Reporter Investigating Sex Trafficking in Haiti Found Dead
After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, missionaries attempted to spirit away 33 "orphaned" children. Except these children were not orphans at all, and many of them had families in Haiti. In the end, Laura Silsby of the New Life Children's Refuge was found guilty of child trafficking. She was sentenced to time served.
Last year, Monica Petersen traveled to Haiti on a lead looking into sex trafficking in Haiti.
This week, Monica Petersen was found dead of an apparent suicide.
At her memorial service, her boss revealed that she had spent two years investigating human trafficking in Haiti, and had "decided to take on one of the demagogues" in the field.
They had been shopping around for an outlet to publish her 110 page report.
Some have alleged the Clinton Foundation was at the center of corruption within the earthquake relief effort. Others have alleged that Bill Clinton used his influence to get Laura Silsby a light sentence.
Many of the Wikileaks Clinton emails mention Laura Silsby. Indeed, since Nov. 3rd Reddit has been digging into the connections between the Clinton Foundation and Silsby.
One aspect of the deaths surrounding
The Clintons: my husband came over to my work station. He began telling me the story of Monica Peterson, a young woman traveling Haiti to investigate sex trafficking. And as he was speaking, I somehow knew the tale would end with the words, "So she was found dead."
That's a very sad commentary on the Clintons. All too often, anyone associated with them will be found dead.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
My old sig line
My former signature line is:
"Any day now they'll find my body suicided along the banks of the Potomac."
Everyone doubts the Clintons could kill people so casually. Everyone doubts that they have so many people willing to do "wet work" for them. The thing is, if any of the PizzaGate/Spirit Cooking allegations are true, they probably have people lining up to do the work. They draw straws and the winner is the one who draws the short straw.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
It's sad that your comment made me chuckle Carol...
as when I saw the title of the essay before I even clicked on it I already knew, without even considering that I knew it, that it was another story involving the Clinton's...
Sometimes where there is smoke, there is fire. But sometimes the fire burns so hot that even the smoke is consumed leaving little evidence outside of it's immediate area and observers.
That is the Clinton scandals for you, likely the hottest of which we don't even see sign of yet.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
What is PizzaGate?
I must have missed that wikileak dump.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
a collection of emails talking about pizza
where, supposedly, words like "pizza" and "cheese" are code words for things like "sex" and "little boys"...or some such. I couldn't follow it seemed a bit 'out there'.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It involved the "Lolita Express".
Which is not far "out there".
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
It's a popular (?) pizza place in DC that may also be used as a
"Pet Shop" with kids on display for pedophiles to observe and "purchase". The stories are hair-raising, if there is any truth to them. And somehow it involved Weiner or something and that's the supposed connection to Clintons, Epstein, Abedin.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This much seems to be documented: Tony Podesta’s taste in art
Tony Podesta is John Podesta’s brother.
The “Spirit Cooking” ceremony also is said to be “art” . . .
What Bisbonian said...
…and then some. The most damning email came from Susan Sandler to John Podesta, saying they found a handkerchief with a map that seems pizza related.
RICO investigators who specialize in mafia communications have looked at the series of pizza related emails and they are sure it is code. The details of it are all too sordid to get into in this comment. There is a section on Pizzagate in this article I wrote, which doesn't even get into a tangent about a guy named @JZDrizin who runs Map Financial, shares business addresses with Clinton related enterprises, and donated $50k to her campaign. That's the cached page that Google purged within minutes of me pulling it up.
Snoopydog wondered if any part of this is true, why haven't people been arrested? Well my article gets into that. Pizzagate is just the tip of a treasonous iceberg. If the investigation goes too far people have to back off. The FBI will hang up on you if you report any of this - whether that's because you're the 1001st crank to make the call or because they can't take any calls on the matter or else they would be required to launch an official investigation. There is so much corruption, and half of it exists for the purpose of blackmailing new victims - judges, cops, politicians - there's just no way to cut through it in the status quo. That's why there was so much concerted effort to foil the election of Donald Trump. Haven't we been propagandized and whipped into an outrage against the Donald ad nauseum? That he won the election has got to have some people shitting their pants. I believe all the stories that a CNN embedded reporter in Cinton's bunker witnessed a violent meltdown around midnight when she lost. This hasn't been an oh-well, we lost and we'll get over it post-election denouement, this has been more large scale and violent than the time Al Gore actually won the election and had it taken away from him! The arrogance and chutzpah of Hillary to manufacture this much outrage says something about her expectations and entitlement.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Although the pizza, spirit-cooking allegations are
bizarre, so is the fact that anywhere from 47 to 87 people with close connections to the Clintons have died.
UN official, about to testify abt Clinton Foundation matters was found dead early this past summer. Cause of death initially said to be heart-attack related, but then the report was, "Barbell fell on his neck killing him." Doesn't it seem that if a barbell had fallen on his neck, we would have heard that to begin with?
Then Shaun gets killed, the man serving legal papers against the Clinton campaign. No cause of death released for weeks. Then at the one month mark, the toxicology report comes in that his body had different drugs including Fentanyl! I guess they can't have ever single death that is close to their doorstep listed as a "suicide" or gym mishap.
In July, Seth Rich is walking home from his girlfriend's around 4 Am. He is actually on the phone with her when he mentions he is signing off, as someone is approaching him. She asks if he is okay. He replies it's nothing to worry about.
Initial reports are the reason is body was riddled by bullets happens to be robbery. Robberies do happen in Washington DC all the time. But it doesn't seem like people in the neighborhood heard shots ring out. And he still has his watch and wallet on his body, and his phone and maybe his laptop. And thugs usually don't have silencers on their weapons.
Rich had access to voter lists maintained by Clinton campaign/DNC. And he was privy to information that might have made him the target of wet work. His father, interviewed in the family home back in Nebraska, is pissed as well as in grief. He is smart enough not to state the obvious - that there might be a link between whom his son was working for, and why he got killed.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
bondibox, I have read your essay on the CF
and I now understand why people haven't been arrested. If as you said the Clintons have damning information on everyone involved in this, then taking down the foundation isn't going to happen.
I didn't know that Hastings had that information, but I always believed that he was killed for what he knew.
And after he was killed the story went away quickly, no one in the media would touch the story or question his death.
I'm going to find the article I read on my other computer and will send you the link if you are interested in it.
It had pictures of babies as young as 3 months as well as toddlers and kids a little older in it.
I couldn't finish reading it because it was so nauseating.
This woman who they say committed suicide was certainly killed. And probably because she found something out.
Just thinking of the fact that right now a little kid is being abused is heart wrenching.
As I've said, I truly hope that there is a hell waiting for these people.
But that's why I am an agnostic. I can't believe in a god or higher being that would sit back and watch these things happen.
That's as disgusting to contemplate as it is to think that there are people who do these things.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Remember the stories...
of Brock posting kiddie porn in Bernie forums to get them shut down right before the NY primary? Starting to get an idea where he got the pics from.
Lots and lots of cryptic emails about this stuff in the Podesta files. Way too many to be coincidence. Very creepy.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I've seen the photos
When you see them in context it's very disturbing. Also disturbing is the demolition work under Comet Pizza - looks like tunnels - and no permits had been issued.
The scope of the story comes into focus when you think about Madeline McCann, the 3 year old who was kidnapped in 2007. The two main suspects look like the Podesta brothers, but a 3rd suspect looks very much like Anthony Weiner and a 4th looks just like Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell did in 2007. Some people are pointing to a photo that Podesta sent "Action Shot" that shows a girl who is about the right age and has all the facial features of Madeline's mother. To think that they kidnapped her, kept her in captivity and brainwashed her to be the next generation of anti-Christian demons about sums up the horrors I imagine these people carrying out.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Thanks for jogging my memory.
The report must be really damaging. Who will have the guts to publish it?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Clintons and Suicide
they go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
"Hey, who put Suicide in my Clinton!?"
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This is why I don't care about HRC being a "woman"
and how so many said Trump was worse.
Bill. Clinton.
Blow. Job. - remember when that term was all over the news...
HRC defending rapists while attacking victims
Sexual Predator.
And BlowJob Bill even entertained the thought of lessening the sentence for Silsby a child sex slave trafficker... then what does that say about all the Clinton supporters?
Clintons mean nothing but corruption. They should be in jail. I'm so sick of them.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Dammit Janet, this is the best description of Hillary that
I have read.
It comes from this article about how dumb the democrats were for having her as the candidate instead of Bernie.
I hope people read it. The author has quite a few zingers in it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thank you dear Snoop :) nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Won't you please think of the children?
Now mothers won't be able to tell their daughters 'You can be anything when you grow up! If you marry the right guy, you can even be president!'
Connection to last year's Hastert reveal?
Back when the judge sentencing him called him a serial child molester? Of course that reminds me of the round table on Sibel Edmonds' website interestingly named "" regarding pedophiles that run the government:
I wonder if poor Monica Petersen's files still exist? And don't forget the Clinton (and Trump) Lolita Express connection, Damnit Janet. Sadly, not much even surprises me when it comes to the 1%.
Thanks for all of your interesting conspiracy work, bondibox - does boiling frogs = Pepe in hot water?
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Yes, Yes, and Yes
There is now a PizzaGate Subreddit.
I'm pretty sure the Petersen file exists. Think of House of Cards, the reporters don't start shopping the story until after it's been backed up and the boss has a copy.
Boiling Frogs was the biggest example of Meme Magic we'll ever see in our lifetimes![Wink](
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Egad a D.Hastert/T.Podesta connection
This all reminded me of the older child exploitation/abuse scandal regarding Boy's Town in Lincoln, Nebraska that was linked deep into the heads of state that posited and such aberrant behavior was a long revered tradition among the political elites of the world.
Am just hoping that Ms. Pedersen's backup(s) and their keepers are safe.
You know, I've frequently heard the wee angry nerds at 4chan described as the tastemakers of modern society...
Thanks again for all of your interesting, informative research!
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Not Just Boys' Town
Max Spiers died this summer, of an apparent "suicide" after vomiting black liquid. He was investigating the 1987 abuse of 60 children at an Army run daycare center in Presidio california, which was torn down a year later. The allegations are nothing new, so I wonder why he was on the trail of a 30 year old story?
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I was interested until
I followed your link and saw Wayne Madsen, or Masden, whatever, as a round table participant. No thanks.
But if you come up with better evidence, I'll read it.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
l hear you Betty Pinson
and apologies for using the Madsen link without a disclaimer: I do not subscribe to or endorse Madsen (who oddly embodies the model 4chan-er), but unfortunately the Franklin/Boys Town Scandal was seriously whitewashed years ago (respected statesmen/powerbrokers acting badly? Never!) and it was dismissed by the powers that be: see the Wiki. Unfortunately it's proto-4chan types like Madsen and others of his ilk who are the primary ones have kept so many details of the scandal relatively intact.
There is a website, that also provides much info look at the case. Their timeline is a comprehensive summary of the case
The book by Nick Bryant, linked at the above website gives audio summaries of the chapters of his book. I haven't read it and am not hawking his book, but his summaries offer a fair explanation of the scandal that centered in Boys Town, founded by the famous Catholic, Father Flanagan.
In 2012, the Australian 60 Minutes program did a story on their own Catholic founded Boystown scandal where:
Needless to say, that didn't seem to work well for children either. Again, I am merely presenting what is available on a child sex scandal that is similar to what we are hearing about today regarding the "pizza-gate" issue and I am neither endorsing nor arguing for/against the sources or cases.
(Edited to clarify that I am not quick to dismiss these scandals just because someone like Madsen supports it. When there is so much darkness and there are suspicious deaths around political candidates and when there is solid evidence of a connection like the Lolita Express, I believe it may warrant further investigation.)
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks for the clarification
I don't go anywhere near the conspiracy theory sites. Credibility is everything in advocacy.
That said, my own brother was sexually abused in a local branch of Boys Town in our area. He was sent there for a while after dropping out of high school, the way they dealt with ADHD back in those days. He was abused by an older teenager who was in charge of supervising younger residents.
Boys Town covered it up and threatened my mother if she went to police. I couldn't do anything, I was just a college student at the time.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Could someone please explain
what is 4chan ? Also FBIanon referred to /-pol-/? What would that be?
Mary Bennett
4chan is an "anything goes" website
where any sort of conspiracy theory can be discussed (among other things). I don't know about the other. A certain "politician", I would guess.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
File hierarchy
4chan and Reddit websites are organized just like a file hierarchy. Group names are part of the url, so /pol/ is the url for 4chan politics. Both websites are designed to handle large volumes of article submissions.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Funny we both got here at the same time
or almost. I didn't see this post until after I wrote the one below.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Okay, I have read the other essay, and now I know
a whole lot more about this than I really want to. And it's a lot more believable than I wanted it to be. The kiddie porn on the Bernie web pages really do tie in...(not nicely).
4chan/pol/ must be a subset of the site dealing with politics.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
/pol/ is the far reaches of the Internet
/pol/ is a proving ground for political theories. They try to improve the signal to noise ratio by demanding one liners and tropes go to /b/ which is the free for all. I'd say /pol/ is the farthest reaches of the internet, before one enters the dark net (the world of unregistered servers without domains, or using temporary dynamic domains).
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”