Political Programming: VirtualLib vs Con++ -- The Message Happens in the Receiver
This is a response to a FB comment referencing this piece that has our American Disc Dog Community at each other's throats.
The message happens in the receiver.
I have no doubt that the original message was not intended to hurt the people close to the original poster, but once the words leave our lips or we hit the return key, the message is no longer ours. It is now up to the receiver of the message to process it.
The message happens in the receiver.
We've got little common perspective these days, given the intent and focus of the various corporate media sources we consume.
It's like two different computer languages -- VirtualLib and Con++ -- trying to communicate with each other.
The message is correct and fine on transmission from VirtualLib, but when it's received, if the receiver is on another operating system, it gets garbled, becomes gibberish (welcome to my world), or communicates an entirely different meaning.
We used to have a software system, delivered by the corporate media, that allowed us to process the different language upon reception. Those times are long gone.
You have the same language installed as the original poster (OP), so you received the message as intended.
Those operating on Con++ got a completely different message, and despite it being garbled, the intent seems to be crystal clear.
I run on FreakScript, a small niche market, open source system. Which has a built in software decoder because you can't compute with the wider world on FreakScript, as the install base is so small and there are no parent companies throwing billions of dollars at it.
I am very conscious of writing redundant FreakScript code when writing publicly, but am pretty fluent in Con++ and VirtualLib because I need to be able to structure a message that can be received by either programming language.
Con++ and VL users often don't like what I have to say, taking in the foreign language bogs down their processors, and sometimes freezes their system forcing a reboot. But the message, if carefully crafted, makes enough sense to maintain the original meaning and intent.
The real problem is that companies that own VL and Con++ are involved in a massive battle for marketshare. They are deliberately crippling their operating systems to bolster their marketshare and to make the competing language obsolete (Apple / Google).
The parent companies are killing off the independent software vendors who create translation software in order to make the competing language malfunction and/or obsolete.
The only place the parent companies of VL and Con++ can agree is that FreakScript is the devil and are doing their best to malign and destroy the open source movement.
The users of Con++ and VL don't really give a shit about FreakScript, other than it's a pain in the ass sometimes. Unfortunately the proponents of the two major programming languages are wedded to them, they believe they NEED them, as there is no real alternative out there.
So they wind up protecting the parent companies that are clearly harming them and ignore the purposeful sabotage and crippling of the operating system to ensure that the language that is their bread and butter survives and flourishes.
Until VL and Con++ users turn on the parent companies and demand an end to the abuse of the install base to settle petty corporate scores, this kind of shit will continue.

Is that article link correct?
I don't see the connection to this post.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The Article Was Posted By a Liberal Friend in a Mixed Ideologica
niche community.
It really offended the conservative members of the community. They didn't like being "thought less of" for voting for Drumpf.
It's hard to read any other way than "You supported a racist, and I think less of you."
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Great Analogs
VirtLib and Con ++
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Reccd for geekspeak
Do one about design patterns!
heh....con++ :)
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams