a range of bad options was always the only set of offerings one could see. The status quo is probably the worst of them.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I would be very cautious
about relying on either the Guardian or the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" for accurate news about the war in Syria. SOHR appears to be something of a fraud:
As for the Guardian, its sub-head states:
In fact, the rebels themselves have been preventing civilians from leaving east Aleppo, not the Syrian government. To say that they want a ceasefire "to allow civilians to leave" is entirely misleading. As much of the Guardian's reportage has been for quite some time. More likely, they want a ceasefire because they are on the verge of being annihilated.
I suppose one could say that Aleppo is "about to fall", but I think it would be more accurate to say that, at least from the perspective of civilians still trapped there, it is about to be liberated.
The SOHR is absolutely a propaganda outlet.
No doubt. I've written two or three essays on it. Anything coming from the SOHR should be considered lies unless proven otherwise.
Yes, and the fact that this "SOHR" has
has been quoted so often and so uncritically by US msm (as if it were far more than the fake news/bullshit/propaganda source that it actually is) says a lot about the "credibility" of the msm reporting.
Have to admit that one of the
Have to admit that one of the first things I thought reading this was - well, that this sounded like propaganda - but that this certainly wouldn't be about 'saving the civilians', who seem to be only the concern of various of Assad's forces/allies, but about getting supplies and reinforcements, (probably at least partially funded/trained or supplied via the US, one way or another,) the US under TBTB being there for the opposite of establishing democracy, with another, probably fundy, puppet government and theft and rampant pollution of, respectively, the country's resources and environment, as seems standard.
Seems weird to be rooting for Assad and the Russian corporations who legitimately found and were licenced to exploit the ginormous Syrian fossil fuel deposits they therefore own, and those licenced to have their pipeline run through the country, but while I do strongly feel that such deposits ought to be left where they lie while we all work together to move to greener tech ASAP, I detest armed robbery and war crimes which must be factually and publicly revealed and discouraged by appropriate trial and sentencing in an independent international court.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
thank you for continuing to pay attention to this /eom
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Where by 'Fall' you mean 'be liberated'
by the legal government from the insurgents who illegally occupied part of the city.
The Syrian civil war started out as
a respectworthy, hopeful, popular, and mostly secular movement to depose the tyrant Assad. But little by little it was co-opted by militant takfiri ideology and the superior logistical capability of its forces-- thanks to Quatr, KSA, UAR, Turkey, and these being aided by the bungling "assistance"" of CIA and our so-called "Western powers". ( IOW, those Powers whose interest lies in the preservation and protection of the "petro-dollar".)
For the sake of raw survival and military necessity (if not inclination) anti-Assad rebels of all stripes have been forced to ally themselves with foreign-sponsored jihadi ideologues. What started out as a home-grown revolution has devolved into a trans-national power play. Legality or the lack of it plays no part in this drama. Nor is there a right side or a wrong side. But it is a war, and one side must lose and the other side must win. Assad will either remain in power or he will not. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the vast majority of Syrians are hoping that Assad's SSA will emerge victorious -- and that, as soon as possible.
Syrians have already voted
Millions of Syrian refugees are in Assad-controlled regions.
Almost no Syrian refugees fled to "moderate" rebel regions.
It's interesting to note that, in Lebanon for instance, an overwhelming number of refugees support Daesh or Nusra, these refugees are largely the family members of fighters for one or the other of the takfiri groups. These militia members didn't send their families to Raqqa, or other rebel controlled areas.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I agree with you here:
Especially Syrian women!
Syrian women abhor the Sunni nightmare
… that the United States is trying to force on them by funding and arming Sunni extremists to overthrow over this largely Shiite nation — all on behalf of Israel and the Sunni regime of Saudi Arabia, pursuing a complete Shia genocide throughout the Middle East.
Women have been voting in Syria since 1949. They participate in all their nation's elections. Bashar al-Assad is the democratically elected President of Syria. He was re-elected in 2014 by the large majority of Syrians.
The Syrian constitution guarantees gender equality for women. They see the oppressive horror Syrian women experience when their towns and cities are captured by the US-backed Sunni rebels.
I, too, support the women of Syria.
And as far as I can see,
there's not much to choose between Daesh and al-Nusra. Yet Kerry says death to the one, while the CIA funnels support to the other.
"Death" in the sense of re-branding
is probably what he means. Daesh needs a New Coke moment, to overcome the difficulties their brand faces, made worse by beheadings, massacres, etc. Nusra has already been re-named Jahbat Fateh al-Sham, so now people won't associate them with their beheadings, massacres, etc.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Shouldn't the title read the opposite?
Aleppo is about to be Regained
Aleppo is about to Rise to Victory
I know the vision of Aleppo "falling into the dark abyss" is the view linguistically pushed inside the US. I guess that defines whose side the US is fighting for and funding.
If one supports the efforts of al Qaeda, then al Qaeda's nation-destroying invasion and murderous occupation of a city inside a sovereign nation… could be seen as failing and falling.
It is through the headlines in the US media that we are told what American has been doing in the Middle East for all this time. We see the original vision now. We grieve with al Qaeda, today.
Either the Neocons have no self-awareness remaining, or this is simply back-filling propaganda into the American mind. "We were always allies of al Qaeda."
To native, sandino, and pluto
I won't say "liberated" for several reasons, but most obviously because much of the regime's army in Aleppo is foreigners.
Plus, Syrian militias are not much better than common criminals.
Will Aleppo be better off? Well, the bombs will stop falling. So there is that.
Would you care to
provide a link to substantiate this?
I have read no reports of fleeing civilians being bullied by Syrian militias. Quite the contrary, they seem to be often welcomed, given food, meds, shelter, etc.
And only some units of the regime's army are composed of foreigners. Somewhere between 10-25% of it is what I've read. I would think probably about the same proportion of foreign/domestic fighters as the rebel forces have -- if not a lower percentage.
The level of coordination that has been demonstrated, among the various disparate elements of the "R+6" coalition, has been extraordinary. And effective. The coalition that the USA cobbled together has been no match for it. I think that probably whatever rogue militias might be active within the Russia/Syria/Iran coalition, they would be held on a very tight leash during this evacuation.
One point of irony
The main reason for regime change on the part of the US for tearing apart Syria was to destroy the linkage between Iran and Hezbollah and any resistance in Lebanon (any replacement Sunni regime would do, even ISIS). This in the name of protecting Israel. The Saudis were in it to stop Iranian influence and power in the region. I think any pipelines were secondary. So looks like so far, Syria under Assad will not fall. However, the result has also been the creation of hardened battle tested Shia militias for the IDF to face in the future.
Quite true! President Aoun is proof
that Sunni influence is on the wane in Lebanon. What they'll push for now is continued chaos, unfortunately the PTB in the region believe that stability and prosperity in neighboring countries is itself a threat to Israel's security.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
But apparently there's more
But apparently there's more involved than the pipeline; there was a huge Syrian fossil fuel find discovered by a Russian corporation licensed exploration just before all hell broke out, according to articles I'd previously read and am now having trouble finding.
Yup, most of what I'd found earlier seems to have vanished from search, or at least the top of the page, especially when 'Russian Corporation' is included - the one which was licensed for exploration and exploitation.
This turned up; haven't verified the claims here, but it fits (although mixing lies with truth makes for a more plausible con and is often used by polluting industry and their ilk) and I hope that someone with fewer search/health issues will research this properly. If true, what was additionally done to Greece is even more sickening than I would have thought possible - and it already was.
But the source given has almost no links and contains standard RW/corporate nonsense in other articles, so, verify before trusting... but that source does state that the purpose of the site is to make people aware of illegal and traitorous actions taken by government, so here (a fair bit of) it is.
But Presscore did have some interesting comments:
Just to add that some people are apparently abandoning Bernie and even demanding that he resign from politics for not overcoming all this (and more unmentioned here) in a nomination rigged by those who won't allow other people's countries to retain/institute democracies??? Gee, I wonder who started this propaganda to con Progressives into (yet again) turning on their allies - to prevent themselves from getting anywhere?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Aleppo is nearly free from Nusra
That's great news, for everyone except those that support Nusra.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
A history of the liberation of Aleppo
I have been "covering" the liberation of East Aleppo almost 24/7 since November 27 on my public Facebook page (same name and avatar as here) with scores (hundreds?) of posts and my own commentary. I have been meaning to summarize and write an essay, but things move to fast and by now I have a book with loose threads everywhere. I am rather loath to post a link to my fb page but, having been here since the beginning, I am confident that there are no trolls around. And I am sure you all will find things of interest.
From the Lighthouse
I will say this: The entire USA, UK, EU, NATO, Saudi, Qatari, Turk propaganda machine is crashing around their heads. The shit they have fed the USA public about Syria makes the shit they were fed about Iraq 2003 pale in terms of audacity and toxic pathology. Its breathtaking how the MSM, NGOs, and corporate police states have convinced so many to support head-choppers like Al Zenki and Al Nusra and even Daesh as "moderate rebels". Its Orwellian: these thugs run out of E. Aleppo by the Syrian government and allies were nothing more than criminal gangs and foreign "religious" psychopaths.
Note: By "covering" I mean the battle as seen though the Internet: news feeds, twitter, You-Tube. I try and verify everything I post. No CT, and I am quite happy exposing lies from all sides.
West Aleppo civilians have been bombed with thousands of this diabolical weapon --- propane tank bombs shot from Hell Cannons. Imagine if Al Qaedah had taken over the Bronx and was destroying Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn with this sort of weaponry. What would you expect your government to do?
And BTW, there was never "300,000 civilians trapped inside of Aleppo." There was, and this has been known for a long time in Syria, more like 40,000, many, if not most, family members of terrorists.
From the Light House.
Your statement clears the air
so eloquently:
It is Orwellian indeed. Note the date of the press briefing I'm quoting from below, especially the year. The term, "marbleization," really exemplifies the crap you're describing.
All this time, all the years, since even members of Congress asked how we could guarantee our weapons would only go to "moderates," and all this time that even our military was telling us our weapons were going to "extremists," the cheerful description now is mixing, intermingling, and marbleization of Nusra forces with our friends the moderates. Like baking a marble cake, mixing different batters but not entirely joining them. So simple and straightforward.
I always wanted to ask John McCain what he meant exactly by the term, "moderate." Moderately democratic? Moderately jihadist? Moderately sadistic? Moderately rebellious? You want Orwellian?
Thank you for your clarifying post
From what Ive seen lately on the news it doesnt look like theres going to be much left of the city to fall.The cost of human life is staggering that part of the world is hell on earth
Would this hell not have happened
If Dubya hadn't decided on a quick war in Iraq?
Beware the bullshit factories.
As soon as the headchoppers. . .
As soon as the headchopper gangs are run out of a neighborhood the Russians send in their sappers to clear mines, booby traps, weapon caches. Bulldozers are brought in to clear the roads and people to plant the gardens. The MSM shows over and over the same pictures of the same rubble and ignores that a large part of the city's buildings are intact, or repairable. Within a week people are returning to their homes.
The evil is that there is an embargo, much like the one against Gaza, that keeps people from obtaining some sorts of supplies. The supply situation is exacerbated by the fact that the East Aleppo criminal gangs have destroyed cement plants (see the video I posted), schools and tens (hundreds) of factories, bakeries and so on.
The mothers and children who have evacuated East Aleppo a week ago are already returning to their homes Yes some (many?) of them have been destroyed in the cross fire. Yes, it will take awhile to get the schools reorganised. But in Western Aleppo where there are 1.2 million (600,000 children MSM never mentions and the USA embargoes), the schools and so on are operating and I have even seen footage of Christmas lights and the like. My guess is that once the gangs are run out of Syria reconstruction will be orderly and fairly quick.
Whatever, its Syria's business how they solve their problems. From my limited view the only solution is to run the head-choppers the fuck out of Syria and let Turkey handle the problem they in large part created. If the legitimate Syrian government needs help wiping their country clean of criminal fanatics, they have every right to ask for help from their friends (Russia, Iran, Palestinian Hezbollah). If any countries, or the UN, not invited have zero right to invade, bomb, supply arms, spread propaganda or send in "humanitarian aid" to the black flags. Not only zero right, but they should be held accountable for the crimes against humanity they have spawned and provided support for.
In this photo essay by Lemniscat he showws scenes from scores of attacks on civilians by the East Aleppo gangs on the civilians of West Aleppo. Not very much reported (if at all) in the press as all the MSM does is publish anti-Syrian hit pieces.
In the video is a short film about the Al-Nusra controlled "White Helmets" whose phony videos CNN and the like are always pushing on the public as truth.
From the Light House.
Thank you!
There are "two" Aleppos
The western, larger portion, containing roughly 1.5 million is controlled by government forces. The eastern portion, containing 200,000 to 300,000
iswas controlled by al Nusra/al Qaeda knockoffs.God.
Just God.
Timmethy, regime change in Iraq was planned before Bush
was president.
The plan to remove Saddam was in place during the first Gulf war and after George 1 didn't get the job done, they went to Clinton in February 1998 and wanted him to do it.
There reasoning was the bogus WMDs that he would use against the USA.
Of course Saddam used biological weapons against the Iraqis during their war with Iran because our government not only gave them to him they also gave him the coordinates of where the Iranian troops were.
But that doesn't matter, does it because it doesn't fit their narrative.
The rest of this letter sent to bill Clinton teaks of nauseating hypocrisy.
They make Saddam out to be the worst tyrant who has ever walked the earth.
Funny how there is no mention in the letter any mention of how this government propped Saddam up and put him in power in the first place and gave him most of those weapons.
How many brutal tyrants has our government installed, watched as they committed heinous human rights violations, did nothing to them when they did until they no longer followed the rules?
I hope you read this letter
I find this beyond hysterical:
Robert Kagan: Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
I can't edit the first word. Their instead of there
Plus look at the name of their organization.
Peace and prosperity
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Thank you for the link to the letter
and its list of signatories. And who among them may have been involved with this?
Situation Report Yesterday and This Morning
Since this morning the Syrian Army have nearly cut the remaining area in half again. Sorry I can't get the image loaded but you can see as of an hour ago here:
The Syrian Army is following along the main river where there is open terrirory to divide the last pocket. The mercenaries and gangs left in the S. Aleppo pocket are doomed. Its completely hopeless to continue They should surrender to spare any civilians that may be still in the area. It is most likely that any civilians are families of the terrorists.
The MSM propaganda machine continues but is starting to crack.
From the Light House.
When deciphering news these days
Not only do you need to read both sides, but you have to be cautious about the purpose (propaganda) of the article.
The Western media has gone quiet on Mosul. Remember Mosul? It also is quiet about what Turkey's doing or not doing. Clearly, as long as the US, Qatar and the House of Saud keep supplying jihadis, guns and money to the war it won't end. The House of Saud, however, is not in great shape itself thanks to the strategy of overproducing oil to bring down Russia by reducing the price of oil. However, signs point to Assad remaining in power and expanding his base. Turkey was upbraided by Russia last week for talking about overthrowing Assad. None of that reached the western press. Erdogan is in a curious position. After the failed NATO coup of last summer how can he trust the West? But he will have to give up any ideas of staying in Syria if he plans on throwing in with the Russia-Iran axis.
Then there's the problem of the Kurds. If the Kurds carve out a part of Syria for themselves then they'll face the wrath of Turkey, Iraq and eventually Syria for creating a country by seizing their lands. The US's record with the Kurds is pretty dismal, using them for geopolitical purposes and then abandoning them. At some point the Kurds will realize their goals and the US goals are not the same. The whole okeydoke about the US "fighting terrorism" in Syria has always been bull and only the least observant of Americans still believe that fairy tale.
In short, the neoliberal plan of battle is to destroy regimes deemed to be enemies. If they can replace them, fine. If not, at least the wells will be offline and not in competition with the US's Sunni allies.
Meanwhile, the EU is cracking along all sorts of lines because the neoliberals refused to give the working class a cut of the "new economy". Britain, while still firmly allied with the US, pushing from the EU. Italy just voted against the neoliberal attempt to consolidate economic power over the working class there. The southern half of Italy has been impoverished. Spain is shaky, both internally and as a power allied to the EU. They've been rioting in France and are about to separate themselves from the EU by going righward. In Germany, meanwhile, things are getting shaky too. Merkel is probably done.
So NATO may be about over as a handmaiden and tool for Yankee plundering. Even the fascist fiefdom in Ukraine hasn't quite succeeded. A fascinating story I saw in the Russian press is that flash mobs of carolers are popping up in eastern Ukraine, even Odessa, singing Christmas carols in Russian. The question is not if the fascists will ever militarily regain the seceded regions, but how much more territory they will lose in their economic collapse. The mighty fascist Ukraine may end up a small, landlocked rump state around Lviv whose only purpose will be to disrupt Russian gas lines to the west.
In short, the neoliberalism is revealing itself throughout the west and the working class realizes that it doesn't serve them. Unfortunately, signs are that the only choice being offered is the reactionary right. Thus, Trump.
Interesting times.
Aleppo is NOT about to "fall"- it is about to be freed
For over three years, Aleppo has been surrounded and besieged by western backed terrorists. (I consider any groups that want to impose Sharia law upon the secular nation by use of force and arms to be terrorists). While most fled to the government controlled western Aleppo (containing about 1.5 million), approximately 200,000 decided to remain in eastern Aleppo for various reasons. First and foremost was financial.
What's the difference between a moderate "rebel" and a "takfiri" rebel? The "moderate" leaves the head attached after slitting throats.
Oh Crap!
Check this out! It looks like Obama's Final Act is going to be to spin up conflict with Russia. It looks like he's providing Stingers and similar weapons to the Syrian rebels as we speak. He's doing it while Congress is in recess, what a jerk.
Note that once these things get into circulation, there's no knowing who will get their hands on them. The Black Market appeal is enormous, and they can literally turn up anywhere. While most will likely stay in Syria, be shot at Russian and Syrian aircraft, and possibly start WW3, the other nightmare scenario for them is that they will be sold to terrorist groups that will use them against civilian airliners, literally anywhere. It's the perfect nihiliist's weapon for anti-civilization groups like ISIS.
Selling these weapons to known terrorists is treason.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Maybe Obomber is hoping they will take out Trump's 757
before the inauguration?
Bet that's why they wanted a
Bet that's why they wanted a cease-fire, as they generally don't care about civilians, although they may have families there - they seem to generally ask for one to get supplies/reinforcements...
Also that that's why the legitimate forces of the democratically elected Syrian government put out such a super-human effort, to try to beat despicable Old War-Crime Obama's re-arming these terrorists with such weapons.
The Syrians need to exterminate these guys now, especially the mercenary forces, before the weapons arrive, ('within hours') which may make Assad look bad, but not nearly as bad as Obama. Or someday these guys or other terrorists like them - whether paid mercenary forces or not - may shoot down Obama's vacation/business flight with such weapons, unfortunately also bringing down innocent others.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I keep telling my friends my opinions on foreign policy
and it usually goes a little something like this:
Me: Why don't why try the one thing we haven't yet?
Them: What is that?
Me: Let's get the fuck out of there and leave it alone.
Think-tanks can send their cheques to.... Me.
Progressive to the bone.
If you'd been running the
If you'd been running the universe, the world would be full of prosperous citizens living in democracy and far more ecologically balanced.
We can do very nicely (incredibly much better, in fact) without giant, overly powerful corporations destroying the world and paying starvation wages to all but a few - and the corporations can do without being giant, overly powerful and with owners, CEO's and major investors suffering from delusions of surviving their own global domination to wind up with all of the money in the world only to discover that it's become a worthless souvenir with no people, purchases or economy to give it any point... and no breathable air outside their luxury bunkers and the system just glitched on that last update - and there goes the power in that monster storm - and damn, I can't see in the pitch blackness, but I think that last massive earthquake just split the bunker because I'm breathing straight methane and pollution now... and I can't...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Tulsi Gabhard exposing Obama's funding and arming of terrorists
I love that woman!
I wish we had a couple of hundred more like her.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."