Just How Spiteful Are Hillary Supporters?
If these 2 comments are any indication, well....just see for yourself.
hopefully your disabled ass won't last the better part of two years.
And this one is a personal favorite of mine.
I look forward to seeing your stupid smug attitude destroyed when you face the reality of a Trump presidency with the GOP in control of congress and the Supreme Court. America is about to change in ways that were once unimaginable. This is our Hitler moment, you brought it on, and you will live with it for the rest of your life
The comments in question come from this video:
Because of course we Millennials are to blame for Trumpy Boy's ascendance to the Presidency. It couldn't have jack about dick to do with the fact that Trumpy Boy is just the natural conclusion of decades of suppression with regards to political discourse, rampant neglect on the issues of the environment, income inequality, economic royalism and corporate rule, oh no. It's because we didn't 'vote'. Ha!
Let me just end this with my opening comment in the thread of the video.
Okay, Johnny. You wanna play this game? Fine. I'm not impressed by your generation, either. In fact, your generation can kiss my ass as far as your condescending lectures are concerned.
Your generation did more damage to this country than ours ever could. You destroyed the middle class, labor unions, the environment, political discourse, journalism and everything else you could get your hands on while moralizing and criminalizing everything else. Including dissent. And you're still doing it now.
So here's an idea: Instead of looking down your fuckin' nose at us and wagging your finger, why not just accept the fact that the candidate you supported sucked just as bad as the walking hairpiece and be done with it? Oh, that's right. That would actually require your generation to accept responsibility too.
Now, I'm well aware that not all older folks think that way about us and I don't think this way about all older folks. I'm just sick of everybody playing the blame game.
See ya around,

I am non-violent by conscience, not as much
as my mother in law, who tries to convince ants on front steps not to enter, lest they force her to use ant poison. (She tried baking soda.) However, it is, for me, most definitely a matter of conscience. I would take a bullet for you, but I will not fire one for you. The only exception I might make is defending a child I brought into this world, because I would feel responsible for that life.
I will not fault you for the choice you made. I assume--and, for your sake, hope--it was a difficult one. But don't diss me or anyone for opposing war, for not wanting to hurt anyone deliberately, even to save his or her own life. And don't diss anyone for refusing to kill people and cripple a nation in a war they considered immoral, as with Muhammed Ali. He gave up a lot to be in prison, rather than report for the draft. That was conscience and principle, walking and living the talk, not self righteousness.
Many people who opposed all wars or that war fought and died in Vietnam despite their strongly held beliefs anyway, because they did not want to leave the country or become fugitives here. Others came back addicts and otherwise damaged for life because they could never face what they had done while believing it was wrong. Your post, in my opinion, is disrespectful in that respect. And perhaps even somewhat self righteous about not being self righteous.
Pretty self-righteous of you isn`t it?
I paid enough dues so I am trying to find a nice way to say fuck off, but I can`t.
So just fuck off.
No and no.
That guy must have done
all the wrong drugs. He's completely sucked into the divided and conquered mentality. He's just a tool of TPTB.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
They're happy for you to be part of their "identity politics" until you're unhappy to be part of their "identity politics".
Then all bets are off.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Order of the Garter?
Of course as a Brit, I'm a ringer
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Hawkfish gets points!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Quite right. A Brit knows nothing of identify politics.
Not for everyone
I'm a white male raised solidly working class. I suppose I could use my education as a pass if I confess to white privilege loudly and often. But that wouldn't work for my friends growing up. The only role available to them is villain.
Do we have time for a lecture on transfinite cardinals?
Any answer to your subject question will require them...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Are we waiting for Godel?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
As a 72 year old millenial, I confess. It's my fault.
I cost Hillary the election and will be personally responsible for all the bad things that follow.
And, btw, Peace to my younger brothers and sisters.
[See, I really am an old hippie!]
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I'm 10 years younger than you ...
... and I'm a Millennial, too!
Sometimes I think I was born thirty years too soon.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Where did safe spaces come from BTW?
You know after hearing the ahole talk about safe spaces, it seemed that this concept just didn't spring up among young folk. The idea of safe spaces as per this website I found whose purpose is "To aid students in their search for a place at school where diversity is celebrated and prejudices are unwelcome, we’ve compiled a list of great schools that offer different types of safe spaces."
Here is the origin of "safe places" according to website.
So the idea of safe places emerged from the women's and gay rights movement of the 1960's. This ahole talks about his generation fighting injustice blah blah blah, and the thing he despises came from his wonderful generation of gay and female peers and implemented by college administrators who where the children of his wonderful generation.
And you know, I think at least for gay and female kids under 18, a safe place sounds like a damn fine idea to protect and give strength to fight against bullies which have drive some gay youth to suicide.
What a self-righteous ignorant asshole.
It will soon come about that there are no safe spaces
with rampant Right-wingism flourishing. Not only will gender identification be subject to greater proscriptions, but so will "free" speech.
This is something we really need to talk about as a movement
Even on the Left, there's disdain for "safe spaces" either b/c the concept has been misused and twisted to attack people unfairly for racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.--a really horrible co-optation of those fights against prejudice has been the establishment's strongest weapon lately--or else because "safe spaces" are identified with "echo chambers." Where a lot of people see "echo chambers" I see us taking a tiny bit of territory in a terrible culture war in which we've been shelled for over a generation, and which is remarkably asymmetrical. I think we need more spaces like that, not fewer. I don't think we're in danger of too much self-confirmation--I think our points of view tend to be attacked every time we look at a television or go most places online, or turn on the radio. And I'm not just talking as a sexual minority or as a woman. This isn't just about those fights. Lately, I think I've been attacked most of all for being a non-billionaire human being who attempts to maintain an independent judgement!
I think we need more counterculture, not less, and we won't get that by seeking out everybody who disagrees with us in a troll-infested, sockpuppet-manipulated, mentirocracia like the one the establishment has created, where it's difficult to find any place where you're not being trolled, bullied, or smeared.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
He is an asshole
Too many of them these days.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I'm just gobsmacked.
That guy has no idea what an ass he is. Typically, those are the biggest ones, too.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
They didn't save the world
Another fallacy. Japan attacked us and the banks and corporations propped up Hitler. Was Germany a threat to this country? Or just its ideas?
Roosevelt and Churchill knew about the camps for years but did nothing about them.
Except Roosevelt turned away boatloads of Jewish people and sent them back to their deaths.
He's right that our parents worked their asses off at the corporations and made them successful.
And how did they pay them back? They offshored the jobs and closed the factories.
That's all far I got in the video. Pompous asshole.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The Russians
are primarily responsible for defeating the Nazis. Lost 20-30 million people doing it too. For every horrific battle the Brits and Americans fought (Normandy, Battle of the Bulge) the Russians fought ten times as many and with far greater losses.
I know, pointing out the myth of "the Greatest Generation" defeating Hitler isn't very popular, but they were not the prime reason Hitler lost, pure and simple. And my Uncle fought in the Battle of the Bulge and I don't believe he ever bragged that his generation was vastly superior to all others.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Great rebuttal, but ya missed a spot :-)
There's the part where Hillary herself came up with the "Pied Piper strategy" designed to "elevate" the most extreme Republican candidates. The idea was that Trump or Cruz would clear the Republican field for her, and then present a very easy opponent for her to beat.
The DNC and Hillary 2016 collaborated with the mainstream press to "elevate" Trump. And now they have the fucking gall to blame you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
BOOM! Wish I could thumbs up this post a few hundred times.
I think "Pied Piper" plan was a bit different.
The idea was to build up extreme candidates like Trump and Carson, who would rile up the crazies in the Rep. Party.
"Serious candidates" likes Bush and Rubio would be forced to move right to win the nomination.
This would tie the winner to extreme positions and make him easy to attack by a "reasonable" Clinton in the GE. It was assumed that Trump had no chance of being nominee, though they didn't fear him.
Got this off Podesta. Not sure if it was her idea. Really hope it came from Bill. lol.
Let me put it this way.
The corporate media, who were all (except Fox) in the bag for Clinton, went 24/7 in their promotion of Trump. We know that the corporate media (except Fox) was working w/Clinton 2016, to the extent that some journalists were submitting their stories before publication to the Clinton folks for approval.
and yet, as Trump clearly began outstripping the rest of the Republican field, the Clintons and their campaign didn't bother to rein their puppet media in.
The plan may have originally been what you said, but it would have been obvious to anybody that that original plan was going wrong. There were plenty of moments when people noticed that Rubio and Jeb weren't doing so well under the onslaught of millions of dollars of earned media for Trump (probably the largest in-kind campaign donation I've ever seen).
As somebody who used to work in campaign politics, let me assure you this part of it ain't rocket science. It's well understood that sluicing a campaign with tons of media exposure--practically no matter what kind--has the same effect as sluicing a banana grove with a lot of water. When indicators began to show that all that earned media was having the effect that massive media exposure almost always does, there was plenty of time to call that shit off. Hell, there was plenty of time for the Hillary 2016 campaign to stop dragging Trump in at every turn, which they did themselves, trying with all their might to pretend that the primaries were already over in April and that they were already in the general.
So I have no doubt that you're right, but there were months of time in which Hillary and her peeps could have figured out that they were actually, for real, going to end up with Trump as the Republican candidate. And from what I can tell, they reveled in that idea, because they were so sure that obviously she would beat him.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That was the original plan,
unless my memory has gone completely.
I agree with you- they didn't fear Trump at all. They wanted to campaign against a "legitimate candidate" on .5 crazy platform. They thought a (++) clown would be a cinch.
So no, they never shut it down.
I think you are correct, she didn't leash her monster timely
They slid in Trump as a distraction and he took off, and no one on her campaign was clever enough to slip in those tapes, which they had had. I have no sympathy for either (old) side. Cognitive stuff is escaping now, nighty-nite! PT plus neuro exam has me exhausted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Just ignore it. This is nothing new.
You can find speeches in the Roman Senate that are raising cain about the degenerate youth of the day. I remember one Senator (Roman) was upset about the way young people wore their sandal straps or something equally silly. Every generation seems to need to justify their lives this way. I think it's a mark of their recognition that they haven't lived up to their dreams.
I'm 81 and I've seen it with every generation during my life. I posted an essay a few days ago where one of my old childhood friends goes off on the same subject. Tedious and tells you more about the person ranting than it does about the people he's upset with. Get on with your life and keep your good attitude that age, sex, beauty, and wealth are not good gauges of people's worth. Look at what they do and you will know their worth. As the person above said, "Peace."
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Yes, but also no.
The people who want to end Social Security, including aid to the disabled, and Medicare have really been trying to stir hatred in Millennials and Gens X and Y of their moms and grandmoms whose "selfishness" about Medicare and Social Security is stealing their money and their futures. The idea is that you're paying for selfish Grannie's seat the gravy train, but, when you time to collect arrives, those programs will be out of business. So, no soup for you! It's painted as really really unfair, with, of course, no mention that granny contributed to Social Security all her life, too.
Sure, there have always been generation wars in terms of respect--oldsters not liking, and perhaps even feeling discredited by, the innovations and preferences of the youth and the youth thinking the oldsters are out of it. That, I think is normal human interaction, especially for teens who are in the development stage of differentiating from their elders so that they can become independent adults.
What's new now: the idea of actually purposefully stoking inter-generational resentment, maybe hate, of convincing the young that it's better for Grannie to die of starvation or a treatable illness than to steal money for Social Security from Gens X and Y and Millennials. And its being done because billionaires like Pete Peterson resent the insignificant (to them) fraction of their annual income that goes to Social Security. They want push back from younger generations when they finally succeed in ending Social Security and Medicare, like they succeeded in getting Bill Clinton ended "welfare as we know it."
The real goal, IMO, is not so much to kick Granny off welfare. When they finally pull the plug, those who are no longer able to work will be grandfathered (no pun intended).(Though I am not sure what they will do with the disabled. Welfare, I guess.) IMO, the real goal is to get the younger ones used to the ideas that they will not be able to count on Social Security when they retire. And if, to do that, they have to make them see their parents and grandparents as greedy, oh, well.
Before the "welfare queens" of Reagan and Atwater, many people felt sorry for those who needed welfare and wanted to donate things to them, to try to make their lives more bearable. While Atwater admitted that "welfare queens" was intended as a racist dog whistle, it also had the side effect of helping reduce or eliminate removing compassion for and empathy with the poor, regardless of race and regardless of the reason for their poverty. Portraying people as getting rich on welfare paved the way for Clinton to end "welfare as we know it."
Bill Clinton, of course, was caught by a hot mike offering to help Paul Ryan with Ryan's Medicare distruptio and Hillary Clinton, of course, met with Pete Peterson during her Presidential primary campaign.
I had an interesting run in with a young man on this subject.
I'm going to try to make a long story much shorter. A young man probably in his twenties walked out of the coffee shop I go to quite often and said, "That's a nice car you have."
I laughed and said, "It's a ten-year-old Ford, but it does the job." Whereupon he said, " You're rich; why don't you give it to me?"
My answer was that no one got rich on Social Security. His answer was that he was paying my income. Obviously, he doesn't understand how Social Security works. I didn't answer him except to say, "Nice talking to you." I can be sarcastic, but I wonder if he got it.
Anyway this little conversation does prove your point that it is now some of the youth that are being lied to about how the system works. Thus, instead of the grousing of the older generation being the sole problem it is the lying of the older, richer generation causing youngsters to do their dirty work. However, I doubt too many are buying it. I'm sure from other experiences with him that this young man has a few mental problems .
There must be a special place in the Inferno for these greedy bastards like Peterson, Ryan, the Clintons, et. al. I for one sure hope so.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I think many are buying it, even if they know how the system
works. A good friend--very bright--a lawyer--donated to, and voted for, Sanders in the primary. Some years back. He knows how the system works, though he may not know every detail, like what Mediciare deductibles are.
Anyway, he said some ugly things about Boomers. He claimed they ruined this country and the planet and complained that they demand their Medicare cover every little thing, etc. (As if anyone listens to citizen demands.) He is really a wonderful person except for that. He is not the type to come up with that stuff on his own.
He hasn't said anything like that since. Maybe I'll ask him if he still feels that way.
Millennials are to
blamepay for Trumpy Boy's ascendance to the Presidency.Bernie is a win-win.
I am not a fan of generation wars.
Of all the ways to divide us, turning parent or grandparent against child or grandchild and vice versa is the worst, IMO. Besides, are already divided more than enough to keep us subjugated to the plutocrats. Handing Grannies over to death panels or murdering Millennials ain't gonna help us do diddly to get to the root of the real problems in our lives, let alone fix them. IMO, the 90% need to be looking for ways to unite with each other against the plutocrats, not more ways to allow ourselves to be divided and conquered.
war of any kind
"Oh yes, Senor. We are very happy to help you with your War on Everything."
I'm just going to drop this in here. I think it may have
already been referenced in a previous essay. It is really worth the read:
From The Atlantic
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
I'll second your reccommendation...
That is an excellent and timely essay by Matt Stoller. Highly relevant to the Dems' current political dilemma.
Oh, I love Matt Stoller.
Sometimes it feels like I keep running into him or his words, ever since I went to DC in 2005. He's always cogent, honest, and insightful. Most recently I saw him at the opening of The Internet's Own Boy (I think he knew Aaron Swartz when Swartz interned for Alan Grayson). Every now and then he turns up in my feed on Twitter, and I'm often better for it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The Hillbot comment on populism? Racist!
(Isn't everything, anymore?)
After the Civil War, the South was, of course, one of the poorest parts of the country and its economy still has not fully recovered, although I think an even-ing out across all regions of the US may be coming.
In any event, because of the poverty of their constituents, Southern Democratic segregationists tended also to be populists. Neo liberals sensed populism was rising again, probably because so many because poor. So, in a classic logical fallacy, the reasoning is "Many Southern Democrats were populists. Many Southern Democrats were racists. Populism is racist." Um, 100% of Southern Democrats were Democrats. And they were Democrats because a Republican freed "their" slaves. So, under their
calculated, deceitful neoliberal smear campaign"reasoning," there is a stronger argument that all Democrats are racist, as are all Southerners. Of course, neither of those statements is true. But, under their nonsense, the arguments for those two statements are far more solid than the argument for "populism is racist."Mirrors...
...are now banned in the Village.
There's always a work-around
Someone can tell us how we look, objectively, if we ask them to.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Just a little warning:
The way that the 1% stay in power is to divide the 99%. Black v. white, middle class v. poor, religious v. non-religious. One division that they exploit is age. I am an old man. I supported Sanders and I could not support Clinton. It wasn't just millenials.
I don't want my social security or medicare to disappear, but that doesn't mean that I want cheaper, or free college education to disappear. Anyone who blames one slice of the pie for the whole pie tasting bad is avoiding the truth.
We all work together. After I was drafted I served in the army as a race relations instructor back in 1972-3. Did I solve racism in the US? No, but I put my shoulder into fighting it. I worked as shop steward at my job, protecting rights on the work floor. Did I stop the contraction of union jobs? No, but I did my best.
So the question arises: What good does it do blaming this generation or that one? No matter what generation you belong to in the US, you are at some point going to need healthcare and job. You are going to need a roof over your head. Hillary Clinton and the New Dems were selling off the New Deal piece by piece. The Republicans think that they can do it wholesale because they hold the 99% in contempt.
This guy is an old fool who will probably live his whole life without figuring out the world around him. Get angry at him if you will, laugh at him, whatever. Just remember that there are always alliances to be made with all the groups that the 1% has told you are your enemies.
(++) !
Classifying and characterizing people
according to which "generation" they belong to, has always seemed a very dubious proposition to me. The dividing lines between these so-called "generations" are wholly arbitrary, and none of the age-goupings have ever been anything like homogeneous anyway. IMO the notion that distinct generations even exist is no more than a foolish conceit. It does however, seem to cause a lot of needless quarreling.
They got the candidate they wanted, and cannot stand that
she lost. That is because she was more than just a candidate.She was above criticism and beyond reproach as far as they were concerned. That is a characteristic of the perfect, not of ordinary humans. Their behavior smacks of idolatry, and they're going off the rails because she had feet of clay, just like every other false god, or else, she was defeated by satanic forces, which explains it all. And satanic forces, as we all know, must be expunged and exterminated. It is a cult that might not die in our lifetimes, or mine, at any rate.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Idolatry of politicians is bad for the 90%, even
even if the "idol" is a leftist.
Many people don't seem to want to give up idolatory; they just keep hoping for better idols. So, if Obama disappoints, it's on to Sanders and/or Stein. And, if the current idol disappoints, too, it must be because of circumstances beyond his or her control. Or somehow justified.
In one of his books, Jonathan Kozoll talks about one
problem with worshipping our heroes: It makes their accomplishments seem superhuman and beyond the capacities of those who are raised to admire them. Thus (in one of his specific examples), if you cover up MLK's flaws, then for the african american youth he becomes, not a role model whose work needs to be taken up and carried forward, but a Messiah whose work can only be taken up by another saint -- i.e., not themselves, because they know they are not themselves saints.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Good point. Mine was a bit different.
When we idolize politicians, anything they do or don't do seems to be okay with us. We rationalize, even make up excuses. It becomes about defending and protecting and serving them, rather than about their serving the 90%. For a mild example, I was taken aback by the notion that we citizens were supposed to "have Obama's back." I thought we elected our so-called representatives and supported that giant mess in D.C. so they'd have our backs. That's their job description--and we pay for our Presidents and Vice Presidents to live more luxuriously than sultans, in addition to paying them a nice salary and giving them very nice retirement benefits, like Secret Service, pensions, offices, etc.