November 21, 2016 Open Thread; National Adoption Day in the US

November 21 is the 325th day of the year. There are 40 days left.
Today's number is 21
21 is the product of 2 primes, 7 and 3
21 is the sum of the first 6 natural numbers. 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21
21 is a fibonnacci number 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
21st Amendment ended prohibition
21 is Scandium
21 is the total of the spots on one 6 sided die (see: sum of the first 6 natural numbers, duh)
In several countries 21 is the legal age of majority.
In all US states 21 is the legal drinking age.
In some countries 21 is the voting age.
The highest-winning point total in Blackjack is 21
There are 21 shillings in a guinea.
OK, 21 is 3 x 7. Accordingly, x/21, whenever x =3n, is the same as n/7 which gets us back to the freaky repeating decimal (0.142857) discussed on the 7th and the 14th. The decimal part of n/7 where n is a natural number not a multiple of 999,999 or 7 is the remainder x 0.142857 repeated on out to infinity. n/14 has similar rules, and now we get to n/21, which is, for example ...
1/21 = 0.047619047619 repeat == (1/7)/3
2/21 = 0.095238095238 repeat == (2/7)/3
3/21 = 0.142857142857 repeat == (3/7)/3 == 1/7, Bingo!
4/21 = 0.190476 repeat == (4/7)/3
Title 21 of the US Code is FOOD AND DRUGS
21 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Lollius and Lepidus
21 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Caesar
King Daeso of Dongbuyeo died in battle
Arminius, who whupped that Damned Varus at the battle of Teutoburger Wald, died
The Empress Wang died
On this day in:
0164 BC -- Judas Maccabeus, restored the Temple in Jerusalem. Celebrated annually by the festival of Hanukkah.
1386 -- Timur of Samarkand sacked Tbilisi
1877 -- Thomas Edison announced the creation of the phonograph
1894 -- The Japanese captured Port Arthur. The lessons to be learned weren't until during WWI.
1905 -- Albert Einstein's paper on the relationship between energy content and inertia was published.
1910 -- Brazilian Sailors rebelled (The Revolt of the Lash).
1918 -- The Lwow pogrom took place.
1920 -- "Bloody Sunday" in Dublin.
1922 -- Rebecca Latimer Felton became the first female US Senator
1927 -- Striking coal miners were slaughtered with machine guns by state police in the Columbine Mine massacre.
1953 -- The "Piltdown Man" skull was revealed to be a hoax.
1964 -- The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opened. (Giovanni da Verrazzano beat Hudson and all those folks, but ...)
1969 -- The first permanent ARPANET link was set up between UCLA and SRI
1983 -- The US criminal war against Grenada ended.
1986 -- Oliver North fired up the shredder
2002 -- NATO invited Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia to join & help restart the cold war.
2013 -- The Euromaidan begins in Ukraine.
Born this day in:
1694 -- Voltaire, historian, playwright, and philosopher, friend of Frederick the Great.
1852 -- Francisco Tarrega, guitarist and composer
1861 -- Tom Horn, police officer and murderer, not a prototype, but an exemplar for sure.
1902 -- Isaac Bashevis Singer, author and playwright, Nobel Prize laureate
1904 -- Coleman Hawkins, saxophonist and clarinet player
1940 -- Dr. John, singer, songwriter and pianist; gris-gris man as well
1948 -- Lonnie Jordan, singer, songwriter, keyboardist and guitarist (War)
1965 -- Bjork, bjork
Died this day in:
1695 -- Henry Purcell, organist and composer
1899 -- Garret Hobart, lawyer and politician, 24th Vice President of the US, heh, who knew
1938 -- Leopold Godowsky, pianist and composer
1945 -- Robert Benchley, humorist, newspaper columnist, and actor
1953 -- Larry Shields, clarinet player and composer (Original Dixieland Jass Band)
1970 -- C. V. Raman, physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate, you know, Raman effect, Raman scattering
1986 -- Jerry Colonna, singer, songwriter, comedian, trombonist and actor; ya gotta be kidding
1999 -- Quentin Crisp, actor, author, and illustrator
2002 -- Hadda Brooks, singer-songwriter and pianist
2006 -- Robert Lockwood, Jr., guitarist
2010 -- Margaret Taylor-Burroughs, painter and author, co-founded the DuSable Museum of African American History
2011 -- Anne McCaffrey, author, dragon rider
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
National Adoption Day (US)
World Television Day
So go adopt a TV
So, for music
Francisco Tarrega
Coleman Hawkins
Doctor John
Lonnie Jordan
Henry Purcell
Leopold Godowsky
Larry Shields
Jerry Colonna
Hadda Brooks
Robert Lockwood, Jr.
Francisco Tarrega
Coleman Hawkins
Doctor John
Lonnie Jordan
Henry Purcell
Leopold Godowsky
Larry Shields
Jerry Colonna
Hadda Brooks
Robert Lockwood, Jr.
OK, what's on your minds?
Just for grins: (This ought to eat up the whole morning

Coleman Hawkins gave Thelonious Monk his first chance to
record. It was Coleman's session and he selected Monk to play piano. Two 78s were released, 4 songs, and they're pretty good.
Good you have Body and Soul - that solo brought Hawkins to the attention of the national audience. Hawkins made the transition from hot jazz to swing to bebop to free jazz: He had a very long career. Thelonious returned the favor by employing Coleman on the former's Monk's Music on Riverside label.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Thanks. It's good to have a resident Jazz expert, 'cause I am
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks but no expert here. I am a jazz musician(amateur) who
plays old bebop so I know a bit about that genre plus I have favorites from the swing and pre-swing era(most of swing is a sealed book to me) like Eddie Lang, Joe Venuti, and Slim Gaillard.
Thelonious Monk is my favorite musician of all and I never tire playing, and listening to, his compositions. He was a wonderful composer and a unique soloist.
I can always listen to Bean's(one of Hawkins nicknames) Body and Soul. Many thanks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
No power since last night and windy, 27 out
Estimated restoration is mid-afternoon. I may spend the day in bed listening to a hard-wired smoke detector beep. Oops, a battery I forgot.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
How are you keeping warm?
First of all, my power just blipped twice and is now on
so the furnace is running again, as is the fridge and the water pump. But my house has much thermal mass, not yet fully warmed-up for really cold, but the inside temp dropped only 7 degrees. I have a fireplace insert, loaded with decade-dried wood, and the chimney was just inspected. So I could have huddled around the glass doors.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good to hear that things ae fixed. I hate power outages.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I hate power outages also. When we lived in the southern Apps
outages were common so I bought a generator. When we moved, I bought a better one, one that runs the whole house. Pricey but 10 seconds after the power goes out, everything comes back on. It's a relief.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
A personal favorite:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
good morning el and c99
The 21st amendment is interesting for a couple of reasons. It was the fastest taking less than a year and approved by conventions rather than state legislatures (they were afraid of the temperance lobby).
Ken Burns has a really interesting docu-series on prohibition:
Hope everyone has a good day.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It also granted regulatory control to the states, hence some are
dry or have dry counties. More importantly, many states have used it to grant monopoly resale and wholesale status to various parties.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Stan Musial's birthday
and Ken Griffey Jr's too. Both born Nov. 21. Both born in Donora, Pennsylvania. Musial in 1920, Griffey Jr in 1969. I believe Musial played with Griffey's grandfather in high school.
So...every week when we get one of these we have "the consulship of so and so" and sometimes it seems like an odd way to reckon time. It would be like saying this year is not 2016 but is, instead, the 8th year of the Obama Presidency. People in other countries would naturally call it something else. "How odd", I've occasionally thought.
But....without thinking much about it we do the same as the Romans. Well, at least something similar. We talk about eras and we know just what we mean. "That's Victorian" or "Edwardian". Or "post Civil War". Or "the Summer of Love".
'Tis the 35th year of the Reagan Revolution in the US. It is
possibly also the dawning of the Age of Nefarious, but that also could have been long past.
We have bce and ce, sanitized from bc and ad, measuring from a random point. What we need is a known significant starting point, so I propose:
bt & at; before & after Trinity (07/16/1945 old style), or
bh & ah; before & after Hiroshima (08/06/1945 old style).
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Back in NC this evening
We had been in Florida for a family reunion for the last week. During that time a major forest fire broke out in South Carolina on Pinnacle Mountain which is near the North Carolina border. We took a chance to drive back to NC and drove along SC11 where the Pinnacle Mountain fire had caused heavy smoke. The smoke was not as bad as we expected, but the fire had jumped the fire lines on the northern border and now has traveled into Transylvania County NC where we live.
This was totally unexpected as crews were more worried about the southern and eastern borders of the fire. Everyone here in Brevard is on edge as no rain is in sight and humidity levels are below 20%. Transylvania County NC is normally in a rain forest with rainfall averaging over 90 inches per year in the western part of the county near where the SC fires are located. The severe drought this year has created a tinderbox in the forests. Also the dry weather contributes to the leaves staying on the trees longer (yes, it is counter intuitive)) thus making for crowning of the fires.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Be careful, gg
and pack some emergency gear just in case(meds,animal food, people food and water, change of clothes and toiletries). We had the Lake Fire out here that roared through in the dead of night and people literally fled in their pj's for their lives.
On a good note, our drought seems to be over with 30 inches of rain in the past 5-6 weeks. Our road is holding.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march